Thinking of his way to get women, Lu Chen was silent for a long time. After a long time, he said in a lonely voice:

"I'm really a villain who robs people's women."

Seeing Lu Chen look at herself and others, her mood suddenly drops. Red butterfly and Yi Rong are all shocked. They think they have made her husband angry. Although Qingxue didn't say so, her cold face also looked at her husband with worry.

"My husband, what's wrong with my wife? Are you angry? If so, please tell me, and I will change my body?"

"It's OK."

No longer refute the title of the demon, the lonely Lu Chen directly went to the challenge arena.

Looking at Lu Chen's look, Ji hongdie is more worried.

She wanted to pull Lu Chen to her side and ask what was going on. But as Lu Chen stepped onto the arena, she was afraid that Lu Chen would be distracted in the battle, so she did not dare to speak.

In her uneasiness, Lu Chen has already stepped onto the challenge arena.

"Which one of you will come first, or say, let's go together!"

In a bad mood, Lu Chen didn't mean to be polite, and directly called out to the opposite two people.

This scene also made crazy Dao laugh: "you guy, you are as arrogant as the rumor, but this is just my intention. As a man, I should be wanton..."

That crazy Dao should be a devil who likes to express gratitude and hatred. He doesn't like to be empty. He likes people like Lu Chen. Unfortunately, Lu Chen is not in a good mood. In a word, he directly accepts him.

"You talk too much. You can't fight."

The merciless words also made mad Dao's face gloomy. Those who like to be happy with their gratitude and hatred are always self-sufficient. Once such two people encounter each other, they are either friends or enemies of fate. At this time, crazy Dao regards Lu Chen as an enemy.

"Asshole, you are such a bore! You Guifeng, the barbarian has been handed over to me. Don't rob me

After saying that, the left hand of the crazy sword held the scabbard on his waist, and his right hand put it directly on the handle of the sword. His step was forward and it was like drawing a knife.

With the gesture of drawing a knife, the crazy and violent killing is intended to break out on the indifferent crazy sword.

The murderous spirit made the surrounding clear sky seem to be stained with blood, and the crowd felt that a knife was against their necks, which made them not only retreat, but also said in surprise:

"killing the intention to pull out the knife is a big move at first. Is the sabre crazy?"

"He's not mad, but he's going mad with anger. What's wrong with brother Chen? It's just like eating gunpowder. His words are too blunt."

"I don't know. I was very happy when I came here. I couldn't help seeing that the swordsman was popular."

Talking is the monk, there is no tune, he directly Lu Chen's unhappiness to the woman turned the past.

Such speculation makes the handsome young man a little unhappy: "don't think everyone is like you. Your highness Chen is not a lecherous person."

"No, he is a lecher, but I heard that all the witches in his tribe are beautiful girls, and most of the businessmen who want to cooperate with his royal highness also take their daughters to talk about cooperation."

It can only be said that Lu Chen's reputation for lust has been spread out, and even monks know the name of LuChen's lust.

In the following discussion, their voices were all heard in the heart by Lu Chen, whose ear power was sensitive. This made Lu Chen's mood even worse.

Just at the moment when he was separated from him because of his bad mood, a suddenly lit knife light suddenly bloomed between heaven and earth.

"Don't be distracted when you fight me

At the moment, the weather is clear and cloudless, and everything is as bright as day. However, in such a scene, when the sword lights up, the people watching the war around feel the light in front of them.

Even, many people feel that the light of the knife is dazzling. Some weak women even have blood flowing out when the light of the knife is reflected in their eyes.

Just the light of the knife makes people's eyes bleed, which is enough to show the horror of the light. This also makes Ji hongdie startled and calls out: "be careful."

Her call is late. The best way to draw a knife is to be quick and sudden. When the light of the knife rises, the Qi of the sword has already cut down on Lu Chen.

There are still some strong people in the crowd. They can see the spirit of the sword through the light of the sword. Although they can't avoid the sword when it's bright, it's more outstanding just by looking at it.

