"Is there a strange situation around here? Help me to collect the information about it."

As soon as this word was said, Ji hongdie's face changed color instantly. The Taoist priest and monk next to her also thought of some of them. She couldn't help but say, "you won't be ready to attack the treacherous situation."

"Of course."

"No way."

"Don't die."

Both of them refuse in unison, which makes Lu Chen curious.

"What's wrong with crusading on the strange land?"

"It's really good to attack the treacherous state, but you have broken through it, and you have been marked by evil spirit. If you enter into it again, the evil spirit will definitely kill you at any cost."

"You've been through this, too?"

This made the Taoist shake his head: "no, but our ancestors have experienced, as the top Tianjiao, they crushed and killed the evil spirits in the mysterious situation when they grew up, but after entering the second time, they were killed by the evil spirit at the cost of Evil spirit can pay the price again and again, but we can't consume with it. "

"So you won't take the initiative."

"Of course not." At this point, Taoist eyes revealed a different kind of emotion, that is pain and heavy.

"It's just that we're dead as the title class heroes. Evil spirit can kill us at the cost of a few weird situations. But if we become legends, the evil spirit wants to kill us again, the price will be great."

The Taoist priest's words are not much, but Lu Chen has already understood his meaning. Legend and title hero are two stages. Even Lu Chen, who has been leaping over the level to challenge at the lower level, has no power to deal with the legend after entering the title of hero.

Therefore, the real Tianjiao of Zhongzhou didn't attack the middle level crafty situation, but tried to get into the legend. At that time, killing the evil spirit could make the evil spirit pay more.

Lu Chen also agrees with this truth. If there is no way, he will enter the legend first, but he is different.

Feeling the power of the sun in his body, his confident smile is blooming on Lu Chen's face.

"You're right, but the legendary evil spirit can't kill me."

Looking at the Taoist sighs and wants to persuade herself, Ji hongdie also beseeches, Lu Chen body in a squat, suddenly jumped into the air.

Looking down upon the earth in the air, looking at the dark, only a few places lit up the night of tianwu City, Lu Chen with a sense of sacred voice sounded.

"I am the sun!"

With the sound of the sound, there is a sun wheel behind Lu Chen. After the day wheel appears, the day is bright.

If the sun patrols the earth, the earth stars in the air become the sun, dispelling the darkness and bringing light.

At this time, not long after nightfall, there are still some people who are not sleeping. Now, those who are going to rest are all illuminated by the sudden light.

"What's the matter? It's so light. "

"If you're in charge, there's going to be something."

"What can happen, evil come over is the emergence of black fog, sudden light may be a good thing."

"You hide, I'll go out and have a look."

Or curious, or wondering what was going on, those people rushed into the streets, and then they saw the sun.

"The sun is really there."

"God, has God come to save us?"

Crying and clamorous voices were heard in the town, and even many people knelt down in the direction of Lu Chen.

The dark night has become a nightmare for people here. Now, the sun appears in the night, which not only lights up the night between heaven and earth, but also dispels the shadow and fear in the hearts of the people, bringing hope to them.

"As soon as the sun rises, there is hope in people's hearts. No wonder the sun always represents the embodiment of justice."

After a sigh, Lu Chen, the incarnation of the sun, gathered his strength and slowly fell on the earth.

"Do you think I can't clean up the scam with this trick?"

Looking at Lu Chen shining all over his body, the shocked expression on the Taoist priest's face gradually calmed down. But before he could open his mouth, a breath similar to Lu Chen, but softer, came out from his side. He was a monk.

At this time, his face is no longer full of sadness

Turning around and looking at the monk, Lu Chen's heart is clear: "sure enough, Buddhism also has the sun heritage."

At the same time, Lu Chen also looks at the monk and asks why he can't.

But the monk didn't know what he thought. His expression was not reliable in the past and became heavy.

"The power of the sun really has a huge suppression on evil spirits. Ordinary evil spirits will dissipate when they are illuminated by the power of the sun. Disaster level evil spirits can not withstand the burning of the sun's power. Even in the face of the legendary natural disaster level evil spirits, the power of the sun can resist, but how long can you resist it?"

Speaking of this, the monk's face was excited.

"Thirty minutes, or an hour, all the energy of natural disasters and evil is almost unlimited. What do you consume?"Speaking of 30 minutes, his face was excited, and Lu Chen also understood that this man might have acted rashly due to the power of the sun and paid a heavy price, otherwise, his reaction would not be so great.

