Yes, the nuclear explosion, which appears in front of Lu Chen, is just like the scene of a nuclear explosion.

The terrible explosion, accompanied by the flame, burned everything out. Even the fog that blocked the sky from the sun was also dissipated in the explosion, which enabled Lu Chen to see everything clearly.

The violent explosion brought endless shock waves. The shock wave reached several miles, and everything above the ground was flattened.

And this is just the afterwave. In the center of the nuclear explosion, a huge pit with scorching marks appeared in front of Lu Chen. Endless dust and soil rose in the sky, forming a mushroom cloud like scene.

Lu Chen, who has turned on the Luocha to stimulate all his potential, can already create a scene like a nuclear explosion when he spits out his flame and breath.

Under the nuclear bomb, all beings are equal!

When the scene of the nuclear bomb explosion came into Lu Chen's eyes, a systematic prompt sounded in Lu Chen's ear as scheduled.

[Ding, the system prompts that the host has killed the doomsday straw of the broken city level evil spirit. Congratulations to the host and obtained 240000 experience points]

the poor broken city level evil spirit was completely destroyed by the breath of nuclear explosion without even seeing Lu Chen.

He Ping everything, let Lu Chen also Leng for a long time, but after that, waiting for Lu Chen is excited.

Later, Lu Chen did not fall. Relying on the flying ability of the incarnation of the dragon, Lu Chen flew in the sky at a high speed. After sensing the evil, he did not fall down to fight. He turned on the Luocha, spit out fire and breath, and let the nuclear explosion destroy everything.

Then, there are four mushroom clouds rising in the strange land.

At this point, Lu Chen used five methods for six rounds and one knife.

Two of the remaining four evil spirits were killed by Lu Chen, and two others seemed to have the ability of incarnation. They escaped from Lu Chen's hands by cutting off their tails to survive.

Ignoring their meaning, Lu Chen returned directly to the wild tribe after the five bomb breath.

"Although there is still one, but after six rounds, I will lose my strength, or spit out five nuclear explosion insurance, and the remaining evil spirit will be dealt with tomorrow."

In this way, on the first day of the mysterious situation, Lu Chen cleaned up most of the fulcrum of the evil spirit by nuclear explosion.

Lu Chen, who returned, was also revered by all the clansmen stationed in the strange land.

When Lu Chen went out, they were still a little worried, but the five hair lights up the heaven and earth. From here you can see the shocking explosion, which makes everyone rise in awe of Lu Chen.

There are not only barbarians, but also Yunzhou people in the territory of barbarians. They come to the scam as supporters to provide the barbarians with talismans and potions, or build some simple arrays.

Yunzhou people don't want the barbarians to be defeated when they arrive. Once they are defeated, evil spirits will not only attack from the mysterious situation, but also from the reality. In this way, Yunzhou can not support it.

Of course, they don't do it in vain. Barbarians need to mortgage all kinds of goods.

At this time, not only the barbarians were talking to each other, but also the businessmen from Yunzhou were talking to each other.

"The power of terror, originally thought that the legend of the son of God was exaggeration, but now it seems that the former biography is light!"

"Such a god son is too strong. Once he is fully grown up, we in Yunzhou will be in danger. You can't sit back and watch. At least you can't give gifts to the prince."

The people in Yunzhou were worried, as if they were really thinking about the people in Yunzhou, and his words were approved by countless people.

"It's true."

"What we want is a wilderness that can't win and can't grow up completely."

"They can't be allowed to grow."


As if they had made a plan.

But before Lu Chen's rest in the barracks, the businessmen, looking at each other's blocked outside, looked embarrassed.

Those businessmen are right. A wilderness that can not rise completely and can resist evil is really what Yunzhou needs.

However, if it is a totalitarian empire, it may rely on strict actions to contain the wilderness and prevent it from collapsing. However, a kingdom, which is still a kingdom with rich families and competing factions, can not form a force at all.

Therefore, their statement is just to stop others, and they want to make friends with Lu Chen.

And when fighting with each other, they also rely on special means to pass on the things here.

Unfortunately, although they did a lot, Lu Chen didn't pay any attention to it.

At this time, Lu Chen is resting in his room and preparing for the next day's battle.

Of course, it's rest, but in fact, it's swallowing a lot of blood tonic pills to quickly replenish the body's consumption.

When his body recovered, Lu Chen also felt himself.

In the induction, Lu Chen found that after a knife Luocha, his body is not only tired, but also seriously injured.