In the discovery of knife light without hindrance cut to Lu Chen's head, a burst of cheering sound sounded around.

"So fast."

"It's really a crazy sword."

"Is this the victory?"

"Of course, the barbarian Prince is powerful, but no matter how powerful he is, he can't even get a chance to shoot."

The fierce cheers are enough to show Lu Chen's bad reputation in Yunzhou.

Listening to those cheers, the handsome young man seems to understand that Lu Chen is going to fail, but somehow, he has been blocking Lu Chen, but his face is not too happy.

"Is Prince Chen defeated?" I can't believe it appeared in his heart. He didn't believe that the savage who was invincible all the way would fail, but he soon closed his complicated mind: "it's OK. As long as you don't hurt seriously, this failure, your highness should be able to complete the marriage safely."The handsome childe's mood is complex, but his complexity only lasts for a moment, so does the cheering around him.

After a breath, all the people who can still open their eyes are stunned at the situation in the field.

There, the knife light cut to Lu Chen body, a shocking voice also spread out.

But the sound was not the sound of the blade cutting through the body, but "clang!" The sound of steel hitting each other.

The sharp sound of steel friction sounded in the field. When the light of the sword dissipated, the crowd was shocked to find that the light of the sword had indeed struck the barbarian Prince's head. However, the knife light, which made people's eyes tingle, only cut the barbarian Prince's scalp and was directly broken by the skull.

And as they watched, the scalp, which had been cut, recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Shit, hard top Dao Qi, what kind of monster is that guy?"

"Abnormal body, it must be barbarian, not steel Titan!"

The voice of panic sounded around, and the cold eyes of crazy knife suddenly narrowed.

In terms of shock, he is the strongest. He knows his own strength, but because of that, he knows how difficult it is to be able to withstand his own attack without being injured.

"You dare to challenge the whole cloud state. You really have arrogant capital."

The voice of astonishment was extremely loud, and the hand of crazy Dao holding the knife suddenly became tight, but soon, the surprise on his face became ferocious.

"The technique of drawing out a knife is unexpected and quick. It's about the front line of life and death. It can't break you, but I don't believe that you can resist other moves."

In his ferocious face, there are bloody magic patterns blooming on Kuang Dao's body, and even the bloody magical patterns spread like vines to the blade in his hand. With blood shining all over his body, crazy Dao holds the knife in both hands and holds them high. He makes a strong attack on Lu Chen again.

"Blood moon! Die to me

Driven by the anger in his heart, the crazy saber with all his strength splits out a hundred meter long bloody knife light, which is like a mountain pressing towards LuChen.

Under the light of the sky, the sabre of blood is breaking, even under the light of the sky.

Although the moon still didn't appear in the end, it could cause changes in the sky, which was enough to show the strength of the sabre technique.

Just facing such knife light from the side, there are countless people trembling, even it is difficult to stand.

But some people were also shocked to find that even if the knife was so light, it did not make the tall barbarian Prince have any action.

"Not yet!"

"Ready to fight again. Is this guy really because his body is steel?"

"Iron and steel can't do it either. The blood moon of tiandaomen can't be cut continuously!"

The sound of shock sounded around them. They couldn't believe that even so, the barbarian Prince did not escape. In this unbelievable mood, XueYue collided with the tall figure.

"Bang! Click

First, there was a steel strike, and then, like the electric saw saw, the sound of steel friction sounded from the field.

The sound of steel was shocking, but the scene was even more terrifying. The scene in the field was not a fight between steel and iron, but a mountain of bloody Dao Qi cutting human bones. The onlookers found that in the face of the crazy Dao, the barbarian prince was still hard headed.

But this time, no one was happy, and all the people were only frightened, because they found that the barbarians in the field seemed to be able to resist.

"Is it possible that the strong man in his forties can't hurt that one with all his strength?"

