At the same time, there are all kinds of gratitude feelings, which give Lu Chen a full energy. In the face of the sudden benefits, Lu Chen is really at a loss.

Fortunately, he was not stupid. Soon, he thought of something.

"It's the propaganda of Yunzhou. Their propaganda let the people of Yunzhou know me."

Lu Chen's guess is right. The propaganda of Yunzhou has worked. The massive propaganda, more importantly, is that Lu Chen's movements are related to the families of Yunzhou people. Therefore, many people have made portraits or sculptures and prayed at home, praying that Lu Chen would kill the monsters beside their families' residence and send their families over.

At the same time, although Yunzhou wanted to publicize Lu Chen's kindness, because of the early impression that Lu Chen was an evil god in the eyes of Yunzhou people, some ordinary people who had died of their families also worshipped Lu Chen's sculptures. What they expected was Lu Chen's revenge for their dead family members.

Some people are worried about being harmed by the evil spirit. They put Lu Chen's image and sculpture in front of the door or at the head of the bed, praying for Lu Chen's protection, or using Lu Chen's bad name to keep the evil spirit away.

These three are the deepest prayers for Lu Chen. No matter they are concerned about their families, revenge for their relatives, or fear of evil, these three emotions are the most intense, which makes them deeply believe in Lu Chen. In a short time, Lu Chen felt a huge amount of light. Of course, the massive propaganda in Yunzhou is also very important.

However, if it is to publicize ordinary people, even the title of heroes and legends, it will only increase their popularity. They will not be able to sense the light of faith and absorb the power of faith. Therefore, this kind of fame is not too good for them.

But Lu Chen is different. Although he is only a hero, Lu Chen has a divinity. Therefore, he can not only perceive those light spots, but also absorb the power of belief from the huge amount of light spots.

"Unfortunately, although the power of faith can be absorbed, my divinity value is only two points (a little bit obtained when the God of nightmare and fear falls, and a little reward when the God of war incarnates for the first time). With the huge power of faith, I can only transform two powers. Moreover, my body, soul and will are not hard enough to maintain the posture of God for a long time."

"I still have to break through the gate of God. When the body is immortal, my body will be able to maintain the posture of God for a long time."

It can only be said that Lu Chen is very lucky. Other people break through the Shenmen Tianguan step by step. When the four passes are broken, they will have the opportunity to gather and sublime and evolve their own form into Shenju.

But Lu Chen because of the relationship of divinity, he has to consider his body, soul and will can not bear.

"Not only the above three, but also energy problems. Although many people believe in me, the limitation of divinity value makes me only transform two divine powers in a day Sure enough, there are too many restrictions on getting divinity at low levels. "

Of course, there are many questions, but if you want to ask Lu Chen whether he wants divinity, he will.

Even if Shenju's posture was only a few seconds, it was of great help to Lu Chen. He did not forget that with Shenju posture, he could see through the concept of divinity and choose his own direction of evolution. At the same time, Shenju posture also helped him a lot in other times. Far from that, the ink painting of forbidden area No.7 near tianwu city was found by Shenju posture.

At the same time, Lu Chen also let his own consciousness into Avalon.

The image of Lu Chen in the small world Avalon is a high suspended sun. In the sun, there is a dragon shadow with a crown and a giant warrior in black armor. These are the essence of LuChen.

From the perspective of the sun, Lu Chen observes everything in Avalon.

Compared with Lu chenchu, the area of Avalon at this time was much larger, but the beauty of the lake and flowers was unchanged.

At the same time, Lu Chen also found that the core of Avalon, that immortal apple tree also grew up.

"Grow up quickly."

As Lu Chen's consciousness vibrates, the apple tree also vibrates, as if in response to Lu Chen, which makes Lu Chen smile.

In addition to what Avalon had originally, there were also other changes. More than a thousand white light spots floated in Avalon, and prayed around the lake to the sun that had become the consciousness of the land God.

Those light spots are people who believe in Lu Chen and die. More than a thousand light spots represent more than a thousand lives.

"Thousands die in two or three months, the world Ah

Among those light spots, some people seem to be mechanical without any consciousness, while others are slightly smart. The reason for the difference lies in the quality of their own soul and whether they are religious to Lu Chen.

If they are devout enough to regard Lu Chen as their only one, the power of faith will remain in their souls. When they die, the power of faith will protect their souls and guide them to find Lu Chen's "Temple" (the totem engraved with Chen) and go to the kingdom from the temple.

