"Take me in, who gives him courage! Why don't you go back and tell him to join me. "

Illusory words make Lu Chen angry, and unreal after hearing Lu Chen's words, she was also angry smile, after shaking her head, she helplessly said: "Prince Chen, although I call you prince, but you should know, Prince and Prince are different."

The place where there are millions of clouds and clouds to refute is that there are millions of clouds and clouds in the center of the world There are many legends and six great beings who guard the world. The fourth Prince is one of the heirs. "

The voice falls, illusory such as fairy, cold and proud eyes looked at Lu Chen: "you, take what and four Prince compare."

The majestic map of the world really shocked Lu Chen, but soon Lu Chen reflected it.

"Emperor Dayu is really powerful, and there are many experts in it. But what does this have to do with the fourth prince? Let alone how many troops he can mobilize to protect the world, let alone the great existence of them. The emperor of Dayu Dynasty can mobilize several more."

Different from ancient China, this world is not the same emperor who controls ordinary people because of the great power attributed to itself.

In the world of Gao Wu, the strongest one is the true God, the next is the powerful clan with high-end force, and the second is the nominal ruler royal family. Even the royal family can not control all the mortals. All the powerful clans are like vassals, and one clan controls one place.

The royal family here is not so much the emperor as the biggest powerful family.

"If an ordinary prince can't become a king, he can only be an idle prince. He is not as good as a noble son. He even asked me to turn to him. Do you think my brain is sick?"

Lu Chen's words make Huan as speechless. As a great sect saint, she has also accepted the prince's pursuit, but for those suitors, she has always refused directly, and those princes who were refused can't even speak out harshly. From this, we can see that the status of Zhongzhou royal family is not very high, at least the saints and daughters in the great holy places can ignore it.

But soon, Huan Ru said, "the ordinary Prince is not worth your patronage, but the fourth Prince is different. The mother family of the fourth Prince is the Jumang clan, which is the same as AI Zhi tribe. It is a race inherited from ancient times, which is very suitable for you. If you join the fourth Prince camp, you can gain profound skills, and your tribe will also get the support of Zhongzhou, relying on the Jumang clan With the support of Jinghu, the fourth Prince has a great chance to ascend the throne. What's more, the fourth Prince's own strength is very strong. He was the ninth person in the last term... "

In order to persuade Lu Chen, Huan Ru said a lot. It has to be said that if he is an ordinary barbarian prince, he is likely to be convinced.

But Lu Chen is different. Looking at the endless fantasy, especially the last sentence that the fourth Prince is very strong, Lu Chen just said coldly:

"is it better than me?"

This sentence let illusory such as strange stare at Lu Chen for several eyes, after a long time, she said: "you don't think you beat Eli, even if the strong."

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Lu Chen was a little angry with this remark. After a long time, Lu Chen shook his head and said, "originally I thought I killed the incarnation of Shenju and showed the power to hit the mountain. What needs to worry about is that if you run away, it will be bad. Now it seems that I am sentimental. You don't care about me at all!"

This sentence let illusion such as stupefied, especially that sentence scared away you, let illusory such as Leng for a long time.

After a long time, she shook her head, put one hand on her forehead and sighed, "I'm sorry, fourth prince, it's my fault. I should listen to your opinion, not meet the barbarian Prince directly."

This sentence makes Lu Chen interested. Listen to the meaning of this sentence, the fourth Prince seems to have his own set of standards, but unrea does not use that set, but takes the initiative, which makes Lu Chen interested in what the fourth prince wants to do.

Without concealment, Lu Chen said directly, "how did your fourth Prince tell you at that time?"

Lu Chen asked directly, and Huan Ru also answered directly:

"the fourth prince said that you had never been out of the wilderness. According to the information you heard, this is the first time you have arrived in Yunzhou, and you have beaten all the youth invincible in the wilderness. Therefore, you are not satisfied with anyone and think that you are the first youth."

This makes Lu Chen silent. He is really in this state of mind. Of course, Lu Chen doesn't think that his youth is the first and his huge skills are his strong foundation just because he has fought all over the wilderness.

When Lu Chen was speechless, unreal words continued.

"The fourth prince told me that to deal with a person like you who has never seen the world, you must defeat your pride in your heart, so that you can know that there is heaven in the sky and there are people outside. You are just sitting in the well to watch frogs in the wild."

"When the fourth prince asked me to come up, I will defeat you. You worship the strong in the wild, and only when you defeat you will you have a chance to attract. But I think you can communicate. Now it seems that I am wrong."After listening to such words, Lu Chen has only one feeling in his heart. What the fourth prince said is indeed right. If he wants to submit to the barbarians, he can only defeat him. No matter how much he says, it's just bullshit.

