"Because the prince used only one move. You think that one crack can defeat the prince."

This made the whole ward quiet for a moment.

They didn't know that Lu Chen had only three strikes after he opened the Luocha. Therefore, the shock of defeating the enemy with one blow was very big.

In fact, most of the characters who are not qualified to be killed in the universe can't be destroyed by a super fighter.

Why such a thing appears, is because Qiyu no matter in the face of any strong enemy, only a serious blow can be solved, which makes many people simply can not see the bottom line of Qiyu.

If you don't know the bottom line, you can be infinitely high.

Now, Wuji is like this. He can face up to the failure, but he will not despise himself. He knows his strength very well.

But just because he understood, he knew how difficult it was to defeat him with one blow. Moreover, he was not the only one who was defeated by one blow. His companions, some strong men who came from anger, were all defeated by one blow. This made Wuji a little unable to imagine how strong Lu Chen was.

"That guy, you can't beat him at all."

As a genius who reached the title level at a young age, Wuji is very proud, but even if he is like this, he also feels that Lu Chen can't defeat him. Even if he thinks about Lu Chen's 55 meter Bull Demon and his blood red momentum, he has some fear.

And these ideas, all through a silk thread around Lu Chen.

If you have a special vision, you can find that the idea of Wuji passing through the silk thread is a hit, invincible and so on.

Such a thought is very small, even if Wuji is a strong title, it is very few.

But at that time, not only Wuji was defeated by Lu Chen. Although many of the people who were defeated by Lu Chen were not satisfied with their words, they were able to control their mouths, but not their hearts and subconsciousness.

Fear, as well as the idea of Lu Chen's invincible strike appeared in their hearts, these thoughts also entangled in Lu Chen.

In addition to a crowd defeated by Lu Chen, those who feel that Lu Chen is unable to defeat include ordinary people who are seen outside the square.

Although their souls are weak, they fear Lu Chen more and feel that Lu Chen is invincible.

More importantly, they are large.

At the same time, these people are still talking to outsiders about what they know, which makes the rumor that Lu Chen is invincible keeps spreading.

And in the world where God is the peak, huge amounts of ideas come together But it's powerful.


Of course, Lu Chen has not sensed all this. After the battle, Lu Chen finds manxiong for the sake of safety.

"Uncle, I'm going to the king's court all the way. Is that ok?"

Lu Chen also knows that what he has done is hated by others and is more likely to be besieged and beaten up.

Lu Chen doesn't care about the battle of his opponent at the same rank. He is afraid that there is a legendary strong man in Yunzhou who can't help but fight, and Lu Chen will be blind.

Of course, Lu Chen is accompanied by a wild legend. At this time, Lu Chen looks at man Xiong and asks if he can resist.

In response, manxiong pointed a thumb directly at himself.

"Don't worry, I'm everything."

Hearing such a guarantee, Lu Chen left satisfied.

What Lu Chen didn't know was that at the first time he left, manxiong contacted the barbarian royal court by special means.

"No, help me


What Lu Chen did was passed on to the wild King's court through manxiong. Of course, only a few high-level people knew about it. Other barbarians did not know what happened in Ancheng, Yunzhou, because of poor communication and transportation.

However, the civilization in Yunzhou is much higher than that in the wilderness, and Lu Chen is provoking the whole Yunzhou. Therefore, in a short night, almost all the upper levels of Yunzhou knew that the barbarian prince had come.

Listening to Lu Chen's wild talk, even the owners of the big families, are also sulky.

"Evil animal, I really think there is no one in Yunzhou."

Buddha is angry, not to mention those householders, they want to punish Lu Chen severely.

But in this period, it is almost impossible to play Yin moves. Even the big families in Yunzhou still need to protect the safety of Lu Chen and others.

Otherwise, once Lu Chen's mission goes wrong, no matter who does it, the whole wilderness will be crazy against Yunzhou.

It's not good to play a trick of Yin. It's even worse to oppress by the strong. The barbarians are not without the strong. Such an approach is only to start an all-out war between the two states.

