"Brother Chen is a legend?"

Not only the flying swordsman was surprised, but the monks and Taoists outside also gave out unbelievable exclamations. Even the handsome middle-aged man who was treating the crazy knife stood up in surprise.

"Legend field?" No, this field can only suppress and influence the surrounding areas, and it has no law ability to show. It is not a legendary field. "

As a legendary strong man, the master of crazy Dao saw through the essence of Lu Chen's ability, but this did not let his surprise fade away.

It's not the legendary field that makes crazy Dao's master know that the barbarian prince in front of him is not a legend playing the role of pig and eating tiger, but the title of hero. From this point of view, this is even more shocking than Lu Chen's advanced legend.

"If you have a special legend in advance, you will have the ability to advance the legend. Your royal highness will certainly enter the legend. Moreover, after the advanced legend, his strength is definitely stronger, especially in the field."

"Now he has some characteristics of the legend field. When he gets to the level of legend, what level will his legendary field be, the mid heaven position or the big heaven position?"

The fields are also hierarchical. Most of the fields that barely enter the legend are small sky positions. They can suppress the title of heroes, but they are at the bottom of the legendary battle and will be suppressed by other legendary fields.

The middle heaven position is the domain of ordinary legends. They all have explicit rules. The legendary field of Zhongtian position confronts the laws of attribute and comprehension.

As for the last big sky position, it is the field of the legendary top talents.

Although Lu Chen has not yet advanced, the master of crazy Dao has already felt that after Lu Chen's advanced legend, the legend field will be at the top.

The surrounding audience is shocked, and the swordsman in the territory of Lu Chen is miserable.

It's hard to feel that everything in heaven and earth can't suppress themselves. It's hard to gather aura. The best sword Qi can't be separated for 100 meters. All kinds of suppression make the flying swordsman feel like he's back in the realm of flesh and blood.

Even the repulsion of air and the aura of heaven and earth makes flying swordsman unable to stay in the air.

However, although the flying swordsman finally returned to the earth, he still stood up. After all, he was a title level hero. Even if he was suppressed by Lu Chen's hegemonic territory and lost his most powerful ability to control heaven and earth's aura, his physical strength and super swordsmanship still threatened him.

But in a desperate situation, the swordsman put down all the psychological burden and freely drew out his sword and stood between his eyebrows.

"I didn't expect to have such a miserable day under pressure."

With a sarcastic smile, the flying swordsman shakes his sword and looks at Lu Chen.

"You know, I'm a flying swordsman, but I've been the fastest one in our sect since the beginning of flesh and blood. I used to be, and I'm still the fastest!"

As the words fell, the figure of the flying swordsman moved. The man was like a light, which was integrated with the sword. It turned into a beautiful sword light, flying towards the landing time.

"When a sword comes to the west, the immortal flies out of the sky. In a desperate situation, he gives up all his calculations and holds the sword in his hand. The swordsman is lucky. If he doesn't die this time, he will be able to improve his swordsmanship."

As a flying swordsman, the monk no longer sneers at him, but envies him. However, the Taoist priest is very open:

"it's not luck, it's inevitable. As long as the morale of the same level is not attacked, there will be gains."

"You're right, so brother Chen's challenge is good for Yunzhou."

"Of course, if you are defeated by elder brother Chen, the strong will understand it, and the weak will know the shame and then be brave. In this way, they will train harder and their strength will naturally be enhanced. As for those who have met the evil spirit, they are not as good as those who have lost their will

The monk and the Taoist priest were talking, and the crowd around, although they had no vision of them, looked at the sword flying immortal of the flying swordsman and felt amazing.

At the same time, some ideas also appeared in their minds.

"We, perhaps, may Victory. "

The flying swordsman is very amazing, but even so, the crowd do not dare to say that they will win. Lu Chen's strength has been branded in their hearts.

I'm a swordsman. I'm confident.

"With this sword, I have broken through my own limit and will definitely win."

With the determination to win, the flying swordsman who turns into a flying immortal rushes to LuChen.

This time, the crowd found that the barbarian Prince still did not escape, but they also found that although he did not escape, the barbarian prince opened his mouth and sucked in the air around him.