Muscle strain and internal bleeding of internal organs due to great pressure are only the primary things. What's important is that although the deflagration of blood and flesh can produce great power, its cells also divide rapidly in the process of deflagration.A person's number of cell division is limited, a little knowledge of science can understand that Lu Chen's current situation is not injured, but in the consumption of life.

"Using skills with explosive potential for a long time is only the most basic consequence when I am old. If it is more serious, I will become old even in middle age."

Serious physical damage, even life consumption, this is the result of a knife Luocha.

If ordinary people acquire this skill, they will have a great chance to use it as a card. After all, no one wants to experience the feeling of aging in advance.

Unfortunately, Lu Chen is special.

"The sequela of one knife Luosha is really strong, but I have Avalon!"

The legendary land of goblins, the immortal Apple Island, where the golden apples are produced and even the gods fight for it.

The most important effect of Avalon has never been defense, but recovery. The fruit tree containing Golden Apple aura can make the aura inside Avalon come with recovery, treatment, and long-term and aging effects.

The special effect of longevity just offsets the potential damage of one knife Luosha. In other words, opening a knife of Luosha will make LuChen's cells divide rapidly, while Avalon can repair the number of cell divisions of LuChen, so that they can split almost forever.

"A rapid loss, a quick supplement, a knife Luosha and Avalon are also skill linkage."

In Lu Chen's emotion, one day passed quickly. The next day, when the sun came again, Lu Chen leaped to the sky again. Then, Lu Chen's wings, the embodiment of the dragon, rushed toward the evil direction.

"Today, it's over."

This is Lu Chen's idea, and he is doing the same.

There was no accident in the process of killing the remaining two fulcrums. Although they had the ability to escape, they saw yesterday's explosion. Today, they scattered their strength and were afraid of being hit by a net.

But Lu Chen is not stupid. He won't fall twice in one fall.

He did not launch a nuclear bomb. After sensing the evil, Lu Chen fell directly from the air and engaged in hand to hand combat.

The evil forces are scattered, and Lu Chen is stronger than them, which makes Lu Chen's killing very easy.

The two evil spirits did not cause much trouble to Lu Chen because they scattered their power too much. But when Lu Chen thought that the matter had been determined, terror came.

Another Fallen God came to this place.

"Come again, our God of home, the will of the world, let them fall at will like this!"

It's a complaint, but it's just a complaint. Lu Chen knows very well that it's not that he doesn't work hard, but that evil is too strong.

One thing to know is that although there are many gods in Lu Chen's world, few reach the level of Lord God.

And twelve in the sky Now it is the eleventh blood moon. Although it has become crazy and chaotic due to the invasion of evil spirit, their status is the main God.

Therefore, it is the limit that Lu Chen, the guardian of the world, can fight against them with the will of the world and not let them invade the will of the world.

Anyone who knows some battlefield knowledge knows that the superior can divide the army, while the weak can only hold the most important point.

Now, the will of the world is the most important, and it is also blocking everything. If it is infected, the world will not suppress evil, but suppress normal human beings.

At that time, in the eyes of the world, normal human beings are lunatics and viruses. Evil spirits will be the favorite of the world, and they will not be able to fight.

Fortunately, although the evil spirit dominates, the existence of the above is powerful but very chaotic.

It doesn't exist. If it wasn't for the evil spirit and Lu Chen's world was close at hand, they would have been fighting.

Of course, there are also gods who keep their senses, but those who are slightly rational are doing their best to resist the invasion of evil spirits, such as the God of death.

Therefore, evil is powerful, but the existence of the above is not consistent.

As for the following, it is even more selfish.

Shenju can indeed land in the mysterious place, but it needs too much energy to land. There are only two possibilities for each landing. One is that the evil spirit completely occupies the mysterious place. In this way, the deceitful state will be advanced to accommodate the fallen Shenju.

The other is that all the evil spirits in the territory of crafty sacrifice all of their own, so as to summon the gods.

However, evil, terror, chaos, and survival instinct are also engraved in their genes. Even if there is chaos, they will want to preserve their will. Therefore, it is not possible to call on gods to come by themselves as sacrifices.

"Fortunately, shenjue is in chaos. In the face of worshipping believers and sacrificial rites, they will devour from time to time. If they are crafty and normal gods, they will definitely cultivate loyal believers and let them blow themselves up. However, the degenerate Shenju will not do this or have no patience. It is very likely that when those sacrificial rites are half done, evil gods will swallow up the believers who do things."

Don't try to figure out what a madman thinks.