Such an idea appeared in the hearts of the onlookers and shocked them.

You know, defeat, and even the opposite skin can't be broken are two concepts, the former is slightly better, the latter is very different.

"The prince's defense can't be broken in the 40's list. How strong should he be, more than 20?"

"Do you think the top ten or even..."

The latter words that person fear did not say, but Lu Chen is a super strong idea, has been rooted in their hearts.

More than one person thinks like this. Looking at the crowd without a voice, you can know that all people are afraid of landing on LuChen.

The idea of human beings in this world is powerful. The fear of countless people makes Lu Chen have a general situation. This kind of potential affects the crazy sword, which makes him feel that the monster in front of him is extremely powerful and irresistible.

Even, under the influence of potential, Lu Chen's figure has grown tall in the eyes of crazy Dao, just like the God who stands up to heaven and earth. You can't look directly or offend him.

However, as a strong man, crazy Dao naturally has pride in his heart. The influence of potential not only does not make him unable to move, but also does not make him fear. On the contrary, there is a surge of war spirit in his heart.

"No matter what God is, I can cut everything."

Just as the battle spirit surged up in his heart, the confrontation between the blade and the skull was over, and the final victory was Skull.In the face of the two lights of the crazy sword, the barbarian Prince's huge body stood motionless in the field.

At this time, the barbarian Prince has not used the size of Ruyi change, but all people look at the barbarian prince, but they feel that his figure is indomitable and oppresses heaven and earth.

Even some people, looking at the sun through the barbarian prince, have a feeling that the sky is going to be dark.

While shocked by the barbarian prince, some people also found something unusual.

"What's in the head of the barbarian prince."

"Chains, barbarian princes have no brains at all, only steel chains."

"Sure enough, that guy is a monster."

It was the people standing on the surrounding highlands who made the sound. Watching them from a high place, they found that the bloody sword still had an effect. The terrible knife cut the scalp of the barbarian prince, but a frightening scene also appeared.

In the barbarian Prince's scalp, not the brain and bones, the chain of the barbarian prince was hidden in his head, protecting his everything.

The skeleton of Lu Chen is totally different from that of ordinary people.

The crowd of onlookers looked at Lu Chen's skull with fright. The eyes of crazy Dao suddenly contracted, and his lips were bitten by himself.

Before the battle, crazy Dao knew that Lu Chen had unparalleled brute power, and he made many tactics against Lu Chen's strength. For example, he beat Lu Chen by surprise and incomparable speed with his knife drawing skill, or tricked Lu Chen with exquisite knife technique. However, he never thought that he could not break the skeleton of the barbarian prince with his all-out sword.

What's more tragic is the flying swordsman. Looking at this scene, his mentality collapsed.

"You told me that guy is a barbarian. Is there any barbarian like that? This guy is definitely evil."

The flying swordsman thinks in his heart, but none of them is as angry as crazy sword.

Lu Chen's strength did not frighten him, but made his heart surging. He also had his own means to reach the top 50.

At this time, the anger of being despised and the humiliation that he did not break the defense for two consecutive sabres broke out directly.


With a roar of rage, the bloody Sabre turned and suddenly inserted into his chest and abdomen. The crazy sword with blood knife in his abdomen did not die, and countless blood colored magic lines broke out from the crazy sword and spread around him.

Under the interweaving of blood and magic lines, the skin of crazy knife turns into horny bone. Sharp bone thorns rise from him. His arm turns into two sharp bone blades. At the same time, a crazy tall magic shadow appears behind him.

It's the first time to see Lu Chen, a strange creature transformed from a crazy sword. But the crazy fighting spirit and the body born for killing let the word "Shura" come into Lu Chen's mind.

After changing into Shura, the expression on the face of crazy Dao became extremely arrogant, and the killing intention in the heart also reached the peak.

"If you can resist a knife, you can also resist a thousand. If you can't, you can kill me in a flash!"

