It is inevitable that evil spirits will invade the world, even if there is evil spirit in the world.

That is to say, under the suppression of evil spirit and the temptation of the whole world, they can maintain the situation of not fighting with each other.

But even so, in ordinary times, the will of evil spirits will not let several evil spirits meet together.

However, this time it's no good not to do this. Lu Chen's series of things on the earth have made the evil spirit unable to sit still.

Therefore, a dozen or so evil gods gathered together because of Lu Chen's existence.

In the void, the first to come is not the God, but the eleven gods who have all kinds of breath.

These monsters stand still in a circle in the void, and stare at the children of evil gods around them with malicious eyes.

There are also disputes between them. Everyone yearns for it. Breaking a world can please the evil spirit and make them become gods. At the same time, the soul and flesh in the world, as well as various treasures containing the breath of heaven and earth, can also enhance their strength.

A complete world is a huge treasure house for evil spirits, but the world is so big that there are so many evil spirits. How to divide the resources?

As a result, there is also a struggle between evil spirits. That is, the world has not been broken. Once the world is broken, there will be war not only between evil spirits and human beings, but also between evil spirits and evil spirits.

At this time, those who could be sent to attend the meeting were the strong ones in the evil spirits. They pursued the achievement of evil spirits, and knew that the people next to them had the same ideas as themselves. Therefore, their eyes turning around each other could not help but take a look at them. Some evil spirits even showed their killing intention.

However, because of the large number of people, they did not want others to make a profit. The descendants and envoys of these evil gods did not start, but observed carefully.

At the moment when they were on guard against each other, when a certain time came, eleven vast and unknown breath suddenly fell from the sky and covered the eleven gods or envoys.

After the unknown breath came, the consciousness of those gods became indifferent.

However, with the coming of God's consciousness, the situation between them is just like that of the eleven sons of God. Not only has there been no relief, but the struggle has become more and more fierce.

Various divine realms collide with each other, and the sounds of chanting and whispering are also heard. After a long time of confrontation, the void has set off waves of storms. Until the evil spirit surges violently, the eleven gods did not enhance their momentum.

However, the relationship is not right, so they have no interest in talking about it.

"You know the reason for the party."

"The mortal prince."

"Just follow the old way."

"Who is going to act as the Lord's messenger?"

The Lord's messenger is not a good job. In the past, countless people would refuse. But this time, as soon as such an inquiry started, a series of proposals began to ring.

"He has destroyed one of my parts, and the power of God cannot be profaned. He is mine."

"I'll come. That mortal has broken my plan. I'm interested in his flesh."

"I have a son of God killed by him. I want his soul."


After several successive sounds, silence and embarrassment spread in the void. After a long time, there was a dead and indifferent voice.

"It seems that I am not the only one who has suffered losses Yes, it's easy to deal with. The breath doesn't bring us together, and it seems that you all want that body

In a few words, the speaker's body changed countless forms.

After his words had fallen, there was a voice.

"If you want all of them, just depend on your ability. When is the time set?"

"After seven days, act according to the standards used to deal with these super geniuses."

With the time determined, the indifferent breath on the descendants of the evil spirits in the field quickly moved away.

Soon, eleven descendants or envoys of evil gods returned to normal.

After looking at each other for a few seconds, some people leave quickly, but others talk to each other.

"I'm also interested in that mortal body. Unfortunately, I can't go down at all now."

"If you go down, you may not succeed. I remember your brother Lynn died in the hands of that mortal."

"Compare that trash with me, do you want to fight me like that?"

"What a irascible fellow. I'm not interested in fighting with you. However, you are right. It's a pity that the mortal prince."

"Indeed, no matter how talented he is, he can't fight against weirdness. The power of my Lord is invincible, and the world will eventually fall into chaos Speaking of it, Muba, I remember your brother is such a super genius. "

After this discourse sounded, many people looked at a bloody man who was integrated with his heavy Kai.He didn't mean to reply to this kind of inquiry. He just looked around with murderous eyes, and his body disappeared when he turned around. However, when he looked at the direction of its disappearance, it was the periphery of the Reiki world, and he wanted to enter the world more.

