Lu Chen's speed is very fast, even if the world can't fly at the speed of light, he still left the world film in a few minutes and came to the star world.

Because it is from the side facing the sun into the sky, Lu Chen did not see evil.

Flying along the track of the wizarding world, he soon found many evil spirits in the back of the world.

As I saw when I first came here, endless evil spirits are waiting for the whirlpool to appear in the fog on the back of the world, and my face is greedy and ready to break into the world.

This scene is like a group of wild animals lying outside the cage, ready to break into the cage to eat a meal.

However, because the evil spirit entered the world at the beginning and didn't get the upper hand when entangled with the power of the world, the entrance of the vortex did not appear at any time.

This is also the reason why Lu Chen's original world can persist for decades or hundreds of years. At the beginning, it is very difficult to invade the whole world. However, with the erosion of the evil force, the world power will become weaker and weaker. Finally, the resistance will disappear, and the vortex entrance will appear one after another like a tumor in the world, and endless evil spirits will enter the world 。

Fortunately, Lu Chen continued to breathe for his original world, and the clearance of most medium-sized and medium-sized scams gave the world the capital to resist the erosion of evil spirits.

The world is even luckier. Lu Chen's appearance in the early stage makes it possible that the world will not be terminally ill.

Of course, this is the fortune of the world, but it is the misfortune of evil.

In the starry sky, because there is no gravity, the land shows a huge shape.

When the breath of the world's endowments just appeared, countless evil spirits were still there, and Jie Jie rushed to Lu Chen crazily with a smile. However, with Lu Chen's body revealed, some of them saw Lu Chen's evil spirit and ran away in panic and scream.

Unfortunately, it is already late.

Only two seconds after the appearance of the kilometer figure, Lu Chen collapsed into light.

As the sea of light evolves, the guns of the sun shining with golden light are condensed by Lu Chen, shooting at the evil spirits of the four ways.

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

The terrifying energy makes Lu Chen condense tens of thousands of guns of sunlight at one breath. What's more, the light is extremely fast. When they see the sun's gun, the next moment, the light gun has already shot on them with a touch of streamer.


After the explosion, the evil figure will be completely purified by the light. It can be said that evil spirits are killed by the gun of the sun in the shrill scream.

[Ding, the system prompts that the host has killed the evil level evil spirit. Congratulations to the host and obtained 800 experience points]

[Ding, the system prompts that the host has killed the pernicious evil spirit. Congratulations to the host and obtained 2600 experience points]

[Ding, system prompt 】

in a very short period of time, Lu Chen gathered 100000 guns of sunshine, killing hundreds of thousands of evil spirits. The system prompted the screen to brush the screen, and the sound of starting with the dense experience value rang through Lu Chen's ears.

Looking at the crazy soaring experience value number, Lu Chen's face showed endless joy.

"That's it. Hahaha, after making a legend, I need more experience every time I upgrade. It takes 1.2 billion for Avalon to be promoted from a blessed land to a cave. The experience value required for upgrading physical skills to mythology is also based on 100 million yuan. However, with the increase of requirements, the speed of obtaining experience value also increases."

Bronze, silver and other skills can be upgraded to gold as long as they meet some conditions. However, gold has not been prompted before the myth Lu Chen, and there is no training task.

Therefore, Lu Chen originally thought that myth skills could not be advanced from gold.

However, after his body broke through the Tianguan pass, his body gained the feature of unlimited growth. At this time, several skills in his skill list were prompted to be advanced, which made Lu Chen understand that it was not that gold could not be upgraded as a myth, but that he had not met the conditions before.

Of course, not all skills can be advanced, only three can be advanced at this time.

The appearance of these three skills also made Lu Chen understand that one of the basic conditions for gold skills to advance to the next level is a breakthrough in Tianguan.

At the same time, the breakthrough of one of the four heavenly gates can enhance that series.

For example, Lu Chen is a breakthrough in the physical aspect, so the skills he can improve are related to flesh and blood.

[Ding, the system indicates that the host's body has broken through the Tianguan pass and obtained the unlimited growth characteristics of the body. The rate belongs to the body's steel and iron bone, and the size is as good as expected, and the second heart meets the advanced conditions]

it's a good thing to be able to advance, and what makes Lu Chen uncomfortable is that he needs something when he is advanced.

[Ding, the system indicates that it takes 200 million yuan of experience for the host to upgrade steel, steel, iron and bone to mythology, and needs to integrate 100 million tons of iron and steel minerals as the basic, and can also be integrated with divine rules. Different from the divine rules, the host's ability to upgrade steel, iron and bone to myth will also be different. For example, if the flowing minerals are integrated, the host will gain the ability to change thousands of changes The host's magic resistance will be increased if you melt in the magic blocking minerals. If you melt in the volcanic minerals, the host may understand the body of the volcano ][Ding, the system indicates that it takes 200 million experience for the host to upgrade the second heart, and it needs to integrate the crystallization of all kinds of legendary creatures or strange things of heaven and earth into the body during the process of ascension, which can be integrated into different crystals or the same. For example, if a heart is integrated into the heart of mountains, the host will gain the ability of mountain attributes, or have the ability to manipulate the earth and mountains, such as the heart When the viscera is integrated into the source of the ocean, the host can obtain various blessings of water attribute 】

[Ding, the system indicates that if the host wants to upgrade, it needs experience worth 200 million, and it needs to integrate the essence blood of various legends or mythical creatures in the process of ascension. According to the different blood essence, the host will not gain the ability 】

it is more free to upgrade to mythology. We can see that in addition to requiring 200 million experience points, the performance brought by the integration of various materials is also different.

