"Did Prince Chen really kill the natural disaster with his title level?"

Jin Li thought like this, because he was excited, he even pulled off two of his beards. The city Lord of tianwu City, who had the same idea as Jin Li, turned his eyes.

After looking at each other for a few seconds, they both understood that the other was thinking about it.

"Did this really happen?"

"Legend of Title versus war, is miracle really going to happen?"

"Not only is the title of the war legend, compared with the human legend, the evil is more strange."

"Don't expect too much. Even our legend can't say we will win. Brother Sha, who was cursed by the death tombstone two months ago, forgot This time, it is likely that the world is well protected, and the evil spirit has not penetrated into it. "

The discussion between the two men, especially Jin Li's last words, cooled the excitement of the Lord of tianwu city.

They want to hear an exciting news, and fear that the real answer is disappointing, which makes both of them worried about their gains and losses. Finally, Jinli stands up.

"It's so annoying to be hesitant. Just ask me if there is anything."

Finish saying that, Jin Li walked directly to the front, looking at man Xiong and the monk pulling Lu Chen together.

"Chen, what did you encounter in it Death tombstone

The surprise and alert reaction appeared on Jin Li. More than one person acted like him. When Lu Chen came out of the mysterious situation under the pull of manxiong and the monk, looking at the things behind him that were entangled by chains, all the legendary strong men made a warning response.

Many strong people who are good at flying swords and long-range attacks still want to rise from the sky. However, their practice has not been successful. When they jump up, they land again under the action of gravity, and a large part of the released defense shield disappears instantly.

"Shit, I knew that I would not win the title to defeat the evil spirit of the natural disaster level. The barbarians were manipulated by the evil spirit."

"It's a trap."

The idea of a trap appears in the minds of many legendary strongmen.

No wonder they think so. Lu Chen is really too strange now. He crawls out of the strange place. He seems to be intact, but behind him, there is a chain tearing his skin out.

The burning chain wound layer by layer on a tombstone with a deep and unknown atmosphere, the tombstone is incomparably tall, there are blood stains on it, Lu Chen carrying the tombstone seems to bear a hill, even his waist can't stand up, just like a slave carrying a tombstone.

This situation is very similar to Lu Chen being influenced by the tombstone.

Lu Chen was not the only one who was influenced by the tombstone. When the tombstone appeared in the outside world, everyone felt flustered. Even when the strange blood bearing handwriting on the tombstone came into view, a wave of death, despair, and deep unknowns affected the surroundings.

Under the influence of the unknown power, the legendary powerful can not mobilize aura. This is not suppression, but the aura "dies" around the tombstone.

In addition to death, deep despair, fear and sadness also affect people and make them feel depressed.

Faced with the tombstone that affects all people as soon as PU appears, everyone can't calm down. They feel that they have understood the whole story.

It was not the barbarian prince who won the victory, nor did the world stop the evil spirit, but the death tombstone turned the barbarian prince into evil spirit.

The chaos lasted for a moment, but soon, a dazzling sword light lit up from the dim heaven and earth. At the same time, there was a cold and proud voice echoing in the field: "evil, I can't deal with you in the mysterious situation, but outside, you can't be presumptuous. Stop the entrance of the mysterious place and don't let it run away."

At the same time, the sword light filled Lu Chen's vision, such as the white line between the sky and the sea toward Lu Chen.

"Wait, it's a misunderstanding!"

Lu Chen is frightened by the sudden attack and shouts for misunderstanding. However, seeing that the sword light has hit, Lu Chen can only throw the tombstone on the ground and hide behind it.

However, it was late. How fast was the sword light that arrived at the legendary swordsman? When the enemy saw the sword light, it was possible that the sword light had already cut off the enemy's head.

At this time, when Lu Chen saw the sword light, the sword light had already arrived at Lu Chen's side. Fortunately, the sword light did not attack Lu Chen, but dealt with the natural disaster level evil spirit in his eyes -- the tombstone.

But when the light of the sword fell on the tombstone, something strange happened.

The light of the sword was swift and terrifying, but it dissipated quickly when it approached the tombstone. Therefore, the sword light had no effect except to dazzle Lu Chen's eyes.

On the contrary, it was the swordsman who suddenly had a huge wound in his abdomen, and there was no stop bleeding.

Grave of death, not to be desecrated!

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the swordsman's injury, Lu Chen directly throws the tombstone on the ground, hides himself behind the tombstone, and roars.

"Don't attack. The enemy is dead. No, the infected part of the tombstone has been killed by me. Now what remains are evil relics."The continuous roar and the sudden injury of the swordsman just now let the strong man of mankind stop for a while.