Of course, this is for ordinary barbarians. For Lu Chen, if he is defeated, he will go to the wilderness to kill evil spirits for promotion, and then come back to revenge when he reaches a certain level.

However, from his strategy, it can be seen that the fourth Prince knows a lot about the wilderness. Of course, Lu Chen has some problems in his mind.

"To defeat the wild youth can be said to be sitting in the well to watch the frog. But as for the incarnation of Shenju, you don't think it's boastful for me to defeat the incarnation of shenjue. And the blow of the mountain collapse, which should be spread out in the image, is it easy for your talents in Zhongzhou to collapse under the legend?"

This is really a strange place for Lu Chen. It is normal for a place to be looked down upon first if it is weak as a whole. However, Shenju's incarnation is not weak. If the avalanche is also seen, why do they still feel confident that they can deal with themselves.

This is Lu Chen's question. He didn't expect to get an answer, but Huan Ru actually said:

"the incarnation of Shenju. You don't think that the incarnation in the mysterious situation is really the incarnation of Shenju."

"What's wrong?"

"Of course not, shenjue incarnation is really powerful, but it is the incarnation of Shenju. In the case of several or dozens of incarnations, in this case, the incarnation of Shenju can be the strongest in the same realm if it has the will of great Shenju. However, the fallen Shenju in the sky is distracted by thousands and tens of thousands of people, sitting in several countless strange situations in the world. Such a kind of incarnation has almost no will of great Shenju How can this monster, which relies on instinct, be called the incarnation of the true God

Illusory such as said a lot, but Lu Chen is the most concerned about that sentence sitting in several worlds of the strange situation.

"Is this world really connected with other worlds? Yes, Eric's twin children can come here, and the strong ones in our world can run through."

When Lu Chen thought about this, Huan Ru continued to open his mouth: "as for your avalanche, it is really strong in strength. Even in Zhongzhou, your strength is incomparable, which can be called the strongest youth in the world."

Lu Chen was quite satisfied with the compliment, but after that, the voice of a fairy suddenly faded: "but do you know that, unlike you who only practice blood in the wilderness, in Zhongzhou, it is not their strongest side that decides the victory or defeat of Tianjiao, but the weakest point. Your strength is very strong, but even stronger, if you can't hit the person, you can't win What's the use of it? The brute power of that year was unparalleled in the world, but it was still lost. "

"You can defeat Ellie, but he and you are very poor in nature, but I am different. Do you know why the fourth prince sent me to recruit you? You people who practice Qi and blood are completely restrained by me. "

When it comes to total restraint, he is as cool and proud as a fairy.

However, this kind of aloofness lasts only a moment, and immediately, there are words of surprise echoing in the air.

"You can see me. How can it be that my drag can cover up five senses plus six senses."

The sound echoes, but this is not the illusion in front of Lu Chen, as the fairy said, but from the side.

At this time, Lu Chen did not look ahead, but turned to the side, where it looked empty. But Lu Chen's Apocalypse made Lu Chen clearly feel that the fairy was there, and stretched out his hand to pinch one of his hair.

Lu Chen is staring at him, unreal as a fairy, and his face is a little awe inspiring.

She had thought Lu Chen had developed limbs and a simple mind, and could rely on magic to frighten Lu Chen. Unexpectedly, she was seen through.

But Lu Chen understood everything from the words of a fairy.

"No wonder the swordsman didn't dare to challenge me as Eli. The fourth prince sent you here. This is because I think I'm a man of strength."

This theory tells people how much water a bucket can hold depends not on the longest board, but on the shortest one. This is the same with Tianjiao in wartime.

Many talents in Zhongzhou agree that Lu Chen's power is unmatched, but even so, some people think that they can surpass Lu Chen because they think the barbarians are powerful, but there are too few means. As long as they avoid the strongest side, they are sure to use Zhongzhou magic to trick Lu Chen.

"The impression of wildness is fixed."

This is Lu Chen's sigh, but it is also a wild and real situation. His people really only cultivate Qi and blood, and other means are really rare.

What Lu Chen didn't know was that he was looked down upon by others, which was also related to the attack on the collapsed mountain. Although he did break down the mountain peak at that time, he also ran through the wall protected by the array, but in the end, Eli escaped, which made some people think deeply.

"That guy can't fight head-on, but if he's fast, he can't hit a small continuous displacement."

This is the idea of those people, but they will not know that Lu Chen was in a state of loss of reason at that time. Otherwise, the Raptors could turn around and even turn back.