It's just that it's very difficult to collect these things, whether it's experience, or all kinds of strange things in heaven and earth, or huge amounts of iron and steel minerals. It takes at least a hundred years for ordinary legends to collect them slowly.

But that's what ordinary legends are like, and they have at most one or two mythological abilities to survive for millennia.

Such a super grid exists as Lu Chen, but it is known as the first in all ages in the land of aura.

"Minerals and the heart of heaven and earth can be collected slowly, but the experience value is also fundamental. It takes 200 million yuan to improve a skill, as well as Avalon The blood that I absorbed when I advanced into legend also needs experience value. Although it can make my body refine slowly, as long as I have enough experience value, I can calm the turbulence of my body and let my body quickly digest the blood that doesn't kill God. "

It can be said that the experience value is too important for Lu Chen. As long as the experience value is enough, he can grow rapidly.

At this time, the evil spirit in the starry sky has become the sweet pastry in Lu Chen's eyes. He is slaughtering heartily and happily watching the experience value rise rapidly.

The continuous launch has been continued, but this did not make Lu Chen a trace of fatigue, the light sea is just a little dim, after a few minutes, it will be bright again.

"There is a fire of prayer as a transit, there are hundreds of millions of believers, such bombing, I can last a day and a night!"

"Crush, die, scream, in the madness Well, again

Lu Chen, who shoots light gun wantonly, is excited. When he laughs wildly, a throb comes from the apocalypse, but the throb appears. Before Lu Chen reacts, a dusk wolf with a body of ten thousand meters appears beside Guanghai and swallows it with its big mouth.

"Shua" for a moment, such as eating cake general, Lu Chen's Guanghai was swallowed up by the wolf at dusk.

Such a situation naturally makes Lu Chen angry, the first time there are innumerable sunshine guns shooting at the direction of the wolf at dusk.

However, although the laser is fast, it reaches the wolf at dusk, but it is distorted, while the other part shoots the wolf at dusk, it is just like shooting a shadow and penetrating the past directly.

"Space warp, space gap, shit, space power of trouble."

Lu Chen, who has dealt with the wolf at dusk, knows that this is a God who can travel freely in space, and space, as one of the strongest abilities, is very difficult to deal with.

As Lu Chen watched with fear, the space around the wolf at dusk produced ripples like water waves. After the ripples, more than ten wolf incarnations appeared around the first dusk wolf.

"Space mirror!"

As a space master at the rank of God, he has a lot of space abilities under his control. The unimpeded space shuttle or blink is only one of them. By attaching the space crack to the teeth, he can tear all the creatures attached to the space, and there are multiple twists and turns. This can make his attacks appear in thousands of directions, and the current space mirror image is also distorted multiple times Meta development.

"Trouble, but this time I'm not unprepared."

With these words, the sea of light that Lu Chen diffuses suddenly tightens, and a deep gravity expands around with Lu Chen as the center.

Space is indeed the highest, but super high weight can also distort space. Gravity is the product of space distortion.

Lu Chen, who has learned the ability of black hole, has a deep control of gravity. At this time, he, who simulates the sun, makes the surrounding space collapse around him. This distortion makes most of his space abilities ineffective. The forced use of space blink can not only be transmitted, but may even be directly twisted into a twist by space forces.

Because of the space distortion, a huge gravitational field also appeared around Lu Chen.

Under that gravity, the evil spirits of tens of thousands of meters around are like meteors captured by the earth, flying towards the body of Lu Chen irresistibly.

But Lu Chen is not the earth. He is full of holy light and flame. He is a small sun, pulled into his body by Lu Chen. Without any attack, those evil spirits will be evaporated by light and fire.

Therefore, Lu Chen's method is very simple at this time. He who simulates the sun's huge gravitational field just flies at a high speed, and countless evil spirits are pulled into his body for purification in the sound of screams.

Although the energy of light in Lu Chen's body will be consumed rapidly when he purifies evil spirits, because there are hundreds of millions of believers as the energy source, his body has more energy, and the recovery speed is even more amazing. A trace of energy is consumed, and immediately there is fire and light to supplement."Now I am the legend of two days pass No, it's the legend of three days pass. My soul is protected by divinity. I'm not afraid of you

The legend of the four heavenly pass is the limit under the divine rank. Most of the evil spirits at the level of natural disasters are polluted due to their confusion of consciousness, reaching the peak in the legend of the three days pass. Now Lu Chen is the strongest one among the evil spirits at the level of natural disasters. Therefore, he is full of self-confidence when he rushes to the evil spirits without hesitation.