In fact, as Lu Chen expected, the monk was still a monk who gave himself up for others. However, because he had justice in his heart and consciously possessed the power of the sun to restrain evil, he could not bear to be implicated in a village, and he went into the strange state alone.

It was a trap. Although most of the evil spirits were very chaotic, there were some cunning in the end. The monk who was led into the trap could not get rid of it. Finally, his master felt wrong and rescued him.

But in the end, his master also died miserably, and the loss was more than that. Because of his master's entry, the mysterious situation had become a lot. The evil fog spread to the world. Hundreds of miles around were trapped in the fog of evil. If Zhongzhou was not powerful and powerful, it would probably lead to the fall of the world.

Since that incident, he has never dared to be rash in the face of evil.

At this time, he also opposed Lu Chen's going out to war.

In this regard, Lu Chen did not argue, just light mouth way: "one hour is not good, that ten hours is enough?"

The monk was stunned. After counting the rest, a surprised voice sounded:

"can you summon the solar realm for ten hours?"

Not only monks, even Taoists are also surprised to see Lu Chen.

To this, Lu Chen shook his head: "No

After that, Lu Chen shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's 15 hours."

"Fifteen hours! Are you sure? Or are you a legend? "

Looking at the surprised monk, Lu Chen knew that he could summon the field of the sun for 15 hours, which was extraordinary.

But Lu Chen is very calm about this.

"Fifteen hours of solar territory is indeed beyond the ordinary sense, but my body is also beyond the ordinary sense of strength."

The most important thing to release the sun's power for a long time is not the sun's protection, it is just the beginning. The most important thing is that Lu Chen's body is strong, which can store a huge amount of solar power.

It can only be said that skills may be wonderful, but physical fitness is the foundation of everything. Without super physical quality, even if the skills are good, they are just the attic in the air.

As long as the physical quality is improved, even a Taizu long fist can kill the dragon.

"It's right to take the lead in promoting the body to Tianguan. Even if I haven't been promoted, he has helped me a lot."

Thinking at the same time, Lu Chen also returned to the monk's question.

"It's of course. It's me who is in danger of getting into the scam. I won't joke about my life."

After saying that, Lu Chen orders Ji hongdie to collect intelligence about the mysterious situation nearby, while the Taoist priest, monk and ally are all thinking about it.

"Fifteen hours, even if the power of the sun can't kill the legendary evil spirit, it can definitely resist it. However, if the legend is forced to come to a medium-sized mysterious place, the evil spirit will always pay a price. It can never last for 15 hours. At the same time, our world and our legend will not let it surround all the time Perhaps, his Highness Prince Chen really has a chance to clear up the medium-sized weird situation. "

After the idea came to mind, even the Taoist couldn't help showing his joy.

This kind of thing is really crucial. Although medium-sized scams can't be the same as those in the sky and large-scale ones, a little turbulence can affect the world situation.

However, after all medium-sized scams have been eliminated, Lu Chen's world will get enough rest. At least, without the drag of medium-sized deception, this world can still last for more than 100 years.

Monks, Taoists and Ellie also thought of the significance of the medium-sized scam being cleared. After a look at each other, they all have a firm color in their eyes.

At the time when the three people are thinking about it, Lu Chen asks Ji hongdie to collect the information about the weird situation.

But, let Lu Chen unexpected things appear, tianwu city near the scene is very few, only one.

"What's the matter? Is the Royal Court of Yunzhou hiding the news of the strange situation? "

When Lu Chen was speechless, the Taoist priest saw the information in Ji hongdie's hand, and saw Lu Chen's expression. He shook his head and laughed: "do you think there are too few weird situations?"

"You know why."

When Lu Chen looked over, the Taoist priest said: "of course, there is only a strange situation around tianwu city. This big probability is not concealed."

Seeing Lu Chen's face, the Taoist explained it carefully.

"It's not that we can't break the treacherous situation. We don't have much strength in remote places to kill them. However, as a city of a state, no matter how many details there are, they can still clean up the mysterious environment around the king's court. There should be no such situation near your royal court."

"No, there are four."

The Taoist priest was speechless, and Lu Chen was sighing. He couldn't even clear the strange places near the King City. Besides Lu Chen, the wilderness was not as good as Yunzhou.