It made a lot of people laugh.

"Muba seems to have got a lot of benefits from killing his brother. He wants to play a hand in dealing with the barbarian prince."

"Don't you want to? Such super talented talents have great opportunities and big secrets. In the past, even if we came to kill the prince, we would be killed by the gods of mankind. Now, that barbarian Prince has touched the atmosphere of chaos (evil spirit is the name of evil spirit). The gods have not been discussed. This is the best opportunity to fish in troubled waters."

"Jie Jie..."

The man who was questioned did not answer. He just laughed, but from his smile, he knew the guy's preparation.

And so they said, also take Lu Chen as a lamb to stay, as if ready to kill.

This is not arrogant arrogance. They have such confidence. When conquering the world in the past, it is not that Lu Chen did not have such things, or it was inherited from ancient times, or had extraordinary luck, or had amazing talent. What's more, it is the last struggle of the world. When evil is eroding the world, there is no lack of extraordinary talents.

However, in the end, those geniuses died and the evil spirit won the final victory. The descendants of the evil god here believed that this time would be the same. No matter how strong the mortal prince was, he could not turn the sky.


Things in the void are unknown to the gods of the land of aura because of the secret power of the dark master, let alone Lu Chen, who has just returned to his residence in tianwu city.

Lu Chen is also a little tired after a month's fighting. He lies in the hot spring and has a good rest.

However, during the break, he thought of something, opened the property panel, and counted the zero after the experience value.

“1,2,3,4…… 9, 9 zeros, and there is a 700 million or 700 million experience value ahead. This is the most I have stored. "

Harvest time is always pleasant, even Lu Chen, looking at the experience value of up to 700 million, the smile on his face can not be concealed.

It seems exaggerative to think about it, but it's normal to think about it. Part of the experience comes from the fall of legend, and the other part is the reward of heaven and earth.

For Lu Chen, the latter occupies the majority.

"Every time I enter a state, I can clean up the medium-sized scams of a state in one day, except that I have a legend and need to be careful."

"There is no legend. Those medium-sized scams are big gift bags for me Unfortunately, such a gift bag is coming to an end, and the remaining medium-sized spooky state is only enough for me to brush for a month. At that time, without the medium-sized spooky state, I should be advanced to legend. "

"I don't know if after the legend, I can crush the numerous legendary evil spirits and break the high-level weird situation."

Lu Chen, thinking like this, looks at his empty stomach pouch, where there are two drops of blood and a blue gem flashing light.

"These things are the key to the dragon after I made a legend."

The reason is that the dragon is the dragon, not the dragon is the insect. Of course, Lu Chen has a solid foundation in the past. Even if he has not absorbed it completely this time, his strength will be Jiaolong. Even if he eats his money, he will not become a worm.

Stored in the blood of Lu Chen's empty stomach pouch, one drop is from the demon of thousands of hands. Lu Chen has spent 10 million experience points to remove his residual will, so that it can be integrated into the body at any time, so that the feast can complete the sublimation, at the same time, it can also break through the physical barrier.

Of course, Lu Chen would not be satisfied with the immortal blood essence of the thousand handed demon. Besides this drop of blood, another drop came from the barbarian holy land, which is the key to the reason why the man King blood lineage became a prince.

"Even if I don't have any other skills, just a golden level of manwang bloodline, I can become a god son by fusing this drop of blood."