"It's just that the fallen gods won't do it, and the evil spirits in the scam won't sacrifice themselves, but when I kill them all, everything will be in trouble."When the evil spirit is killed by Lu Chen, he doesn't care whether to sacrifice.

Although Lu Chen's system will retain a part of the power of evil spirit, when all the evil spirits in the territory are killed, the evil spirit will carry out the final battle.

Therefore, at this time, the fallen deity was not brought down by himself, but was forcibly pulled down by the will of the evil spirit.

With the killed body of evil spirit as the energy, and with the energy supplemented by the evil spirit, the shenjue sub body can fall down.

The only way to avoid Shenju's separate landing is not to remove all the evil fulcrum and not stimulate the evil spirit.

But if you don't kill all the evil fulcrums, you can't destroy the treacherous situation. This is another cycle of death.

Now, Lu Chen is pursued and killed by the evil god.

What makes Lu Chen miserable is that there is no heaven and earth will bonus this time.

The mysterious situation here is dominated by evil. The will of heaven and earth is weak. Even if Lu Chen tears the door of the world and leads to the arrival of aura, the endless fog will be blocked under the door of the world, which makes the will of heaven and earth unable to come down at all.

In other words, Lu Chen was the only one to fight the God of war.

There is no will of heaven and earth, no strong comrades in arms and no Legion to follow.

Although in Lu Chen's apocalypse, the title level heroes guarding this place are rushing in madly, but they have no Lin Ye's strength, nor the assistance of the blue family Legion. They are just a drop in the bucket when they come here.

This is why Ji hongdie was the first to choose the blue family. In Yunzhou, Lu Chen was a close match. In the wilderness, Lu Chen was the only one to shoulder everything.

What's more, Lu Chen could not retreat in the wilderness.

He really can not retreat, looking at the crazy rush to fight the people, Lu Chen knows that he has no room to retreat.

And the opposite God, also let Lu Chen unable to retreat.

The first time he saw Lu Chen, the tall and mighty warrior God who held Epee sword threw a chain to Lu Chen.

"You have no way to escape. Kill me or let me kill you!"

[the system prompts that the host has been bound by the shackles of war and has entered the duel mode. Before killing or being killed by the enemy, the host will not be able to escape]

[Ding, the system prompts that this is the core rule of the God of war. Without the same level of religious ability, the host will not be able to break free from the shackles of war! Note: even if you have the ability of rebirth and separation, the separation will be pulled. After rebirth, the battle will continue, victory or death will be the only choice after being bound by the shackles of war. At the same time, the winner can get everything]

"God of war, I am a kind of grand prize

In the second place, there are some of the most powerful gods in the world.

With the God of war as the opponent, this is Lu Chen's nightmare.

However, such a situation did not let Lu Chen despair, but in his heart a turbulent sense of war emerged.

"What about the God of war? This is a strange situation. You are on the same level as me. Today I will kill you!"

As he spoke, Lu Chen directly roared.

"Oh (Dragon roar: Frost Breath) "

the breath is cold wind, the sound is Blizzard, which is the breath that brings ice.

Because his lungs had been tempered, Lu Chen's ability to breathe was greatly blessed. This was the case at this time. When Lu Chen roared out the wind and snow, the land in front of him almost instantly turned into a severe winter.

This is not the end. Lu Chen's breath not only contains ice and snow, but also contains death.

The fourth ghost God, saya of frost!

When Lu Chen vomited, the figure of the fourth ghost appeared behind Lu Chen, releasing the field of frost death, which further strengthened Lu Chen's frost ability.

At the same time, the strong wind is also playing its role at this time. The talent of the son of wind makes the wind in the wind and snow change from a strong wind to a hurricane. The hurricane whirls the snow with death breath, blowing all the life and vitality in the field of ice and frost, hoping to turn them into dead corpses.

With a roar of a dragon, Lu Chen has used several abilities to turn a land of several miles into a place of death covered with ice and snow.

But what he did didn't make the God of war miserable. Instead, he cheered happily.

"Well, that's it. Fight, fight! But, little fellow, all the fancy things are of no use to me

Before the words fall, a bloody flag flutters behind the God of war. When the blood flag appears, a strong sense of battlefield killing suddenly appears.

"Come out, my brave soldier."

With the call of the God of war, a strong and well armed soldiers appeared behind the God of war. As soon as those soldiers appeared, they saw Lu Chen in the form of a giant dragon.

But the dragon form did not make them afraid, but excited and eager to try appeared in their eyes.