Of course, the more important thing is that although the tombstone constantly exudes a sense of fear and despair, it does not take the initiative to attack human beings except the one who actively attacks. At the same time, Lu Chen left the tombstone in front of him, and his behavior of hiding behind the tombstone did not want to be controlled by evil spirits.

All of these made the human stop attacking and treated the swordsman with various methods. After finding out that the situation was not good, many strong men also looked at him with vigilance.

"What's going on inside?"

This is the question of many powerful people, which was finally sent out by Jin Li, which also made Lu Chen a little depressed. He also wanted to ask what happened and why he saw so many strong people as soon as he appeared.

Of course, because the situation is better than people, Lu Chen still quickly explained.

"I'm here to clean up the scam."

"We know that you are here to clean up the weird place. What happened in the strange place and why did you carry a tombstone out?"

This makes Lu Chen some strange look at the strong one, it is like looking at the weak eyes, let the strong some dissatisfaction.

"What's the problem with you?"

"No, I couldn't bear to go to the mysterious place to kill evil spirits. Then I killed the evil spirits inside. As for the tombstone, it was a curse released by evil spirit against me. Then it came and I killed it. This tombstone is my war booty."

However, there is a lot of information in the short words. At least there is a natural disaster evil coming, but the evil spirit seems to be killed by Lu Chen, which makes many strong people who arrive at the legend look at Lu Chen with shock.

Of course, some people don't believe it.

"The thing you bring is the tombstone of death, which has even shocked the legend. You are just a title. How can you defeat him?"

To this, Lu Chen ha ha two, have no meaning to answer at all.

Without waiting for those legends to get angry, on the other side, man Xiong has already stood up, his back to Lu Chen, blocking a number of legends or shock or other line of sight.

In the face of the legendary sight, manxiong didn't retreat. He pointed to Lu Chen and said, "how to win, of course, is my prince's talent and strength."

"What Tianjiao can't do doesn't mean that Tianjiao can't do it. Don't compare your situation with our Kirin son."

The words made all the strong people twitch. Then, facing many legends, manxiong said with a sneer:

"also, my prince is a hero to eliminate evil, not a prisoner interrogated by you. It is also close to the wilderness, not your Zhongzhou. Please be polite to my prince here!"

As manxiong's words fall, there is a mountain like breath coming on the spot.

Of course, man Xiong's momentum alone can't affect all the people, but with the outbreak of man Xiong's momentum, the northern wilderness, the direction of the barbarian royal court, like the sun, penetrates into the sky and shines everywhere.

Although the Qi and blood is far away from here, it gives a strong pressure to the legend of this place. It is the barbarians who are showing their muscles, which makes the legend from Zhongzhou slightly restrain their inner pride.

Seeing the standoff between Zhongzhou and the wilderness, Jinli quickly stepped forward to ease the dispute and said, "manxiong leader, you are the same way. Please put down the dispute. We are not the enemy."

After saying that, Jinli looked at man Xiong again and said, "you know, we all come here to save your prince. You can't repay the rescuer like this."

"They want the reward, too."

In this way, manxiong put down his momentum. The legendary strong men can't be asked to move with reward. The barbarians really owe these people a favor.

With the momentum of manxiong and Zhongzhou strongmen closing up, the place has returned to tranquility, and after the tranquility, many strong people's eyes are on Lu Chen.

They are really curious about how Lu Chen cleaned up the tombstone of death. They also want to know what kind of ability the tombstone carried by the barbarian Prince has.

Unfortunately, the outbreak of barbarians just now made people here understand that barbarians can't insult them at will. Therefore, they can only leave with many regrets.

Of course, before leaving, those people also warned manxiong and Lu Chen.

"I want you to make sure the tombstone is not in danger."

"Of course, as long as you don't attack or insult the tombstone, there won't be any changes to the tombstone. If you don't believe it, you can get an ordinary soldier to try it."

This remark brightened the eyes of many legends. Soon, several soldiers were brought over.

"You go, this is a task. Although it is dangerous, your family will be resettled after your death, and if you are safe and sound, you will be rewarded."

After Jinli stood up to speak, the soldiers could only slowly approach the tombstone.

Looking at the soldiers approaching, Lu Chen is confident slowly, but, soon, Lu Chen's face is broken.

After the soldier approached, many people were crying. Even, as the distance approached, some people felt old and even wanted to commit suicide in despair.This scene is completely beyond Lu Chen's expectation.

"How can it be like this? I'm not afraid to be imprisoned in addition to my strength."

Finally, or Taoist opened his mouth: "Chen, you are strong, of course not affected."

Looking at Lu chenmu Lu worried, the Taoist priest quickly said: "of course, this tombstone is not evil, this is the will of the strong. Even if some strong people die, their residual things also have some miraculous."

This is not only seen by Taoists, but also by others. They even know that this thing has an extraordinary origin. After all, the swordsman who took the lead in the attack has not been removed from his body until now.

