It was attacked by a heart, which twisted the face of the thief God.

However, as a God, jumping heart can only give the thief God a little pressure, can not completely kill it.

But in the face of beating heart and approaching Lu Chen, the thief's God didn't stay away from him. Instead, he waved his dagger and wanted to cut Lu Chen's heart.

He hoped to hurt Lu Chen.

But the thing that made its face twist quickly happened. When it attacked the heart, the heart full of thunder and lightning actually grew arms and eyes.

Eye observation, palm against the enemy, with only one heart, even with the God of thieves fight back and forth.

"Ah, ah I will kill you

Lu Chen can't beat Lu Chen. Now even a heart can't be crushed in a short time. This makes the thief's God completely furious. He doesn't care about the attack of the heart. Instead, he braves the stimulation of thunder and lightning to make scars on his heart. This has certain effect. Although Lu Chen's body is strong and his internal organs have been specially refined, it is not as good as skeleton and skin, the dagger of the thief God Cut Lu Chen's heart.

But soon the robber God was ashamed to find that although he could cut the heart, because the heart was too big, it used a dagger. What could be cut was only the skin, so it could not completely cut the heart.

"Why, why can't I even deal with a heart..."

In the roar of the God of despair, Lu Chen has come to its body, six fists raised high.

And this also made the thief God "it was not so strong at that time?"

"Then why don't you say it earlier."

"How many times did I say it? When you first came, I said the danger of that monster Now I can also say that this is not the limit of that monster. It's better to kill him now

"That's right, but what do you do when you run so far?"

"You didn't look at yourself before you said I was, or did you think I was blind and could not see through your art of separation?"


Lu Chen, who is 130000 meters tall, hits evil spirits more than 10000 meters. This is just like an adult beating a child, or an adult strong man like Tyson beating a two or three-year-old baby. This is really a fist for a child.

Such a violent fight makes Lu Chen very happy, but some useless children.

Fortunately, evil gods have resurrected, not so easy to die miserably.


Mercilessly give oneself a slap, Lu Chen murmured the voice to ring.

"The resurrection of evil gods is a bad habit."

With this, Lu Chen finds out an evil spirit and rushes to the past again.

"You don't want to come here!"

Of course, evil gods don't scream like this. In fact, most of the evil gods' words are the roar and maddening of countless voices overlapped together. People will go crazy when they hear them. Those normal words are automatically translated by Lu Chen. After all, you don't understand the language of evil gods.

However, the translation may not be all accurate, but the meaning is that. The God of the wanderer really doesn't want Lu Chen to come.

Lu Chen only wanted to stay away from Lu Chen when it was blasted by Lu Chen's hammer once. Unfortunately, Lu Chen didn't forget the operation he had just done in his crotch. Although Lu Chen's height is not small, it is one tenth of his height, that is, 1300m long. Even if the wanderer cuts it, he will not be hurt very much, but this is intolerable.

"You must die today!"

Grabbing the wanderer Lu Chen is a burst of blow hammer.

Some of the evil spirits in the distance wanted to leave completely after a little distance. They felt the danger of Lu Chen, which was enough to make them die, but they were afraid of being punished by evil spirit.

This is not a joke. If it was not for the fear of evil spirits, they would have acted wantonly according to their own will and would not stay out of the world.

However, not to leave them in the past is even worse. The tragic situation of the wandering God makes many people have lingering fear.

Finally, the astrologer saw a little doubt.

"That guy didn't destroy the world. There are not many believers in the world. His strength can't grow so fast, even the original evil god. His transformation at this time should be temporary and can't be sustained for a long time. We just need to delay."

The astrologer is right. Lu Chen can't change all the time. His huge body is consuming Lu Chen's energy. Too much expansion also puts pressure on his body, not to mention the power he has been consuming.

Unfortunately, no matter how much astrologers say, no evil god wants to move forward. The main reason is that astrologers have been retreating towards their own gods.

They looked at each other for a few times, and all the evil gods withdrew towards their own kingdom of gods.

They can't leave the universe without permission, ready to stay in the kingdom of God.

To this, Lu Chen some helpless, he is only one person after all.

"Fortunately, I finally got something. I killed this guy to clean up the others.""No Save me, evil spirit will not let you go Monsters, the most good gods, stop them. Once they enter the Kingdom, they will contact the evil spirits and let the original evil gods deal with you. Even if the world is stationed by the God King, the original evil gods can also be destroyed... "

Looking at other evil gods one by one to escape to the gods, and then look at the Titan giant god standing beside him. The wandering God was worried, and his language was chaotic and crazy. He was eager to let Lu Chen intercept others. In order to let Lu Chen leave, it even said some secret matters of evil.

