"Whatever intrigue they have, kill them all and everything will be over."

Lu Chen, who left the command, disappeared again. The respectful situation made him a little boring.

"There is too much difference between strength and status to be friends."

But after Lu Chen made a decision to leave, Catherine sighed and helped her forehead, and found Elaine alone: "that great existence here is not too simple."


Looking at Katherine pointed to the head, Elaine half a day did not find words to return.

Such performance also made Catherine no longer say much, but could only warn: "tell that person to be careful. Our opponents are not only the Vatican, but also the three empires. They will not watch the existence of God. Although they will not take the initiative to stand up against God, the reason why the church headquarters react so quickly is likely to have their support."

After that, she advised Elaine:

"the reason why you and that great being can compete with the church which has been strong for a hundred years is that the existence is a God, but the God who goes down to the earth in person can not occupy the absolute advantage, which will bring huge hidden danger and make everyone suspicious. If possible, let us do it, let the other one watch, even if it is possible There is also room for us to turn around if we fail. "

"I see. I'll tell him all that."


As Catherine expected, the three empires were not willing to wait for death, but they were also afraid of the great power of God.

Under such circumstances, the three empires chose to support the church and let the church be the vanguard to see if the great power of God was really what it was.

And the church had to take the initiative to stand up and resist. After all, although the theocracy is opposite to the royal power, there is always room for cooperation. However, there is only one voice inside the church. Unless they turn to the church completely, they can only resist.

Heretics are worse than heretics!


The Pope, who was in charge of the fire of prayer, was an old man. Seeing that the fire was safe and sound, he returned from underground to the church hall to meet his archbishop.

"The soldiers of the Empire have arrived?"

"Under the Pope's crown, the crafty kings were not willing to send regular soldiers at all. They sent mercenaries and bandits."

"Ha ha, they are all masters who don't see rabbits and scatter eagles. Don't worry, we won't fail. After all, the hypocrites are only the hypocrites. This is just the test that the true God gives us."

Calm to his subordinates, the Pope behaved as if he didn't care, and this attitude also made the situation below a little quiet.

However, their calm did not last long. When Elaine rose to the sky and reported Catherine's warning to Lu Chen, his orders were also issued on the spot.

The next day, the church headquarters and other countries' church wall mounted groups were surprised to find that, in the face of the provocation of the church headquarters' hypocrites, the great existence of the incarnation of the sun did not make the opposite party submit. Instead, under the leadership of Saint Elaine, they kept evacuating people from around the church.

"What does that hypocrite want to do when they arrive, instead of sending a large army to attack while others are talking about God's running, but to withdraw people's hands. Is this to cut off the public base around our church?"

While accumulating strength to let the outside church staff return, the Pope is also thinking about the orders given by the hypocrite.

In his doubts, the situation outside quickly spread. Soon, he learned from the spy that the pseudo Saint named Elaine had evacuated the crowd to a diameter of thousands of miles. The order of the hypocrite was to evacuate all the people within a thousand miles around the church within three days.

"Thousands of miles away, the God is thinking of farting."

That's what everyone thinks, and they don't understand why the God did it.

Of course, some people think of something.

Nogvia III was one of them. Looking at the report in his hand, he had an absurd idea in his heart:

"is that the true God, ready to use God's punishment to wipe out everything within a thousand miles How can it be? I'm busy and confused. How can such a thing happen? "

He is shaking his head, just, constantly trembling, even the tea cup can not hold the hands, but shows his mood.

"Check, check what the saint did, and make sure it's clear to me!"

Repressing his fear, nogvia III gave such an order.

At the same time, he also slowed down his support for the Vatican. Even after looking at Elaine's face, he sent a group of silver haired maidens to the capital of ritania, all of whom were nuns serving the gods, including one of his daughters.

It has always been the tradition of the aristocrats to bet on many sides, so that no matter which side wins, they will not perish completely.

There is more than one person who did this with nogvia III. Lu Chen's command seems to be mindless, but there is a great terror under careful consideration.

"Thousands of miles Once it's true, it's God! "Even if it is not, a monster that destroys thousands of miles in one blow will become a God.

In this way, in a short period of time, a group of silver long hair girls came to Elaine's side, looking at the beautiful people with the same hair as themselves, Elaine people were confused.

"Until today, we have found that there are a lot of silver hair in our world."

Different from the spirit land, people in this world have to practice special skills to make their hair mutate. Human beings in this world are similar to those in the West. Their hair is colorful. Although silver is rare, there are still many people looking for it.

Even, there is a mixture of some hair dyes.

These nuns Elaine can't dispose of them without authorization, and inform Lu Chen. Unfortunately, he is busy controlling gravity, so he doesn't care about it.