However, manxiong is in the front, and if you think about the vast amount of blood just now, these legends also know that they can't be forcibly seized, and they slowly leave.

After discovering that all the people left, Lu Chen was relieved, and at the same time, he felt that it was good to have someone behind.

This tombstone is a treasure. If only Lu Chen is alone, the tombstone will be taken away by those powerful people in the name of research or danger.

Although Lu Chen is sure to take it back afterwards, he still keeps it in his own hands, which is more reassuring.

When all the legends left, there were only the garrison of No. 7 forbidden area, Lu Chen, monk and others. After that, manxiong's expression of fearlessness in the face of many strong men disappeared. Turning his head, he slapped Lu Chen on the shoulder.

"You bastard, why do you go to such a strange place? Don't you know the danger of the dangerous situation? Do you know how worried the great witch Zhu is?"

The angry man Xiong with the words of concern, let Lu Chen can only helpless way: "I'm not reckless, is sure to come here, and, I'm not OK?"

"It's OK this time. Next time, you can have good luck again and again."

"Good luck!" This makes Lu Chen smile and caresses the tombstone. Lu Chen's expression is calm and says: "Uncle manxiong, I can come out of the strange situation, but not by luck."

Looking at Lu Chen and the death tombstone beside him, manxiong is silent. When evil comes to the natural disaster, Lu Chen comes back and says it's luck. It's insulting.

After a long time, he began to say:

"I know you are very strong, but can't you advance to the legend and fight again? It's called the legend of war. There are always mistakes in cross level combat?"

Manxiong's words are to the point. However, when Lu Chen arrived, the situation changed. Lu Chen needed to kill to be strong. Entering the mysterious state and breaking the evil spirits here is the fastest way to improve himself.

"If I have the ability to gain experience in killing the enemy, I will surely walk through the bloody road, or climb on the top of thousands of corpses, or die in the middle of the battle. This is my destiny."

Lu Chen, who had already realized himself in his heart, looked at man Xiong and said with a smile: "I can advance to the level of enlightenment and practice, but I can only be an ordinary legend in this way, and an ordinary legend can not affect the situation of the world. Therefore, I have to fight. Only by becoming a strong legend can I protect our people."

Such words, let manxiong have nothing to say.

He himself is a legend, but even he often feels powerless. Therefore, he understands the correctness of Lu Chen's words.

Looking at Lu Chen who is determined by Mu Lu, he finally takes a look at the unknown tombstone with blood on his back. Thinking that this tombstone once cursed the legend, manxiong shook his head lonely.

"Well, you've grown up, and I can't decide for you. But when you go into the weird situation, you must be careful. Remember that your wife, friends and wizard Zhu are worried about you."

He nodded cautiously, and Lu Chen said with a smile: "Uncle manxiong, you don't need to say that. There are so many delicious foods in the world that the beauties haven't enjoyed. I'm very sorry for my life."

When the dialogue with manxiong ended, Lu Chen also got the right to move freely.

After that, Lu Chen returned home with his tombstone on his back.

But this time, the journey back lasted a good night.

There is no way. The tombstone is too supernatural to receive space and transmit. What's more tragic is that the tombstone is as heavy as a mountain. There are countless sealing capabilities on it, which can stop all the strange forces. Lu Chen can only move the tombstone step by step with his brute force on his back.

Fortunately, there is manxiong on the side. The two men take turns to carry them. In addition, the monk also adds a handle from time to time. The three people feel that before dawn, they finally return to their residence in tianwu city.

"Hoo, hoo, hoo, I'm so tired that I didn't expect that one day there would be treasures that I could hardly hold."

Lu Chen gasps, and manxiong is indifferent: "know that there is someone out there. Although you have good strength, don't underestimate the evil spirit."

After that, manxiong went back to his room with a cold face.

"Uncle manxiong is really angry this time."

Lu Chen is sighing, but what he doesn't know is that after entering the house, manxiong collapsed directly on the ground, panting and helpless on his face.

"How can that son of a bitch have such great strength? He has not reached the legend. His physical strength and strength are higher than me! Fortunately, I tried my best not to make a fool of myself in front of that boy. "The tombstone has the ability to suppress all abnormal forces, but without the blessing of the field, it is not as good as Lu Chen even if man Xiong is promoted to legend by his own strength.

This is very normal. Although the legend liberates the physical strength and can advance infinitely, manxiong is just an ordinary legend. Lu Chen has too many physical skills to achieve perfection, and there is a feast of this super skill, which makes Lu Chen's physical strength extraordinary.

Of course, it's just physical strength. When the field appears, Lu Chen still can't deal with ordinary legends.