[the immortal essence and blood (trunk part) of the man God]

[introduction: the man God is the oldest God of human beings in the world, the original God of war, and the guardian God of human beings. Under his protection, the human race resisted the invasion of thousands of races and Warcraft and opened up hunting grounds. His blessing made the ancient human develop and grow, and with the help of many ancient gods, human beings continued to fight for hegemony in the hundred nations' War. However, with the development of the human world and the progress of civilization, the barbarian gods have not changed. They still decide everything by force. This is not in line with the situation of human beings, and it also causes the dissatisfaction of other great gods. The separation of ideas started the war, and the final result was that the barbarians were defeated. 】

[but at that time, the barbarian gods had great achievements in protecting the people, and they were also heroes of the rise of mankind. The victorious gods did not kill them, but chose to split the seal. At the same time, some people who believed in the man God were not willing to do so. They robbed a part of the body of the man God and took it to the place where human beings did not reach at that time and wanted to revive the man God The will was sealed in the head, and the barbarians did not succeed for thousands of years. However, the cohesion of faith also made the body of man God condense the immortal blood essence without will. Because of the difficult environment, those blood essence were inherited by the descendants of the man God[now the host can fuse this blood essence. After fusion, the host will be promoted to Shenzi and obtain immortal body. However, since the essence blood obtained by the host is only the trunk part, it is likely that the body will not be covered completely after fusion, and there will be some weaknesses, such as neck, heel, back, etc.]

after reading the system tips, especially the weaknesses shown in it, let Lu Chen know Very speechless.

"Neck, heel, I am not a giant, nor Achilles!"

"System, can you make up the blood?"

[Ding, the system indicates that yes, it can consume 400 million experience points to complete the essence and blood essence of man's mind]

"a lot."

Thinking so in the heart, Lu Chen but a bite teeth, put a huge amount of experience value into it.


[Ding, the system prompts that the host has consumed 400 million experience points to repair the immortal essence blood. Now the repair completion rate is 1%, and it takes three days to complete the repair. Please wait patiently]

"it's not an instant, it's three days. It seems that the quality of the blood essence of Manshen is very high."

After exclamation, Lu Chen also looked at the last thing in the empty stomach pouch, the blue gem with electric light from time to time.

At this time, Lu Chen also knew that the gem on the crown of the artifact thunder was not a drop of spirit and blood, but a hundred drops were integrated into one to form a gem.

Unfortunately, the fierce battle to suppress the ancient giant king, coupled with hundreds of thousands of years of time, makes the strength of this gem decay too much.

"However, no matter how severe the attenuation is, it can only be completed with 100 million experience points, which is much better than that of man King blood. The system can activate the activity of God blood inside."

[Ding, the system indicates that the host has consumed 100 million experience points to activate the immortal blood essence activity of thunder Titan]

so far, the 700 million experience value just received by Lu Chen has been consumed as much as 500 million.

"No matter how much experience is worth, it's not enough to spend. Now it's only 200 million. It's impossible to change the ordinary God blood of Sun God into immortal essence blood. Fortunately, we don't need this."

No, if you look at it carefully, you will find that there is no ordinary blood of Sun God in Lu Chen's empty stomach pouch. The reason is

"Dong Dong Dong Dong."

"What's the matter?"

"My husband, the man you are waiting for has arrived."

"So fast, I see. Take me to see him."

After learning that the personnel arrived, Lu Chen's body flashed with fire, and the water on his body was completely evaporated.

Then, after putting on clothes under Xiao Wei's service, Lu Chen quickly walks to the hall of the mansion, where a group of people are waiting for themselves.

After entering the hall, Lu Chen felt two legends escorting a beautiful box.

Let the two legends escort, you can imagine how luxurious the operation is.

But Lu Chen, who knew what was in the box, knew that such an escort was reasonable. The things in it were worth two legendary escorts.

Seeing Lu Chen come in, the two legends did not rely on their old age to sell their old age, but quickly stood up and said hello to Lu Chen.

"Your Highness is coming."

In January, we cleaned up most of the medium-sized mysterious places in the world, and killed no less than ten natural disaster level evil spirits. No one dares to provoke Lu Chen unless he is mentally disabled.

Of course, Lu Chen is not proud.

"Well, it's hard for you. Please come here."

"No hard work. What your highness does is really good for the world."

"Well, let's not flatter here. Can I have a look at the contents?"

