"If Avalon becomes a blessed land, I will be a legend of infinite energy."

Thinking in this way, Lu Chen's thoughts move, and the shadow of the nightmare turns into a smoke and rushes toward ah Jiu.

Just when Lu Chen is ready to let the shadow of nightmares parasitize on ah Jiu, something he feels makes him stop.

"No, even with my control, the shadow of nightmares will passively affect the parasite and make him degenerate gradually."

Unwilling to do so, Lu Chen starts to think again, and the shadow of the nightmare penetrates into the image of ah Jiu's hands.

When the shadow of the nightmare came over, ah Jiu obviously trembled. But in the end, he held on. This calm satisfied Lu Chen. Soon, the shadow of the nightmare disappeared in the portrait of ah Jiu, and a dignified and indifferent voice sounded in his heart.

"Take my portrait, clear away evil spirits, and protect your own town!"

"Remember to have justice in your heart. Those who are corrupted by evil will be punished by my God."

"I will reward those who are just."

After the words sounded, ah Jeou immediately knelt down on the ground and worshipped the landing day.

"Xie Dian Thank you, I will guard the town for your majesty. "

When he kneels down to thank him, the image of the nightmare in his hand also flashed a red light. The shadow of the nightmare can help ah Jiu clear away evil, but it is also a sharp weapon to kill when it rebelles.

However, all this is not clear, kneeling on the ground, he was very excited, clever he had despair of this world, but at this time it seems to feel a broad road.

This is indeed a broad road. Holding the image, ah Jiu can feel the power of the nightmare shadow in the image. He can feel that the power in the image is stronger than the city guard captain.

"With your Majesty's power, my strength is the first in the city."

In this way, some dangerous thoughts appeared in his mind, but soon he thought of his Majesty's warning, which made him immediately shake off his mind.

"Justice must be in mind."

"No, it's all given by your majesty. You must worship your majesty."

With such an idea, feeling the strength in his hands, and looking at the dark night outside the ruined temple, ah Jiu's heart is no longer afraid, but has emerged endless desire.

"All for your majesty."

With a cry, he went straight out of the broken temple, ready to collect the power of faith for Lu Chen.

However, after going out, although the images in his hands gave him confidence that he was no longer afraid, he did not know how to go.

At this time, the image in his hand suddenly glows, holding the luminous image, ah Jiu also has a feeling in his heart.

"Some monsters want to invade the house guarded by your Majesty's image. This is the filth to be removed."

Although he was holding the portrait, he was still afraid of the monster for many years. However, he finally resisted the fear in his heart and walked towards the sensed house with the portrait in his arms.

Soon, a house with Lu Chen's ghost image on the door appeared in front of ah Jiu's eyes, and in front of the house, ah Jiu felt the endless cold.

Feeling the unknown breath, ah Jiu dare not neglect, and immediately kneels on the ground and raises the drawing in his hand.

"Ask the messenger to do it."

As he called, a ghost image rose from the painting and rushed to the room.

After counting the rest, a shrill scream rings in the house. Then, the nightmare shadow full of satisfaction returns from the house, and once again penetrates into the image held by ah Jiu.

"Thank you for your emissary."

After the respectful offering was completed, he felt that there was no threat in the room, so he rushed into the cold house.

At this time, there are three people in the house, a mother and two children. The mother is protecting two comatose children behind her, and her face is fierce.

Can see her face also has the fear, but own child is behind, she still bravely stood up.

When ah Jeou came in, the mother just smashed it with a stick, which made ah Jiu scared.

"Don't do it. The monster has been killed by your Majesty's emissary. I saved you."

"Ah Jiu, it's you little bastard. You were bluffing us just now."

"I don't have that spare time. You are really in danger. It is your Majesty's emissary's mercy that you are rescued."

With these words, ah Jeou raised the image in her hand. Because there was a nightmare in the image, even if it was just watching, the shrew's heart also raised endless fear, which made her immediately bow her head, did not dare to look at the image, but also believed ah Jiu's words.

