The doghead waiters were slowly accumulated and trained by the God of death as a God. Originally, after these legions obtained their bodies in the sea of life, it would be a big trouble for Lu Chen. However, even if it was evil spirit, Lu Chen didn't expect that Lu Chen had the spirit of the dead frost grief.

Although tens of thousands of ghost troops have bodies, their core is still the soul of the dead. There was no problem with this situation, but when Lu Chen pulled out Frost's grief, everything was different.

Relying on the ability of Frost's grief to control death, Lu Chen directly detonates the power of death in the doghead waiter's body, and reverses them from life to the undead again. Because the power of death is contained in the body of the dog head waiter, Lu Chen is just a fuse, and his consumption of power is not much.

What makes Lu Chen feel more gratified is that the God of death has returned, and the high position of the undead has stronger suppression on the low position than human beings. Lu Chen, who holds the grief of frost, is regarded as the Lich King, and this middle rank is also the advanced species next to the God of death among the undead.

As a result, strange things happen. The dog head waiter who wants to kill Lu Chen becomes a subordinate of Lu Chen because his position is too high.

"If these doghead waiters are not left by death, and they contain a lot of death breath, even if I hold frost grief, I can't immediately transform them into undead creatures. Thank you, death!"

"Although you made me pay a lot to unite with the sea of life, now it also gives me a great surprise!"

Lu Chen is excited, but he also knows that he is not at ease. Now Lu Chen does manipulate the dog head waiter.

But in a short period of time, Lu Chen has not made his mark on these doghead waiters. If death returns at this time, the doghead waiters in front of him will return to the seat of the God of death again.

After all, Lu Chen only suppressed by virtue of his high position, while the God of death had deeply engraved his mark in the heart of the dog head waiter. This is what the evil spirit in front of him wanted to do. Therefore, the whole spooky mirror shook up.

The evil spirit wants to call death again.

"Once death comes, I have to let the dead do their own things in the first place."

The dead creatures in front of us are not disposable. If we can completely control these tens of thousands of troops, Lu Chen will have another force.

But the God of death's control over death makes Lu Chen unable to fight with him.

Fortunately, the worst result did not appear, although the evil spirit of crazy riots, but in the end, the mirror is still the mirror, and no other gods come down.

What Lu Chen doesn't know is that outside the mirror, there are three in the sky shaking wildly.

If you have special ability, you will find that there are three trembling blood months, one is full of muddy water, the other is gray, and countless walking dead are walking on the earth, and there are countless soldiers with blood red inside. Fierce fighting is taking place in the three blood months.

There are 100000 sword lights fighting with the dead, and the spirit of destroying the sky and the earth is constantly inspired from various formations. Even meteorites fall from the sky and fall towards the blood moon. This is the response of Lu Chen to the world.

One thing to remember is that Lu Chen is never the only one fighting to save the whole world.

Moreover, although Lu Chen has potential, it is not him who threatens the evil spirit the most. There has always been a powerful God, and the legendary strong man is fighting for the world in the sky.

At the same time, although Lu Chen's world was not as powerful as evil spirit, he was never indifferent to the changes of evil spirit.

Although until now, those powerful people can't know what the evil move is for, but this does not prevent them from attacking evil spirit and making the fallen evil god unable to be distracted.

The result of the game between the two sides is very clear. The God of death did not fall down. Lu Chen was saved from the side by the strong man.

However, although the God of death did not come down, Lu Chen's troubles did not end. The vast ocean in the distance of tens of miles would be Lu Chen's last enemy.

And looking at the ocean, Lu Chen frowned.

Although the evil spirit derived from Wang Yang could not resist Lu Chen, Lu Chen couldn't think about it in the face of Wang Yang, which occupied dozens of Li.

"Shit, I finally know why there is a world where evil is not killed but sealed. Some strange things can't be killed at all."

In Lu Chen's thinking, the army of doghead waiters has been fighting with the demons derived from the sea of life.

