[in the name of a hero]

[mission introduction: a hero is a man of valor and is impossible to accomplish. In the name of a hero, do a feat that ordinary people can't accomplish. Whether it's to travel all over the world or to clear away evil beasts for the people, when your great achievements meet the name of a hero, you will be promoted to a hero]

after watching this test, Lu Chen has only one feeling: "man People are still savage

The advancement of each profession is different, and the requirements are also different, even the requirements of different times are different.

Upgrading in the name of heroes is the inheritance of barbarians, and it is also the advanced way of all professions of ancient ancestors.

In ancient times, human beings were still in a state of ignorance. They needed to hunt for food and compete with powerful Warcraft for living space. At that time, the heroes were evil beasts who could kill and threaten human beings.

Then, with the gradual increase of human beings and the expansion of living space, heroes become people who can open up more territory.

Therefore, in ancient times, the hero was to kill evil animals or to explore bravely.

At that time, it was also the most brilliant time for the barbarians, or all the human beings at that time were barbarians.

At the same time, the barbarian God was also the strongest. He was the God of war, the supreme god of mankind, or the God of guardian.

But with the progress of the times and the development of civilization, human beings have become different.

Gradually, human beings have a division of labor, not hunting as the main way to obtain food, and there are other professions, and the advanced requirements of those professions are not the same.

The advanced requirements of human beings are different, but the barbarian God still only uses force as the benchmark. Therefore, he was eliminated. Moreover, he only used force to measure everything. After being abandoned by human beings, he wanted to regain his supreme position by force. Therefore, he was besieged and died.

But after all, he protected human beings from the wilderness to civilization, which is a symbol in the history of human evolution. Therefore, although the barbarian gods died, the new human gods did not completely kill them.

At the same time, the living environment in the border area of the world is very bad. The corpses of the barbarians and the people worshiping them are slowly driven to the border of the world, that is, the wilderness.

The living environment here has always been bad, and it is difficult to transform, similar to the ancient times, so the barbarians still follow the ancient style of doing things.

Their advanced way is also to follow the ancient ancestors, to kill evil animals as an advanced requirement, which is to eliminate human threat, but also the original meaning of the name of hero.

The evil beast LuChen has not killed it, but he has killed something stronger than the evil beast God slander incarnation!

Therefore, the next moment the trial task appeared, the sound of the system sounded.

[Ding, the system prompts that after detection, the host has killed the God slander avatar, and is recognized by the barbarians. Now the host has completed the trial task, and can consume millions of experience points. Upgrade to hero, whether to upgrade]


With the millions of experience value turned into energy in Lu Chen's body, Lu Chen felt that his will was integrated into the body and five internal organs.

With the integration of the will, all abnormal forces become more difficult to erode Lu Chen. At the same time, Lu Chen's feeling is full-scale and strong without any weakness.

"Hero, the one who is comprehensive and powerful is the hero!"

Brave people are brave people who have the will to be fearless and dare to challenge everything. However, there is another name for brave people: lengtouqing.

A brave man is only a challenge, and can not ensure victory. In the face of danger, failure to win is death.

Therefore, bravery is appreciation, but it is also a kind of self mockery. They have weaknesses, and the five internal organs are the most critical weaknesses. Such weaknesses make them face some special beasts and harsh natural environment, and they are easy to die, but heroes are not the same.

Only successful people can be called heroes.

After the advanced hero, Lu Chen felt that he was all powerful and had no weakness.

At the same time, after the advanced hero, Lu Chen will get another chance to draw skills, but Lu Chen's surprise is more than that.

[the system indicates that the host has advanced to the hero, and the next step is to confer the title of hero with fame and praise or bad reputation of human beings]

there is no immortal in this universe, but the way of God slander is the same level as the immortal. The most important thing in this road is the power of belief. Although we should give up the power of faith when we reach the peak, we can not understand the end How to talk about the things left behind.

Because from the comprehensive way of God's slander, the powerful human beings in this world have a deep research on the power of faith. As long as they reach a certain stage, they will use the power of faith.

And the hero level is the bottom line to use the power of faith.

The worship and praise of human beings is also a kind of faith. Powerful heroes can gather titles by virtue of human belief, which is also the top level of the will stage. If we move forward, we will be sublimated to legend.