After being speechless for a long time, the Taoist comforted Lu Chen: "your people are mainly due to their lack of means. It is very likely that they can't find the core of the strange situation, so that they can't exist in those strange situations...""Don't comfort me. If I have a way to deal with the treacherous situation, I will pull them out when I come back to the king's court. Now, I will bring the information about the treacherous situation near tianwu city."

While receiving the information from hongdie, Lu Chen thought:

"the Royal Court of Yunzhou is powerful, and they will consciously concentrate their efforts to clean up the mysterious situation. In this case, there is still a remnant of the mysterious state near tianwu city. Either the strange state has just emerged or the strange situation is very difficult to deal with. I hope it is the former. I don't want to deal with the legendary evil Pay for a difficult son of an evil god. "

Looking at Lu Chen murmuring like this, both the monk and the Taoist priest showed a look of admiration. This is what a deep-seated person should consider. Such a quality is more valuable in a combative man.

Lu Chen, who didn't know the expression of the two people, was watching the information. After reading it, Lu Chen took a deep breath and shook his head in an ugly face:

"sure enough, you shouldn't have expectations. This weird situation is a little troublesome!"

There is little information about the strange places near tianwu City, and the known intelligence is also somewhat strange.

According to the records here, when the mysterious situation of tianwu city first appeared, people in Yunzhou once organized a large army for expeditions. The initial March was very smooth. The army of tianwu City eliminated numerous evil spirits and pushed all the way under the leadership of the legendary descendant Jin Yan.

However, after entering the evil fog, the situation turned worse, and their defeat was somewhat inexplicable.

Although there are many evil spirits in the fog of evil spirit, there is no super evil spirit. The army of tianwu city still marches in. However, strange things happen in the process of fighting, and soldiers are constantly falling to the ground without any sound. In this process, the human side can not see how the evil spirit attacks.

Although the death of the first few human beings has attracted much attention, they still think that the evil spirit hidden in the dark has been killed because of the constant fighting with evil spirit.

At that time, Jin Yan's practice was to advance cautiously, but no matter how careful, this silent death would still appear.

In the end, thousands of people died in the fog without warning, even including a title hero.

At this point, the army of tianwu city has been a little scared, and several other title heroes have been attacking everywhere in succession, trying to find the hidden evil spirit.

But all these are useless. They searched all over the country, not to mention the hidden evil. They didn't even find the traces of attack.

And as they search, human deaths continue to emerge, even in the build-up of armies.

Then, more bizarre things appeared. When the army moved to a certain distance, earthquakes, storms, fog, and even meteorite landing disasters appeared in the army.

After a series of explorations, three of the seven titled heroes died.

Sensing the impossibility, the human army returned quickly.

But in the process of returning, they found themselves waiting for Get lost.

Yes, several Title heroes, tens of thousands of soldiers, so they can not find the way out.

With no sign of death, no way to live, and continuous natural disasters, all of which made the army of tianwu city fall into a desperate situation of panic. Tens of thousands of soldiers in panic step by step went to death. Finally, only two title heroes successfully escaped the maze.

And those two title heroes are not safe after leaving the tricky place.

One came out on the spot and died of numerous body injuries. The other entered the temple. After staying in the temple for a month, he felt safe. On the spot of stepping out of the temple, he fell to the ground and died quietly.

At this point, the strategy of tianwu city's secret place was completely ended. From the beginning to the end, human beings did not know what kind of attack they suffered, and the mysterious situation was blocked by human beings External plugging method.

After reading the information about the treacherous situation, Lu Chen had only one sentence in his heart: "this is a big trouble!"

Lu Chen hesitated whether to avoid the situation after the information of the strange situation was started, but in the end, he decided to pull out.

"My purpose is to remove all the weird places in the stage of the title of hero, and delay the progress of evil spirits eroding the world. Although tianwu city's weird situation is strange, other strange places are not safe. No one knows what kind of danger is hidden. I will fight against such strange evil things in the end."

"What's more, no matter how strange the evil spirit is, if you want to kill me, you have to penetrate my body. Even this strange evil spirit can't be dealt with, and the legend can't do it."

While encouraging his fighting spirit, Lu Chen once again determines the importance of choosing meat in this evil world.

In this strange and strange situation, even if you are fast, you have too many evil powers. There will always be a time when you will die.

For example, from the beginning to the end, even the enemy didn't know. If he was fast, he would die faster. However, Lu Chen, who produced meat, was different. Even if he was attacked, he could resist for a period of time.

