[Ding, the system prompts that the host killed the dark god lin'en, and congratulated the host for obtaining 7.2 million experience points]

A Legendary God son has more than 7 million experience points, which is an extremely exaggerated number, but it is also normal. After all, the legendary god son is extremely difficult to kill. If it was not for the fear of millions of people, Lu Chen could not kill him.

After the system prompts, Lu Chen's training value officially exceeded 30 million, reaching 33 million (believer hunting).

"Keep these experience values first. Let's take a look at the skills acquired after absorbing the son of darkness."

[Ding, the system indicates that the host has acquired the true spirit of the dark spirit because the host used the feast to devour the true spirit of the dark god child. Congratulations to the host, who can devour the true spirit and break through its own limit]

[because the host devours the Shenzi, it will gain semi divine level enhancement and gain the most original ability of the dark god child]

"the system, put the experience value into the dark spirit 。”

[Ding, the system indicates that the dark power of the dark Shenzi has reached a certain limit. If the host wants to obtain evolution, it will need to invest 3 billion experience points. Do you want to invest]

"no, don't invest."

After blocking the operation of the system, Lu Chen looks at the system's prompt, some speechless.

"The dark god son's dark power has reached a certain limit. What's going on Yes, to his level, it will be the level of God Forget it. We'll know after the fusion. "

No need to invest in experience, the fusion will start soon.

After entering Lu Chen's true spirit, the most important thing is to break the species limit. This is reflected in Lu Chen's physical strength, strength and physical fitness, which also led to the growth of Lu Chen's body. Soon, Lu Chen, who was 9.5 meters old, reached 9.89 meters.

"It's strong. It's still 0.1 meters short. It's really reaching the limit."

Although it is said that Lu Chen's real body is 100 meters, Lu Chen's limit is 9.99. When he breaks through 10 meters, Ruyi and Ruyi reach 100 meters, that is the level of legend.

"Although there is only the last semi divine strengthening position left in the feast's enhancement, I can reach the limit by swallowing one more divine child, even the weakest."

This is due to the dark god son. He is too powerful to let Lu Chen's true spirit grow too much. Therefore, Lu Chen can choose the last target at will.

Of course, he won't be like this. Even if he devours the most powerful Shenzi, he can't break through the limit of 9.99. Lu Chen will try his best to get the best results.

The growth of physical fitness soon ended, and then Lu Chen's most expected ability was acquired.

"What kind of capabilities can we acquire this time?"

Lu Chen is looking forward to it. Soon, the banquet extracts the core ability of the darkest Shenzi. After extraction, the system also gives a hint.

[Ding, the system prompts that the host devoured the dark god Lynn with a feast. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the power of darkness.

[power of darkness]

[level: myth]

[skill introduction: the ultimate darkness is absolute nothingness. After gaining the power of darkness, the host can deprive the enemy of five senses and six senses, and make the enemy fall into absolute silence Absolute darkness can suppress the enemy's ability and make all their abilities invalid]

"the dark fruit is this."

It's a very powerful ability to neutralize all abnormal forces. Although the dark god didn't play an absolute role in dealing with Lu Chen, this is not to say that this skill is weak, but Lu Chen is strong beyond the standard.

With the dark power of myth level to deal with ordinary title heroes, Lu Chen can seal all their abilities, so that they can be changed from heroes to soldiers who can only level a, at most, a gunner.

However, after sensing the specific situation of the power of darkness, Lu Chen frowned.

"Only by releasing the power of darkness at a short distance can the enemy's ability be completely invalid. The dark sky released in a large range can only be weakened No, the dark sky of the Dark Lord... "

According to Lu Chen's discovery, if he condenses the power of darkness in his hands, only by seizing the enemy can he suppress the enemy's abnormal power to the greatest extent. After the release of the dark breath, it will also work, but it will only weaken.

This makes Lu Chen a little discontented. He thinks that even if the dark sky is released, all the abilities under the curtain can be turned into nothingness. But soon, he thinks that the dark master is a powerful God who controls the power of darkness, and he is just a title hero after all.