On the one hand, the breath of death is full of death, on the other hand, the breath of life is active. However, this time, the dead who are full of the breath of death are fighting to save the world. On the contrary, the one with strong breath of life wants to destroy the world.

It can only be said that things are changeable.

Lu chenlue was slightly relieved that the army of death had the upper hand in this battle. The doghead waiters who had become dead creatures would not be tired and had no feelings of lethargy. They could fight until the end of time.

What's more, doghead waiters are high-level undead. They have cooperation with each other, and their martial arts skills before their lives. In addition, their body is 3.5 meters. This kind of situation makes the dog head waiter not weak.Axes and swords collide with flesh and blood, and roar and roar of beasts. The battle like an array of soldiers is performed in the spooky mirror.

Lu Chen didn't step forward in this fight, but Lu Chen, who was sitting on the throne, was not indifferent. He was trying to combine his skills with Frost's grief.

And in a short period of time in the experiment, there are really skills and the army of the dead very well.

This skill is nothing else. It's Lu Chen's bloody flag from the God of war.

The dog head waiter is a dead creature, while Lu Chen holding Frost's sadness is considered the Lich King, because they are of the same origin, and the blood color flag that gathers the common will can still be used.

Of course, it can't be called the bloody flag now. It should be the flag of death.

With Lu Chen's consciousness as the center and countless evil spirits as the fulcrum, a dark blue battle flag with gray appears on Lu Chen's head.

The flag was flying, which was 100 meters high. Relying on the flag, Lu Chen could feel that any injury he suffered could be transferred to the death attendant below.

At the same time, he can also pass on some of his abilities to the bottom.

Of course, because the flag of death is the golden perfection (rank of manwang bloodline), Lu Chen cannot pass on all his abilities.

At the same time, some abilities that conflict with death cannot be transmitted.

But with these limitations, Lu Chen still has the advantage.

Lu Chen's ability to pass on the battle flag of blood is not the power of the dragon, nor the gift of the earth, or even swordsmanship, but the black rope God's punishment to the Ming king.

As the power of the black rope prison was transferred to those doghead waiters, strange changes appeared.

Those doghead waiters are still undead, but a strange dignity appears on them. At the same time, their saw axes are burning with blood red color of hell fire, and they are also wrapped with some black ropes Black rope jailer.

Invaded by the power of the black rope heavenly king, those doghead waiters become the prison guards of the black rope hell.

The hell listens to terror, but it is the power of justice. The jailers do not represent terror, but represent punishment.

The sea of life is obviously guilty, and therefore, under the attack of prison guards, countless demons are dying miserably.

The black rope entangles, the crime emerges, and then those jailers can quickly chop the monsters derived from the sea of life with a flick.

At the same time, the death of the monster is not the end.

As long as Lu Chen, who lives on the throne of ice, looks at the past, the flesh and blood of those dead demons will shrivel or break away. The breath of death infuses into those demons, and those fallen demons will stand up again.

"Undead natural disaster, this is the same as the robot army and the Zerg mother nest. I'm not afraid of anyone in terms of long-term war."

"Now, you're not beating me up. I'm beating you up."

The battle has been going on, but this time, the situation is leaning towards Lu Chen.

The sea of life constantly spawns demons, but all of these are useless. Ordinary monsters will be killed by doghead waiters who turn into black rope jailers. At the next moment after death, those dead monsters will stand up and attack their original companions.

Fortunately, those monsters don't have much reason. If they are ordinary people, they will definitely collapse in the face of such horrible means.

The friendly forces fighting side by side in the last second will become the enemy in the next second. This transformation can not be tolerated by everyone.

The reason why the army of the dead is notorious is also here. But it has to be said that it is really pleasant to treat evil spirits in a more evil way than him.

"The wicked have their mills."

The killing continues, because the army of the dead kills too fast, and the sea of life even shrinks. The army it makes can't keep up with the killing under LuChen.

And Lu Chen, on the throne of ice, watching the fight below.

