"Is it Yanzhou, where the situation has affected heaven and earth?"

Lu Chen knows very well that the blood moon is the manifestation of the evil god Kingdom, and the reason why the 11th blood moon is hanging high in the sky but does not fall on the earth is that the world is resisting the arrival of the evil god.

However, the will of heaven and earth is not omnipotent, and those weird situations are the erosion of the will of heaven and earth by the evil spirit. If we say that the evil state is just an external disease of skin, it is an internal injury if the evil spirit enters the world and pollutes the earth.

Now it is obvious that the fall of half of Yanzhou has weakened the will of the world, and the evil spirits have further oppressed them.

"It can't go on like this."

Although he knew that his role was not great, Lu Chen could not help but raise the wings of twelve lights, and rushed towards Yanzhou with great speed.

However, before he left the city, he was stopped by manxiong.

"Go back."

"But Yanzhou..."

"We are there. If you want to help If you want to help, you should continue to clear the evil situation. If you remove all the medium-sized ones, both we and heaven have enough strength to deal with the disaster of Yanzhou. "

When it comes to helping, uncle manxiong hesitated. Obviously, he didn't want his prince to join the battlefield so quickly. But in the end, he spoke up, which shows that the situation is not good.

After Lu Chen thought about it for a moment, he had to admit that manxiong's argument was reasonable. If all the surrounding strange places were cleared away, all the soldiers and civilians stationed here could enter Yanzhou, and the will of heaven and earth could divide more strength. Therefore, this is also a method of fighting.

What's more, there is no lack of Lu Chen in Yanzhou's past legend, but he is the only one who can do it.

Finally, Lu Chen can only nod back.

"I know, the day after tomorrow, no, I will continue to enter the medium-sized scam."

"The day after tomorrow, you can't have an accident in the current situation. If you can clear all the medium-sized scams, we still have a chance to turn the tables. If you fail..."

After the words manxiong did not say, but Lu Chen also understand that only living, there is output.

After thinking about it for a while, Lu Chen still agrees with manxiong. He doesn't need a rest, but the crazy soldier needs it with the desperate Tianjiao.

However, Lu Chen did not return to tianwu city.

"It's too dangerous for Yanzhou to have a real God. The mysterious situation needs to wait for the crazy soldiers to recover. I'll clean up other evil spirits."

With such an idea, Lu Chen soared to the sky and expanded the twelve wings behind him. Relying on the worship and belief of Yunzhou and the wilderness for himself, Lu Chen's wings behind him expanded to 10000 meters, waving the wings of light, and Lu Chen flew all the way to remote places, bombing all the way.

"Yanzhou is dangerous, and medium-sized treacherous environment is the cancer of the world, but the evil spirits that rush into the world must also be cleaned up."

"Only by killing all the evils can the world be restored to its original state."

"Boom and boom"

tonight is destined to be a hard day to calm down. The red moon is falling, which makes countless people feel dangerous.

At the same time, the influence of the red moon's falling also appears. Although the red moon has not completely fallen on the earth, those with higher perception or vision can already sense the red moon from the earth And the evil spirits in it.

It's not a good thing to see God.

For people with high vision, if they do not stop immediately after induction, but listen carefully, their consciousness will be distorted And get huge benefits.

Shenju is a perfect creature that breaks through the four day pass of Shenmen. They are the embodiment of rules and the end point of common creatures. They are Dharma and Tao.

Looking directly at such a great existence is like looking directly at the law and the Tao effect.

What are the advantages of looking directly at rules and laws? Those with low strength will gain a lot of knowledge and skills, while those with high strength will find their own way from the perfect God.

Although this is very dangerous, even if only one second, there will be a lot of knowledge into the secular heart.

Although they are only looking at the surface of the divine, and the knowledge is just the outermost level of the divine ability, these abilities are enough for human beings to obtain huge benefits.

It is an opportunity to face God.

However, if it is a normal God run, as long as it can survive, it is indeed an opportunity.