"I have finished the nuclear fusion, now the trouble is to control the nuclear fusion, not to let it chain explosion, but to provide me with stable light and heat."

In the 21st century, the goal of nuclear fusion control is inertial constraint or magnetic force control. Lu Chen relies on gravity just like the sun. However, he strictly controls the fluctuation of gravity, so that he can control the nuclear fusion in a small ball size square circle. He also needs to consider the problem of one mind and two uses. All of these make Lu Chen quite puzzled.

"The control of energy depends on the soul and spiritual power. The soul is huge, and the control of energy is natural and fine. Should we first upgrade the soul, and a large number of believers will soon be accepted by me. So many believers can improve the soul, but they don't have enough will. Hundreds of millions of believers can distort my mind."

After thinking about this for a long time, Lu Chen finally improved his willpower.

And his promotion is also very simple. He constantly relaxes the suppression of other ghosts and gods except the first one. In the process of controlling one by one, Lu Chen will be attacked by the will of ghosts and gods. After each resistance, Lu Chen's will will will will be greatly improved.

As for the first ghost, his power is too strong. Lu Chen is afraid that once he relaxes, he will become a red prince who only knows how to kill. Therefore, he still keeps the first ghost from his heart.

The benefits of such confrontation are obvious. His will is improved in the confrontation, and the other advantage is that his control over ghosts and gods is also improved.

Lu Chen feels strange.

"Didn't I find a way to get infinite energy? Why did I finally turn to the will Forget it, I don't want to. It's all about improving our strength. "

This training lasted for a long time, but what made Lu Chen speechless was that one day later, Elaine came to Lu Chen's side and complained to him.

"Sire, your orders have been carried out, but it is too difficult to remove everything from the thousands of miles around the church."

Elaine's words also let Lu Chen know that he is self willed. With the productivity of this era, even with magic, it is difficult to move so many people away, but Lu Chen did not stop thinking of exploding.

He knew that if he wanted to make others submit, he needed a carrot and a big stick. Lu Chen had given the radish, which lasted for three days, shining on millions of people to prove his kindness.

Now, it's time to give the baton. He's going to be a dignified God, instead of being called around. He can't satisfy all people's requests, and he won't let others ask for them in a random way, which will increase the burden on his will.

With such thoughts, Lu Chen also wants to see what kind of threat he can pose when he understands the meaning of the explosion. He is ready to carry out the explosion.

It's just that he doesn't want to blow up all the people in one breath, regardless of the enemy or me.

After frowning and thinking for a long time, Lu Chen has a new idea.

"You go down, I know what to do, but the evacuation has to continue."

When Lu Chen comes up with a new idea, the Pope on the other side is in fear. But after a night's hard thinking, he suddenly thinks of something and laughs.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

The wild laughter attracted the attention of all the people, and many worried bishops looked at each other. Finally, an old Bishop said, "why laugh under the Pope's crown?"

"Ha ha ha ha, I laugh at our stupidity and our fear for such a long time. I also laugh at the fact that the hypocrite is only a hypocrite who likes to play tricks. It seems that the hypocrite is a demon who likes to manipulate people's hearts."

"What do you say?"

"Well, what do you think of that little girl named Elaine who is going to move to all the people thousands of miles around the Holy See?"

Without waiting for other people to respond, the Pope has already asked himself, "I think that's the real God. I'm ready to send down the divine punishment and completely destroy the land of thousands of miles."

This is really everyone's idea, but no one dares to say it.

At this time, the Pope not only said it, but also laughed and said, "this is the wisdom of the hypocrite."

"It is impossible to complete the task of moving all the human beings within a thousand miles around the church within three days, and the hypocrite did not want to accomplish such a task."

When the wise man called us a hypocrisy, he was afraid of the hypocrisy of the holy man, but he was afraid of us Let's go. ""Not enough strength, and afraid of the details after the attack, the hypocrite made a big show."

"I can tell you clearly that when the appointed time arrives, the hypocrite will be furious and accuse the so-called saint, and then all the blame will be put on her, and he will mercifully give up the punishment because he can't move all the people away in three days. In this way, he will not lose face at all, let alone reveal himself The false details. "

The Pope's analysis made the bishops in the field dumbfounded. The more they thought about it, the more reasonable he thought.

"It's really possible."

"I said how to evacuate all the people within three days. I thought about it."

"Thousands of miles, this almost scared me. If it was only a hundred miles, I might be really cheated."

"That hypocrite dare not say that it is a hundred Li. If Elaine's evil witch really removes all the residents within the hundred Li range, the hypocrite will be dumbfounded."

"The Pope is wise."

The heart of the event removed, the praise of many bishops so that the Pope's face as old as chrysanthemum showed a smile.

