“…… How can you be so strong... "

With the last word, the angry face "is tainted by the magic and can't be allowed to go on like this."


At the call of frost wolf, a group of legends rushed into the sky and sniped at the evil spirit from the sky.

It's a pity that there are so many evil spirits that they can't help. Moreover, the evil spirits in the starry sky are also attacking from time to time. Although their attacks will weaken when they enter the world from the starry sky, they are still hard to resist by the legend alone. This also makes the legends have to leave some strength, and the world power is at stake.

"Well, I didn't expect to end up like this."

The sage was speaking. He had foreseen the crisis and closed the world because he knew that he could not fight against it. Lu Chen's appearance made him feel that he saw hope. But at this time, hope was shattered, and the terrible evil god could destroy everything.

Lu Chen is also threatened here. There is no friendship between the evil gods. They just want to devour each other. However, under the suppression of the evil spirit, they can not kill each other and need to rescue each other.

At this time, there are three evil gods staring at Lu Chen, who blows the hammer according to the four totem pillars. They don't come down when they know that Lu Chen is dangerous. However, the staring sight makes Lu Chen have to devote a large part of his attention to guard against it. When the four pillar gods escape, the evil gods in the starry sky will send out long-range attacks to interfere with them After nearly escaping from the four totem pillars, Lu Chen's face became more ugly, and this made it determined.

He hammered the four totem pillars to death again. Looking at the evil spirits pouring out of the sky like garbage, Lu Chen sighed.

"Well, I still want to use this skill as a base card. I didn't expect to use it now."

Lu Chen sighs that there is a divine light in Lu Chen's eyes. This skill is also a myth. Lu Chen found that the gods were too difficult to kill. He spent a huge amount of aura value to replace countless skills. He wanted to extract the ability to deal with immortality.

The consumption of a lot of Reiki points made Lu Chen finally acquire the desired skill. However, after reading the introduction of this mythical skill, Lu Chen himself was stunned.

"Even the skills there can be extracted. How many skills my colleagues put into the game? Aren't they afraid to break the balance?"

Thinking back to the situation when he was drawing skills, Lu Chen, with his eyes shining, raised his sword finger and made a stroke in the center of his eyebrow. As Lu Chen's fingers turned, the light from his eyes suddenly dissipated, but there were cracks in his forehead and eyebrows.

"Sky eye, open up!"

After a low drink, Lu Chen eyebrow crack suddenly expanded, an erect eye appeared in the middle of its forehead.

With the appearance of vertical eyes on his forehead, the world is no longer the same in Lu Chen's senses. At this time, Lu Chen has the feeling that everything in the world is in his own eyes.

The physical objects could not resist Lu Chen's sight, and the secret magic could not be isolated. Relying on such terrible promotion, the sun god hull understood that if he did not kill the monsters below now, he would not have the opportunity to revenge. Therefore, he was abetting other evil spirits to rush down below.

In this regard, a direct evil god sneered:

"good, this is the world you are responsible for, you first."


How dare the Sun God go down? Although he thinks that the six gods can crush the monsters below, the trapped animals are still fighting. With the strength of the monster below, he can definitely pull a few cushions before death. It can be said that whoever takes the first move will die. Hull, the sun god with eternal life, obviously does not want to die. Therefore, he dare not go down.

However, it does not want to go down, and other evil gods do not want to go down. All evil gods want to take advantage of the profits.

In the starry sky, the evil spirit prevaricated with each other.

When they want others to come down first, Lu Chen no longer looks at the four evil gods of death, but looks at the sky with his third eye.

At this time, Lu Chen was hundreds of thousands of meters away from the sky, and there were countless evil spirits in the middle, which blocked the sight. But with Lu Chen's head up, the gods standing in the starry sky felt as if they were being peeped at. Even, many evil spirits, like the four gods of death, felt that they were naked in the sun, and all secrets could not be hidden.

"What is that eye?"

"The four gods should have died on that eye."

"I don't want to ask his eyes, I want to ask what we should do?"


There was another silence. In the end, all the evil gods stopped speaking, but let the common evil spirits fall downward like rain. They made up their minds to corrupt the world and enter again.

However, their plans soon failed. The will of the world could not stop countless evil spirits from landing. Legends could not stop all of them. They were even more afraid of the evil gods in the starry sky for dimension reduction.

But Lu Chen was not afraid of these things. Relying on Tianyan, he scanned the evil gods and collected a little information. After that, Lu Chen closed the sky eye.The opening of the eye of heaven only lasted for a short time, but even this time also made Lu Chen's soul weak. However, Lu Chen did not show the weakness of his soul. He even rushed to the sky.

With a slight movement of his mind, Lu Chen's Titan body becomes the king of light. With the wings flapping, Lu Chen's figure soars into the sky like a sword piercing the sky, and condenses into the sun at the center of the evil spirit's landing. Then, the endless gun of sunshine shoots into the sky, which collides violently with the evil spirit falling down.

The weakness of the soul also has an impact on the launch of the sun gun. Since splitting the soul to create a thinking computer, Lu Chen first uses the thinking computer to lock in the ordinary evil spirits, then estimates the strength of those evil spirits, and finally condenses the sun gun that just kills the evil spirit, and the soul computer locks and launches it.

There is no possibility that such a launch will fail. At the time of launching, a part of the split thinking computer will recite the great praying art. At the cost of consuming the power of light, may the gun of the sun never fall, or enhance its power.

In this way, it is not only efficient to launch the sun gun, but also consumes little energy. All the evil spirits in Lu Chen's scope can not escape.

However, at this time, the soul was weak and several thinking computer souls were damaged, which made Lu Chen launch purely by feeling. Although there were a lot of evil spirits falling in the sky, it was difficult for Lu Chen to fail even by feeling, but this undoubtedly increased Lu Chen's energy consumption and made many evil spirits cross Lu Chen's strike line and parachute to the ground.

"For the individual's ability to strike, my thinking is still not comparable to computer thinking."

Lu Chen sighs that Herr, the sun god in the starry sky, also found something wrong with Lu Chen. At the first time, he told the evil gods what he had found.

"It's injured, it used to attack very accurately, now it's scattered, we have a chance."

After such words were said, other evil gods also nodded their approval.

"It's very expensive to shine out the true spirit. Now is the best time to kill him."

"You can't wait for it to recover."

"Go on



A group of evil spirits in the starry sky have a high tone and a tremendous momentum. Their magic power is boiling like the sea tide. Affected by this atmosphere, ordinary people can easily rush down into their minds.

But, let a lot of evil gods helpless is, they shout for a long time, finally no one started.

The scene that kept calling but no one started made them embarrassed.


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