"No matter how important it is, it's not as important as my own life."

Unfortunately, this did not move Lu Chen at all. He just sat on the site, staring at the wandering God, and wanted to hammer it to death.

"Ten birds in the forest are better than one bird in the hand."

Holding the idea that one can kill one is one, Lu Chen is not ready to leave, and other evil gods have not given up the wandering God. After the noumenon entered the kingdom of God, countless evil spirits were separated, and their descendants, relatives and envoys all rushed out of the kingdom of God. The oppressive evil spirit rushed towards Lu Chen like a black cloud.

This is to rescue the wandering God and delay Lu chenhammer's death time.

Of course, not everyone is loyal to the wandering God. Some descendants and evil spirits are prepared to fight for some divinity or divinity when the wandering God is hammered to death, so that they can become powerful.

But their coming over made Lu Chen happy.

"Second, you don't have to leave the past alone."

In the face of the endless evil spirit, Lu Chen just thought, countless thunders with Lu Chen as the center, shining in all directions. Soon, a blue purple lightning sun full of electric light appeared in the void.

As the king of gods, titans are not only powerful, but also masters of thunder and lightning. Driven by Lu Chen's ideas, countless thunder and lightning condense into lightning guns and shoot wildly in all directions.

Of course, Lu Chen didn't have the skill of thunder and lightning spear, but he had the experience of using light to form a gun of sunshine. Now he just changed light into lightning. With the help of thinking computer, Lu Chen easily completed it.

Then things became simpler. With the help of the divinity and thinking computer, Lu Chen quickly locked in all the evil spirits. Then, in Lu Chen's voice of prayer, one after another shining lightning guns broke through the void and rushed to those evil spirits who were driven to come.

"At the cost of the power of thunder and lightning, I pray that the spear of thunder and lightning will surely hit the enemy."

"At the cost of the power of thunder and lightning, I pray that the gun of thunder and lightning will surely defeat the enemy."

Similarly, because the nature of lightning and light is not much different, they are both breaking evil spirits, and the speed is very fast, so the consumption of these two kinds of praying LuChen is not much.

However, to be on the safe side, LuChen still has 50 fusion power plants in his body. In this way, no matter how much energy is consumed, LuChen can provide it.

"Fortunately, I'm big enough, and I have enough space in my body to release the nuclear power plant, but now there are many weaknesses. If someone breaks through the divine lines, thunder and lightning, and the blockade of steel, as long as I hit my body slightly and detonate the nuclear power plant, I will be completely destroyed under the serial explosions."

This is indeed a weakness, but Lu Chen doesn't care.

It's not because there are 19 lives to be fearless, but because Lu Chen is brave.

The spear of thunder and lightning blocked most of the enemies, but after relying on the God's envoy, the evil god already had the strength above the demigod, and could still break through the grip of the lightning gun. However, after they arrived, the people waiting for them were still in complete despair.

The separation of evil spirits is not small, because we know that at the most critical moment, each evil god is relying on his most powerful envoy. Their bodies are five or six kilometers high, which is a little weaker than the gods.

However, such a figure is still dust for Lu Chen, waving his six arms. Lu Chen is like beating a fly. Waving at will, Lu Chen smashes all the evil spirits.

Although many evil spirits dodged Lu Chen's attacks with speed and hit Lu Chen several times with long-range attacks, the flies were only flies after all, and Lu Chen didn't feel any pain after being bitten.

Even if it is a divine attack, after breaking through the triple defense composed of Titan's divine pattern, flesh and blood defense, and steel, iron and steel, how much extra strength will there be? However, the thickness of the flesh and blood outside the strong LuChen is ten thousand meters, which is only a part of the evil god attached to the body, and can't do anything about Lu Chen.

"Shit, how did this guy grow up? It's almost like the original evil god."

"No, the original evil god was bigger than it, and his position was higher than him, but the defense was not necessarily stronger than this guy."

"For three months, I knew I would have gone down together."

"I think it's very good now. According to the performance of this monster, before March, more than one or two of us went down to die, and only one or two should live. Even so, we may not be able to kill this monster. But now, as long as we delay in the Kingdom of God and wait for the original evil spirits to arrive, we will be safe."