"Is it the dragon that is fighting this time? It has not been hunted for a long time."

"Although it's a little small, it doesn't look weak. I hope there will be a wonderful fight!""I haven't killed a giant dragon yet. It's said that bathing in dragon blood can make your body strong. I must try this time!"


There was a feeling of wildness in the appearance of British soldiers, but they had discipline in the wild, which was incomparable to barbarians.

Not to mention, the soldiers face Lu Chen, there is no fear, only look at the prey's eyes.

Of course, if that's all, Lu Chen won't say anything. What makes Lu Chen's eyes squint is that with the increase of soldiers, when a group of 1000 soldiers appears after the God of war, Lu Chen finds that the wind and snow he calls out has stopped.

"What's the matter? Didn't you see what kind of tricks the God used? "

Puzzling appears in Lu Chen's heart, but soon, Lu Chen feels something and looks ahead with surprised eyes.

There, with the emergence of the Legion, the will and fighting spirit of all the soldiers gathered under the bloody flag.

The will of a large number of soldiers converged, which made the flag a totem in Lu Chen's eyes.

No, it's even more terrifying than totem. In Lu Chen's feeling, the red flag fluttering with a will as concise as steel. Under that will, even the natural aura also succumbed to the will, unable to mobilize every cent.

Lu Chen relies on the wind and snow ability of dragon roar, which is rooted in aura. When the spirit is suppressed by the will of the flag, the wind and snow will naturally dissipate.

"Stand up to everything with will? No wonder you dare to say that you are not afraid of all kinds of fancy things."

There are a lot of things in the world that can mobilize aura. Mages and psychic masters use mental power to mobilize elements. Some elements make elements drive elements. Mind drivers drive ideas and hearts. Dragon roar directly commands elements with the ability of the crown to drive them to act according to their own will.

The God of war was similar to Lu Chen. However, they did not use power and power to command, nor did they use aura and elements to support themselves. Instead, they suppressed the activity of all elements with their concise willpower.

What Lu Chen doesn't know is that before the invasion of evil spirit, most of the mages have disappeared in the world where the God of war is located, and it has become a knight's world that has multiplied to the peak.

The reason for this is that the God of war, with outstanding talent, has understood the flag of will and acquired the ability to suppress elements with will.

One person's will may have little influence, but when tens of thousands of soldiers are united under one flag, the aura of more than ten miles will be completely suppressed and completely stagnated.

Of course, mages can also gather legions with arrays, mobilize natural aura tens of miles away, and break through the will flag of knights.

However, how difficult it is to cultivate a mage. It requires not only talent, but also knowledge and a lot of resources. In comparison, it is much easier for a warrior.

At the same time, soldiers with simple minds are easier to manipulate than masters with outstanding wisdom.

Therefore, an empire can not support tens of thousands of court mages, but can gather millions of soldiers. When millions of soldiers gather together, the concise will can make the gods unable to mobilize the natural elements.

With the worship of countless soldiers, the God of war is no longer the main God, but the supreme god of the world.

Relying on the will to unite together, the world also resisted the evil spirit for a long time, and beat back the attack of the evil god countless times. Unfortunately, the evil spirit continues to flow.

However, even now, the God of war has a trace of his will and character.

Unfortunately, it was summoned by the evil spirit, which could not resist the destiny given to him by the evil spirit. Therefore, Lu Chen's battle could not be avoided.

Lu Chen thinks a lot, but the real time hasn't passed for a long time. When Lu Chen thinks about it, he has already rushed over with a large army.

The God of war took the lead, and thousands of soldiers followed. The momentum of unity of mind was linked together, giving Lu Chen a feeling that the earth and the earth were under pressure. It was an irresistible trend like a natural disaster.

However, Lu Chen was unable to exert the command elements of the Dragon while facing him. As a result, Lu Chen was at an extreme disadvantage. This also made Lu Chen understand that with such ability, it was no wonder that those soldiers were not worried about the battle of dragon, but were overjoyed.

"The Dragon without command element is just a powerful beast. You have the power to kill the dragon."

"Why, I want to surrender! That would be very disappointing. "

"Surrender, how is it possible? I am a dragon, but I am not a real dragon."

"Don't compare the dragon to me!"

With a roar, Lu Chen, flying in the air, landed directly. In the process of landing, his body changed rapidly. Soon, the Dragon disappeared. A huge bull headed monster appeared before the God of war and many soldiers he called.

"To suppress all elements, only use pure strength to decide the victory or defeat. Your ability is amazing, but I am also good at hand to hand combat."

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