"My body will never be killed immediately. When others attack me, it means that it is connected with my fate. If you have a chance, you can use that move. This time, I can win!"After the determination of Lu Chen's mind this time.

Then, after putting the ghost armor aside, Lu Chen picked up the ten meter long dragon hunting sword gun and was ready to go.

"I'm full of the power of the sun. The devil's armor can't be used any more. Instead, it's a dragon hunting sword. This weapon that can be split and combined can be used as my ordinary weapon after being combined."

The Dragon hunting sword gun has a length of 10 meters, half of which is a sword and half of a gun.

At that time, Lu Chen's Dragon hunting sword spear, which was 4.8 meters, 9.6 meters and 10 meters in size, allowed him to use them in both stages. Now, he can only use them in combination in his normal state.

After dancing a sword flower, Lu Chen takes up his sword gun and is ready to start.

But after taking a few steps, Lu Chen could not help but stop and said to the three people behind him: "you don't have to send them."

It is not Ji hongdie who is seeing off this time. Under the command of Lu Chen, they have already returned to their room to wait. The monks, Taoists, Ailey and Lu Chen's friends gained in the Yunzhou operation.

Thinking that the three men were sending their own Lu Chen, after a word of advice, they continued to act, but after taking two steps, he found that the others did not stop.


Without waiting for Lu Chen's words to finish, Eli's voice rang up.

"We're not giving you away. It's just that you can't leave me behind with such a good reputation."

"That is, after clearing the treacherous situation, I will definitely become a great hero in Yunzhou. By then, there will definitely be a large number of girls throwing themselves into my arms. Haha, we have been working together for so long, you can't leave me behind."

The monk who spoke this time seemed to follow Lu Chen's action as if it was a good thing. Although the Taoist priest didn't open his mouth, he followed Lu Chen's steps to explain his idea.

The action of three people's smiles makes Lu Chen a little speechless.

"Sure enough, there are heroes there."

It is true that in this dark time, destroying the mysterious environment and killing evil spirits will indeed gain a great reputation, but compared with the reputation Cheng, it is a fatal threat.

This time, it is not only the danger of the scam itself, but also the presence of natural disasters. The three people are willing to follow, not for the sake of fame, but to do their part to eliminate the evil situation.

"There was nothing I could do before, but now I just want to get rid of all that son of a bitch."

This is the real idea of the three monks.

After thinking about it for a while, Lu Chen originally wanted to refuse, but a word from the Taoist priest made Lu Chen hesitant.

"Even if you have the solar realm, you can only fight against the natural disaster evil spirit alone, and the probability of killing is very low. But if we go up together and have your sun protection, the probability of killing the natural disaster evil spirit will definitely increase a lot."

This makes Lu Chen ponder.

"Ai Li has the reincarnation of the God Reze. Although the monks and Taoists have never fought against each other, they are absolutely powerful. Especially the monks also have great power. Maybe we can really..."

Thinking of this, Lu Chen's look more hesitant.

Seeing Lu Chen's hesitant look, the Taoist priest suddenly waved his hand, and countless charms were branded towards Lu Chen.

[blessing], [purity], [Vajra power], [meditation], [communication], [blessing]

A series of skills hit Lu Chen, which makes Lu Chen feel comfortable and has the same name in his heart. He feels that his strength has been upgraded to a class. Lu Chen is surprised to see the Taoist priest.

One thing to know is that Lu Chen is full of blood. Ordinary Charms can't penetrate Lu Chen's blood even if they are beneficial.

Even if he can, Lu Chen's basic attribute is too high, and other people's blessing is very little for Lu Chen now. Therefore, Lu Chen thought that he could not be strengthened, but at this time, Lu Chen found that he was wrong.

"It's not that the charm can't bless me, but that those people's accomplishments are not good."

Feeling the great promotion after blessing in all aspects of his body, Lu Chen has a decision in mind.

"I can take you in, but you have to obey my orders."


In this way, Lu Chen, who was originally on his own, took several teammates to play Ben.

After knowing the location of the mysterious place, the speed of several people was very fast, especially Lu Chen, in order to get there quickly, directly opened the wandering mage Ruiz's big move, and took several people to pass.

The channel where the transmission is located is a hill. From the hill, Lu Chen clearly found that a huge military fortress surrounded a black fog covering more than ten miles.

