The dragon's body is split by Lu Chen and thrown in all directions by Lu Chen. It takes another five or six seconds for Arnold to recover from his merciful face.

However, it was too late to recover at this time. The body was divided into more than ten parts, and it was surrounded and beaten by 130000 crazy soldiers just like that.

alone can not cope with nearly ten thousand fanatic legions, but this time, the warriors came to absorb the blood essence of the dragon. In a short time, the fighters not only restored the consumption just now, but also had more scales on some people. This also meant that they had full defense of physical defense, elemental defense and resistance to Long Wei. Growth.

"Asshole, I'm going to kill you. I'm going to kill you..."

In the rage of incompetence, another 50 minutes after the split, the Dragon Arnold died again.

But Lu Chen's side, monk and Eli, also lost their fighting power.

After counting the rest, the Dragon came back again relying on the immortal blood.

Lu Chen clearly sees that at this time, there is still a third of the immortal blood.

"Is there another chance of resurrection? Add the one that is alive now, and kill it two more times, and we will succeed."

Thinking in this way, Lu Chen looks at the crazy soldier who is reactivated and smiles on his face.

"As expected, they are the dependents of the first ghosts and gods. Fighting can make them grow rapidly."

If it is an ordinary soldier, even if it is a elite soldier, he will lose all his strength after killing the Dragon twice.

This is also the difficulty of killing the legend. In addition to the legend, other people simply can not consume the legend.

But this time, the Dragon Arnold met with stubble. In the fierce battle, the crazy soldiers not only did not lose their strength, but became more and more powerful.

When the Dragon comes back to life, it's another angry roar. This time, Yu Fei, the ninth swordsman on the list, looks at Lu Chen.

"Help me."

After saying that, there is a small sword with white light from Yu Feimei's heart.

After the sword appeared, Yu Fei collapsed on the ground, and looking at the sword, Lu Chen's soul also rose a trace of cold.

"Sword of the soul!"

As soon as Jingying sword appeared, Lu Chen knew that it was Yu Fei's soul and understood Yu Fei's plan.

Knowing that Arnold the dragon is incomparable in body, but weak in soul and will, Yu Fei, after Eli and monk, is also desperate to deal with the weakest point of dragon with his own soul.

After the soul sword appeared, a flash flew to the soul of the dragon in the sky.

This is sensed by the dragon, and immediately, the breath of raging fire rises from it.

The dragon also knew its weak soul, and its way of fighting against it was by magic.

Whether it is fire, dragon power, or other ancient soul protection, they can strengthen his soul and protect him from the power of the soul.

It's just that the power of darkness is killing it.

As soon as the breath on his body appeared, a bloody palm appeared on his head from the empty air and stroked his head. The bloody palm looked very gentle, but the magic power gathered on the dragon was dissipated in an instant.

The feeling that all kinds of strength dissipated made the Dragon almost cry.

"Can suppress my magic, but also appear quietly, you this ability is too shameless."

In fact, a single round of dark power, or the hand of space, is strong, but both have limitations.

For example, the hand of darkness can only exert its greatest advantage by holding down the enemy. While the hand of space can penetrate the space and reach the enemy quickly, its attack power is Well, time is respected, space is king, and the hand of space alone is very strong. When the power of darkness is combined with the hand of space, there are some bugs, which can be called myth ability only by the two.

Relying on this ability to suppress the dragon, Lu Chen abandoned more than half of the dragon's ability.

"I'll fight with you."

Without magic power, Arnold the dragon will bite the sword with his big mouth.

However, Yu Fei's whole soul was solidified in the sword. Without the same soul or magic power, the Dragon couldn't bite the soul sword with his body.

On the contrary, the twinkling sword flashed into the dragon's consciousness.


Then, after a shrill scream, the dragon's body fell like a kite with broken string.

Its soul has been severely damaged by Yu Fei.

Of course, it's just a big hit.

Although the dragon's soul has been broken through protection, its defense is not weak. No matter Yu Fei, Eli, or monk, they can influence the dragon, but the time of this influence is only ten seconds.

Soul fighting is a dangerous job. Both Eli and monks collapse to the ground after attacking with their souls.

You know one thing, they collapsed, but Arnold the dragon was just crazy for more than ten seconds.