When the breath reached the limit, the prince's abdomen did not bulge up. Instead, a dragon shaped virtual shadow appeared on the prince's head. The dragon shaped virtual shadow circled, making the prince's head look like wearing a crown.

"Dragon, crown, what is this?"

The weak audience is still puzzled, but some of the strong have already felt something bad. Their spirituality is warning them crazy."No, come on..."

Flash words have not said, a thunderous roar has sounded through the sky.


[roar of dragon · roar of awe]

this is one of the dozens of dragon roars mastered by Lu Chen after gaining the ability to transform into a giant dragon.

This roar is to frighten the weak people with the roar of the dragon. At this time, Lu Chen uses the territory of the overlord to release the frightening roar. He wants to see what effect the combination of these two willpower will have.

The effect quickly appeared, and when the effect appeared, even Lu Chen was surprised.

With the roar of awe, Lu Chen only feels that the aura within ten thousand meters is converging towards the shadow of the dragon on top of Lu Chen's head, which makes the shadow of the dragon on Lu Chen's head expand to the size of 1000 meters.

Although the giant dragon is a little unreal, its huge size, terrifying domineering power, and its deep-rooted roar make all the human beings who come to watch the war have a violent heart twitch. Then, in the silent background, groups of people fall down.

They were completely stunned by the alliance between the crown dragon and the overlord territory, and the scope of such fainting was myriameter!

When the Dragon roared, everything within ten thousand meters was silent without a sound.

Of course, all below the title level collapsed. Although the title class heroes were dazzled by the roar of the dragon, they still resisted the title formed by the gathering of fame.

But if they can withstand it, the swordsman is a tragedy.

When Lu Chen and crazy Dao fight each other, crazy Dao tries his best but can't hurt Lu Chen. Not only does the crazy sword mentality collapse, but also the flying swordsman's mentality.

After all, the reason why his duel with mad Dao attracted so many people to watch was that they had the same strength. Crazy Dao could not break Lu Chen's defense. At that time, the flying swordsman felt that it was difficult for him, which made him afraid of Lu Chen.

Later, he was forced to come to power, but he just wanted to hold Lu Chen down. He never wanted to defeat Lu Chen.

However, the territory of the overlord made him unable to fly with the sword, so he could not escape. Although he finally abandoned everything and launched a desperate counterattack, he was still afraid of landing Lu Chen subconsciously. When the roar of awe sounded and mainly aimed at him, his courage in the desperate situation completely disappeared, and his fear rose rapidly.

Therefore, in other people's eyes, the illusory dragon is only a kilometer, but in the eyes of the swordsman, the Dragon blocks out the sky and covers all his fields of vision. Like a God, the pair of eyes like the sun and the moon stare at him, freezing his soul.

"No, I won't be afraid!"

He was roaring to exert courage on himself, but the more fierce the roar, the bigger the shadow of the dragon in his eyes. In this extreme fear, his wonderful sword skill of flying immortal on that day completely dissipated and rushed to Lu Chen like a madman.

"I didn't faint. My courage was pretty good."

Looking at the swordsmanship of the flying swordsman, Lu Chen, who is superior to him, praises him and flicks his fingers on his head.

"Dong" a light sound, his eyes rolled, completely collapsed on the ground.

[Ding, the system prompts that the host has defeated the title level hero you Guifeng and gained 110000 experience points]

so far, the challenge is over, and all the onlookers are paralyzed. Looking at the fainting crowd, Lu Chen nodded with satisfaction: "all of them fainted, but I don't need to attack again. In addition, this battle is accidental When a duel comes out, other people should come and watch the battle. "

"That's good. I'll have a bad reputation (scaring people away) after a successful duel, but the aftermath of the fight knocks everyone down, and no one else can say anything about me."

Lu Chen is nodding for his wit. It is the comatose people all over the place, which makes it difficult for the Xiang family.

However, since then, Lu Chen has nothing to do with Lu Chen. At the end of the battle, Lu Chen directly pulls Ai Li and asks him to cooperate with Xiang family's army array to have a more intense baptism of thunder.

This is the operation of Lu Chen's whim, and the fact has proved that the effect is still effective. After ally and Xiang's army array unite, even Lu Chen can withstand the thunder like the rainstorm with the real body of Tianzhi bull.


