Lu Chen, relying on the seventh sense of the apocalypse, perceives the source of this mysterious state, and the evil spirit also senses Lu Chen, who uses divine power!

At the moment of discovering Lu Chen, all the evil spirits in the territory of this place started to revolt. Some evil spirits blocked all directions, and some evil spirits gathered to hinder Lu Chen's actions. Lu Chen's actions were also very rapid.

There is no intention of flying to catch up. When the evil spirit revolts, there is a blue circle of light from the foot where Lu Chen stands - a winding path.

The mysterious blue diaphragm connects the two places. From the outside to the blue aperture, you can clearly see a dilapidated house, which is the evil place that Lu Chengang used to deduce from his mind.

When the dark blue light circle connects the two places, Lu Chen's Dragon hunting sword gun in his hand is also released directly and falls down towards the aperture, with the tip of the sword reaching the Shabby Cottage.

At the same time when the Dragon hunting sword and spear fell, there were words and spirits of punishing evil from Lu Chen's mouth.

"In the name of justice, you are evil, accept punishment!"

With Lu Chen's words and spirits of punishing evil, the fire on the Dragon hunting sword gun suddenly soared. Finally, a 500 meter sacred flame sword covered the body of the Dragon hunting sword gun.

[gold skill - Justice of demacia]

the sacred sword of fire is like the weapon of the gods. It just floats in the air and dispels the black fog that covers everything. It frightens and shakes the evil things within a few miles. However, Lu Chen is dissatisfied with the Dragon hunting sword and spear.

"You can't get the aura of heaven and earth and the blessing of the heart of justice of human beings. It's only 500 meters. Alas!"

Lu Chen is dissatisfied, but the evil spirit of the targeted ink painting is frightened.

When Lu Chen was aware of the evil spirit, although the ink painting could not see what Lu Chen was doing because of the exhaustion of evil spirit in the place where Lu Chen stood, the fatal sense of crisis still made it feel bad.

But before it could make any response, a dark blue deep hole appeared in the kilometer sky of its house. Then, a weapon that made it feel frightened flew out of the air and locked it completely.

"If that weapon hits my body, I will die!"

This is the foreknowledge of evil, and also the source of its palpitation. In such a crisis, it made all its own responses at the first time.

The one hour battle just now made the ink painting know that it could not influence Lu Chen. Therefore, at this critical moment, it did not want to influence Lu Chen any more. Instead, it copied a picture with the evil spirit gathered in it.

Because it is the most critical moment, ink painting is also the most familiar and convincing picture.

Surprisingly, the picture is not a strange evil, or strange objects, or even the various gods and palaces that Lu Chen guessed. What appears in the ink painting is a figure with his back to the world.

The figure is not only back to the world, but also very fuzzy, but it is completely consistent with ink painting.

"This feeling, this image is the original imprint of ink painting."

At the same time, his sword, which was based on Dragon hunting sword and spear, fell from the air with the fire of justice and the power of justice.

The fall of the big sword is very fast, just like a streamer of light, which is close to the main body of the ink painting in an instant. The falling sword pressure also makes the broken wooden house smash instantly.


When the wooden house was broken, the sword containing the fire of justice also hit the ink painting completely, and a shocking explosion started from then on.

In the fierce roar, the hut and the surrounding things were all blown into dust by the big sword containing the fire of justice, and the fire light and smoke filled the land for several miles.

When the dust dispersed, Lu Chen, looking down from the dark blue circle, found that anything higher than the ground here had been crushed.

But looking at all this, Lu Chen's eyebrows wrinkled. The pillar of this place, the ink painting, is still floating in front of Lu Chen. Of course, what blocks the sword is not the material of the ink painting itself, but the figure in the ink painting.

That figure back to the world, everything in the world seems to be difficult to face that back.

"Resist everything, you know it's not so easy!"

Thinking of this, Lu Chen just sighed. When he learned that the mysterious situation here could make the army of tianwu City unable to do anything but defend outside, Lu Chen knew that the evil situation here was not easy to deal with, and everything in front of him was not beyond his expectation.

"It's weird, but you're not a legend."

At the same time, Lu Chen stepped forward, turning from the winding path and opening the channel to the side of the ink painting. At this time, this mysterious situation has been completely blocked by the evil spirit. This is the response of the evil spirit to prevent Lu Chen from escaping.

But Lu Chen didn't mean to escape. He didn't pay attention to the blockade of evil spirit. Instead, he took advantage of the evil spirit to block the world and came to the ink painting and reached for the painting scroll.

When Lu Chen reached out his hand, his eyes suddenly wrinkled. The figure in the ink painting had turned half of his body. Looking at the half turned body, Lu Chen felt a kind of inexplicable palpitation. At the same time, a shaking fear enveloped Lu Chen himself."When the figure in the picture is completely turned around, something terrible will happen."

This is the foreknowledge given by the apocalypse, and also the judgment of Lu Chen.