At the same time, the title is not only a good-looking title, its own characteristics and the power of faith mixed achievement, which makes the title has a unique role.

And Lu Chen, although just advanced, but because of the past things, his fame has long been spread.

Therefore, the advanced hero went to Lu Chen and became the title hero directly.[Ding, the system indicates that the current host has become a hero, and his reputation is enough to condense titles. The titles that the current host can form are:]

[during the continuous fighting of the barbarian youth, his anger is getting higher and higher. This kind of anger combined with the invasion of evil spirit makes him crazy.

There are numerous tattoos on the surface, such as the bloody tattoos.

Even, the armor on the God of war also has a lot of eyes.

"Unfortunately, I still want to wait for a winner or loser. Now it seems that once the battle is fierce, the God of war will go crazy. When he is mad, that is when his two groups attack me."

In sorrow, Lu Chen also looks at the God of death walking slowly. He didn't expect that in the end, it was not the furious God of war who resisted the pressure, but the God of death did not change.

"Do you need to lead both in the direction of death?"

This is a method, but it's not a smart one. Leading to death can really buy Lu Chen some time. But when death is driven crazy, Lu Chen will deal with three gods instead of two.

There are troubles in his heart, but Lu Chen is also extracting skills quickly.

The first one is the advanced hero. This time, Lu Chen can't even look without the colorful light flashing.

But this kind of extraction, the speed is naturally extremely fast, although, the Spirit Crystal consumption is also very fast.

However, Lu Chen doesn't care about taking more because of the crystal in his hand.

The rapid extraction lasted more than 30 seconds. After consuming more than 800 spirit crystals, a little colorful light came into Lu Chen's eyes.

"Out, at last the myth."

[Ding, the system prompts that the host has consumed five spirit crystals and changed their skills. Congratulations to the host for extracting the myth level skill - nihilist volcano]

[nihilistic volcano]

[rank: myth]

[skill introduction: use spirit to induce underground magma to create active volcano 】

"I don't want magic skills. Give me the power of Thor, the power of Hulk, and the twelve trials of Uncle B!"

"System, replace."

Fortunately, there are many Lingjing in the hand, otherwise, Lu Chen may cry to death.

Fast replacement again, this time, Lu Chen replacement speed is faster.

However, no matter how fast he was, he could not be faster than the speed of the fall of the God of war. He was already eroded, and his speed of madness was faster than Lu Chen imagined.

As the God of war, his crazy burst is beyond Lu Chen's imagination.

When the armor on his body grew countless spines, and there were free movement of red eyes growing on the armor, Lu Chen knew that the God of war was crazy.

Crazy, he didn't rush to Lu Chen for the first time, but after a roar, he sucked up all his family members.

"My servant, give me all your strength You are all mine. "

As his family members burst out, blood wound around the God of war, and the blood giant appeared on the earth again.

At the same time, the God of war sucks not only the blood but also the soul. On his armor and the sword in his hands, countless unjust souls howl bitterly, which makes the soldiers who are incarnated as bloody giants have a terrible effect.

Then, the God of war rushed to LuChen with the sword of dispute.

In this regard, Lu Chen quickly changes skills in his consciousness, while quickly engraves runes with both hands. Soon, a dark blue transmission door appears at Lu Chen's feet.

Step a step, in the giant incarnation of Lu Chen in front of the body, Lu Chen autobiography delivery door directly disappeared.


After his appearance from a distance, Lu Chen saw the lost god of war in a frenzy of rage, and the bloody sword spirit was sprinkled by him, which made the earth crack and the sky clear.

But the God of war in such a state did not make Lu Chen uncomfortable, but he was relieved.

"After madness, evil spirit can greatly enhance the power of God's slander, but they do not have the wisdom to fight, on the contrary, they are better to deal with."

"If it's a normal state of war, the God of war will not immediately absorb those family members, but let them fight with me. In this way, even if I can kill the family members of God of war, I will give a lot of strength and give out my own tricks. However, the crazy God of war doesn't care about these things at all, and just wields brute force by brutality."

"What's more, he threw me a shackle of war before he came up. He just rushed up with the tyranny in his heart..."

