Finally, four 3000 meter wings of light covered the sky and the earth like a curtain. Because Lu Chen was in the sky, everyone was looking up at Lu Chen and felt that Lu Chen could not look directly at him.

Even, because the wings of light are too dazzling, anyone within hundreds of miles can see the wings of light that can block out the sun as long as they look up.

The scene of terror and holiness even made many ordinary people feel the coming of God. Therefore, many people knelt down and worshipped the gods.

Some people are kneeling, and Yu Fei's face is almost distorted.

"Such a big wing, joking, fake, all these are fake."

He would like to say that all this is false, but soon, he has no heart to pay attention to these, the barbarian Prince's attack has begun.

Just as before, the barbarian Prince stood in the air, and there was no movement, but only a quiver of feathers behind his back.

But what's different from just now is that the four 3000 meter long wings only vibrate slightly, which makes a strong wind comparable to level 12. Some weak people and trees rooted in the earth will even be uprooted by the strong wind.

The most terrifying thing about the wings of light is not the gale, it's just an accessory. The advanced intermediate special skill of the wings of light is to emit the feather of light.

As the four 3000 meter long feather of light vibrated gently, there were a hundred thousand white feathers flowing towards Yu Fei like a tide.

"Ten thousand swords belong to the clan, give me resistance!"

With a roar, Yu Fei blows out all his stored sword Qi.



like two tides, the ten thousand sword Qi and the hundred thousand light plumes launched a violent expansion in the air. Because the light plume contains the power of light, it can also explode. This collision makes the explosions above the sky ring.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom..."

For example, the roar of ten thousand guns made only the sound of explosion between heaven and earth, the air concussion, the roar of heaven and earth, and the violent explosion even made many brave people cover their ears with their hands, which proves how intense the explosion in the sky is.

But it has to be said that Yu Fei is really capable of becoming the ninth person in the list. Even though Lu Chen has launched 100000 feathers, Yu Fei still has the ability to fight back with his sword.

Although the final explosion almost happened in front of Yu Fei's eyes, he managed to survive.

"Yes, past!"

With a sharp gasp, Yu Fei was glad. However, the happiness in his heart soon dissipated. He found a terrible thing. The return of ten thousand swords made him consume most of the sword spirit in his body. On the opposite wings of light, the bright light was still filling.

And just as he looked up, the magnificent wings of light fluttered again, and then the overwhelming feather of light came again.

"Shit, won't you be tired?"

In the sound of panic, Yu Fei, who is almost exhausted, can no longer resist. He can only incarnate as a sword light, plunge into the space and drill out from another direction.

However, at the moment of drilling out, Yu Fei's sword heart trembled violently. Then, he was shocked to find that countless wings of light, like wolves waiting for a long time, pounced on them.

"He knows where I'm going."

Such an idea appears in his mind, but Yu Fei has no time to think about it. The feather of light has already poured in. He can only rely on the leaping sword to shuttle through the void again.

But again, something desperate happened, and hundreds of feathers of light were waiting for him.

What made him despair was that the 100000 plumes of light had spread all over the sky. Looking around, there was no place for him to fly.

"No escape."

The idea moves, he has already waved the sword in his hand, the sword spirit flies toward the light feather which flies.


the sword gas collided with the feather of light, and exploded one after another. Hundreds of light plumes were resisted by him. However, the next second he stopped, the light plumes scattered around him were like a fish swarm smelling fishy smell, rushing towards him.

After all, Lu Chen can resist his sword attack, but his body is just good and can't bear the continuous bombardment of feathers.

Unfortunately, even though the sword Qi can resist it, his Qi and blood will surge when he explodes at close range.

But after a breath, because of what he saw, the whole person was still.

It was not only him who was still, but all the people watching were shocked at this time.

I don't blame them. The scene in the sky is too terrible. When tens of thousands of feathers blocked the sky and nearly 10000 feathers chased Yu Fei, the barbarian prince who killed that day waved his wings again. Then, another 100000 feathers of light appeared in the sky.

Even, some sensitive people found that after three times of the appearance of 300000 feathers of light, not one tenth of the prince's breath fell. This means that the prince of barbarian can launch millions of such feathers. This scene makes Yu Fei despair and suffocates a crowd of onlookers."Hit nm ah, barbarian Prince energy is endless, we use what to fight!"

"Shit, it's said that energy is infinite, but I dare not spend energy like this!"

"Does his energy cost nothing?"

Lu Chen, whose energy is infinite, makes them despair, and Lu Chen in the air is also comfortable.

"I'm full of solar energy. It's still a waste of time to convert this energy into blood gas, but I don't even need to use the power of the sun. It's cool!"

[Ding, the system prompts that Yu Fei, the title hero, has no heart to fight. The host has won. Congratulations, the host has gained 210000 experience points]

"won? You can resist for a while

"It's just a drag. I'm defeated. There's no point in fighting again."

"No, it's meaningful. At least you can know your shortcomings and fight again."