While Lu Chen is busy with trivial matters, on the other side, the image of Lu Chen dueling with the flying swordsman is transmitted by the scouts watching the battle.

The first one to learn was the king's Court of Yunzhou. He attached great importance to Lu Chen, so that the king of Yunzhou and his ministers gathered together to wait before the duel between Lu Chen and the swordsman had begun. Therefore, when the battle images were transmitted, they immediately watched and prepared to analyze the future situation according to the images.

Before the images came over, these people already had a lot of plans in mind.

"If the barbarian Prince wins easily, it's better to pay more for the barbarians."

"If he fails, we will try our best to win over Zhongzhou Tianjiao."

Two hands to prepare, so that the cloud state King court does not panic.

However, they thought a lot, but they didn't expect that the duel would be so fierce and Lu Chen's performance was so outstanding.When seeing Lu Chen standing still against the attack of crazy Dao, and crazy Dao can't do anything to Lu Chen, almost all of these powerful masters have the title level, and they all feel terrible.

They all have strength, but because of their strength, they understand that the skill of crazy knife is so exquisite that they can't resist it. The fleeting drawing skill, the blood moon waving with both hands, and the instant prison killing in the final incarnation of Shura make these owners feel irresistible.

No, it should be the first time to draw a knife. Most of the owners who sit here feel unable to resist it. However, such a move can't do anything to Lu Chen, which makes their mentality collapse.

Then the scene was even more terrifying, such as the legendary territory of the overlord, and the terrible scene of the Dragon covering the sky and all the things falling down within ten thousand meters, smashed the plans in the minds of the ministers.

Silence spread in the palace, this time, even the king of Yunzhou was silent.

Super grid Lu Chen, so that they almost can not find the same order against the method.

After a long time, there was a sound.

"Sire, the barbarian prince can't defeat him!"

Br >

"although the opportunity is met by all the people, it's very dangerous for them to start Even if his Highness Prince Chen is in Zhongzhou, his talent is definitely in the top 20 or even the top 10. Usually, we are not qualified to attract such a person. But now, he is in the wilderness, and our opportunity has come. "

This made the king of Yunzhou a little angry:

"you know he is a barbarian. You think it is good for us to increase the strength of barbarians!"

Such a rebuke did not make the first speaker lose his heart. Instead, he quickly said: "Your Majesty, we are hard to attract other barbarians, but his Highness Prince Chen is different. His city is cleaner than most of our cities in Yunzhou. He does not discriminate against businessmen, but attaches great importance to knowledgeable people. He is a sage in Yunzhou, and more importantly, King Chen His highness is very lecherous and likes delicate women. His residence is full of Yunzhou people. We have a great chance to bring him to Yunzhou. "

They were all thinking about the feasibility of this matter. The more they thought about it, the more they thought it would be.

Of course, more importantly, it will be difficult for them.

As the Minister first said, barbarian princes are unable to defeat.

Finally, the king of Yunzhou said, "this matter is up to you. I will give my full support to what you need."

"Yes, your majesty, I need..."

Looking at some hesitant ministers, the king of Yunzhou frowned: "what do you need? Speak directly. Since I have said support, I will naturally give you trust."

"Your Majesty, I need the princess to approach his Highness Prince Chen More than one. "

The king of Yunzhou was stunned by this remark, while the minister said quickly: "other things, even the attraction of treasure, are not good, but as the saying goes, gentle country, hero grave, only the words of the people beside the pillow can soften the prince's heart. Only a lord is not safe..."

The minister did not say the latter words, but others understood his words.

When the king of Yunzhou thought that he needed to make peace with the barbarian prince, his heart was filled with anger. However, it was more important for him to become king because he was not the absolute master, which made him not only proud but also tolerant.

After a long silence, the king of Yunzhou said:

"whoever you want is close to Chen."

"Seven princesses, nine princesses, fourteen princesses. Seven princesses are noble and nine princesses are always wise. As for the fourteenth princess, it is said that Prince Chen likes Petite people... "

"I'll think about it."

In the end, the king of Yunzhou didn't decide, and the owners and ministers of other powerful families didn't force him. Lu Chen was far away from here after all.