Those who have a slight eye movement are crazy believers of Lu Chen. At the same time, their memory before their lives is also maintained. Those who are not smart are not very religious about Lu Chen's belief. Now, there are more nimble spots.From the sun's vision, Lu Chen saw a lot. Of course, Lu Chen didn't come here to see the souls, but he had something to do.

"Absorb it, absorb it as much as you can. It's enough for you to advance."

With Lu Chen's idea moving, the sun in his divinity suddenly brightens, and countless faith forces are spread to Avalon like the light of essence. These are the power of belief attracted by the divinity but unable to be transformed because of the low value of his divinity.

If it is the ordinary small world, in fact, it can not absorb the power of these beliefs. They can only absorb the origin of the world. However, Avalon is different. It is originally the legendary fairyland, the land of goblins, and is born with the concept of fantasy.

The power of faith is also born out of people's soul fantasy, which makes Avalon have a deep connection with the power of faith, and it can easily absorb the power of faith to grow up.

With a high vision, Lu Chen can clearly see that with the entry of a large number of faith, Avalon is slowly expanding, and at the same time, the apple trees in the center of Avalon lake are also growing vigorously.

Lu Chen trained Avalon for more than one day. In the wilderness, Lu Chen conquered many tribes and was worshipped by everyone.

The large amount of worship and praise also brought a lot of faith power to Lu Chen. Part of the belief power was converted into divine power by Lu Chen, but more faith power was absorbed by Avalon.

Continuous absorption has been for several months, and at this time, after suddenly connecting with the huge amount of faith power of Yunzhou, Avalon finally grew to an extreme, and changes also appeared in Avalon.

To Lu Chen's surprise, Avalon's first step was not that the small world continued to expand, but the specific changes appeared in the apple trees in the center of the lake.

When Lu Chen looked at the past, he found that three small golden apples were hanging on the branches of the green apple tree.

[Ding, the system prompts that Avalon, the host myth skill, has been upgraded by absorbing the power of a large number of beliefs]

[Ding, the system prompts that Avalon is promoted to a secret place and produces: Golden Apple]

[Golden Apple]

[level: Divine object]

[effect: golden apple from the land of demon essence, which contains immortal power, can be picked by the host Give it to others, when people eat the golden apple, their appearance will remain at the moment when they eat the golden apple, and their life span will be greatly prolonged]

[Ding, the system indicates that golden apple contains extreme vitality, and more contains the power of immortality. In addition to making people look younger, golden apple is also a life-saving medicine. No matter how serious the injury is, as long as the Golden Apple does not die, it can recover At the same time, the Golden Apple also contains a lot of natural energy]

after seeing Avalon's advanced level, Lu Chen's first thought was:

"that is to say, I have three more lives I think so. "

After a careful study, Lu Chen found that it was exaggeration to say one more golden apple and one more life, which was different from the situation of rebirth, twelve trials and twelve link snakes.

Rebirth and twelve trials are both resurrection, which can only be started after death.

The golden apple must have a breath, but also swallow the apple, and need a certain period of time to digest, if dead, everything is over.

As for the last 12 link snake, its ability is the lowest. Although it can avoid 12 fatal attacks, it can escape from each fatal attack, but its body will be reduced by a section. Moreover, if someone has a fast sword, he can shoot thirteen swords at a time. The sword and sword point to different major harms and can directly kill the twelve link snake.

"In the type moon world, Hercules is killed by one sword and seven lives, but the twelve link snake can really be killed by one sword and seven lives. Now it seems that the strongest resurrection ability is still 12 trials. However, the recovery of golden apple is not bad."

Lu Chen is still very satisfied with Avalon's upgrade. Although the Golden Apple needs to be swallowed in order to be effective, this does not hinder Lu Chen. With her strong strength, Lu Chen is sure to swallow the apple in the battle. At the same time, Lu Chen is more pleased with the following:

"there will not be only three apples on each apple tree. Now, only three are just upgraded, When we absorb enough power of faith, the apple tree will be full of apples, and at that time, those who fight against me will fall into complete despair

Thinking that if there are hundreds of apples hanging on his apple tree, if the enemy wants to defeat him, he must try his best to defeat him hundreds of times. At the thought of this, Lu Chen's smile on his face is somewhat irresistible.

"Apple tree, grow fast."

Avalon's promotion is more than just the apple tree producing golden apples. After carefully sensing it, Lu Chen finds that as Avalon is promoted to a secret place, its world wall is also a little harder. This represents an irresistible move in the future. Lu Chen can summon Avalon to resist.

At the same time, the growth of the apple tree also enables it to absorb more energy from the void and turn it into natural gas. Lu Chen's recovery ability has also been greatly improved.