The power and speed of the crazy Sabre incarnated in Shura doubled. With the blessing of Shura, he broke out all the power in his body, and the whole person turned into a blood shadow and continuously cut around Lu Chen.

In a short time of 30 seconds, the manifesting Sabre of Shura cut Lu Chen more than 1000 knives with the blades of both hands.

The more than 1000 knives covered Lu Chen's whole body, breaking Lu Chen's clothes and splitting his tough muscles.

However, the attack of crazy Dao is over. With more than 1000 knives, he penetrates Lu Chen's blood and cuts through Lu Chen's skin. However, under his skin, there are chains creeping around, which makes Lu Chen not hurt at all.

And you should know that the force is mutual. When the bone knife cuts on the chain, it is also worn by the steel chain.

After more than 1000 knives, it was not crazy Dao who wanted to stop, but his bone blade was polished.

After a dull look at the polished bone blade, Lu Chen's body healed in a short period of time. Even if he became a Shura, his mind was boundless, and his mind of crazy sword collapsed.

"You, what the hell are you?"

"I'm human."

"Man! Hehe, human beings are not like you. "

"Yes, I am a villain and a devil in my lust You've had enough. Now, it's my turn! "

Lu Chen is extremely upset by the evil spirits in color. All his wives and concubines are captured, which makes Lu Chen's mentality collapse. His extreme anger makes Lu Chen want to vent his anger. Therefore, a knife Luocha is opened.


as the whole body strength gathered together and broke out at a high speed, a violent roar broke out from Lu Chen. In that roar, Lu Chen's body became a little broken because he couldn't bear the violent force. The sky also burst up as high as 800 meters because of Lu Chen's full force explosion. Even, the air burst directly when Lu Chen opened a brake Some air waves spread thousands of meters away, blowing to the people watching the battle, making them a little unstable.

The impact of air waves is still good. At this time, as long as you look at the direction of Lu Chen, you can feel the pressure in your heart, and even your breath is a little blocked.Strong people feel that there is blood gas like an active volcano in general, trying to accumulate compression, and have a sense of impending eruption.

Of course, the crowd is not the most miserable, but the scene, where there are ghosts of monsters, is directly burned to ashes by the blood of the fury.

Lu Chen, who opens a sword Luosha, can shake and kill evil spirits below the disaster level only with the blood and blood leaked out.

And it's just a breath leak, and the onlookers don't know how strong this force really erupts.

"Get out of here. The prince is crazy."

"What terrible power, run, run."

"Not in the front of the prince."


Others are running around in panic, and the crazy knife locked by Lu Chen feels the arrival of death.

"Avalanche, this is the force of avalanche!"

Although I can see the power of the broken mountain from the image, I can never feel it in person. It's just that if possible, crazy Dao really doesn't want to feel the power.

What makes crazy Dao despair is that he can feel that the force has locked himself in. No matter where he is going, he can't avoid that kind of power and can only resist it.

[one blade Luosha · Tianjian], which integrates the apocalypse, with the help of the seventh sense of the end of the consciousness opened by the divinity. This is the time power to see through the past, the present and the future. Under such a power, the crazy sword can't hide at all.

"I, will die!"

Looking at the barbarian prince who raised his arm and gently swung it downward, Madao's heart was silent. Everything in the world seemed to have left him. Only a bloody death was magnified in front of him and was constantly approaching him. Finally, the word "death" had covered everything in the eyes of crazy knife.

The crazy Sabre incarnated in Shura has no idea of resistance.

This is Lu Chen's powerful force that crushed the heart of crazy Dao. It is also hard to resist the crazy Dao. It makes him feel weak. Lu Chen has always played a role in fighting the enemy with only one punch.

In the face of Lu Chen Zhiqiang's attack, his mind is weak, his mind is broken, or his heart is broken, he will be unable to resist and can only wait for his death.

"Amiya, you Buddha, the situation is not right, your Highness Prince Chen, what kind of stimulation is this? This is not a contest, it is to kill that crazy sword!"