The front hall was discussing major events, and several princesses in the back palace gathered together, and this time, their faces were jubilant.

"It has been successful. The thirteen younger sister heard that the barbarian Prince wanted to wipe out the Yunzhou people in order to capture the princess. She did not want to hurt the Yunzhou warriors. She disguised herself to advise the barbarian prince. As long as the two of them met, they would be familiar with each other. Once they knew each other, they would have something to do with each other. I also asked thirteen women to dress up as men. After the barbarian Prince arrived at the king's city, the thirteen sister would appear in women's clothing The scene of transformation will definitely shake the barbarian prince, and then we will be free. "

Nine princess looked at the plan smoothly and relieved. The other princesses were also like this. Only princess 14, who was still young, began to worry: "is this bad for the thirteen elder sister?"

This word, let a lot of princesses in the field all lost their voice.

As I said before, it is different from the fight between princes. The fight between princesses is not fierce. Therefore, there is still some sisterhood between them. However, this is a fatal thing. For their own life, the sisterhood is directly broken.

"Why don't you change thirteen girls back?"

As soon as the words came out, the young face of the fourteenth princess was filled with fear."No, absolutely not."

Although they betrayed their sisters, they finally got rid of the nightmare. Therefore, the atmosphere in the room is very harmonious.

Just as they smile on their faces, the images of Lu Chen's decisive battle with the flying swordsman are also sent here.

After seeing the situation in the video, silence and entanglement appeared in the hearts of these princesses.

Although they are women, the princesses here are all knowledgeable people. Therefore, they know how strong a barbarian Prince is who can withstand the fierce sword attack.

Even if they didn't know, Lu Chen punched out a 3000 meter long corridor, and the momentum was so powerful that they could see the power of the barbarian prince.

As princesses, they are aware of the role of power, and they also know that powerful power is the foundation of power. They want their husband to be a hero.

And the barbarian prince in the field, in terms of strength, perfectly meets all their needs, even exceeds.

They can think that if they follow the barbarian prince, they will be respected endlessly. No one dares to insult them. Even if their brothers become queens, they dare not insult themselves.

However, although there are many advantages, the princesses thought about Lu Chen's figure, they all trembled and shook their heads to reject all this.

"No matter how noble your status is, you have to have a life to enjoy it."

"Follow your Highness Prince Chen, you will definitely die."

"If the height of his Highness Prince Chen is only two meters, even three meters will do, ah!"

Other princesses were struggling, but Princess 14 was too young to think so much. She learned that thirteen sister had gone to the barbarian prince. When she was relieved, she left only a little guilt.

In addition to trying to get rid of Lu Chen, the princesses of Yunzhou gathered together for the purpose of choosing their husband. Zhongzhou's Tianjiao came. This was also an opportunity for many princesses, and it was also the union of Yunzhou and Zhongzhou.

In the past, many princesses would choose what they like from the pride of heaven, but this time, all the princesses did not have that spirit.

Even, some princesses have some regrets about sending thirteen to the prince Chen.

A group of people calculated the thirteen princess, which showed that the thirteen princess had a bad relationship with her sisters. This kind of bad relationship made other princesses do not want the thirteen princess to get a good home. The barbarian Prince has many shortcomings, but his strong strength can cover everything up.

In particular, some princesses thought:

"send the thirteen younger sister to me. When her royal highness is fully grown up, we can see that she is not going to lower her head."

Do not want to marry Lu Chen, and do not want to thirteen Princess profit, living in the palace of those princesses in mind tangled.

But this kind of entanglement does not affect Lu Chen. On the contrary, with the news about Lu Chen coming from afar, the entanglement in their hearts becomes more and more serious.

"It is reported that on the ninth day of March, his Royal Highness Prince Chen invited a decisive battle by the lake of Jingyue. With one move, the enemy was defeated, and the momentum spread and stunned all the onlookers!"

"It's reported that Prince Chen's highness on the top of Mount Taiyue burned the King Kong of the thirty-seven people's list with a move of demon prison, and the howl of green ghosts and gods made countless people collapse in fear."

"It is reported that the mountain cleaver invited the barbarian prince to fight a decisive battle in the Guli desert on March 17, and the result was..."