However, he quickly waved his hand and stopped the song Zan of the people below, and said with a serious expression: "although I have seen through this plot, we can't underestimate the devil disguised as divine. If we can come up with such a strategy, the devil named Chen must be a very cunning and scheming figure. When dealing with him later, don't underestimate him, Think he's reckless or something. It's probably camouflage. We're dealing with demons who are good at manipulating people's hearts. "

"We will remember it."

"Under the Pope's crown, we should be happy. The hypocrite's doing so shows that he is absolutely not the real God, and the God will never use this method."

"Indeed, those who are good at playing tricks are not strong By the way, this matter has to be told to the kings, so that they can see the true face of that hypocrite. "

"I'll get in touch."

Under the operation of the bishop of the Vatican, soon, a number of Kings heard the Pope's explanation, and in this case, they thought for a moment and found that it was really possible to be like the pope said.

However, some people have doubts.

"Is that really a trick?"

"Not really. The 30000 meter fireball is not illusory. We also have many nobles who went to retania by flying demons and portal. The king received treatment, and they all succeeded."

"But the range of 1000 kilometers is really exaggerated. If it is tens of kilometers of God punishment, I agree, but 1000 kilometers, it is impossible."


One after another, the discussion and entanglement rose in the hearts of the people. No matter how they thought, time was passing. Soon, the trial time given by Lu Chen came.

This morning, countless people are paying attention to Lu Chen's actions and spying on Lu Chen from a long distance with various kinds of magic.

But no need for them to pry. After the time arrived, Lu Chen used the technique of light mirror to transmit the scene to most people in the world with his great power.

The art of light mirror is made of light. It can see the whole world and transmit the scene of oneself to the distance by light. This is a gold level auxiliary ability. Lu Chen didn't learn this kind of ability before, but after he became the king of light, Lu Chen could use it only with a little understanding.

If not all human beings can use swordsmanship, but stabbing, poking, chopping and so on, normal human beings can use it at will. The skill of light mirror is so light for Lu Chen.

At this time, wherever the sun shines, you can see the scene of Lu Chen.

Now Lu Chen is no longer the capital of ritania, but has come to a sea area.

After relying on the skill of light mirror to transmit his own scene, Lu Chen already knew that he was facing the gaze of all living beings.

In this regard, he did not have the slightest panic, but indifferently said: "those who do not respect God will be punished by God."

This said, those rebellious people are a tight heart, but then, Lu Chen's words make them laugh out loud.

"I once ordered that everything within a thousand miles of the Vatican headquarters be withdrawn within three days, and only the violators were here. Then I would send down the sky fire to clean up the filth and warn the public, but there are so many people here..."

Lu Chen is still saying the following words, but the people of the Vatican sect no longer listen to it. Endless cheers ring from the Vatican headquarters.

"I'll say it's not true."

"Liar, this is a big liar."

"Under the crown of the Pope, we are willing to denounce this hypocrite."

"Well, the plan is good, but everything you think has been predicted by the wisdom under the Pope's crown."


At this time, the Vatican headquarters was like a sea of joy, full of joy everywhere.

The kings of the three empires were also relieved and prepared to change their attitude towards the hypocrites.

But when they were happy, they found that the words of the giant of light on the opposite side continued, and the diameter of the sun was also shrinking."God loves the world and will not punish the innocent, but the dignity of God cannot be insulted..."

As they spoke, the sun was getting smaller and smaller, but this did not surprise the king and the rebels. Looking at the shrinking but brighter sun, they felt the great terror.

"No, it won't be."

"It's all liars, yes, deceitful."

All the rebellious gods have false hands.

But there is no real God in this world. If there is, Lu Chen is also the one closest to the God.

"I will give you another seven days. Escape within these seven days. Leave here. After seven days, sky fire and magma will cover the Holy See, and this is a warning!"

With the words, the huge fireball has shrunk into a small point under the action of gravity. The extreme reduction makes the small point composed of huge amount of flame turn into black.

Black like a stain on the white sky is very eye-catching, but no one cares about it at this time. All the people who look at the black dots are throbbing in their hearts, and they feel that something bad is going to happen.

The most frightening one was the Pope. He thought that he could not move the people around the Holy See within three days. He thought that the hypocrite would say that God loved the world and could not carry out divine punishment. However, he did not think that, in the absence of God's punishment, the man was prepared to lay down divine punishment in a place where there was no one.

"How possible, do you really have the power of God? All that said is not deception, but true!"

"No, I can't believe anything like that. It's all fake and deceptive."

He was yelling in fear, but no matter how he uttered his voice, the horror still happened in the distance.

After a heartbeat time, the dark dot suddenly erupted after shaking, and the endless light slanted out from the black dot.


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