When Lu Chen looks at the black fog, the monk's voice also rings.

"This place has been attacked and captured by evil spirit. The number of troops to defend outside is several times more than that of entering into it. Moreover, it is not necessarily able to prevent the evil spirit from appearing, and the mysterious situation has been invading the heaven and earth Alas

A sigh shows that human beings have no choice but to be weird and evil.

After watching for a while, Lu Chen also looked at the Taoist: "you are all waiting here, I will go to explore the way first."Seeing that several other people wanted to refute, Lu Chen said directly: "I know you want to clear away evil spirits, but you can't act rashly. I'm strong and strong. Even if there's no solar field, I won't die if I'm attacked several times by legendary evil spirits. But you're not as strong as me."

"So, you wait for my news outside. If the evil spirit is unable to do anything, the enemy and I will carry out the consumption strategy to drag the legendary evil spirit away. If I can kill you, I will call on you."

Seeing what the three wanted to say, Lu Chen said coldly and directly:

"when I can't hold on, I will also call you. I'm more afraid of death than you think."

This sentence, finally let three people obey Lu Chen's order.

They are afraid that Lu Chen doesn't want to implicate them, so they don't call them in. But the last sentence shows that Lu Chen is still very concerned about his own life.

Without worry, the monk even said with a smile: "to tell you the truth, I really didn't expect to be told by the barbarian prince to take into account the overall situation. When I worked with Eli in the past, I always held him dead."

"I'm sorry for my recklessness."

Their words diluted the horror of facing legendary evil.

The Taoist, on the other hand, took out a golden talisman and stepped on the seven stars to exert the strongest blessing spell he could master on Lu Chen.

Under the heavy blessing, Lu Chen's body is full of golden light, and a light wheel appears behind Lu Chen's head.

The light wheel makes Lu Chen's mind quiet and has a great resistance to the evil spirit attack.

"Although we mainly deal with the legendary evil spirits, you should also be careful of the strange things in the strange situation Here, this is my special rune. As long as you crush the charm in it, we will enter

"I see."

"Who is it?"

The arrival of the four, especially the Taoist's incantation and the power of the sun blooming on Lu Chen's body, still had some special effects, which made the garrison in the distance discover the abnormality of this place. Immediately, a strong man with his scouts approached here carefully.

"The protection is very tight. I'll leave the negotiation to you."

Before the words fall, Lu Chen's body rises from the ground and rushes toward the entrance of the evil fog.

This scene was seen by the strong men stationed here. They originally wanted to do it immediately, but after seeing the dazzling light on Lu Chen, they still stopped their action.

The main defense of people here is still to rush out of evil spirits, and there are also defenses against entering from outside. However, the main defense is evil believers. Because of their contact with evil gods, all of them have strange breath, and they can't emit the general atmosphere of panic. Therefore, the people here didn't do anything.

And in the moment of their hesitation, Lu Chen has been like a Tyrannosaurus Rex, directly through all the obstacles here, into the evil fog.

"Asshole, what are you doing? Come out."

Angry words resound through the sky, but this is more of a kind of concern that people don't want to go in and die.

"Don't call, the decision will not stop."

"What are you and what do you want to do?"

"What are you doing? On the spot, it's to get rid of all these disgusting evil spirits and pull out the tentacles that have penetrated into our world."

"You Are you crazy? If you can pull out the scam easily, how can we stay till now? No, we must bring that bastard back. "

The people stationed here still have justice. Knowing that the strong man who has just entered is to remove the evil situation, he can't watch the man die, but his action is left by the monk.

When they were talking, Lu Chen had already arrived at the entrance of the mysterious place. There, there was a evil spirit who wanted to step out. Seeing Lu Chen's figure, he immediately laughed, as if sighing that he could get the breath of soul and flesh without breaking through the army outside.

Of course, this Jie Jie Jie's laughter only lasted for a breath. After feeling Lu Chen's breath, his laughing behavior stopped instantly. Panic appeared on his face and he wanted to escape.

Unfortunately, it has no chance, no intention to attack. Lu Chen just steps from his side into the weird world. With Lu Chen passing by, the evil spirit is also wiped by the sun breath on Lu Chen's body. It is this contact that makes it disappear completely, and Lu Chen also steps into the entrance of the mysterious state.

At this point, after being marked by the evil spirit, the first action of removing the evil situation officially began.


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