A combat effectiveness can only be replaced by a dragon for more than ten seconds, which shows the body's ability to nourish the soul.Even if he tried his best to attack the most vulnerable side of the dragon, he only gave Lu Chen more than ten seconds. This is the strength of the legend.

Moreover, although his soul is in severe pain and his body is paralyzed, Arnold is not worried. He knows that his body can never be killed in more than ten seconds.

This is also true. Even Lu Chen can't kill the dragon in more than ten seconds. The last few times, the Dragon didn't die miserably because of soul damage.

But it can't be killed, but it can split.

When the Dragon fell from the sky, Lu Chen used the power of the sword to attach the power of Nuada, the king of Celtic, on the sword. With the power of cutting off all things in the world, Lu Chen divided the dragon's body into more than ten sections.

At this time, the dragon is still alive.

Its body is still active, and its consciousness is returning.

If only Lu Chen was alone, he could only watch the power of the sword dissipate, and then the Dragon returned to its original state and fought with him again.

But Lu Chen is more than one person, he is with 130000 crazy soldiers to attack the evil spirit.

Jump into the air, Lu Chen a little force, the Dragon Arnold's body thrown to 13 directions.

After counting the rest, Yu Fei's all-out soul attack dissipates, and the Dragon Arnold recovers his consciousness and can control the body.

But its physical body was split by Lu Chen, and then, it was tragic again.

"Asshole, can't you afford it! There's a kind of one-on-one fight. A siege is no hero. "

Angry but helpless dragon, he even said a single word, which made Lu Chen "poof" laugh.

Then, in the face of the furious dragon, Lu Chenyi said in a righteous way:

"of course we are heroes."

"If it's a hero, I'll take it on my own."

"Isn't it a one-off competition now? You take all of us on your own. "

After mocking the dragon for a few words, Lu Chen called out to the crazy soldiers: "give me a strong inhalation. You don't need to talk about morality and morality with evil spirits. It's the truth to go up side by side."


Another bout of incompetence rage, and then it's all over.

After the Dragon died again, there was a golden red light of immortal blood in the air, but this time, facing the legendary dragon who was born again.

The crazy soldiers at the bottom are no longer afraid, but some are expecting. They are looking forward to the flesh and blood of the dragon and the improvement of their own strength.

This desire to devour their own eyes makes the Dragon furious, but it is more timid. It has been split three times in a row, and the body is swallowed up by the monsters below. It is already afraid.

"If it goes on like this, I'll really die."

"Asshole, I remember you."

After roaring solemnly to the bottom, the dragon's wings fluttered, and the expressions of the people below were dignified. Although they wanted to devour the dragon, everyone knew that only when the prince split the dragon, could they have the chance to swallow it. If they did not split, they would send food.

Therefore, they are very cautious about the impact of the complete dragon.

However, just when they were careful, the dragon, after flapping its wings, ran away in the distance.

Such a scene, let alone ordinary soldiers, is that Lu Chen, who is waiting for the battle, is all muddled for a moment.

"This is He escaped. "

After a moment, Lu Chen, who responded, of course, didn't want to.

With his left hand stretched forward and penetrating the void, Lu Chen instantly stroked the dragon's dog's head, dispersing its whole body's ability.

Then, with your left hand, press the Dragon down.

And at the same time, Lu Chen's red dress, who incarnates Xiuluo, also flies in the past, and Taizhao is also charging towards the sky.

Among all the arrogance that Lu Chen came to, Hongchang and Taizhao were not weak. However, one of the most powerful was speed and the killing of flesh and blood, and the other was the restraint of the power of light against evil.

In normal times, such abilities play a great role, but the dragon is weak in soul and will. On the contrary, because of its strong body and evil spirit, it is not too afraid of them.

Of course, they are not useless. When Lu Chen splits the Dragon apart, they can also entangle the dragon.

However, looking at Eli, the monks play a significant role, they still sigh.

And when they flew to the sky, the Taoist looked at the collapsed Eli and the monk, and he also gave his hand.

As one of the top three in the list, his hand is also extraordinary. He holds a golden mirror, and the Taoist priest casts magic to make the mirror shine into the void.

Then, a figure that Lu Chen is quite familiar with appears.

God Razer!

Yes, the shadow of lazer, which just released by Eli, appeared in the air again.