"You're right."Although Lu Chen is stronger and more difficult to deal with now, he needs to work hard to encircle and suppress.

However, this is the perplexity of evil spirits, and there is no need for all the evil gods to worry about it. Soon, the evil gods will be indifferent.

Of course, they did not give up sending out separate sieges to interfere with Lu Chen's attack on the wandering God. This is not because they have feelings for the wandering God, but the longer the wandering God delays, the more secure a group of evil gods in God's country will be.

"I hope the rogue can delay the arrival of the original evil god."

This is the expectation of many evil gods. For this, the wandering God is very indignant. On the one hand, he resists Lu Chen's attack, and on the other hand, he also angrily scolds other evil gods. He constantly talks about luxury to Lu Chen and wants to surrender to Lu Chen and deal with other evil gods with him.

"Stop fighting. I surrender. I'd like to be with you Bang

Without waiting for his words to finish, he was completely blasted by Lu Chen.

"You can go at ease, they will die, but you don't have to help."

While talking with the wanderer, the attack of other evil gods continued. However, the battle was not fierce. This was not expected by Lu Chen, but it was also normal.

If Lu Chen came to the starry sky two months ago, when he had just reached 60000 meters, the battle would be fierce. The evil gods could see the hope of victory. Lu Chen had enough strength to fight against them. If there was a war at that time, it would be flesh and blood.

But now, the power of crushing, so that the evil gods have changed their thinking, they no longer want to kill Lu Chen, just want to survive, and even want to use other evil gods to delay time and survive longer.

In this way, the fighting naturally eased down.

This is Lu Chen's luck, but it is the tragedy of the wanderer. He is cursing his companion crazily, but it is impossible for him to give up his resistance. Therefore, Lu Chen resists the attack of other evil spirits and his offspring at will, and beats the wandering God violently at the same time.

However, after a while of fighting, it seems that the gun of thunder and lightning is constantly fired. A space crack full of desolate breath appears, and countless black rope chains stretch out from the crack, drawing the family members of many evil gods into it.

For such a situation, some evil gods did not care, they just thought that Lu Chen's attack mode had changed.

This is also one of Lu Chen's attack methods, pulling the enemy into hell, Lu Chen can kill at will.

But what those evil gods don't know is that after the death of the evil spirits in hell, their souls will not dissipate in vain, but will be dragged into a vast dream by a terrible demon king.

It was a terrible nightmare. In the nightmare, the relatives of these evil spirits will recall the past events. Even, many evil spirits also find that dreams are the things they have experienced in the past.

These dreams are various, but they all contain the information of the gods they serve.

While killing evil spirits, Lu Chen collects all kinds of information.

In this case, most of the evil gods did not respond, but there was a man who was alert and sensitive after all.

When the astrologer's information was about to be filled, a palpitation that choked the astrologer covered his body and mind.

"This danger, I'm going to die. No, there's something wrong with that crack!"

After the terrible crisis appeared, astrologers did not dare to neglect any more and manipulated the kingdom to retreat at the first time.

Many evil gods are monitoring each other, and the astrologer's retreat immediately aroused the thoughts of other evil gods.

"What are you doing?"

"Evil spirit will not let you go!"

The first is the question of the Dragon Slayer, the second is the roar of the wandering God. It is really cursing other evil gods, but it does not want other people to escape, but wants other evil gods to replace itself. Now it is anxious to see the astrologer leave.

The Dragon Slayer hesitated and the wanderer panicked, but the other evil spirits were extremely smart. Although they did not know what the astrologer predicted, they all fled with the astrologer at the first time.

This scene also makes Lu Chen sigh.

"Well, sure enough, I know it's not that easy, but I'm ready for the prelude."

With these words, Lu Chen did not crush the God of wandering again, but grasped it with six palms and called out holy words and spirits.

"Let the justice of the world appear with my skill of expressing spirit! These are powerful and eloquent. It's the sword of wisdom for victory. "

With Lu Chen's cry, a golden light condenses from the star world. The light is like a sea. In Lu Chen's mind, it turns into a golden sword and hangs in the sky.

The inexhaustible sword of gold is as bright as the sea of stars, but it also makes the fear of wandering God reach the peak.

"Let me go, please let me go!"

It is calling, but the words in Lu Chen's mouth have not stopped. Six arms hold the wandering God, and Lu Chen's voice rings.

"I know you..."

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