Unfortunately, if Lu Chen doesn't take the initiative to say that, other people don't know about it, and illusory fairy doesn't know it.The plan to take a hair directly from Lu Chen's head by relying on qianyin and Fenshen to give him a great shock failed. This really made Huan Ruxian a little surprised. But soon, she said, "you are very good. You didn't want to fight with you. After all, you will be a companion, but I'm sorry..."

Unreal such as fairy's words have not finished, Lu Chen big hand open already caught in the past.

"Companion, we are indeed companions. If you submit to me, you can count as my companion."

at close range, Lu Chen's shot was still very quick. Almost in a blink of an eye, he caught the illusion like a figure. But with the touch of Lu Chen's palm, the figure broke like a bubble.

At the same time, Lu Chen's face is full of expression.

"You are really very good, so that you can help your Highness the fourth prince."

Lu Chen was surprised by the sudden change.

"Your strength is good too. It's not a vase."

"Vase, you really dare to say that no one will let me in the competition. I won my 42nd place step by step."

That vase made Huan Ruo fairy Rou Nanxia really angry. She didn't see any action. Just by looking at her eyes, Lu Chen found that the distance between herself and Huan Ruxian had been widened. However, this kind of opening was not the escape of illusory fairy, or the retreat of Lu Chen, but the expansion of space.

With the rapid expansion of space, the distance between LuChen and illusory fairy is also constantly stretching. At the same time, the door of nine arches falls in front of Lu Chen, which blocks the illusory fairy and LuChen.

The door of the arch seems to be open, but Lu Chen feels the feeling of the twelve gates that death calls out.

In the extended space, there are not only nine separate doors, but also continuous walls, corridors and palaces, which surround Lu Chen in the center. In a very short time, the small courtyard around LuChen has become a luxurious palace city.

The center of the palace city is a Golden Summit, and the illusion is like a fairy, just like a real fairy, which is located above the golden top.

"Welcome to my fairy palace. Let me play a song for your royal highness."

When Lu Chen was watching the surrounding fairy City, the voice of a fairy sounded. When she said the words, her soft hands also clapped several times. With this sound, nearly a hundred beautiful maids came out of the void with various magic weapons in their hands.

Although Lu Chen had long felt that there was a big gap between the wilderness and Zhongzhou, Lu Chen was still stunned by the wild bloodthirsty technique and herbal medicine, and then looking at the idea of building the city and calling hundreds of fairies.

"It's a big gap."

Lu Chen is sighing. The cool voice of a fairy rises from the high place.

"Although I don't like fighting and killing, the fourth Prince is right. I have to beat you to the ground if you are barbarian."

When the magic fairy spoke, the hundreds of handmaidens with magic weapons had already formed a formation and surrounded Lu Chen from all directions.

But Lu Chen didn't care about the fairies. Looking at the palace city that suddenly appeared around him, Lu Chen understood why the girl in front of her was called a magic fairy. This is indeed a magic master.

And soon, Lu Chen found that the palace city in front of him was not just magic. After a careful perception of it, Lu Chen found a nightmare in it.

"The place of nightmare is located below the shadow land. Has Zhongzhou Lingfa been able to use the spirit of nightmare?"

"I remember that the characteristic of the nightmare place is that everything is in a dreamland, and everything is real. If I don't know this, I can only be killed at will by the immortal city which combines the spirit of nightmare and the aura of heaven and earth. No wonder Zhongzhou people don't care about the power of simplicity."

Looking at the surrounding Palace City, Lu Chen understood that the gap between Zhongzhou and the wilderness was unimaginable.

While Lu Chen sighs, the attack on the opposite side has already begun.

One hundred and twenty goddess of illustrious goddess holding magic weapons surrounded Lu Chen. As they stood, a high tower rose from the earth for them to stand.

After the tower rises, Lu Chen finds that there is a nightmare gas from the tower, which injects the spirit of nightmares into the body of those illustrious goddess, which makes their momentum soar. This also makes Lu Chen understand that Jinding immortal city is not only a palace city, but also a huge array. This array can gather the aura of heaven and earth, lead to nightmare aura, and form its own boundary, gather trapped people, illusions, increase themselves and weaken A huge array of enemies.

The magic is like a fairy, which directly transforms into a city of array.

"This fairyland is definitely not made by the fairies themselves. It should be the result of their sect's continuous research over thousands of years. Illusory fairies are just learning, but it can better reflect the gap between Zhongzhou and the wilderness."