I can't believe it. She can't even look at the things in ah Jiu's hands.

However, ah Jeou did not do something under the guise of the tiger, but quickly said: "monsters run rampant and the world is in chaos. Other people can no longer protect us. Only your majesty mercifully sends emissaries to save our suffering people. But we can't just ask your majesty to pay. Greedy people will be abandoned by your majesty. You know what I mean.""Yes, I see. Tomorrow I will give your majesty a confession."

"You don't have to make a confession. Your majesty is a God. What you have to do is to sincerely thank your majesty It's too disrespectful to put your Majesty's image outside. If you put your Majesty's image in your ancestral temple at home, you'd better make a sculpture, worship three times a day in the morning, noon and evening, so that your family can also worship them. Moreover, tell others that those who worship their Majesty in good faith will be protected and will enter the kingdom of Avalon of your majesty after death to obtain eternal life, and those who violate your majesty will be punished by God. "

"Yes, I will."

Seeing the shrew's real consent, her two children also kneel on the ground to pray. Ah Jiu left here, and Lu Chen nodded with satisfaction.

It's not Lu Chen's practice to ask for no return after saving people, but it's not in line with God's style to let him speak in person.

Now, with ah Jeou as a pastor, everything will be perfect.

When a Jiu holds the portrait and feels other portraits in the city, Lu Chen is somewhat elated and helpless.

He is glad that when he parasitizes the shadow of nightmares in a portrait, it can be connected with the portraits of the same origin, and the images of the whole city will be vaguely perceived by it. This is also the reason why ah Jiu can find the evil spirit immediately.

But there are also places that make Lu Chen helpless. The reason why the shadow of nightmares can be connected with other images is that those images are homologous with it, and the paintings are all "Lu Chen", and they are all evil spirits of an image, so that they can be connected with each other.

This also let Lu Chen understand that here, his image will be a ghost, even if he comes here, he will be regarded as a fake.

"It's hard. Forget it. It's OK to have the same ability. I'll leave it to this little guy. I'll just check it from time to time."

Thinking like this, Lu Chen immediately threw his consciousness to other light spots.

The reason why he gave the secondary control of nightmare shadow to ah Jiu, instead of Lu Chen controlling the killing evil spirit, was that after the killing, Lu Chen needed ah Jiu as a priest to convey his faith.

Another reason is more critical, that is, more than one person prayed to Lu Chen.

All the stars in the sky are Lu Chen's believers, and in this dark and threatening night, these light points are blooming with bright brilliance, which brings Lu Chen a lot of faith power, but also prays.

Some people pray to Lu Chen for peace of mind because of fear.

The other part of people are really in danger, and there are dozens of them at the same time.

Among them, some people have been rescued by the strong human beings, but more are panic and helpless.

However, Lu Chen also found one thing, that is, villages or small towns are in danger. Large towns are not only rarely invaded by evil spirits, but also attacked and killed by powerful human beings as soon as they appear.

"Give up the land outside and shrink step by step."

With a sigh, Lu Chen constantly seeks his devout believers and devotes his nightmares. Soon, nearly ten thousand evil seeds have spread in Yunzhou.

If it's a normal world, Lu Chen's second ghost, Pu Meng of erosion, has just been promoted. Even if the kind of nightmare is put into practice, it will take months or even years of growth to play a role.

After all, it's just a seed.

However, it is different at this time. The whole Yunzhou is full of negative atmosphere, and the sky is almost covered. Those small cities are always attacked by evil spirits, and some people die from time to time. All these make the negative atmosphere of Yunzhou very serious.

A huge amount of negative atmosphere makes every kind of nightmare put into the past, and it can grow and break its shell in a short time. One by one, the shadows of nightmares with unknown power appeared on the earth. In a very short time, nearly 10000 nightmares were brought into Lu Chen's control. Most of them are at the level that can disrupt the village.

"It's no wonder that the Dynasty will be destroyed and there are many demons. For the demons who can absorb the smell of fear and nightmares, the dead in the war and the atmosphere of fear can make them grow rapidly."