"No, I'm defeated. I want to fight or kill at will."

Yu Fei lies down directly, with a look of letting Lu Chen go. This also makes Lu Chen's egg hurt. The other side doesn't resist. He has no experience value in defeating him. Of course, he has killed, but Lu Chen has not been able to kill innocent people for the sake of experience value.

However, he is not willing to let him give up his experience. Finally, after Lu Chen perceives Yu Fei's character, he simply threatens it.

"I was going to beat the others three times. If you don't, I'll beat the others ten times. Remember, they were beaten because of you."

"You, asshole Come and fight

Looking at Yu Fei, Lu Chen smiles.

"That's good."

Then the battle started, and after counting the rest, the battle ended without any accidents.

Although Yu Fei summoned a Heavenly Sword with ten thousand swords, Lu Chen never failed to strike hard. After the shock fist that had been accumulated for a long time, everything was smashed.

Then there was the first World War. This time it was easier. Unfortunately, it was easier. Finally Lu Chen got less experience points.

Fortunately, there are not only Yu Fei, but also other outstanding people in renbang. Those people are also beaten up by Lu Chen. By the time of the evening, Lu Chen's experience value has reached 1.36 million.

After entering the night, the sound of Lu Chen's harvest experience value is constantly ringing.

The wild soldier gains, and Yunzhou gets his own summon. All kinds of hints ring one after another. Although there are few hints each time, Lu Chen estimates that his experience value may be 300000 in one night.

You know, this is an increase for no reason, or every day.

At the same time, Lu Chen also found that although many people died unjustly tonight, there were fewer people who hated Lu Chen.

His pastor played a role. Under the guidance of his pastor, both the dead and the undead knew one thing: their faith was trying to save them. At the same time, after their death, they were not over. The good people who worshipped gratitude would enter Avalon to get eternal life, while those with bad resentment would fall into hell and sink forever, and they did not want to fall into it Hell does not contain resentment, death is not the end, but a new life.

This kind of swindle makes the devout believers even if they die, thinking of Lu Chen's good.

Of course, Lu Chen is not just bluffing. He is really helping others.

"If weapons and armor are not made well, you can't enter the mysterious situation, but the evil spirits in the wilderness can be harvested. It's just that today, when you have acquired new abilities, you can patrol again."

Thinking so, Lu Chen's back trembled, and the wings of light rose behind him.

Then, with the wings of light, Lu Chenren rose like a rocket to the sky above tianwu city.

In that high altitude, with the surging power of the sun, the wings of light behind Lu Chen were soaring. Soon, the four wings of 3000 meters long appeared again.

During the day, Lu Chen's wings of light are brilliant enough. At night, his 3000 meter long wings and nearly six kilometer long wings of light make Lu Chen like the sun and attract countless people's attention.

"What does the barbarian Prince want to do

In countless people's doubts, Lu Chen closed his eyes and felt for a moment. Soon, Lu Chen opened his eyes again, and he already had a few.

"In the southwest, I have the largest number of believers, and the evil spirits there are the most rampant. I have dozens of believers dead, and several priests have been killed in the battle. The shadow of nightmare and the crow are also dead there. It's you."

The heart moves to read, Lu Chen behind the four wings are also suddenly trembling.


accompanied by a sound wave, Lu Chen's shining figure has already sped away in the southwest direction like a large aircraft.

In this dark night sky, the wings of light with a length of six kilometers are too bright, especially the wings are still shining, which makes countless people can see the large "giant birds" flying in the sky

at the same time, they also found that white feathers constantly fall from the giant bird, and with the fall of feathers, after a few minutes, bursts of startling roar from the wilderness 。The roar of the sky rocked countless people, some veterans anxiously picked up weapons, and some people prayed for gods in fear.

The explosion made them think that they had been attacked, especially in small unprotected villages.

A large-scale evil attack on the city could destroy the village and kill people. But soon, they found that it was not the enemy's attack, but the powerful who cleaned up the evil spirit.

Lu Chen is really cleaning up the evil spirit. The wings of light and the falling hair attack make Lu Chen transform into a large bomber. At this time, Lu Chen flies from tianwu city to the southwest, and this speed is also the process of bombing all the way.

Lu Chen can feel the situation below even if he is flying at a height of 10000 meters. In particular, the evil spirit in Lu Chen's eyes is more clear and abnormal.

After perceiving it, Lu Chen will not be polite. The plumes of light fall off from the wings of light behind Lu Chen like bombs and bomb them downward.

Although they are at a height of ten thousand meters, the speed of the feather of light is extremely fast because of its lack of quality. They often hit those evil spirits in the flash of light.

At the same time, Lu Chen has six kilometers of wings behind him. With the help of will, the range of Lu Chen's high-altitude bombing can reach 30000 meters, which is 60 miles.

What's more exciting is that the light plume contains the power of the sun, which makes them kill evil spirits very strong. Almost every feather of light can kill one evil spirit.