Of course, Lu Chen did not dare to act rashly. Although the erosion of his soul was absorbed by the second ghost, Lu Chen's body was also eroded by Frost's grief. He was afraid that he would consume his blood and energy in activities, so Lu Chen could only sit.

"Fortunately, Frost's strongest grief is to manipulate the undead. I just need to sit down."

Indifferent looking down at Lu Chen below, waiting for the end of the war, but in the face of the army of the dead, the sea of life is not without resistance.

However, Lu Chen can see that in the middle of the sea of life, several embryos the size of houses are absorbing the sea water and growing rapidly.

"You don't need quantity to win. Do you want to win with quality! Sure enough, even if no brain, also have the most instinctive response

"But in terms of quality, I'm not afraid of you! Saya, come out

As Lu Chen, who sits on the throne of ice, calls softly, the fourth ghost God, saya of frost, rises from behind Lu Chen.

This time, the fourth ghost God, Saiya of frost, is no longer the same as before. Her figure is like a real person. As soon as she appears, there will be ice and snow falling around her. Even, ice and snow condense a castle around LuChen. Like the queen of ice and snow, the fourth ghost God, Saiya of frost, turns her head and looks at Lu Chen. With her gaze, there is frost climbing along Lu Chen's body, and there is death The breath must invade Lu Chen's body.Through the artifact, the fourth ghost, the frost of SAA, has played its full strength.

But the ghosts and gods who have played their strength will not listen to the weak ones.

To this, Lu Chen just patted the frosty sadness in his hand, and the tyranny was full of desperation.

"Obey the orders, the fourth ghost!"

Under the control of Lu Chen's will and the sadness of frost, the fourth ghost, the frost of SAA, could not resist. She leaned slightly towards the landing time and she flew to the sky.

And with her people in the sky, the snowflakes in the sky are more urgent. With the snow falling with the dead, the earth in dozens of miles around becomes the winter of life extinction, even the sea of life has frozen image, and the active microorganisms in the sea of life are frozen to death.

The fourth ghost God, the frost Sabah, which is added by the grief of frost, has the power of incarnation of God. Especially, the sorrow of frost is another kind of growth artifact. The more undead creatures it manipulates, the stronger it can exert.

The legacy of death god is received by Lu Chen. This makes frost mourning grow to the peak of hero. More importantly, the sorrow of frost is the artifact of ice frost and death, and the fourth ghost, the SAA of frost, is also the ghost God who manipulates frost and death. The same power makes the fourth ghost almost completely accept the power of frost grief.

This kind of homologous blessing even makes Lu Chen feel that they can deal with a god run avatar only by adding the fourth ghost God with frosty grief.

The fourth ghost, the frost of SAA, did not let Lu Chen down. In the wind and snow, everything was frozen and the frozen son went to death.

Although the sea of life has also responded, several hundreds of meters of huge sea animals appear in the sea of life, spitting flames, acid into the air of the frost of Saaya, but it is useless.

Whatever, once it's out of the body for seconds, it's frozen completely.

And the sea of life derived from the huge monster, is the frost of Saaya continues to kill.

Like the frost warlocks in the underground city and warriors, the frost SAA condenses a cold ice stick with snow and ice. With her gently waving the ice scepter, there are countless ice spines agglomerated. Then, the ice spines condensed, like rain, fly to those strange things.

The ice stab is not as strong as the sword of Lu Chen, but those ice stabs are not long for puncture. As long as they are shot on the monsters, the ice frost will spread rapidly with ice stabs as nodes.

As long as the frost spreads to a certain extent, the monsters' bodies will be stiff. Finally, a crystal clear ice sculpture will appear in the sea of life.

The sea of life is a large monster derived from self-protection, so it is blocked by the fourth ghost God, the frost of Saaya.

Frost and death, life and the sea, both are fighting in front of the land.

The fourth ghost, the frost of Saak, made the sea of life, and the legacy of death, without land Chen, both suppressed the sea of life.