Lu Chen is like this this time. It sounds terrible to have nearly 10000 disaster level nightmares in one night. But if you think that these nightmares are the result of the death of tens of millions of people and the worry of tens of millions of people for decades, do you still feel terrible.

The shadow of nearly ten thousand nightmares can destroy nearly ten thousand towns in an instant. Fortunately, these kinds of nightmares are in the hands of Lu Chen. Therefore, they do not kill, but shelter nearly ten thousand small towns. At the same time, there are also nearly ten thousand intelligent, brave, or righteous people selected by Lu Chen as priests.

There is no way out. Lu Chen can't be distracted and control everything. When the shadows of tens of thousands of nightmares come together, it's OK. Lu Chen's charge is enough, but scattered in tens of thousands of towns, we still need to find those evil spirits. It's not enough for Lu Chen alone.

The divinity has the ability to distract and control, but Lu Chen's divinity has only two points. What he can do is to be distracted and used for two purposes. This does not have much effect on the shadow of thousands of nightmares. Therefore, thousands of lucky people were selected.

Of course, they are not only lucky. Only those who believe in Lu Chen and have some talents can get such treatment.And those people are not only a transit station, they have a great role in Lu Chen. One of them is to protect the people, so that those who believe in Lu Chen can have a safe place to live, and they can believe in LuChen more devoutly.

The other is to graze the shadow of nightmares for Lu Chen, so that the shadow of nightmares can grow rapidly. At the same time, those priests have secondary authority, and the most important authority is the second ghost, which is Lu Chen, so that Lu Chen doesn't have to worry about their betrayal.

The third is that tens of thousands of people have the potential to grow up. Is this Lu Chen's power or is it hard to be persuaded to surrender.

"No wonder the gods like to build temples and recruit priests. These priests can not only protect the people for me, but also collect beliefs. They are also a force of God."

"And, even if they die, these people will also become seekers in my country."

Feeling that a huge number of people are devoutly believing in themselves because of being saved, the turbulent force of faith is pouring into Avalon one after another, making it grow rapidly, Lu Chen's face shows a happy smile.

"The wilderness and Yunzhou, three No, with such a devout belief, in a month, my Avalon will be promoted to a blessed land. If space debris is found, the speed will be accelerated again. "

Looking at Avalon growing up, Lu Chen thinks about the future.

"Now the power of faith can only increase Avalon, but if I become a legend and can maintain the spirit posture for a long time, I will be a God in the cloud state and the wilderness."

"And to become a God, I don't have to develop from scratch."

It can be said that everything about the power of faith is beautiful.

But there is nothing perfect in the world, especially the power of faith, which in some worlds is even said to be poisonous.

This is also the case in this world. In the early stage, human beings need the power of faith to coagulate their titles, and even more need the power of faith to upgrade their real bodies. After becoming gods, they also need the power of faith to create a kingdom of gods and to use the power of faith to unite their clergy Wait, the power of faith can do so much.

However, after this world becomes the peak God, if you want to become the Supreme God, you have to Let go of the power of faith.

Yes, the requirement of becoming the Supreme God is to give up.

The power of faith is toxic, and now, while enjoying the benefits, Lu Chen will also accept these negative effects.

With the spread of nearly 10000 nightmares, Lu Chen is relieved.

However, even if Lu Chen tried his best to find thousands of spokesmen, some people died of evil, and he could not save everyone.

After the death of ordinary people, everything is well, which has nothing to do with Lu Chen. However, those who believe in Lu Chen are not saved in the prayer after death, which makes them have resentment when they die.

"Why don't you save me."

"I give everything to you. Why don't you save me?"

"Please, help me No, I hate it


Killed by evil spirit, resentment, fear, despair, hatred and unwillingness appear at the last moment And so on, negative emotions are very normal. In addition to sudden death, normal people will also have such emotions when they die.

The negative emotions of ordinary people after death not only depressed a region, but also affected Lu Chen.