And his ability is also very strong. When Lu Chen was flying, Lu Chen was not close to the wolf at dusk. He had a huge gravitational field, so the space around the wolf at dusk had a series of ripples. The image of space created by the twists and turns of multiple dimensions was smoothed one by one due to the fluctuation of space.

"Now, I'll see what you do!"

Destruction is easier than construction. In terms of space capacity, Lu Chen can't catch up with the wolf at dusk. However, the huge gravitational field disturbs all space, and Lu Chen pulls the wolf of dusk to the same level as himself.

"Now, it's time to beat this beast with my rich experience in hand to hand combat."

This is Lu Chen's idea, but just as he rushed past, the dusk wolf stood up in a roar, and the standing wolf was no longer a beast, but a creature like a werewolf.


when he saw the sun approaching with a huge gravitational field, he did not flinch back. There was cruelty in his oil-green eyes. There was a chilling light on his separated claws. Facing Lu Chen, his claws stretched out and tore them toward LuChen.

"I have a gravitational field, you..."


Lu Chen is proud of the gravitational field, such as paper torn by the wolf at dusk, and his transformed sun is also torn into several parts by the wolf. Although Lu Chen did not die when he split into several groups, the split light group was blocked in several spaces, and could not feel other bodies at all.

[disorder · space blockade]

however, after his body split, the wolf at dusk who stood up opened his mouth, and part of Lu Chen's body was swallowed by him.

"You can't want to go like that."

With the idea rising, Lu Chen's several body light groups suddenly shrink, and after a moment, Lu Chen's several sections of body shrink to the extreme suddenly burst into dazzling light.


in the terrible light, the flame rises, and bursts into dazzling flames in this unmanned deep space.

The violent explosion lasted for several seconds, and countless evil spirits were directly killed by the terrible explosion because they were close to each other. When the smoke and dust of the explosion dispersed, Lu Chen's figure in good condition had already stood in the scene again.

However, the resurrected Lu Chen did not have a happy look. He found that the wolf standing in the distance at dusk did not have any scars.

Just before the explosion, his beast sensed something. Relying on the claws that can tear the space, he first tore up the gravitational field, then tore open the space, and drilled into the space gap to avoid the serial explosions.

"Too flexible!"

This is Lu Chen's idea, and just after this idea appeared, a special throb came from Lu Chen's apocalypse. Such a throb was an early warning of the apocalypse. Just as before, when he sensed the throb, the attack of the wolf at dusk was already near Lu Chen's body.

It is difficult for God to predict, and the speed of the wolf at dusk is faster than the extreme. When Lu Chen perceives it, he is also under attack.


It was the sound of tearing things, followed by the sound, and Lu Chen was instantly torn into half of his body. However, Lu Chen was not dead at this time.

After absorbing the immortal essence of man and making the body break through the sky, his blood lineage of man king has been regarded as the level of myth, and the endless fury is integrated into his instinct. Without any consciousness, it can be activated actively when suffering a fatal injury.

As a result, Lu Chen's body was torn and did not let Lu Chen die. By virtue of his anger, his body would not be completely destroyed, and he could survive and attack.

But endless fury only slightly prolonged Lu Chen's death time. Although his broken body was closing towards a place, the wolf at dusk would not look at it.

When the body is healing in one direction, the huge claws have been waving wildly. In the extreme time, the crazy claws chopped Lu Chen's split body into dumplings.

At this point, Lu Chen died again.

From the beginning to the end, Lu Chen had no resistance.

This is the strength of shenjue, which is not suppressed completely. It is not just the appearance of Yan Mo, which has been sealed for thousands of years. It is not the God of death that is suppressed by the will of the world, nor is it the embodiment of Shenju in the past.

In the starry sky, they can give full play to their full strength. In the face of a complete God, Lu Chen, who is regarded as the strongest group in the legend, is also hard to resist.

However, although Shenju is strong, Lu Chen escaped from the wolf at dusk last time, and he relies on

His body was torn in an instant, but the wolf at dusk was not excited at all. He was staring at the void and hunched over to prepare for an attack.

This preparation was not in vain. After a breath, a burst of red light came from the place where Lu Chen died. In the red light, Lu Chen's body was completely broken and returned intact again."Oh

Lu Chen, who has just been reborn, hasn't had time to feel his body. A burst of wolf howling is ringing around him, accompanied by the sound of wolf howling, as well as the sound of sharp claws cutting on his body.

"Hiss, hisses"

in a burst of cloth tearing sound, Lu Chen's body just resurrected is torn up again, then resurrected, and then broken again. So it seems that Lu Chen has fallen into a circle of death. Once he is resurrected, he will be killed by the wolf at dusk without any resistance.

But the wolf at dusk, who has been tearing up Lu Chen continuously, is not excited at all, but full of prudence.

And his reason for caution soon appeared. When Lu Chen was resurrected for the fourth time, his claws fell on Lu Chen Wei An's body for the first time.

However, the cruel claw, which could tear Lu Chen apart like a piece of paper, was just as deep as the bone at this time. This still made Lu Chen seriously injured, but it was no longer a one shot must kill.

[effect of 12 trials (2): the hero will not fall twice in the same place, causing the death of the host. After resurrection, the host will gain a huge amount of resistance] , the fastest update of the webnovel!