As a result, the parents of the big families think about it and find that they can hardly think about it except for the young people to face challenges.

This is the advantage of a big power behind it. The involvement of the same forces makes them face-to-face.

But the thought of a head-on confrontation made their faces look hard.It's no wonder that they are like this. It's the scene of fighting from afar.

In this era, the communication crystal that can be used for rubbing influence is still quite precious. However expensive, those powerful families also buy it. Now is not the time to be stingy.

After that, they did not have a trace of self-confidence when they saw the crystal screen.

In particular, when the Bull Demon bent his fingers and gently tapped into the air, the space was rippling, and then all the people in the square collapsed to cough up blood, even they were scared.

Even these family owners feel that they do not have such strength (the strong in the wild are respected; the leaders of big tribes are legendary; Yunzhou is more civilized and the system is better; most of the legends are cultivated as supreme elders; all family affairs are handed over to the legitimate children who are good at handling affairs, but force is not the first).

They can't do it by themselves, not even by their own genius. Even if the "Youth" is extended to under 50 years old, those family owners can't find any young talents who can match Lu Chen.

"This guy, no legend, who can fight against him!"

The owners of the big families are in a headache. After the anger in their hearts has passed away, they don't even want their talents to fight with Lu Chen.

But this is even worse, people have hit the door, no longer can only be regarded as cowardly.

Just when they had a headache, the Chen expert who knew Lu Chen made a sound.

Every big family in Yunzhou has its own group of counsellors. Those counsellors plan everything for the powerful families. Whether it is the enemy, other powerful families, or even the royal family of Yunzhou, they are all paying attention to it.

After the rise of Lu Chen in the barbarians, his deeds have long been noticed by countless counsellors. Therefore, according to Lu Chen's character and ability, these counselors have done a lot of analysis.

At this time, these counsellors all stood up and said to the troubled Xiang family master: "don't worry, my Lord. Although his highness is cruel to evil spirits, he seldom kills human beings. That's the case when he used martial arts in the wilderness last time. Although he defeated thousands of people, almost no one died in his hands. Therefore, we can let our family's talents go up and be It's just an experience. "

"Will not die! It's OK, but will it hurt the will of our genius

In this regard, those counsellors directly said: "it should be OK, almost everyone knows that the prince Chen is a monster, and even the incarnation of God in his hands has fallen several times. What should we care about our failure?"

The original intention of the Counselor's words was to comfort those Tianjiao, telling them that even the incarnation of God was defeated in the hands of the Chen prince, and their failure was not shameful.

It's just that after saying this, everyone still feels uncomfortable.

If you are a little higher, you will have jealousy, but if you are higher than countless, you will have to worship and awe.

From the mouth of those counsellors, the head of Xiang family even heard that Tianjiao of his family was not a dimensional feeling with his Highness Prince Chen.

What makes him sad is that such a statement is right. Lu Chen and his family's Tianjiao are not dimensional.

After taking a few deep breaths, the Xiang family owner calmed down: "forget it, let all my young people pass by. However, wait a moment after you go. If your Highness Prince Chen really doesn't give up his dead hand, let them go up to challenge. Also, take precautions in advance, and don't let this failure hit them."

"Yes, master."

Some people went down to give orders, but there were still many people who were worried.

"Master, don't you ask that Prince's highness? If he continues to win, we will pay a lot in this alliance."

Counsellors are also divided into groups. Some counselors pay attention to Lu Chen and some counselors pay attention to family and state affairs. But now, those who are concerned about family and state affairs are suffering. They feel that if they go on like this, they will surely be in a weak position.

In this regard, the Xiang family owner also has some helplessness.

"I know what you said, but I've already made the family proud. What else can I do?"


We should not play Yin moves, but also protect Lu Chen. In this case, the Xiang family owner really can't find a breakthrough.

However, those who can become counsellors do have the ability. Soon, someone began to say, "my Lord, Prince Chen is really invincible, but he is surrounded by girls from Yunzhou. We can contact them and ask them to persuade him not to do too much."

The counsellors who can't play Yin moves are ready to let the beauties around Lu Chen blow the pillow wind.