But the evil gods in the sky have been distorted by the erosion of evil spirit, and the end point has been distorted. Looking directly at those evil gods, we can imagine what kind of ability they have acquired.

Devour flesh and blood, gnaw despair, feed evil spirits with their own All kinds of unknown abilities are acquired by higher spirited humans on earth.

It can be predicted that such ability will certainly bring a lot of trouble, but that is the case, it is still good.

Although Lu Chen has always believed that the saying "there is no right or wrong in ability" is wrong, except for some people with firm will, it is difficult for people who can gain strength from destruction to restrain their desire to kill in their hearts.

But Lu Chen did not believe in the moral standards of those people, but believed that as long as there were strict laws and strong ability to punish evil, he could suppress those people's evil deeds and let them deal with the evil with unknown power.What makes Lu Chen miserable is that too many people want to see deeper power because of their weak will or greed. Instead of breaking free, they want to be more compatible with the evil gods in the sky.

For this, the evil gods are very generous. They open up all their secrets, and all people can merge with the gods in the sky.

But those gods have been distorted, and even the spirit of the soul to break through the sky are distorted, ordinary people and what to resist.

It can be clearly seen that just a little deeper, those greedy human soul and will will will be distorted, and after the soul distortion, the next change is the body.

Tentacles, eyeballs, bones, hair, all sorts of strange abilities grow from the twisted human bodies, and monsters appear on the earth one by one.

"Thanks to the Supreme Lord, I am sublimated!"

"This is the real life, ha ha ha."

"Power, great power."

"I am perfect, man is the filth that must be removed."

"The world will be dark, and my Lord will come to earth."


In one town after another, countless human beings with high spiritual vision but weak will are howling in arrogance, trying to eliminate the "filth" in the world and give their families "sublimation" or "integration".

Such a scene, also let countless tragedies spread out in the town.

The monster who feels sublimated has devoured his family and wants to be integrated with his family.

There are monsters preaching his Lord's way and turning human beings into monsters.

There are

Too many misfortunes happen together. God is like the sun. Even if they are a little closer, they will affect countless human beings.

Fortunately, humans are not defenseless.

In those big cities, there are gods and high-ranking legends, or quasi God's belief fields, which will resist the power of evil gods in the sky. At the same time, strong willed people and priests who believe in normal gods are also attacking everywhere to eliminate all kinds of monsters.

In Yunzhou and the wilderness, LuChen is more like an aerospace carrier for rapid cruise.

"See, this is a powerful power. Do you want this power? Worship my Lord. As long as you believe in it, the great Lord will give you Bang "

" dregs, as my sacrifice to your majesty, I will get powerful Boom "

there are twisters who gain powerful power to preach the greatness of the Lord they believe in, and some twisters want to continue to sacrifice their lives and improve themselves.

Unfortunately, before they had finished their propaganda, a feather of light fell from the sky like a magic sword and blew them to pieces.

There are more than one place and two places like this. There are 80000 or 90000 distorted people in Yunzhou and wilderness. After gaining powerful power, these twisted people can't help showing off and abusing others with powerful power.

Then, they were tragic.

Lu Chen, who is on a cruise, spreads thousands of plumes of light, crushing all the tortuous ones who commit violence.

All the arrogant people were killed by Lu Chen.

Such a situation also makes some distorting people hide.

The twisters are not unorganized. They almost look directly at the sky for 11 blood months to gain strong power. When they look directly at the evil gods in the sky, there is also a kind of implicit connection between them. When a large number of twisted people are killed by Lu Chen, their unwillingness and resentment will be fed back to the evil gods in the sky, and those twisted people have a kind of connection with evil gods The evil gods know, and so do the other twisted ones.

Therefore, soon, Yunzhou and the wild twisted all hid themselves.

In a basement of a small town on the edge of the wasteland, several monsters with green faces and tusks gathered together. They felt sublimated and had an extreme desire for flesh and blood. They felt that their newly acquired strength was invincible.