This is Lu Chen's idea, but only half of it. Seeing the war shackles thrown from the distance, Lu Chen people are almost silly.

"Wait a minute. I just thought about it. I didn't say it at all. Can this also make crow's mouth passive? Well, we can't keep the force of bad luck. We must deal with it sometime

Transmission, vomit bad, the idea in the heart, all these did not affect Lu Chen's choice in mind.

However, after the delay of relying on Teleportation and not looking at any bronze, silver and gold level skills, Lu Chen finally drew a colorful myth level skill again after consuming more than 1300 spirit crystals.[Ding, the system indicates that the host has consumed five spirit crystals and changed their skills. Congratulations to the host for extracting the myth level skill black hole]

"the black hole released from the dungeons and warriors? It's the skill of elemental master in dungeons and warriors. Am I the old nest of elemental master Wait, black hole

Lu Chen doesn't have much to do with elemental skills. Even if he can drive with blood gas, Lu Chen doesn't want to learn, but black hole is different.

Just hesitated for less than a second, Lu Chen spoke directly.

"System, solidify!"

[Ding, the system indicates that the host has solidified the skill black hole]

with the beginning of solidification, Lu Chen only felt that countless knowledge was frantically drilling into his brain. There was too much knowledge, and Lu Chen could not deal with it at all.

Just like a low-level CPU running software that takes up a lot of memory, his mind is bursting.

At the same time, the crazy God of War didn't mean to have more BB with Lu Chen. He took a big stride and rushed to LuChen. The monster of Wangyang rushed to LuChen with the army of demons.

As for death, well, he is still walking slowly.

But even if the God of death doesn't come, Lu Chen can't fight against the two gods when his head is about to explode.

At this time of crisis, Lu Chen directly activated his divinity with his divine power. This time, what Lu Chen needed was not the power of divinity, but the promotion of his personality brought about by accelerated thinking.

After the divinity was activated, Lu Chen felt that the main nucleus in his mind was upgraded instantly, and the huge amount of knowledge reflected in Lu Chen's mind was no longer painful to Lu Chen, but was quickly understood by him.

"A black hole is a special celestial body whose curvature is so large that light cannot escape Matter is closely related to gravity. Overweight celestial bodies can distort the surrounding space-time, which forms gravity Black holes have the strongest gravity to represent... "

The huge amount of knowledge is reflected in Lu Chen's mind, and the sublimation state of divinity activation makes Lu Chen quickly understand this knowledge.

In the process of understanding, the system in Lu Chen's mind is also constantly making sound.

[system prompt, host has understood many magical effects of gravity. Congratulations to host, golden skill Vientiane Tianyin has been improved]

[system prompt: host clearly understands the relationship between gravity and space. Congratulations to host, golden skill Vientiane Tianyin has been improved]

[system prompt: host has a special understanding of space. Congratulations to host, cow demon concussion fist And to the space]

[the system prompts that the host has a special understanding of space, congratulations on the host, and the winding path has been improved]

skills can be combined with each other, and knowledge can be connected with each other. Just like learning mathematics and chemistry, and not afraid to travel all over the world, before learning black holes, a large amount of knowledge flowed into Lu Chen to let Lu Chen have several skills about space and gravity Greatly improved.

This is also the reason why Lu Chen chose black holes. Black holes involving gravity and the nature of space are of great significance to Lu Chen.

Because he was in the active state of divinity, Lu Chen soon understood all the knowledge about black holes. Of course, the system has the greatest function. If it was not for the perfusion of the system, even if there was a unique knowledge of black hole before Lu Chen, he would have to spend decades to understand it, instead of trying to do so.

When all the ascension is over, Lu Chen has no more fear at this time when he is facing the God of war.

"I didn't expect that Vientiane Tianyin has been promoted to perfection. It's just right. Let's try this move with you."

With this, Lu Chen clapped his hands together.

After a breath, there is a small black ball flying out of Lu Chen's palm and floating to the sky.


In a big drink, Lu Chen put his hands together again and poured his own blood into the ball along the unknown road. With the blood gas injection, it seems that there is a dark yellow light from the black ball, covering the earth below. At the same time, the light has a strange gravity.

The ultimate version of "earth exploding star"


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