After thinking about it for a while, the owner of the Xiang family nodded directly: "OK, you can do it. I will approve the materials needed."

After that, he understood that the counsellors were worried. They were Yunzhou people, and they were angry at the barbarian Prince's behavior.

At the same time, they also know that if the barbarians get cheap, their family members will suffer in the end. Therefore, their worries are real. Seeing this, the head of Xiang family also said, "don't worry, things are not bad. The king has considered and prepared for the things you are worried about. Even if the beauty scheme is not good, we can deal with the Barbarian King Son. "……

The counsellors of the big families are all top-notch people with wisdom. However, Lu Chen is too powerful. Yunzhou does not even have a young talent to fight head-on, which makes them think of too few methods.

In the end, almost every big family is ready to stabilize Lu Chen first, so as not to let him be too presumptuous.

However, some of them are prepared to use the beauty trap and some are prepared to bribe with materials.

What happened in Ancheng was not only reported to the big powers, but also got the news as the center of Yunzhou.

After seeing the whole picture, the king of Yunzhou snorted coldly.

"As expected, the comers are not good."

Then, he directed his life to the shadow of the whole body

"Yes, your majesty!"

After that, the shadow behind the king of Yunzhou trembled twice, as if to be thinner.

However, just as the shadow was about to disappear completely, the king of Yunzhou suddenly said, "wait a minute."

After that, the king of Yunzhou quietly looked at the scene in the copy crystal. After a long time, he said, "does that barbarian like a girl who is respected? In that case..."

After a silence, the king of Yunzhou said directly:

"when spreading rumors, you should" inadvertently "tell the fourth Prince of Zhongzhou that I was going to betroth Jingning to him, but the barbarian Prince preferred Jingning."

At the time of crisis, Yunzhou contacted more than one place, and at the same time, they also allied with Zhongzhou.

In Lu Chen's "aggressive" now, the king of Yunzhou made the operation of instigating dissension.

"It's a pretty trick, but it's the most useful. Fight. I'll see which of you can win."


Yunzhou palace, in front of the king of Yunzhou is thinking about national affairs.

But in his harem, several daughters fainted directly.

Those noble princesses, even if they did not faint, trembled all over.

Knowing that Lu Chen must choose a princess to marry back, all the princesses, as long as they have the ability, are collecting Lu Chen's information.

Although Lu Chen has just come to Yunzhou, what he has done in Ancheng is too big, and the images are also widely spread.

Therefore, the princesses with a little ability all got the images to watch.

Different from other people's concern about the barbarians, the princesses in the palace pay more attention to Lu Chen's appearance, character and cleanliness.

When I first saw Lu Chen, the princesses were a little surprised at Lu Chen's height of 5.5 meters, but they could barely accept it.

The main reason is that Lu Chen has been protected by the sun, which gives Lu Chen a kind of masculine beauty.

Besides, Lu Chen is not as rude as other barbarians, and her whole body is cleaned by Ji hongdie. All this makes Lu Chen like a hero of ancient Greece, not ugly, but several times bigger.

"That Prince is not bad."

"It's said that his Highness Prince Chen has practiced Ruyi in size and size. If he is only two meters high, it's hard to go to the wilderness, but it's not unacceptable."

This was what the princesses thought at that time, but when the battle started, everything was different.

The perfect size Ruyi changed Lu Chen from five meters five meters to fifty-five meters. Not to mention, he directly changed into a race.

From a strong hero to a hairy bull head monster, looking at the thick hair of the Bull Demon, the sharp corners of the sky, the princess's body and mind were shaking.

"My whole body is not as big as that monster's finger. No, absolutely not."

"Blood red, I will be directly scared to death in front of that monster, mother, you must help me!"

The story of beauty and beast is not acceptable to all people, especially when the beast is red with blood and exudes a cruel breath, no one is willing to accept it.


Because of Lu Chen's arrival, the wind and clouds are surging outside. No matter the big families, the inner sects, and even the Yunzhou palace, Lu Chen is calm and knows that what he has done will bring certain waves.