"After upgrading from a secret place to a blessed land, the apple tree will grow again. When it is full of about 100 apples, I will be able to achieve unlimited energy."Thinking of the future, Lu Chen was happy to absorb the power of faith. When Lu Chen was happy to absorb it, he suddenly realized that half of the light spots of faith in the sea were suddenly bright. The bright light spots of faith provided Lu Chen with the power of belief several times faster.

If we say that the power of faith used to be transmitted by gurgling streams, now it is a small idyllic river.

"A lot of it!"

The sudden increase in the power of faith makes Lu Chen feel happy. However, without waiting for his happiness to bloom on his face, a chaotic call appears in Lu Chen's heart.


"Your Highness, stop him!"

"Don't kill me, no matter who it is, please help me!"

"Kill him. Whatever you want, help me kill him."


With the help of the special vision of the gods, Lu Chen discovered that the chaotic cry for help and the illusion came from the sudden blooming light.

And soon, Lu Chen found that the reason why those light spots suddenly brightened was that his believers met with irresistible danger.

When they were unable to save themselves, they could only pray to the gods and worship the Buddha. Of course, their faith at the critical juncture was devout, and the sudden increase of Lu Chen's belief power was also explained.

Of course, Lu Chen has doubts.

"Why there are so many distress signals all at once."

In this way, Lu Chen looked at the past along a line of belief. The line of belief is the connection between God and human beings. People use the line of faith to convey the power of faith to God and mark themselves to the gods. The gods can transmit power through the line of belief, and this can be the coordinate transmission of power.

Lu Chen's belief line in the past is very thick, which means that the believer is crazy about Lu Chen.

When his eyes follow the line of faith and see the end, Lu Chen finds that the believer is a young child. The child is not big, and his clothes are shabby. It seems that life is hard.

"I remember that the more difficult life is, the more people like to put their faith in gods."

This is a flash of thought in Lu Chen's mind. Of course, it's not the time to talk about it. Looking around with the vision of the believer, Lu Chen found that the believer who was seeking help was in a broken temple. There were more than one child in the temple, and about a dozen children who had not grown up lived there. However, only six survived and several had fallen to the ground On, the whole body iron green they have no breath of life, the remaining few are also full of panic shouting.

"Asshole, come out."

"There are monsters, run..."

"Help, Wuwu, Dad..."

"Those damned bastards, I told you there was something here, and they didn't want to come here. This is to let us die."

"Don't kill me!"


Under the desperate circumstances, some children are constantly shouting to strengthen themselves. Some want to run, and more of them shrink in the corner and cry. One of them is waving a drawing in front of him.

"Don't come here. I have the image of his royal highness. He will protect me. His Highness Prince Chen will eat yours. Get out of here."

Lu Chen is attached to the child waving paper. Looking at the child holding his own image to drive away evil spirits, Lu Chen is speechless and complacent.

"I'm so famous for scaring evil spirits with my images Wait, this is my image! "

The complacency on Lu Chen's face only lasted for a breath. After seeing the paper in his hand, Lu Chen's face became gloomy.

I can't help it. There is an image in that drawing, but there is not a human like image in the whole picture. It is a ghost image with blue face and Tusk and half face occupied by a big mouth.

The devil was poorly dressed, with a big mouth chewing a lot of screaming monsters, and a bone stick full of heads was held by the devil.

Looking at the image of barbarism, rudeness, cruelty, and cannibalism, and listening to the child say that this image is a barbarian prince, Lu Chen is really speechless.

"In your heart, I am such a monster."

The feeling of exasperation appears in Lu Chen's heart. Of course, the anger in his heart doesn't let Lu Chen deal with those children. He doesn't act like this.

When looking at the image, Lu Chen also looked around with the child as the reference point. Soon, a ghost of black coffin level was found by Lu Chen. The ghost was lying on a fallen child, sucking his soul and blood. The reason why those children fell to the ground was that they were absorbed by the ghost.

Relying on a special perspective, Lu Chen saw the evil spirit, but the children around him were ordinary people, and they could not see it.

At the same time, after seeing this, Lu Chen found that he had no way to attack the enemy from thousands of miles away.

"False gods, after all, are false!"

When Lu Chen sighs, the ghost has been staring at the child with the drawing.Lu Chen frowned at this situation, but he found that he was at a loss. This child was different from Lu Chen in his first contact with a barbarian warrior.

When contacting the believers for the first time, the crazy soldier could not deal with the ferocious demons, but he had some strength. Therefore, Lu Chen at that time could use the power of the first ghost to make him furious and give him the power to break out in a short time.

