Seeing that everything in front of him was smashed and destroyed by the holy light weapon, Lu Chen felt very happy and felt that there was something really to be done on the road of bombing.

However, he was comfortable, and it was hard for him to seal the mountain of Zen. What the emperor had to do to Lu Chen was to spend his energy in vain.

At the same time, while Lu Chen was bombing, the Taoist priest who had been observing for a long time also opened his mouth to LuChen.

"Ah Chen, this altar is not really infinite in energy. It can extract the power of faith from the Empire and the people from history. However, the world has been eroded, the Empire has long been destroyed, and all civilizations have been killed. The energy it absorbs is the water without roots and the wood without fate."

The normal way to deal with evil spirit is to find out the weakness of evil spirit, and then deal with it according to the method. For example, the Taoist really found a way to deal with the evil spirit in front of him, that is, in the shadow of the emperor.

This is the strongest and weakest side of Fengchan platform.

"In order to let the emperor carry the faith of hundreds of millions of people in history, the platform of Zen has given its soul, which gives the image of the emperor legendary strength, but also makes it have weaknesses No, the weakness is that it does not affect the emperor when it comes to Fengchan mountain. "

"But I don't think that emperor will help destroy his country or even the monsters of the world. As long as you can wake up the emperor's will, the mountain of Zen will lose the blessing of a kingdom."

Lu Chen nodded, but soon, he began to doubt: "is it not said that it will be irreversible to be eroded by evil?"

"It is certainly irreversible to be eroded by evil, but what has been eroded here is the mountain of Fengchan, not the brand of the emperor, nor the illusory hundreds of millions of people in history."

"Well, what you said is likely to succeed."

When Lu Chen nodded his head, the Taoist priest was even more excited and said:

"awakening an emperor can only make Fengchan mountain lose a country, but this method can be used continuously. We have found the weakness of evil spirit."

Thinking like this, the Taoist's eyes lit up, and immediately spread his voice, telling Lu Chen what he thought.

After listening, Lu Chen is also in front of his eyes.

"Sure enough, it's right to bring you here."

"Blow this one to death and try the next one."

With Lu Chen's full efforts, the emperor in front of him was completely blasted to death. This was the seventh emperor. Lu Chen's sea of light was reduced to only 5000 meters in diameter.

After thoroughly killing the emperor in front of him, Lu Chen is waiting for the eighth emperor to appear.

However, a strange scene appeared, a huge scene appeared between heaven and earth, but this time it was no longer the image of the emperor, but a cold and expressionless figure. At the same time, there was a residual breath of God on the figure.

The sudden change made Lu Chen Leng for a moment, but he couldn't help looking at the Taoist priest beside him: "what's the matter? Does the evil spirit know your plan?"

"No way. My voice is special, and the evil spirit can never know. Moreover, I have a treasure that can hold my own secret. The evil spirit can't find out my thoughts or even get danger from me."

Although he said this, the Taoist priest had doubts in his heart when he looked at the changing evil spirit. At the same time, he was also carrying out a quick calculation in his hands.

After a long time, "wow", a mouthful of blood was spurted out by the Taoist priest.

"What's the matter, are you all right?"

The Taoist priest spitting blood makes Lu Chen scared and asks a question.

In this regard, the Taoist priest shook his head and refused the light pouring into his body. At the same time, he also looked at Lu Chen bitterly.

"I'm fine, and I know why the evil spirit has changed so much."

"What the hell is going on?"

In the face of Lu Chen's puzzled questions, the Taoist had more helplessness in his eyes. After seeing Lu Chen for several times, the Taoist priest sighed and said, "evil spirit really did not perceive my danger, and did not know my method, but it could not hold on."


Looking at Lu Chen, he was puzzled, and the Taoist explained: "not all the emperors can offer Zen, and not all the emperors who worship zen can form a brand. This mountain of Zen worship has a total of seven emperors and their countries, and your highness..."

The last word Taoist didn't say, but Lu Chen already knew the reason.

All the seven emperors were killed by Lu Chen.

Such a scene makes Lu Chen smile awkwardly.

And the Taoist thought that he would fight with the prince and admonished Lu Chen.