When the strength is strong to a certain extent, even if they sit still, there will be whirlpool around them.

However, all these have nothing to do with Lu Chen. At this time, Lu Chen was quietly practicing in his room and drew a crooked route on the crude map of Yunzhou.

The route is very awkward, but if you look at it carefully, you can see that he will pass most of the Yunzhou giants and large-scale sects' residences according to the distorted route.

Lu Chen this is a provocation, he did not believe, went to the door of other people, those people can avoid the war.

"Dong Dong"

"come in."

It is Ji hongdie who knocks on the door. After seeing her, Lu Chen hands over the simple picture in his hand and gives an order.

"Give this map to uncle manxiong later, and we will follow this route."After saying that, Lu Chen gave the map to Ji hongdie, but at this time, Lu Chen also found that her expression was not right.

"What happened?"

"It's the Royal Court of Yunzhou. Your husband will not be calm this time."

Seeing Lu Chen's eyes confused, Ji hongdie quickly tells Lu Chen what she has discovered.

"My husband, have you ever heard of the list of heaven and earth?"

"What is that?"

"It's a list of the major schools in Zhongzhou, led by the overseas sects Xingxiu, which lists the strong people below the true gods between heaven and earth. The strongest groups of the strong legends are on the tianbang list. In addition to the tianbang, there are also people on the list..."

Before Ji hongdie's words are finished, Lu Chen understands her meaning. This is a very common world list in novels seen in the past.

But different from other worlds, the world's list is Tianjiao's famous place, but it is useless except for being famous. Therefore, some hidden aristocratic families disdain to be on the list.

In this world, because of the way of faith, tianbang is not only a vanity fair, but also can effectively increase its strength.

Lu Chen can be sure that if he becomes the number one in tianbang, he will be known by all the martial artists in the world. Moreover, if those warriors agree with tianbang, they will really think that Lu Chen is very strong. Their ideas of identification will speed up the cultivation of tianbang No.1.

"Heaven and earth list, this is a place to spread fame. The list should be prepared by the major schools in Zhongzhou for their own offspring. Although it can spread by defeating the strong alone, the communication in this world is too simple and the speed of transmission is too slow. It can only spread in one area. However, if it becomes the number one person list, it will be known by the whole world."

Lu Chen, who was thinking in this way, also said directly: "the list of people is the list below the legend."

This is Lu Chen's conjecture, but unexpectedly Ji hongdie shakes her head.

"The list of people is the list of young people. Only those under the age of 50 can be on the list."

"It's not the limit of realm, but the limitation of age. However, it shows that it is prepared for the Tianjiao of those big schools. Ordinary people are not as fast as those of the big schools. But there are also some people who are gifted and can precipitate to the strongest level in a certain realm. If only the realm is limited, the strong people who specialize in one side may be on the list, but if it is the age limit No matter how strong they are. "

From Ji hongdie's words, Lu Chen thinks a lot.

At this time, Ji hongdie also quickly expressed her worries.

"The tianbang remains unchanged all the year round. Only those who beat the list will change. But the list is different because it is young talent. The list here is changed once every five years, and all of them are changed. The young strong people who want to enter the list will gather together to have a martial arts competition. The venue of this competition is hosted by Yunzhou. Yunzhou thinks that our family will use our husband People use force to fight for interests. They are ready to use Tianjiao of Zhongzhou to snipe at your husband. "

"I see."

Seeing Lu Chen's calm expression, Ji hongdie's mood is calmed down. Her everything is in Lu Chen's hands. As long as her husband doesn't panic, she won't panic.

However, Ji hongdie found something strange. After hearing that someone was coming from Zhongzhou, her husband didn't show any worry on his face. Instead, he had a sense of war in his eyes.

This makes Ji hongdie feel helpless, but she is more proud.

"My husband is not afraid of everything, and is worthy of being a hero."

As Ji hongdie expected, Lu Chen did not worry.

One is to be confident in his own strength, and the other is that Lu Chen is different from others. The first purpose of others is to be on the list, while Lu Chen's first purpose is to defeat others to gain experience value.