At the time of making this judgment, Lu Chen's hand did not stop at all. His hand was claw shaped, and Wanxiang Tianyin had already been used by him.

"This weird thing has to be torn up."

Lu Chen, who doesn't want to be attacked by accident, wants to be proactive, but he can't do anything about the painting with his palm outstretched. His back has an inexplicable force on the images of the world. No matter how people outside the painting do, they can't touch the picture.

"To deviate from the artistic conception of everything, do you need to suddenly hand it at the moment of turning around, or find a substitute to look at the person in the painting, and then take advantage of that thing to look at it?"

Lu Chen is not stupid. After all, he thinks of some weaknesses of ink painting from the characteristics of ink painting. After all, it is a title, not a legend, but a weakness.

However, thinking of these weaknesses, Lu Chen did not follow those weaknesses.

Looking at the back of the ink painting, his face suddenly became grim: "back to all living beings, the artistic conception is really good, but I am a rude man, I think you can block black hole with this skill!"

When Lu Chen's ferocious voice sounded, a small black dot appeared in his hand and was bounced on the ink painting by him.

As soon as the black dot Pu appeared, it showed a terrible attraction. Under that suction, the ink painting was completely distorted. The soil and evil spirit were constantly sucked in by the black spots. Finally, even the space collapsed.

The black dot is absorbing everything and growing bigger, and this time, the mood of all living beings is helpless.

Although he is rejecting everything, even the space collapses, and the ink painting carrying it cannot resist the suction of black holes. The idea, after all, does not devour all the black hole terror.

[Ding, the system prompts that the host has killed the percheng level evil spirit. Congratulations to the host and obtained 1800000 experience points]

when the cold voice of the system rings, it also means that Lu Chen has won the final victory. Starting with more than 1.8 million experience points, Lu Chen is happy.

However, although the ink painting was completely torn up by the black hole, the figure in the painting made Lu Chen deeply frown.

Lu Chen, who is a distance from the black dot, can clearly see that when the ink painting is caught by a black hole, a sigh seems to ring out of thin air. Then, the back figure in the ink painting stops turning backward first. Before the ink painting is completely immersed in the black dot, the back image loses all the wonderful information, which seems to be turned into a real painting.

Such a scene also let Lu Chen understand, although the painting is dead, but the back is not dead.

Even Lu Chen didn't know what the back was.

"What is that figure of the back, the original owner of ink painting? A painting made by its owner for other strong people? The image of the strong remains... "

All sorts of speculations appear in Lu Chen's mind, but there is no time for Lu Chen to guess at this time. When the ink painting dies, the evil spirit's strong killing against Lu Chen has already begun.

When the blockade began, the world should have been wrong.

When Lu Chen dealt with ink painting, the evil spirit came towards the painting scroll like a tide. He wanted to wish the ink painting a hand.

But the earlier situation let Lu Chen understand that although the evil spirit can do a lot of things, if the evil spirit is completely removed, it can do nothing.

Therefore, when the black hole devours everything, Lu Chen has already sucked in the Dragon hunting sword spear which has just turned into a big sword. With the power of the sun turning into a flaming fire of justice, a golden and red diaphragm with Lu Chen as the center erupts around. Under the purification of the golden red diaphragm, the evil fog is burned up. Therefore, ink painting has not been achieved Any support will be destroyed by Lu Chen.

"Just now, the incarnation dragon swept through the whole circle and gained 500000 experience points, and now I have gained 1.8 million. When the evil situation is broken, the heaven and earth will reward me with at least 2 million yuan. Sure enough, clearing the evil situation is the fastest way for me to improve my strength."

After saying this, Lu Chen stopped for a moment: "but it is also the most dangerous."

When his words fell, the endless evil spirit flowed towards Lu Chen like a sea tide. At the same time, the evil spirit came, resentment, hatred, fear, despair All kinds of negative emotions turn into shouts of skeletons, constantly yelling at Lu Chen, and mixed in the evil spirit, so as to completely swallow up Lu Chen.

Lu Chen's response is to hold on to the Dragon hunting sword and spear. As the sun's power pours into the Dragon hunting sword gun, a flame of hundreds of meters goes straight into the sky, burning all the evil spirits that rush to LuChen.

But at the next moment, more evil fog will come towards Lu Chen. He can completely control the evil spirit here and mobilize the power of a world to surround and kill a person.

Lu Chen didn't care much about this. Although the water drips through the stone and is constantly eroded by the evil spirit, even if Lu Chen will corrupt, the power of the sun in his body makes Lu Chen persist in the evil fog for a week without any problem.However, the evil spirit can't last that long. After the ink painting was completely shaken by Lu Chen, Lu Chen could feel that his world power had entered into this strange state with his own coordinates. When the power of the world reached a certain level, if the evil spirit did not have a fulcrum, Lu Chen's world would be able to break this strange state, and he could return.

"You don't have much time."

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