"Monk, don't talk about it. Go and stop it. If someone dies, it will weaken us as a whole."

"If you say it's easy, you have to stop it. I said in the golden body that it can't be broken, but that's just saying, it's not really impossible to break. With that knife, who will die!"

Monk, Eli and Taoist preached with consciousness, so they said a lot in a short time.

But the words say, in the face of that knife, the three people have no way.

The main reason is that the knife was too terrible. Finally, the three people still put their eyes on the Taoist.

"What about your invisible shadow changing charm? Use it quickly!"

"I see."

Just like the rescue of Eli before, the Taoist made a spell to move the crazy knife away.

But this time, the situation changed, the spell burned out, and there was no movement around the crazy knife.

This scene made the Taoist priest's face change greatly: "no, brother Chen's knife caused the vibration of the surrounding space. Before the shock stopped, the space system ability could not be used."

At that time, when Ai Li was transferred by a Taoist priest, Lu Chen was really relieved. However, after waking up, Lu Chen also thought about how to deal with this move. He didn't let Lu Chen think about it for a long time. Soon he found that after the cattle demon concussion fist advanced to the air shock, he had great restraint on those who were capable of space system. As long as the space vibrated, no one could change the space at will 。

This is the trick Lu Chen developed to deal with the space genius who can blink, and now, this move has become the talisman of crazy sword.

The three Taoists could no longer deal with the problem because they were far away from the battlefield.

"It's over

"Once crazy Dao dies, tiandaomen can't fight to the end with the wild."

"What's wrong with Chen? Is he possessed by the devil?"

The sudden changes in the field make the three people feel a little anxious, and just when they are in a hurry, the crazy knife with a broken mentality becomes unable to move under the influence of Lu Chen's momentum, which makes Lu Chen's full effort to hit the crazy knife's forehead.

"No, Dao Thirteen!"

With a roar of astonishment and anger, a sharp knife is intended to break out between heaven and earth and rush to Lu Chen. However, when the knife does not contact Lu Chen, it is resisted by a mountain like pressure.

"Dare you

A fierce roar sounded between heaven and earth, and in this roar, two voices came from the air, and the sound of fighting sounded in the sky.

It was a battle in the air between the Taoist priest of crazy Dao and the Taoist priest of Lu Chen. When they fought, the wind and clouds surged. But soon, a more violent roar sounded on the earth, which was the sound of Lu Chen's sword Luocha's full force.

This voice covered up the legendary fighting voice in the air, and attracted all people's eyes to the earth.In the fierce roar, the crowd can clearly see that a wave surges out after the crazy knife. In the ripple, everything in the world is smashing.

Whether it's trees, or rocks, or mountains hundreds of meters away, they all turn into powder in the ripples.

When the ripples disappeared, a huge passage of 50 meters wide and 3 kilometers long appeared between heaven and earth. Everything in the channel, even the cloud gas, was completely smashed, and a cylindrical corridor was branded on the earth like a scar.

Looking at the terrifying passage of 3000 meters, the field was suddenly silent, no matter who was frightened.

They knew very well that as long as they stood on the cylindrical channel, they would never survive.

Those who had challenged Lu Chen took a mouthful of saliva subconsciously.

"I challenged that monster."

"Shit, what did I think at that time? Such monsters dare to come forward."

The anger of Yunzhou soldiers is no longer there. At this time, only fear remains in their hearts.

Lu Chen, who is full of all his strength and is full of tyranny, is completely frightened by the crowd of soldiers.

The continuous silence lasted for a few minutes. In the interval, all the Yunzhou warriors who came to yell at Lu Chen were afraid to make a sound. Those girls in the boudoir with gorgeous clothes had completely locked themselves in the luxurious carriage, and they did not dare to show any signs. Even some girls were scared to faint.

Compared with the crazy sword, Lu Chen, who destroys everything with one sword, is more like Asura.

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