"Forget it, catch the enemy, catch the enemy, and melt the power of darkness into the left hand."

With the power of darkness blending into his left hand, Lu Chen was surprised to find that after integration, the power of darkness has slightly suppressed the ability of the seven ghosts and gods. The specific performance of this in the small world of hell is that the original seven round moons of different colors shine on the earth. Now, there is a thin layer of black fog under the moon and above the sky. The black fog makes the moon feel hazy 。

"The black rope God punishes the Ming king, the power of darkness, the power of light, my own will, and the struggle between ghost hands are all suppression. Now, ghost hands will never escape from my control."Feeling the power of the ghost hand, Lu Chen thought a little, and then he directly inserted one hand into his chest and grabbed out a heart.

That is the only heart in Lu Chen's body that is not filled by the power of light. The origin of this heart is also quite strange. It is the heart obtained by Lu Chen's vampire who absorbed the perfect blood, muen.

This heart is filled with the power of blood curse, so Lu Chen can't let the power of light fill it.

Now, after thinking about it, Lu Chen put the heart in his left hand.

With the heart into the left hand, after a little movement, Lu Chen's right hand is full of the power of a sword, and a sword cuts off the wrist of his left hand.

Then, he found that the left hand can move freely even if it is cut off. Even with the heart as the power source, the left hand can last for hundreds of years.

Raise the hand to press the left hand again, Lu Chen speechless smile.

"This ghost hand is a complete cycle. However, by filling all the negative forces into my left hand, the strength in my body is unified."

Lu Chen has a lot of skills and looks very miscellaneous. However, after Lu Chen's classification, he finds that his abilities are mainly divided into several categories.

One is the strength of the body, which is his most powerful strength, and also the carrier and foundation of all his strength. The powerful physical body and exaggerated physical quality can make Lu Chen fearless of everything, and make a simple ability through his hands become incomparable. This power includes feast, steel and iron, second heart wait.

The second is the ability of swordsmanship. Lu Chen's swordsmanship is not weak, but his own strength is too strong. When Lu Chen integrates swordsmanship and Apocalypse into one sword Luosha, it becomes Lu Chen's instinct to use force to suppress people, which is the vassal of physical strength.

The third is gravity, the force of concussion. They are the application of pure force and the vassal of the force of the flesh.

The fourth is the power of light derived from the power of demacia, the anger of justice, and the protection of the sun. Although Lu Chen has only recently acquired the power of light, it is one of the most powerful forces of Lu Chen because he can store a lot of capacity. At the same time, Lu Chen's power of light is also because his body is strong and can store a huge amount of power of light, This is also a vassal of physical strength.

The fifth is the forbidden power of ghost hand and darkness. Now, this kind of power is completely sealed by Lu Chen.

The sixth and seventh are the soul: black rope heaven punishes the Ming king and will: overlord, lust and domineering.

These two skills, though few, are indispensable.

Then the power is not systematic. They can play a special role in some aspects, such as the time stop of the double, the speed of the Raptors, the transmission of the winding path, and the rebirth of the flame nirvana. All of these are the ability to produce special effects, but not the most important force in Lu Chen's battle.

"The most important thing for me now is to elevate the body to the point of perfection and breakthrough at any time. This is my foundation. Then, I tried to get the third piece of the world, and then set up a three circle circle with apple tree as the main body, so that my soul strength would be improved, my will would would be improved (or sink) by watching the world's world, and the power of light could also absorb the power of faith. After obtaining the king of light, I would transform its image into a God, and the positive ability of believers could be improved Raise my power of light. "

"As long as the three realms are established, my most important abilities will be improved rapidly."

At this time, ten days have passed since Lu Chen's initial idea of establishing the three realms. After ten days of thinking about it, Lu Chen found that taking the lead of the world and gathering hundreds of millions of souls into God is the fastest way.

"Although after becoming a God, I need to find a way to escape from the powerful divine power, but that is the future. Now my most important thing is to improve my strength first."