But the orphan in the broken temple can't do it. He is weak enough. Lu Chen can't save him by descending his strength. Instead, he will kill him by the ghost step by step.

"He can't bear the power of the first ghost, witness it!"

Witnessing is an ability acquired by Lu Chen to improve master level basic swordsmanship. With this ability, Lu Chen can convey the sword meaning through his eyes. This is just a deterrent to human beings, but it is convenient to deal with ghosts without entity.

Unfortunately, such an idea appeared in Lu Chen's mind, only for a moment was abandoned by him.

"I'm not in front of me now. I need to use this child as a transit station to use my witness. His soul can't bear the sword spirit!"

Two successive proposals were rejected by Lu Chen himself. At this time, the situation in the broken temple was very critical, and the secret evil spirit was approaching. However, the children could not see it and could only shout. However, this method did not work. On the contrary, their panic brought fear and despair. The ghost was greedily swallowing the negative energy and slowly growing up Yes.

However, misfortune and happiness depend on, because they like the breath of fear and despair, the ghost makes the child collapse playfully and does not rush to kill the children.

"Are you just watching people die here?"

When the ghost abused those children, the anger in Lu Chen's heart exploded, especially when he found that the ghost could not escape from the broken temple like a ghost beating a wall by virtue of the ghost's magic ability, and constantly created illusions to let them emit more despair. Lu Chen's anger reached the extreme.

"Wait, the breath of fear and despair."

Feeling the atmosphere in the ruined temple, Lu Chen's eyes suddenly brightened. Then, he did not hesitate to look at his left hand.

"Don't let me down The power of the sun, let go of the oppression of the second ghost. "

Not long after he arrived in Yunzhou, Lu Chen's invincible posture made many people in Yunzhou feel fear and despair. After absorbing these fears, the second ghost, Pu Meng of erosion, at that time, had a riot, which brought some trouble to Lu Chen, and Madao almost died.

But after that event, Lu Chen did not dare to let the second ghost advance, so he suppressed it with all his strength.

At that time, the suppression was quite effective. Later, Lu Chen sun's protection was upgraded, and the whole body was filled with solar energy, which reached the extreme.

But now, with Lu Chen's thoughts moving, the suppression of the second ghost is lifted.

You can clearly see that there is a golden line fading from Lu Chen's left arm, and a palpable force rushes into Lu Chen's mind through his left arm.

The breath with a rebellious, but also with a deep unknown, just into Lu Chen's mind, let his consciousness be fascinated, there are endless howls in Lu Chen's heart.

"Oh, don't kill me!"

"The barbarian Prince is a devil."

"Kill that monster."


A confused voice appears in Lu Chen's mind, which is the despair of Lu Chen's people. This kind of emotion is infectious, and it should pollute Lu Chen's mind.

Of course, the influence of ordinary people's emotions on Lu Chen is very low, but the second ghost absorbed more than one person, or even more than 100000, millions, of people are afraid of landing Lu Chen and are afraid of Lu Chen's name. Now, these feelings fall on Lu Chen.

Such a large quantity is enough to cause qualitative change. The water gathers into the sea, and the sand gathers into the desert. Tens of millions of people fear that even Lu Chen almost goes crazy.

In the end, however, Lu Chen is still at the top.

"You are afraid of me in reality, but how can I be afraid and submit to me in the illusion?"

With Lu Chen's roar, a strong will to suppress those emotions in the past.

[territory of the overlord]

the domineering spirit of the level of perfection gave Lu Chen a strong will, and made Lu Chen suppress everything.

Under the territory of the overlord, the resistance of the second ghost was suppressed instantly.

However, what makes Lu Chen frown is that he can only suppress it. The mood of tens of thousands of people gathered together is enough to drive a strong man like Lu Chen crazy. What's more, those people are alive and afraid of Lu Chen all the time, which makes the second ghost, the erosion of PU Meng, have a continuous source of power.

"The supply of tens of thousands of people, the second ghost, the pummong of erosion, now has the legendary level of energy. It's troublesome Wait, what's going on? Fear and despair are gone. Now the mood is Praise, worship, expectation and gratitude

When Lu Chen was forced, there was no source of power, and he was even flushed by the opposite force. The second ghost's counterattack ended instantly, and a cold system prompt sounded in Lu Chen's mind.[Ding, the system indicates that the second ghost of the host, puzhimeng of erosion, has absorbed enough fear energy and has awakened] , the fastest update of the webnovel!