"Your Highness, don't be so rash when you encounter evil spirits. You can wait a little while. We can help you think of the best way to deal with evil spirits."

"Too much trouble Well, I know. Don't look at me with this look. What's the matter with the final situation? How do I feel that there is a residual breath of God on the mountain of Fengchan. "

This is just Lu Chen's sentence to change the topic. He didn't want to get an answer, but the Taoist really knew the reason."In addition to being an altar for emperors to show off their achievements and mark their own orthodoxy, Fengchan mountain is also a channel to communicate with gods and gods in legend."

"The earthly emperors report their achievements to the heaven through the Fengchan ceremony, and the" heaven "affirms the orthodoxy of the mortal emperors, and sometimes rewards them. Just now, the mountain of Zen is the brand of manifesting the mortal emperor, and now it is the brand of manifesting the" heaven. "

"In every world, some emperors offer sacrifices to heaven, while others offer sacrifices to gods. Both heaven and God are full of the spirit of God."

The Taoist priest quickly answers Lu Chen's doubts. However, after getting the complete answer, Lu Chen is not too happy. What he has is just a headache.

"It's God again. It's all about God."

"This is inevitable, God is the end of all things, no matter who, as long as they have strong strength, they will be related to God."

After that, the Taoist priest comforted Lu Chen.

"Your Highness, don't worry. After my calculation, the God in front of me has been killed. What remains is only its breath and the image branded by the mountain of Zen. This is the last struggle of Fengchan mountain. What's more, the method I just used can also be used for the brand of Shenju. As long as the good side of Shenju's breath is awakened, the brand of the mountain of Zen will disappear automatically. "

"But it's not easy."

It's really not easy for Taoists to keep silent. What's more, they have to communicate face to face with God's brand if they want to awaken the good side of God's brand.

Not to mention the heavy damage to the soul caused by the reversion after failure, even if we succeed, because we face the mark of God who is polluted by evil spirit, it will also have an impact on human soul and even corrupt human beings.

Lu Chen didn't know this because of his lack of research on the soul, but the Apocalypse made Lu Chen understand the danger.

Looking at the Taoist priest's silence, Lu Chen said: "forget it, you leave. I'll leave here."

"No, your highness, that is the surest way."

"I know, but I have a better way to say, are you sure this is the last brand of Fengchan mountain?"

"This is the last time, I'll give my life."

"Don't be so serious. Take the team out of here."

Seeing that the Taoist wanted to shake his head and refuse, Lu Chen threatened directly.

"This is an order. If you don't obey, I will not take you with me when I enter into the scam again."

"Your Highness Well, I see. "

Lu Chen's determination to let the Taoist can only take people to leave, but before leaving, he still solemnly reminded Lu Chen.

"I'm leaving now, but your highness, please be careful. Don't be impulsive. This is the last move of evil spirit. We still have a lot of cards to play."

After the Taoists left with the soldiers, Lu Chen also looked ahead. Although he had a lot of communication with the Taoists, the time outside was not long, so the arrival of the front was not completed.

Of course, it has something to do with the vastness and persistence of this coming.

Looking at that indifferent and some illusory figure is about to come to this world, Lu Chen once wanted to stop.

However, he knew that the scene in front of him was called out from history. When the virtual shadow did not come completely, both the shadow and the altar were located in the history, and Lu Chen could not reverse the things in the future attacking history. Therefore, he could only watch with open eyes.

Looking at the brand coming, Lu Chen also sighed:

"the magic girl does not attack when she changes into a special effect. It may not be a special effect, but can't attack."

The illusory figures come with great pressure and the breath of heaven, which makes Lu Chen have a feeling of facing the sky. This makes Lu Chen understand that even the gods are quite powerful.

But after feeling all this, Lu Chen is in a bad mood, which is enough to show his relaxation.

And he was really relaxed, especially after he found that crazy soldiers and Tianjiao had retreated far away under their own orders, Lu Chen was more happy.

While Lu Chen was smiling happily, the monk in the distance also held the Taoist's shadow.

"What did your royal highness tell you? Why did he let us escape in the face of the evil attack. "

"I don't know."

"I don't know you still advise us to go."

A group of Tianjiao's inquiries made Taoist laugh bitterly.