Manxiong is shocked by Lu Chen's power in the room, and Lu Chen is recalling the last scene in the strange situation.

When he found that the natural disaster level evil spirit itself was not very hard, but attached with a curse of high priority and irresistible, Lu Chen made a decision at that time.

"Break all the tombstones here in one breath, so that even if I die, I will die only once, and I will be reborn and have endless fury. As long as I go over, I will win."

It's a good idea, but it's very difficult to do it. The medium-sized scam is not big, and it's less than a hundred miles, but it's not small. And the tombstones are all over the place. To complete his plan, Lu Chen needs to attack the area close to a hundred Li square in one breath. This is a very difficult thing to do, especially if it's the title hero who does it.

What Lu Chen didn't expect was that his sun protection made contributions again. Although he was faced with the evil spirit of the rules this time, the endless power of the sun stored in Lu Chen's body did not play its original role, that is, the power of the sun and the evil spirit were consumed.

But a lot of solar power in the body, especially the huge amount of solar power stored in the nine hearts, still played a role.

The power stored in those nine hearts is like a nuclear bomb. When the nine hearts are all around, the nine days will destroy everything in the sky, and the huge amount of sunlight will also fill the mysterious environment, which will achieve the goal of destroying all tombstones in a hundred miles in one breath.

originally thought that he could first find the tombstone that could kill me, and then mark it with fourth ghosts, so that even if I could not destroy all tombstones, but the fatal threat had been removed, I could resist the remaining tombstones. I never expected that nine days would be awesome enough to save all my troubles.

"Decided, next time, continue to strengthen the body."

Nine days across the sky is clearly the power of the sun, but Lu Chen wants to strengthen his body, which seems strange, but in fact, this is the normal situation.

Lu Chen has not forgotten that if the sun's protection is used by ordinary Tianjiao, it is only a golden level skill.

The reason why this skill has changed dramatically in Lu Chen's hands is that Lu Chen's physical strength is so strong that he can store the sun's power like a mountain like a sea. Lu Chen, by virtue of his quantity, has stridden through the level of divine skill.

"Continue to strengthen the body, when I can strengthen it for a month One year, when it continues to incarnate in the sun for a year, evil spirit will never kill me. "

The attack of the situation is perfect, nine across also gave Lu Chen great expectations, but also let Lu Chen lose things.

"I didn't see the nine days in the sky."

When Lu Chen's heart explodes, he has been killed by the fierce curse. Even though the king's moves are endless and furious, Lu Chen's whole body turns into blood mist. When there is no blood, he can't be reborn.

Finally, Lu Chen revived the earth by Avalon, and then stored his imprint in the earth and resurrected in arrogance.

"Endless fury has not been overcome. If it is outside, even the mark of my rebirth engraved on the earth will probably be removed. There are too many millions of curses. Fortunately, Avalon's obstruction and endless fury consume too much power of curse. Although I still die, it gives me the chance to be reborn finally. If my resurrection is not resisted, I will ... I just I can only survive as a dragon. "

Thinking of his ability to transform into a giant dragon, Lu Chen's mood slowly calmed down.

"It seems that there is not much threat in this crisis."

Such an idea appeared in Lu Chen's heart, but the next moment he immediately shook his head.

"You can't be careless. This time, it's just a natural disaster. You don't have the slightest sense. It's probably not the case next time."

Thinking of this, Lu Chen looks at the tombstone in the room, and also thinks about finding the tombstone.

Under the protection of Avalon, after resurrecting from the revived earth, Lu Chen saw a piece of dust between heaven and earth, but the evil spirit was cleaned up by the power of the sun. At the same time, nine huge holes appeared in the mysterious environment, which made Lu Chen understand the harm he could cause.

And then there is the destruction of the situation.

At that time, Lu Chen was ready to leave directly, but when he was walking, Lu Chen wanted to see how much experience value he could gain by killing the evil spirit of natural disaster level, so he opened the experience value.

But after opening it, something happened that made Lu Chen angry. There was no hint that Lu Chen got experience value.

Of course, while angry, Lu Chen was also palpitating at that time."The evil spirit is not dead yet."

After having such an idea, Lu Chen was frightened at that time and searched everywhere for the evil spirit.

And soon, he found the tall tombstone.

Thinking that the tombstone was the same as the millions of tombstones he destroyed, Lu Chen was ready to fight for serious injuries and destroy the tombstone. But after touching the tombstone, Lu Chen found that he was wrong.

This tombstone is not a scattered tombstone, but the main body of the death tombstone.

At the same time, Lu Chen also knows why the ability of the tombstone is so strange.

"The tombstone contains gods. It is also built by God, or by the God I am familiar with - the God of death!"

Yes, this tombstone was erected by the desert God of death, and what is buried in the tomb is the desert Sun god!

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