The amount of light plume that Lu Chen can release is 100000, 1000000, or even 10 million, which is enough for the reserve of 10 million light plumes, which makes Lu Chen's bombing continue from tianwu city to the southwest border. After that, Lu Chen, who was not satisfied, waved his wings to kill him from the southwest border to the northeast, and then from the northeast to the southeast.

The speed of flight, the feather containing the power of light, the terrifying energy storage, all these make Lu Chen become a ruthless bomber, flying and bombing all the way.

Overnight, Lu Chen swept away countless evil spirits.

"Unfortunately, at present, only the black coffin level evil spirit can provide a little experience value, but Bai you can't provide it. Otherwise, I can gain at least ten million experience value in this night's bombing."

Lu Chen is bombarding all the way, and the land of Yunzhou is also constantly shaking because of Lu Chen's bombing.

At the beginning, everyone didn't know Lu Chen's action. Many big families and big city owners thought that tonight was the same as usual, but soon, they felt something outside.

Like ordinary villages, they also think that the fierce roar is evil and they want to do something.

But after going out, looking at the track of light flying in the air and the light energy contained in the track, anyone with a little insight knows that he is wrong.

"It's not the evil uprising, but the strong ones going out of the city to clean up the evil spirits."

After learning such information, both the city Lord and ordinary people thank those who fly in the sky. Many people are still praying.

While the strong appreciate it, they will also report the news here.

Such layers of reporting soon gathered in the Yunzhou cabinet.

At the beginning, those cabinet scholars didn't care. It's not once or twice that the strong go out of the city to clean up evil spirits. Lu Chen has done it before, and others have done it. But because of the endless evil and the limited energy in most of their bodies, they can only clean up the surrounding areas of the city. Therefore, this kind of cleaning up effect is limited.

Therefore, those scholars did not even disturb the prime minister, let alone the king of Yunzhou.

"Another brave man. Unfortunately, the present situation cannot be reversed by one person."

"Let the city Lord take the brave man down and tell him not to be impulsive."

After a few random commands, the university students frowned and dealt with other situations.

However, looking at the intelligence from the city lords all over the country, these great scholars are frowning and sighing.

There's no way. Almost all the information from the city Lord is to ask for help, send troops and send strong people.

It's a pity that the number of people seeking help is very heavy, but there are not many idle troops in Yunzhou.

"I can only hope that his royal highness can eliminate all medium-sized scams."

While dealing with the situation in different places, the great scholars arranged the important requests for the king of Yunzhou to read when he went to court tomorrow.

During the processing, a memorial was sent from all over the country by special communication. One part of the compromise was to ask for troops to be sent, and the other was that some powerful people were cleaning up evil spirits around.

At the beginning, the night watchman said with a smile: "there are many strong people who clean up evil spirits tonight."

But soon, with more and more memorials, the university students felt wrong.

"Everybody, wait a minute. This is the thirteenth one. Are there strong people around the 13 big cities to clean up the evil spirits tonight?"

This words, let everybody's eyes all shift past.

When coming over, some people speculated: "is it a large organization or a chivalrous organization that has agreed to act together today?"

"How can it be? There are still large-scale chivalrous organizations. What's more, what's more, all those who can report to us tonight are all big cities, which makes the City owners feel that they are strong. One is good, and there are more than ten people. It's impossible.""Well, do you think one person should clean up from one city to another and kill all the evil spirits Ha ha

Before such words were finished, the bachelor himself began to laugh.

And the university bachelor who asked questions just now said: "of course I don't think so. In such a short period of time, 13 cities in a row report, even the legend can't do it. I just think that there may be..."

You cheat two words have not finished, a voice on the shock of the ring.

"Ning University Bachelor, what you guess may be true. The strong people reported by the city Lord may be one person."

"One person, how could it be?"

"Don't be kidding. You have to be responsible when you talk here."

"These 13 reports were sent by 13 city lords in half an hour. If you go through 13 big cities in a row, the legend can do it at full speed. However, it clearly says that the strong man is cleaning up evil spirits and passing through 13 towns at the same time. This is absolutely impossible."

The continuous denial did not change the mood of the undergraduate who just opened his mouth. He just said in shock:

"I don't think it is possible, but if you look at the 13 reports, the situation mentioned above is the same."

In this case, the night watchman took the report in his hand and looked at each other. Soon, people's eyebrows were frowned. They found that, as the Grand Master said just now, the situation of the strong men reported by the thirteen City lords was almost the same.

It's a giant white bird with a wingspan of six kilometers (a wing of 3000 meters) flying and bombing.

Although they don't believe that a strong man can fly over 13 towns in half an hour and kill evil spirits, they have to believe it.

At last, a big bachelor opened his mouth and said, "bring me the map."

"Yes, map."

With the map started, soon, the 13 cities that had been reported were pointed out by the university students here. Along those big cities, a straight line appeared in front of them.


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