"I don't want to leave, but you don't know the character of his royal highness. I can't persuade him Well, I hope your royal highness will not be impulsive. "

In this way, in Lu Chen's pleasure and people's worry, the empty shadow with the spirit of God came.

After the thorough arrival, saw only Lu Chen one person, that indifferent voice rang up.

"Scared away by me?"

"It's not scared away. It's against you. I'm enough."

"Arrogant, do you feel so arrogant when dealing with some mortal emperors? I'm different from them..."

The empty shadow in front of me seems to be a strange combination of the original brand of Fengchan mountain and the breath of God. It contains the spirit of God, which is more arrogant, but is interrupted by Lu Chen before the words are finished.Do you know what art is

The two men who were about to fight suddenly began to discuss art. The jumping nature of this topic did not even occur to Fengchan mountain, which contains the spirit of running away. However, although there was no response, it still thought of calligraphy and painting, calligraphy, poetry and other things representing art in a moment.

However, before it could tell what was in his mind, he heard the self-examination and answer of strange characters in front of him.

"Art is explosion."

"Well? What the hell is this? "

Lu Chen's question and answer made the brand of Fengchan mountain's Noumenon at a loss for a moment, and in his blank breath, a shocking crisis appeared in its perception.

"Not good."

The extreme crisis let it release its strongest defense ability in an instant, and left to escape from here.

However, at the moment of the release of defense, it felt that the crisis came from its head. There, a dark dot appeared, and in the moment of emergence, it produced the ultimate attraction.

That terrible suction makes the earth on the ground roll up like a tide. At the same time, the space also distorts, and the distortion of space also distorts the objects attached to the space.

On the spot, the brand of Fengchan mountain was distorted on the spot.

However, as a strong man with the spirit of God, it was the first time that it turned into emptiness and wanted to escape from here.

At the same time, it also found that when the black spot appears, a strong rule is repairing the black spot.

"Two seconds, as long as two seconds, I can live."

This is its idea, but without waiting for the joy in its heart to rise, the endless light will be combined into hundreds of Holy Light Qin shields containing the cross, rushing towards the direction of the black spot.

"BAM, BAM, bang"

the brand of Fengchan mountain fixed by black spots can only watch hundreds of shields hit their face. Even because of suction, once any skill is released, it will be sucked away by the black spot, which makes it only use its face to meet the critical hit of the shield.

"BAM Bang Bang"

hundreds of shields hit its head, making it approach the black spot in the middle.

What's more, hundreds of shields are not over yet. All the sea of light with a diameter of 5000 meters has turned into shields, and with the blessing of extreme gravity, it's like a meteorite shooting at its face, which also makes it emit a roar.

"Asshole, you're going to die if you get close to that thing. You don't want to die."

He wants to stop Lu Chen's desperate behavior, but the words have no effect. The Holy Light Qin shield still rushes towards its face.

"Bang" "bang" "bang"

in the continuous impact sound, it is smashed into the black hole. Although the black hole is not a natural black hole, it is simulated with skills, and has the counteraction of the will of heaven and earth. It only exists for a few seconds.

But this black spot still hurt the evil spirit who had just arrived and had not yet had time to make a great power. Even its body was compressed into a small circle. However, at this time, the heart of Fengchan mountain was only joyful.

"I'm not dead, I'm still alive, ha ha ha!"

After the disaster, it looked at a small white dot beside him and showed a sneering smile.

"Well, stupid thing, I have said for a long time that black spot can't kill me. You just want to kill yourself when you rush over."

It was laughing wildly, and a sense of hardship came from the little white dot.

"Of course I know Simulation black hole can't kill you, can kill you It's art


Lu Chen's words make that strange face at a loss, but soon, it does not need to doubt.

Together with it, the white light spots absorbed by the simulated black hole burst into dazzling light after a fanatical word came out.

"Explosion is art!"


The rapid expansion of light makes Fengchan mountain's ontological consciousness feel bad, but at this time, it's too late to react, and the light spot compressed to the extreme by the simulated black hole explodes.


the burst of condensed light makes a loud noise from heaven and earth, and then the endless flame and light burst out in an instant.