But the restraint lasted a short time. The sea of life has the power of evolution in addition to the power of reproduction and life.

Soon, the monsters from the sea of life grew thick white hair, which made them like snow beasts holding up snow mountains.

And such snow animals gradually resist the fourth ghost God.

Of course, the fourth ghost God also did not fail, and could not freeze to death directly with frost. She directly directed the undead army to rush up, and let the undead army serve as the monster derived from the army siege the sea of life, and the frost of saya as a mage assisted.

Therefore, the battle in the strange situation is not a single choice like Lu Chen and the God of war, but the epic battle of the Legion attacking the monsters.

So fighting, Lu Chen looked for a while, and slowly saw something.

"The fourth ghost God, the frost sad, has the ability to fight with God, but it is only about war, and it can not be said that it must be killed. In the end, it is hard to say who wins the battle."

Lu Chen is very calm about this. Lu Chen is happy to have the power of God incarnation. You know, this is the best hero of human beings to do.

At the same time, Lu Chen also found that when the sad frost was pulled out, the frost SAA consumed not the force of Lu Chen, but the power of frost sadness. The power of frost sorrow comes from the undead it manipulates. That is, the fourth ghost frost SAA battle has consumed the power of the dog head waiter left by the death god. Lu Chen still keeps the power of the dog head waiter left by the death god A full force of war.

"To say, death is really a good man. Without his legacy, I can't bring the power of frostmourning out so quickly."

In the leisurely thinking of Lu Chen, the battle in the field changed again.

With the monster being surrounded by the dog head waiter and the fourth ghost God, the sea of life was completely violent, and this time, he no longer separated his power, but the whole ocean was active.

A huge amount of sea water is condensed and compressed towards the middle, and the liquid water quality becomes flesh and blood. Soon, a monster with more than 100 eyes, more than 1000 tentacles and long white hair appears in the place originally occupied by the sea of life.He felt that he could not be exhausted and became a monster.

This is right. After turning into a giant monster, although the army of dog head waiters is still fighting bravely, the monsters derived from the sea of life are too large, and to a certain extent, they also represent strong. As long as the numerous tentacles are waved randomly, they can fly and smash the army of doghead waiters.

Tens of thousands of dog head waiters can't attack at all, they can only throw spears or archery on the periphery, but this effect is too small.

Not to mention that they can't break the skin of giant monsters. Even if they can, the sea of life will recover quickly in a very short time.

Like Lu Chen, the strongest thing in the sea of life is not attack, but recovery and defense. With the law of life, the same level of damage to him is not even as fast as his recovery ability. Such consumption is enough to make ordinary people despair.

Finally, it was the fourth ghost God, the Saiya of frost, who gave Lu Chen a surprise.

In the face of the sea of life turned into a giant monster, the fourth ghost God, saya of frost, landed directly on the earth.

Then, the scepter strikes the earth, and a mountain like wall of ice rises from the earth.

There are eight ice walls like mountains, which form a huge city of ice.

The fourth ghost God, saya of frost, is ready to rely on the power of frost to build a city and completely seal the monster.

Incarnate the monster and build the city with bare hands. This is the battle of the incarnation of Shenju.

However, Lu Chen also found that even if the fourth ghost God, frost saya, was really made, it was only sealed, but could not completely kill the sea of life.

"This is the origin of many seals. They can only be sealed temporarily if they can't be killed."

"However, it doesn't mean I can't kill the frost saya. It's over."

So, Lu Chen looks up and looks at his head. There, the flag that links Lu Chen with many undead is still on his head.

This is the flag of war. Because of the power of frost and death, it has become gray in the blue. It is the power of frost and death.

Looking at the flag, Lu Chen murmured to himself.

"Since the Saiya of ice can only use the power of Frost's grief, you can do it, black rope God punishes Ming king!"

With Lu Chen's whispering, there is a roar above Lu Chen. Then, you can clearly see that the ice blue flag is broken, but in the sound, a warrior figure as tall as a mountain appears behind Lu Chen.

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