"Of course, this is your highness."

With that, the old man picked up the box with both hands and handed it to Lu Chen.

This is to show respect to Lu Chen, but also to the things in the box.

There is no polite meaning. After taking the box, Lu Chen opens it in a hurry. When the contents inside leak out, Lu Chen's breath is in a hurry.

On the one hand, the rapid breathing is that the things inside are very important to Lu Chen, which makes his heart tremble. On the other hand, it is also the things in the box that have amazing pressure and oppress his mind.

After taking over the box, it also represents the transfer of sovereignty. Therefore, the sound of the system rings in Lu Chen's ear.

[Ding, system prompt, congratulations to the host for obtaining the powerful immortal blood essence (Sun God)]

[Ding, the system prompts that the essence blood obtained by the host has just been taken out, and the will has been erased, and the host can directly absorb it]

Yes, it is full of vitality and can directly absorb the immortal essence blood of the sun attribute, which is Lu Chen does not need to spend one billion experience points The reason of practicing Sun Essence blood.

The reason why he can get the essence and blood is naturally condensed by the sun god, and Lu Chen deserves it.

He has been busy cleaning up the evil spirit for a month in a row, although Lu Chen can make a profit just by cleaning up the evil spirit itself.

But obviously, other states can't let Lu Chen play for free. It's not necessary for Lu Chen to say that Hong die and Dawu Zhu helped Lu Chen win a lot of benefits.Regardless of the ordinary interests of the world, the God of heaven lightened his own pressure because of Lu Chen's efforts, and gave him many rewards. There are many good things in these rewards, but the most important thing for Lu Chen is the opportunity to fulfill his wishes three times.

The immortal blood essence is one of the wishes.

"After all, other things are just foreign things, and blood essence can strengthen itself."

After this drop of blood started, Lu Chen could not wait for a rest. He opened his mouth and swallowed the blood essence into his abdomen and preserved it.

"I'm ready for the legend, and after three days, I'll be ready to advance at any time."

After swallowing the blood essence, Lu Chen's smile on his face could no longer be restrained. He even planned to advance immediately after the completion of manwang's blood supplement three days later.

Of course, this is just to think, not to mention for the sake of human beings, but for himself, Lu Chen also needs to eradicate all medium-sized scams before he can advance. That's a lot of experience value.

"Fortunately, not all the weird places have legends. In one month, another month, I can advance. Moreover, in the process of clearing, I can harvest more than 700 million experience points. With my original 200 million, the existing experience value will be close to one billion. With so many experience values, I can even upgrade the level of Avalon, and then, except for meat In addition to the immortality of the body, infinite energy can also be achieved through this. "

The more he thought about it, the more he found that a bright future was waiting for him.

Looking at the smiling Lu Chen, the two Tai people who sent blood essence looked at each other, and they were speechless.

Finally, a clan elder couldn't help interrupting Lu Chen's smile. Of course, he had serious things to talk about.

"Your Highness, I hear that you have not only obtained blood essence from my ancestors, but also from your ancestral land."


After Lu Chen nodded to confirm, one of them warned Lu Chen: "Your Highness, when you fuse blood essence, you'd better only fuse one drop."


Looking at Lu Chen's face, he was puzzled and a little annoyed. The old man who warned Lu Chen explained: "Your Highness, it's for you not to merge more."

After that, without waiting for Lu Chen to respond, he said why.

"When upgrading the body, fusing the blood essence of Shenju can improve the body to the greatest extent, but it is rare to not refresh the spirit of essence blood. Not everyone can integrate the essence of Shenju. The title hero with a slightly poor constitution will only explode and die."

When the old man spoke, another elder explained.

"It's the same with you. Don't forget the tradition of your people. Why is it that only the blood of man king is the prince? It's because you are the descendants of man God. The difficulty of integrating essence blood is reduced. Because the difficulty of other golden blood vessels is not reduced, it is impossible to integrate the immortal essence of man God."

"And all you have is the trunk of the barbarian."

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