Because the light spot is compressed by the breath of light with a diameter of 5000 meters, the energy contained in it is amazing. After it explodes with all its strength, the evil spirit in the area of more than ten kilometers has been dispelled. A huge mushroom cloud rises to a height of several kilometers. With the explosion point as the center, all the places within a few miles are heated and steamed with high temperature Hair clean, even the space has been melted, a larger space empty appeared in the strange situation.

At this time, the explosion was Lu Chen's most violent self explosion. The terrible explosion even scattered the Taoists and others who had been far away early, and could not stand still.

No way, Lu Chen's last remaining light power is still 5000 meters.

And when these forces of light are compressed together and exploded, the power is really destroying the sky and the earth.The explosion lasted only a breath, but it took a lot of time to stop the aftereffects of the explosion. When the smoke and dust were scattered, the Taoist and others looked at the Tiankeng several kilometers ahead, the mud burned into glass at the bottom of the pit, and the space storm that has not subsided so far, they are silent.

After a long time, he looked at the stiff face of the monk.

"That's what you said, not reckless."

In the face of such a question, the Taoist did not have a trace of expression, he was shocked by the scene in front of him and did not return to his mind.

However, although consciousness is in front of him, he still unconsciously replies:

"it's not what I said, I just pray your highness not to be impulsive."

After that, his face was full of helplessness and bitterness.

"We clearly have the advantage. Why should we blow ourselves up, your highness, you are too impulsive."

"It's the fastest way. Isn't there a saying that dreams are long at night? What can be done as soon as possible should be completed quickly."

The voice of Taoist exclamation rang out, and a masculine voice rang out nearby.

Lu Chen is speaking. When the smoke and dust are scattered and the afterwaves of the explosion ahead return to normal, Lu Chen is also Nirvana from the egg.

Looking at Lu Chen intact, listening to his indifferent words, the Taoist priest is still afraid.

"You didn't do it in the long night. You killed the enemy by exploding! In case the enemy has other means. "

"Once more."

I feel that although the flame factor in the body has fallen into cooling down due to Nirvana rebirth, it is still connected with the earth. There is a real spirit of the Dark Goddess in the body, so Lu Chen doesn't care.

"In reality, the extermination of sword demons doesn't need to kill the enemy in battle. As long as there is a true spirit of the son of God stored in the body, and the true spirit is not consumed, I can revive."

Of course, Lu Chen's essence is quite high, so he needs the true spirit of the son of God. Ordinary people can only kill an ordinary person and restrain his true spirit, then he can die for him.

"Originally, I thought about the death river of the vampire akador, which is the existence of immortality. Now I think about it, this can only be a good imagination. In that world, akador is a little stronger than ordinary people, so he can be resurrected with the true spirit of ordinary people. But if I resurrect, the real spirit consumption of ordinary people will be at least hundreds of thousands."

When thinking in his mind, Lu Chen also felt the two resurrection skills and the existence of a giant dragon in his body. There were still three opportunities for Lu Chen to feel that he had no sense of self explosion and that he understood the real justice.

"The truth is true within range, but the caliber can be changed into equivalent, and the equivalent is justice. As long as the explosion is big enough, all enemies will be floating clouds to me."

Lu Chen is not the same thing, but the Taoist is angry.

"You have such a bad habit. Even if you have the resurrection skill, you can't die at will. The resurrection ability allows you to have fault tolerance, not let you explode."

In the face of the Taoist's serious face, Lu Chen opened his mouth. In the end, he did not speak. He knew that the Taoist in front of him was for his own good, and the resurrection should not be wasted.

"I see. Let's go. The enemy is dead. It's time for us to enjoy the victory."

"Well Well, it's up to you again, thank you

"No, you've helped a lot, and I'm doing it for myself."

What the Taoist priest said just now is for the sake of Lu Chenhao. When he finds that Lu Chen is no longer impulsive, he will not say anything.

It's just that the Taoist doesn't know what Lu Chen thinks.

"Resurrection can't be easily wasted, but it's a rare resurrection When the body breaks through the sky pass, I will get a chance to draw skills. This time, I must draw out Hercules's 12 trials. I don't believe it. There are still people who can pick up Yiwan who can shoot me 12 shots from zero range. "

"It can also be a negative distance To deal with a huge enemy, you can drill into it and explode. "

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