With the cohesion of the power of darkness and the left hand of the negative force, Lu Chen combed his own strength and strengthened his idea of taking the road of three realms.

While he was thinking, a voice came.

"My husband, the Lord of tianwu city asked your husband to hand over the goods outside the city."

"The handover outside the city, why not send it directly?"

As he ponders, Lu Chen goes out and goes outside the city gate. Lu Chen finds that there are already many people watching.

But more or cloud state official soldiers, tens of thousands of soldiers guard and try their best to pull a heavy car.

There are a large number of runes on the car. Although he has not seen them, Lu Chen knows that it is a weight-loss Rune with the induction of the unity of man and nature.

But even with weight loss, the black iron cart still needs 10000 people to pull, as if it carried a mountain, which also attracted the attention of countless people.

"It's so heavy. When I came here, many heavenly masters kept using magic to make the earth hard. Now the road is still broken."

"What's in it that can be pulled by thousands of people?"

People are confused, Lu Chen is also confused.

Finally, or tianwu city master came to Lu Chen, whispered to Lu Chen and said, "Your Highness, your weapons and armor are coming.""Weapons, armor, are you ready at last."

Thinking that what he got was the armor made by the efforts of Yunzhou, even Lu Chen was a little moved.

Compared with soldiers, weapons and armor are as exciting as beauties and whores.

Without hesitation, Lu Chen quickly arrived at the cart, pulled the silk on the cart and looked at it.

There, a set of gold armor with a height of 100 meters, like a King Kong Giant, is sitting on the cart. Behind the armor, there is a giant sword with the same height (the armor is the dark sword demon yatox arbitration Paladin style, and the weapons are of the perfect style, all magnified by 100 meters).

The weapons are huge. Just when Lu Chen is ready to take a ten fold transformation and try to feel it, the Lord of tianwu opens his mouth.

"Your Highness, you don't need to change your body. The armor of this weapon is integrated with the empty spirit crystal, which can be enlarged and reduced to 800 meters at the maximum and 1.8 meters at the minimum. Your highness can recognize the LORD by dripping blood."

"Yes, you do."

Satisfied with the nod, Lu Chen in the right hand above a cut, there is blood from the rapid drip.

The blood splashed down, directly into the gold weapon armor, and with the blood into, a sense of mind and spirit connected appeared on Lu Chen and the armor.

"With such a clear feeling, the materials you've integrated are very advanced."

This makes the Lord of tianwu City bow to the end.

"Your Highness is fighting for the people of Yunzhou. I don't know how grateful I am. Knowing that your highness lacks weapons and armor, I have taken out all the high-grade materials that can be taken out. I hope you will make the best armor for your highness. I wish your highness a victory."

After saying this, the Lord of tianwu sighed: "Alas, we still have no strength. Otherwise, we will accompany your highness and fight with him."

"You did a good job."

When the words fall, the armor has already flew to Lu Chen and narrowed down on Lu Chen.

The armor is attached to the body, and a sense of power appears on Lu Chen.

However, Lu Chen did not pay attention to the shape of the weapon. What he felt for the first time was the weight of armor and weapons.

Since Lu Chen got the feast, his strength has become stronger and stronger day by day. At this time, even if Lu Chen is against the legend, as long as it is not the legend breaking through from the physical aspect, their strength can not be comparable with Lu Chen. The first death of the dark god Lynn was held down by Lu Chen with his strength and was crushed to death.

From here we can see the strength of Lu Chen's strength, which also makes Lu Chen wear armor like a piece of paper in the past.

But now, a heavy feeling appeared on his body, like a mountain on his back. At the same time, when the armor was put on Lu Chen's body, the earth directly split apart with Lu Chen's steps as the center. As time went on, the crack became more and more far away, and Lu Chen was directly trapped in the earth.

If you can't bear to move, the earth will crack, which is enough to show the astonishing weight of the armor.

"This weight, how much steel do you use?"

With his body moving at will, Lu Chen asks the city master of tianwu City curiously.