Their feelings of gratitude and worship can pass along the line of faith, and so can those negative emotions.

The shallow believers are OK. Their line of faith is very small, and because they are not pious to Lu Chen, they finally die in hatred of everything, not only against Lu Chen.

After all, they had no expectations of Lu Chen, and even prayed for many people at the same time. Naturally, they would not be angry with Lu Chen when they died.

Even if there are some people who hate Lu Chen in particular, because the line of belief is weak, even there is no line of belief, they can not transmit the negative influence to Lu Chen.

The line of faith is the key to everything. Ordinary believers can not influence Lu Chen.

However, the death of devout believers is different. They believe in Lu Chen wholeheartedly and pray for Lu Chen's rescue at the last moment of death, but Lu Chen saves them because of his inability. So they have strong resentment after death and are all implicated in Lu Chen. At the same time, because of the thick line of belief, the resentment of those believers when they die is all entangled in Lu Chen On Chen.

The deeper they are involved in Lu Chen, the more devout they are, the stronger their resentment will be when they die.

Of course, with Lu Chen's soul and will, little bit of people's resentment can not affect Lu Chen.

But the gods are the route to the sea. They can gather the gratitude, trust, worship of hundreds of millions of people, and achieve the position of gods. When the resentment of hundreds of millions of people gathers It is also the time of their downfall.

Now, Lu Chen has also encountered this situation. Those who believe in Lu Chen and believe that Lu Chen will save them in the end. When Lu Chen is unable to rescue them and makes them die, all the hatred of death converges on Lu Chen along the line of faith.

The resentment of a miserable death curls around Lu Chen's ears, which makes him extremely irritable.Of course, Shenju will not die because of the resentment of a believer, nor will Lu Chen. Because of his rescue, few people who believe in Lu Chen die tonight. Those resentments are really entangled in Lu Chen, but more are gratitude and worship, which makes those resentments have no waves.

However, Lu Chen was on guard. He even had a panic thought:

"the God of death, the God of war, and the sun god are probably not polluted by evil spirits, but they are unable to rescue the believers. A large number of believers died. The resentment of hundreds of millions of believers pulled their kingdom of God down from the sky and made them degenerate."

Think of those, and then look at themselves, Lu Chen really understand a word.

"The power of faith is toxic, and those who achieve the highest divine position need to give up the power of faith."

However, even though he understood this, Lu Chen was still ready to go on like this. It was not because he knew that there were tigers in the mountains, and he preferred to go there.

But if you want to grow up quickly, the power of faith is necessary. I can achieve myself with the strength of thousands of people. The speed of growth is definitely faster than that of a single person.

If it's a normal world, Lu Chen can still grow slowly and make a path.

But now the invasion of evil is more and more fierce, and the defense line of human beings is in danger. Under such circumstances, it is impossible for him to survive.

"What's more, although the power of faith is poisonous, seeing that every God can survive for thousands of years, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages."

"Among many believers, only devout believers and crazy believers can have an impact on me. Even though shallow believers and non believers curse me deeply, there is only a trace of their resentment even on me because there is no line of faith involved. Only those who believe in me wholeheartedly are devout believers. Such existence is like licking a dog, as long as I don't react at all Even if they do a good job in brainwashing, they will not only have no resentment, but will be overjoyed. "

"At the same time, other good believers will continue to send gratitude, and the power of these positive beliefs can also stop resentment."

Soon, Lu Chen understood that the gods have a measure, as long as the devout believers who believe in themselves do not appear more than half of the despair, he will be OK.

"The reason why the existence of death, God of war, degenerated is the encirclement and suppression of many evil gods, and the erosion of evil spirit. The other reason is that their devout believers died several rounds in the war. Only in this way can the existence of those powerful divine powers completely degenerate, and I should not have fallen to that point."

After confirming the idea in his heart, Lu Chen felt the resentment that was excluded by the power of faith, and he was ready to ignore it. However, Lu Chen did not pay attention to it. However, Pu Meng, the second ghost, took a deep breath.


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