With the nightmares and auras infused into the 120 magic goddess's body, their momentum suddenly soared. Then, 72 magic Luo fairies holding attack magic weapons, either pinched, or threw their swords, or rang bells, or illuminated them with mirror light. In an instant, countless attacks were thrown at Lu Chen.Jinding fairy City, which is illusory like a fairy, does not simply pull people into the realm of nightmares. It is led by aura, combined with space and fantasy ability, to pull the nightmare spirit from the third interface to the reality, so that there is really an immortal city here. Therefore, Jinding fairy city is also seen by countless people in the city.

As a fairy, ROU Nanxia's strength may not be the strongest, but her fame far exceeds her fame. When Jinding fairy city turned out, instantly, the whole town knew that it was illusory, and now she was fighting.

And always concerned about here, Eli and monk see the magic fairy hands, but also some speechless.

"He really started it. It was a fairy, and the pursuers did not know how many. Whether he won or lost, he was in big trouble this time."

"Trouble, isn't that guy's favorite?" Talking about Eli, looking at the fairy City, he has a little shame in his eyes.

This was perceived by the monk, and he directly joked: "I remember the last time you were ranked in the list of people, you were defeated by the magic fairy. How did you feel at that time?"

As soon as this word was said, Ji hongdie, the handsome childe, turned her eyes and revealed the meaning of inquiry.

Although she knows that her husband is powerful, the power of Zhongzhou has been spreading in Yunzhou. Therefore, Ji hongdie wants to know the real strength of the illusory fairy, but she is the handsome young man. She is also worried.

As for being defeated by a woman, ally doesn't want to say, but so many people look at him eagerly. He can only say: "the experience is very bad. Jinding fairy city belongs to the nightmare fantasy world. I don't know its method. Even with the speed of thunder and lightning, I can't get away from it. There are traps and arrays everywhere in the palace city. I can't get close to it until I try my best."

"In addition to the palace city, there is also a kind of magic method called magic Luo tiannv. That kind of immortal method can make her imagine a team of heavenly maids holding magic weapons to fight, which is equivalent to one person becoming an army. Moreover, the functions of those magic weapons are different. There are ropes to trap people, the spirit state is fixed, and the bell rings to summon souls..."

At that time, he was surrounded by many fairies. Even now, Ellie is still a little nervous.

"Jinding fairy city is very strong with illusory goddess Luo, but the most difficult thing is that the immortal city is magic. After being annoyed by the serial attacks, I once summoned the ancestral gods to attack, but after seeing the great God Leize, the fairy turned the whole fairy city into a mirage like illusory scene with the help of nightmare. I can only watch the strength go by..."

The rest of the words Eli didn't say, but others understood the final result. The great God Razer didn't want to call. After sacrificing the six animals, Eli could not summon again. Therefore, he could only look at the illusory fairy like shadow, slowly despairing.

Losing to a woman's hand, the girl still liked it. For Ellie, it was a huge blow. However, Eli soon recovered, and some gloating way:

"I was really miserable at that time, but brother Chen was also in trouble this time. Just relying on brute force, he could not hurt a fairy."

I don't know why, but Ji hongdie is very calm.

"Your husband will not fail."

When Ai Li and the monk watch a good play and Ji hongdie is confident, Lu Chen is being baptized by a large number of attacks.

The fire, frost, rope, mirror light, sword spirit, Qin sound, Feng Ming, and even the tiger and grass man in the painting are summoned. All kinds of attacks are sent out from the hands of more than 100 illustrious goddess, and constantly bombard towards the landing day.

But all this It's all useless.

Although he said it countless times, Lu Chen still wanted to say that a high constitution means that he can do whatever he wants.

Lu Chen, who has been transformed into a real bull demon, has oily fur, tough muscles like marble, and his skeleton is like a steel cable. All these make Lu Chen's defense break through the sky.

If this place is a game, you can find that although the attacks are gorgeous, the tips are:

[Ding, your attack did not break the enemy's defense, this attack - 0 HP]

[Ding, your attack did not break the enemy's defense, this attack - 1 HP]

[Ding, your attack did not break the enemy's defense, this attack - 1 HP 】

the attacks of the magic Luo tiannv are not the same. Because they are illusory, illusory fairies can change their attack methods. When it is found that only the sharpest sword Qi can break Lu Chen's defense and cause a little damage, most of the magic weapons of nearly 100 illusory luotiannv turn their magic weapons into immortal swords, in order to do harm to Lu Chen.

Although, the damage is only to cut off Lu Chen's hair, but this is an effective attack.

However, you all know one thing, as a boss, in addition to the powerful blood volume and defense, most boss also has a palpable blood return.

Lu Chen is such a boss.

[Ding, you have been hurt and triggered the recovery effect of Avalon. Now your HP is restored 1000】


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