Therefore, the increase in the number of strong people does not make Lu Chen uncomfortable, only makes Lu Chen feel something to do.

However, Lu Chen is also thinking about one thing.

"Can everyone sign up for the people list?"

"Yes, it is said that in the past, there were only a few big giants who could sign up, but then Tianjiao, who did not sign up for the first place in the list, was defeated by Tianjiao, who did not sign up. After several consecutive appearances, the list of people will not limit everyone."

"They dare not."

As a result, the first place in the list can only be defeated by many people in the list. Therefore, it is meaningless for all the people in the list to win the first place.

Although in this way, the ranking on the list is likely to be taken away by others, but the strength of other states is not as strong as that of Zhongzhou, and it will not matter how many are taken away.

Although he has not heard of it, Lu Chen estimates that the reason why the selection of the people's list can be held in places other than Zhongzhou is that the Zhongzhou grand school wants to attract ordinary people from other states.

"It's very difficult for Yunzhou Tianjiao to enter the list. Once there are no local people on the list, the ordinary people here will not pay attention to it, and the Royal Court of Yunzhou will not specially publicize it. In this way, the list can only be carried out in Zhongzhou, which conflicts with Zhongzhou's practice of gathering more beliefs. Therefore, they let other states hold lists, and a large number of Tianjiao are on their own land Fighting for the first day of pride, such a lively, enough to attract the attention of Yunzhou"The people here have done a lot to gather the power of faith for their children, but this time, the number one person is on the list. I want it."


Instead of making Lu Chen angry, Zhongzhou's agitation did not make Lu Chen angry. On the contrary, he was full of confidence and ready to fight for the first place.

Seeing Lu Chen's expression, Ji hongdie knows Lu Chen's thoughts. Therefore, she immediately commands her hands to collect the information of Zhongzhou Tianjiao.

Unfortunately, this is Yunzhou. Ji hongdie doesn't have many people here. At the same time, what she wants to collect is talents from Zhongzhou, which makes her collection useless in a short time.

The next day, Lu Chen and others have recovered completely after a day's rest in an Cheng. Man Xiong also comes to Lu Chen and asks about the landing Chen.

"It has been confirmed that a talent from Zhongzhou has come. Is it still going according to the original plan?"

"Of course, follow my route. I'm going to have a good meeting with Tianjiao here."

Seeing that Lu Chen's eyes are firm, manxiong can only agree with Lu Chen's opinion.

However, while walking, he also said: "legendary strong man, we are wild and can help you, but I can't fight at the same level. Many of those young talents are the descendants and disciples of the true God. Are you sure you can win?"

"Of course, I will not fail."

Lu Chen, full of confidence, set out from an Cheng and headed for other big cities.

Lu Chen's way forward was discovered by many people at the first time. Looking at the direction of Lu Chen's progress, many people were sending out various messages.

In a tavern near the King City of Yunzhou, a dignified man who got the news by means of a transmission crystal looked at a fine map and muttered to himself.

"Qilian City, the nearest big city of the blue family, is the first goal to deal with the blue family?"

In an Cheng, it can only be regarded as a high-profile announcement of Lu Chen, and the strength of an Cheng is not enough to be Lu Chen's first opponent.

The blue family is barely able, of course, to the blue home, in addition to the challenge, Lu Chen has other things to do.

Instead of getting a girl from the blue family, they still owe Lu Chen the right to enter the treasure house to select items. Lu Chen is going to prepare to exercise his power.

"I hope there is something in the treasure house of blue family that can improve my skills! That thunder crown is very good. I feel that when I use the ability of thunder crown, my control of thunder ability will be greatly increased. The overlord's color is domineering, and it is very likely that the thunder crown will be directly completed, from the hegemony territory to the thunder territory Unfortunately, the blue family won't give it to me. "

Lu Chen is sighing, and the elegant young man in the Royal Court of Yunzhou is laughing.

"I remember that the blue family was the vassal of the AI people in Zhongzhou. Although they went out on their own, they were still inseparable. Now Eli, the most powerful AI family member, has also entered the blue family. This time, there is a good show to watch."


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