And Lu Chen can also feel that the shadow of the God Lazer is just called out by Eli.

"What is this? Copy or fantasy, or time back? "

Lu Chen was puzzled by the sudden appearance of the virtual shadow. When he was puzzled, the shadow of lazer, which was emitted from the golden mirror, had already patted his stomach as if he had just summoned. This made a huge roar again between heaven and earth.In the roar, the dragon flying in the sky suddenly trembled, and the Thunder God's anger exploded in its mind.


But this time, the Dragon tried his best.

When the thunder roared, a colorful scale on his neck suddenly blazed.

After the scales were broken, the dragon's consciousness recovered in a moment.

No, it can't be called recovery. The dragon who wakes up again has endless cruelty and fury in his eyes.

Looking at the broken scales and the state of the Dragon at this time, the Taoist priest from tiandaozong opened his mouth.

"The dragon's scale, touch it will be angry, it also desperately ah."

The Taoist priest sighs that Lu Chen also feels that the dragon's state is wrong. After moving his body for a while, Lu Chen stands out of the queue and says fearlessly: "the state of rage can't be maintained all the time. The dragon has the last life. I can kill it."

"You rest and watch me."

So saying, Lu Chen looked to his left hand, where the second ghost, the erosion of Pu Meng, was eager to try.

"It's not only you Tianjiao who have the ability to attack the soul, but I also have it."

"This is the last life of the dragon. Kill it and it will be over."

Lu Chen feels that Arnold, the dragon's last life, can be killed even if he is extremely violent.

But before Lu Chen showed great power, the Taoist voice began to ring.

"You don't have to be embarrassed by your highness. It's really hard to deal with the fury under the scale, but I have a way to deal with it."

So he put his magic power into the mirror again. Then, as soon as the golden mirror turned, a benevolent Bodhisattva appeared in the void. Then, the Bodhisattva reached out and touched the dragon, letting the cruelty on its face fade away, leaving only kindness.

"Sanchi elder martial brother's Dharma is boundless, just in response to the rage of the dragon."

Looking at the Taoist priest praising the monk, Lu Chen said speechless: "the strong one is you, right? Summon twice in a row. Are you ok?"

"Fortunately, your highness, don't think I'm too weak. Anyway, I'm in the top three."

This words, let Lu Chen silence a breath, then, he laughs a mouth way.

"I think it's bad. I'm not the only genius in this world. The main force to resist evil is still the strong one in this world."

When shaking his head, Lu Chen also soars in the sky, depending on the power of the sword, breaking the Dragon Arnold into more than ten pieces.

Then he threw the meat pieces in all directions. Although soon Arnold's consciousness was restored, some of them became smaller dragons and some became a lot of magic creatures.

But at the same time as the Dragon changes, 130000 crazy soldiers have surrounded it.

Originally, those crazy soldiers thought that after losing the help of Tianjiao, the battle was difficult.

But without waiting for them to sigh, several ghosts and ghosts flew out from Lu Chen's left hand, helping those crazy soldiers suppress the dragon's struggle.

Kazan, the soul of the sword, wields his double swords. The invasion consciousness of Pu Meng is widespread. Jia Kai of shadow holds the figure of the dragon. Saya of frost holds the sadness of frost. He is a man A ghost will freeze the Dragon completely

Looking at the battle below, thinking that this is the last life of the dragon, Lu Chen still feels a little unreal.

"I thought it would be a fierce battle in the end, and I was ready to die a few lives. The Dragon did hide the bottom card of the dragon's scale, but why did it become so?"

The victory came so suddenly and so easily that Lu Chen was at a loss.

However, after turning to look at the collapsed Taoists and the struggling dragon, Lu Chen soon figured out why the victory was so easy.

"The legend is really powerful. Even I can't match the dragon's physical body, but most legends only break through a sky pass after all. Naturally, the direction they break through is the strongest. However, the other three directions that have not broken through have weaknesses. If you find weaknesses, you can kill them."

In addition to the legendary weakness, Lu Chen can easily win another reason is that many Tianjiao came together.

"These Tianjiao are worthy of the name. With their help, I can win so easily."

At this time, Lu Chen has understood that the world is not around him, he is working hard, that many Tianjiao are also trying to cultivate, for their own world out of a force.

"I'm not alone."

Thinking like this, Lu Chen has a smile in his heart.