Therefore, they want to kill and sacrifice humble ants to please their Lord and gain more power.

However, they were gathered together by an old generation of cult believers and bound in the basement, which made many monsters dissatisfied.

"Why don't you go out and kill those mole ants? They are so weak and their taste is so delicious. We will surely be rewarded if we give them to the great majesty."

"That is, we are the emissaries of perfect blood, noble sublimates, hiding in the dirty basement is not our job, killing is."


Looking around the self-confident slowly a crowd of monsters, the evil cult who gathered them together was a little tired.

"There are so many servants of my Lord, but why are so many fools? Get out! Can I go out now? The prince is not invincible at all, even the incarnation of the son of God and the Lord has fallen several times. We are going to deliver the food Lord, you are invincible, you are perfect, and the despicable barbarians have only deceived my Lord with conspiracy. "

After praying for several times in succession, the cult member felt that his inner strength was returning to himself, instead of being turbulent because of his disrespect for God.The blood moon is reduced, which makes the influence of evil gods on their own believers deeper.

After praying, the cult member looked at the twisted people around him angrily: "asshole, shut up and stay here."

With these words, the evil believer found that the twisted people around him even had blood in their eyes.

It can only be said that the reduction of the height of the blood moon does create more distortions, but these twisters are not the same thing as the early heretics.

During the period of the evil cult, because the blood moon was far away, the people who could connect with the God in the blood moon were a group of genius. Although they fell into the cult in various ways and purposes, they were also a group of heinous evil parties, but they had all their abilities.

Moreover, because Shenju was too far away from them at that time, the madness of Shenju did not affect them too much.

But it is different at this time. The twisters of this transformation are those who are too greedy or those who are not firm in their will. At the same time, God is close enough, which makes it easier for human beings to look at God and be influenced by God.

Therefore, these twisters are almost all lunatics and thugs.

Sneaking around? I'm sorry, those who are influenced by the twisted nature of evil gods will not cover themselves up unless the gods they believe in are intrigues.

"Laozi has been sublimated, so why should NB hide?"

"How could that group of ants hurt me?"

"Lord, let me be one with you, and I will..."

They are unwilling to cover up for various reasons, and they are not convinced by those who let them cover up.

Therefore, in Lu Chen's flight, he found that there were evil believers fighting with the twisted.

"What is that? The struggle between heretics? Uneven distribution of rights? "

All kinds of ideas appear in Lu Chen's mind, but these ideas just flash away.

"Forget it, whatever it is, the cult members will die."

With the bombing of a sword of light, the movement here dissipated. At the last moment, Lu Chen faintly heard a cry of regret mixed with despair.

"No, I'm not a twister. I'm not with these idiots..."

"Not the twister? I'm kidding. I can't make a mistake because of the evil smell in my body. "

Lu Chen flies very fast, but because of his intuitive ability of apocalypse, he can hardly find the wrong person. But when he flies, he also finds that big cities are guarded by strong human beings. Relying on high-level legendary faith protection and patrol guards, these big cities are not only quick to clean up twists, but also have few twisters in cities.

Instead, towns and villages are full of disasters.

In this regard, Lu Chen can not be more demanding, nor can he blame those who are strong.

It's not that they don't want to rescue, but they are powerless. Their powerful fighting power has gone to tianwai, the fallen land of Yanzhou and the large-scale mysterious situation. It is good that only some of the remaining troops can stay in the big city. If they disperse their forces, they will die together.

Because of the disaster in the village, the hatred of the dead is not mentioned. The people who have not died are also full of hatred.

It can be said that all kinds of negative atmosphere are in the wounds of various villages, which is a hotbed for hatching the descendants of evil gods and the best time for evil gods to develop offline.

Those villagers who hate to the extreme will not care where the source of strength is in order to kill the enemy. As long as someone gives them, they will accept it.

"Kill it, whoever it is, as long as I kill it, I will give everything I have."