"108 Ten thousand tons, all of them are top forging materials. "

After that, the Lord of tianwu City pointed to a turquoise gem on Lu Chen's armor and said, "Your Highness, this is the heart of a mountain. You can adjust the weight of the armor. Now it is the heaviest form. Your highness can lighten it a little."


After several random movements, Lu Chen drew out the weapon behind him and chopped several times in the air. After the heavy weapon made the atmosphere roar, Lu Chen said with satisfaction: "this feeling is just right."

"At last, I have a sense of quality. It's not like before. It's like taking a piece of paper."

With these words, Lu Chen stepped forward.


With Lu Chen's feet rising and falling, the roar of the earthquake rings out in the field. Lu Chen, dressed in heavy clothes, is just walking normally, just like a prehistoric beast. It can bring tremor to the earth and make the earth roar like an earthquake, and the vibration really spreads in all directions.

The violent shock also made the originally standing onlookers some East and West panic, and the horses and chariots neigh to escape.

This shock also made tianwu city master's eyes dumb. The reason why he used the heaviest form was to tell his highness how much material he and others had spent, and also to tell his Highness the technology of Yunzhou.

they thought that the prince's Royal Highness would exclaim, and then adjust the weight of the armor, but unexpectedly, the Prince did not play the cards properly. He felt that the weight was just fine and felt so textured.

"This is the weight of a mountain. Are you going to fight on your back?"

After inconceivable, the Lord of tianwu city rushed to dissuade him: "Your Highness, you can't do this. If you walk like this, our tianwu city will be destroyed."

Listening to the appeal of the Lord of tianwu city and seeing that there are real houses in tianwu City, Lu Chen looks embarrassed."I'll be careful later."

With this, Lu Chen did not drive the mountain heart in front of his chest. Instead, his mind moved slightly. An upward force of gravity appeared on his body, offsetting the mass of the mountain armor.

After walking a few steps again, Lu Chen nodded with satisfaction when he found that his pace was like that of ordinary people.

"It's ok now."

"Your Highness is merciful. Now let me tell your Highness the power of armor."


Nodding his head at will, Lu Chen feels the function of the armor on his body and listens to the Lord of tianwu.

"According to your highness, most of the armor is made of shining gold. It has excellent extensibility and can store huge amount of solar power. The ten suns on it can store huge amount of solar power."

"Ten. It's about as powerful as my two hearts store."

"In addition to the sun, the armor has the crystal of void, which can be enlarged and shrunk. Your Highness has already felt that the mountain heart can reduce the weight of the armor. In addition to weight loss, the mountain heart also stores a lot of earth system energy. This mountain heart (earth), together with the blue heart (water), the essence of the sun (fire), and azure crystal (wind), constitute the four spirits guard When the large formation is unfolded, it is like a big formation for protecting the city. "

With these words, the city Lord of tianwu sighs that the city guard array is much better than the defense array on ordinary armor. But knowing this, the Lord of tianwu city has no sense of prying.

I can't help it. The armor is too heavy. Even if he has the heart of mountains to reduce the weight, it's not what he can bear.

However, only with this weight can we integrate the four spirit guard array into it.

After sighing, tianwu City Lord continued to say: "Your Highness, the stronger the array, the more base and runes are needed. Now your highness is launching the small four spirit array. Only when it reaches about 100 meters can the power of the four spirit array be fully expanded."

"I see."

Besides armor, there are weapons, but Lu Chen felt this for a long time. The materials of weapons and armor are almost the same, and there is almost no difference except that there is no big array of four spirits.

In fact, he doesn't care much about the big array. Lu Chen's favorite material is the armor. He can feel that the mountain like armor is all made of high-grade materials, and all of them are hard materials. The pure hardness of the materials can make Lu Chen resist the legendary attack.

"Yes, very good."

He caresses the armor with satisfaction. Lu Chen feels that even if the legendary attack hits him, his strength will have to be reduced by half. He is sure to resist the rest with his body.

"The armor has arrived, and the troops will be assembled early tomorrow morning to attack the mysterious situation."


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