And he is laughing, and praising many Tianjiao, who look at him, is the light of worship.

It is true that in the battle just now, they played a lot of roles, seriously damaged the soul of the dragon, and gave Lu Chen the opportunity to kill the Dragon completely.

But if there is no Lu Chen, can they work together?

The answer is No.

Although without Lu Chen, they could still find a large number of troops and gather together to fight against evil spirits, but it was difficult to rely on the soul power to destroy the soul of the dragon.Don't forget that the dragon has no way to deal with the attack of soul, but is restrained by Lu Chen's dark power.

Even though they were severely damaged, they could not split the dragon's body, let alone kill the dragon. They could only delay them for more than ten seconds.

At the same time, after launching the soul attack, those Tianjiao will be abandoned, and no one can stop the dragon's body except Lu Chen. Without being suppressed, those abandoned Tianjiao will die miserably in the mouth of the dragon. Therefore, no one dares to release the soul attack for several times.

It can be said that the core of this battle is still Lu Chen.

It was he who wiped out the dragon's magic power, he delayed the dragon's speed with the evil spirit chain, and he also resisted all the dragon's attacks.

Without Lu Chen, no one can stop the dragon will kill.

At the same time, it is Lu Chen who divides the dragon's body.

What's more, Lu Chen's constant release of the power of light dispelled the evil fog around him, and enabled human beings to fight with all their might. It was also his existence that gave Tianjiao endless confidence in this place and allowed them to fight freely.

Many Tianjiao know this, so they look at Lu Chen's eyes, full of worship.

"With your highness, we can really get rid of the scams."

This is the idea of many people, and in their eyes of worship, more than half an hour later, the Dragon Arnold sent out a final sigh and was sucked clean by crazy soldiers.

And this time, its immortal blood has been exhausted. Therefore, the Dragon Fall.

[Ding, the system prompts that the host carrying the mad warrior killed the legendary dragon. Congratulations to the host and obtained 6 million experience points]

"six million Because of Tianjiao's joining, has the experience value been reduced? Forget it, it's already a lot. "

Lu Chen was pleased with the huge amount of experience, and many Tianjiao were jubilant at the place where the dragon was broken.

They are happy that the scam has been destroyed, and even more happy is the reward they will receive.

As for the "cancer" of the world, the will of heaven and earth will be rewarded after clearing it.

People cheered, Lu Chen is looking around, he wants to find the whereabouts of the Dark Goddess.

He never forgot that vicious woman.

The power of darkness has the function of concealing, and ordinary methods of exploration have no effect at all. Even divination and prophecy can't work. But this time, Lu Chen uses the method of resonance of the power of darkness.

"You have the power of darkness, so do I. I don't believe I can't find you."

was as like as two peas in the dark, and soon, Lu Chen felt a breath of air in the distance.

"I found you."

Looking at the past, the Dark Goddess seemed to feel something, and immediately flew towards a space entrance.

With the death of the legendary dragon Arnold, the fulcrum of the world has also been broken. The mysterious situation has been collapsing, and huge space cracks are everywhere.

Of course, in addition to returning to Lu Chen's world, rushing into other space cracks is likely to get lost in the endless void.

But the Dark Goddess marked by Lu Chen would rather enter the space crack to gain a chance of life than face Lu Chen.

After all, the former is still a life of death, and the latter is the real death without life.

Unfortunately, she wanted to escape, but it was not so easy to escape.

The distance is far away, but as Lu Chen's palm slowly stretches out, a bloody palm directly penetrates a distance of more than ten miles and presses on the top of the Dark Goddess's head.

Ordinary hand of space can't stretch the palm so far, but Lu Chen is different. Before acquiring the ability of hand of space, he has the skill of turning the path, and has a deep understanding of space.

At the same time, the two abilities of Vientiane Tianyin and black hole are also related to time and space. This understanding of space enables Lu Chen's space hand to attack the enemy more than ten kilometers away.

"When I become a legend, I can grasp every place I perceive with the hand of space. Even, I may be in the outside world and attack the enemy in the mysterious situation."

As the mind turns, Lu Chen's big hand covers the head of the dark girl.

No, Lu Chen was still in the state of 99.9 meters at this time. Therefore, his big hand grasped the whole person of the Dark Goddess.


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