"Another move to defeat the enemy."

"yes, your highness."

In the deep palace, every two or three days, the news of the barbarian prince comes from the outside. Every time the news comes, the princesses are shocked. They know that the barbarian Prince is powerful, but they have never thought that he is so powerful. Zhongzhou Tianjiao, who comes from the center of the world, is defeated one by one by the savage princes, even not the enemy of one move.

Such a horrible scene also made many princesses hesitate.

But at this time, the thirteen princess had been walking with the barbarian Prince for a long time. These princesses understood that even if they regretted, it was very difficult for them to fight with Princess 13. However, some people were not happy to know this.

"Can no one beat the barbarian prince?"

"For the Tianjiao of Zhongzhou, they have been arrogantly claiming that they are invincible in the state. Can't they defeat the barbarian prince?"

At this time, the princesses who were at odds with the thirteenth princess only hoped that someone could defeat the barbarian prince, which would make them feel that they had made a correct choice at that time.

Unfortunately, they thought very well, but the news they got made them despair. The barbarian Prince did not refuse any challenge. No matter who challenged him, he would accept it. However, up to now, the prince is like the God of war and has never failed.


The back palace is struggling. Lu Chen's achievements along the way make the front hall even more headache, especially one day later, this situation becomes panic.

"According to the newspaper, the barbarian Prince passed through the Zhu family and challenged the Zhujia military array in the name of insight while training tens of thousands of troops."

The voice echoed in the front hall of the king's court. After hearing the complete news, the eyes of the ministers in Yunzhou shrank, and the king's heart suddenly stagnated.

"Did the Zhu family accept it?""Your Majesty, I wish you had a fight."

With this remark, the hall is full of vitality.

"The family is still hot."

"If you don't meet your personal challenge, do you do it to the army?"

"The prince is trying to crush us completely."

"What's the result?"

When asked about the result, there was a moment of silence in the field. Although they had already responded to the arrival of the barbarian prince, such a peace making made them humiliated. If they could, they liked to have an equal dialogue with the barbarian prince. Among them, the king of Yunzhou wanted to hear Shengli's answer most. After all, it was his daughter who made the peace.

He hoped for miracles and felt that the strength of the Zhu family was not weak.

"A single person is different from an army. If tens of thousands of troops are united together, the barbarian prince can never win."

The king of Yunzhou is cheering up Zhu's family. Other powerful families also hope to use the military array to counter Lu Chen. Although it's humiliating for the army to gather to deal with one person, it has at least some means to deal with it, but the result of the spy's reply makes them despair.

"I wish the 50000 legions of the family form an army array against the barbarian prince, and the result is As a result... "

"Say, I will not blame you!"

"Yes, your majesty, the 50000 troops of the Zhu family fight against the barbarian prince, who is yelled at by the barbarian Prince All stunned

This made the king of Yunzhou stand up from his throne in a moment: "tens of thousands of troops, a roar shock dizzy, how possible, even the legend can not do so."

Shocked words, let the following report of the spy head completely low, did not dare to raise.

Many ministers were silent. They didn't want to be angry by the angry king of Yunzhou. They also felt afraid of what the prince had done.

Although the king of Yunzhou couldn't believe it, several spies in succession reported the same news, which made the king of Yunzhou understand that the prince could really knock out tens of thousands of troops with a roar.

However, the king of Yunzhou was oppressed. After several battles, the prince of barbarian not only challenged the young brave, but also let the armies of the big powers gather and fight in the name of "insight".

As a result, none of the troops could resist the roar of the barbarian prince.

Since Zhu's family began, there were 300000 elite troops, which were stunned by the barbarian prince.

And this, also let a lot of families have a complaint to the Zhu family.

"Why don't you want to build up an army to show the prince a good look? Now, we've lost our last cover."

But Zhu family, at first very uncomfortable, but with the failure of more and more people, their heart is slowly disappearing.

"I'm not the only one who lost. It's not my fault, but the barbarian Prince's strength is too terrible."

Not only do I wish my family have such an idea, but also other powerful families in Yunzhou.

After a series of defeats, some people put forward the idea of courting the barbarian prince. This time, he watched the influence of the victorious barbarian prince.

The king of Yunzhou is silent.


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