In the heart of crazy prayer is a 14-year-old child, hidden under a house, he watched the distant parents' body was torn, blood was wantonly sprinkled, the heart emerged endless hatred.

Crazy hatred draws attention to something.

"Resentment, despair, want to get powerful power to kill the enemy in front of you?"

"Who are you?"

The sudden words let half of the youth hiding on the ground were stunned for a moment, but soon, he responded.

"Forget it, no matter who you are, as long as you give me strength, I will give you everything."

"That's settled. Accept the power."


Accompanied by a whisper, the half of the young man shrieked.

Such a cry, attracted the attention of those who twisted.

They have found hidden children for a long time, and those without power can't block their search for flesh and blood.

The reason why I didn't do it just wanted to absorb the fear and despair of the child.

"Boring, even made a sound, really boring, now, do not kill you can not ah."

"Hee hee, I love your fear when you hide."

At this time, half of the young people's screams have ended, some just endless hate intended to diffuse in the eyes.

"Kill you, I will kill you.""It's up to you to kill us, ha ha..."

In the arrogant laughter, those twisted people went to the child's body, to tear the half of the youth.

Only, half way, they saw the child's deep eyes, the pace of walking suddenly stopped, the face is full of fear.

And then, standing still, a sound of screams from their mouths, a trail of scars also appeared in their bodies, finally, the scars covered the whole body, those twisted faces also showed the expression that life is not like death, and slowly died in the deepest despair.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo!"

At the same time, looking at the young man's body, he could not help but kneel down on his body, but his eyes were half broken on the ground.

"You Whoosh You've changed your promise. What do you want me to do now, to kill other humans? "

"Killing other humans? Why do you have such an idea? "

"Aren't you evil gods doing these things?"

"It's true that evil gods do these things, but I'm not an evil god."


The voice in his heart let the half of the youth sigh for a moment, but soon, feeling the power in his body, he gave a sad smile.

"Are you kidding? It's not evil to give me such power. Don't fool me. Tell me what you want me to do."

"I said, it's not a trick at all Forget it, remember what I told you to do, kill all the twisters you see and save humanity. "

This said, half of the young people are not happy, but have some ideas in mind.

"Magic? The normal humans I see later are monsters, and monsters are normal people."

This is a child's mind thinking, but this idea just came out, a voice has already sounded in his heart.

"You have too many ideas. If I am really an evil god, I can directly distort your will. It's needless to say that. Go and rescue other human beings. Besides, you are not alone. Go to the presence next to you, where there is my portrait and the priest's guard. Those who hold such portraits are your companions. "

With a portrait in the eyes of half of the young people, the young people who just did not care about it suddenly sent out a surprise voice.

"Are you a Savage God of war with three heads and six arms, a green face and fangs, and can still swallow the evil spirit?"


"I accept the wild God of war, three heads and six arms Well, I'm going to learn six arms soon. I'll swallow the evil spirit Well, but the black face and the fangs are slander

Lu Chen's mind in his heart, he could not make complaints about this idea. He said happily at this time: "I should have thought of it, giving me such evil strength, and let me help mankind, only God of war!"

"If you talk like this, you won't be afraid to be killed. What about the power of the second ghost?"

Although he said that, looking at the surrounding dilapidated villages and a large number of dead human beings, Lu Chen did not have the idea of criticizing the youth. He just pointed out a way for him to go to the village with his own image protection and join the strength of the people.

At this time, more than one person connected with Lu Chen, because of the rampage of twisted people, resentment, despair, killing and death in the world In the past, they were the hotbeds for hatching the offspring of evil gods.

First of all, we should let go of those who pollute human beings with spiritual vision, and then use these distortions to cause chaos and resentment. With this endless negative atmosphere, evil gods will give birth to their offspring, and these offspring will cause more chaos. It can be said that this is a cycle of extermination, and it is also the most commonly used method for evil gods to break through the world.

But at this time, the chaos caused, but the negative forces were intercepted.


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