"As long as I have time, I seem to be able to deal with the original evil god."

Lu Chen thought of the eternal will. As long as he had eternal will, Lu Chen could devour the fire of the fusion of wishes. Once it was integrated with the true spirit accumulated in the fire for hundreds of years, Lu Chen's soul would change again. This transformation can make Lu Chen control the body of millions of meters.

Although soul is only software, it needs material (body) and energy to truly become Titan giant god of millions of meters.

But these are not too big obstacles to Lu Chen. Without mentioning the corpse in his empty stomach sac, he has superhuman blood. If he absorbs the energy of light emitted by the nuclear power plant in his body, the body can grow and continue to grow. It is not impossible to reach the basic body shape of KM.

The material is enough to make large nuclear power plants. With a body of millions of meters, even if the original evil gods come, Lu Chen has no chance to fight with the force of invincible in the world.

So thinking, Lu Chen really had the idea of pulling the wrist with the original evil god.

But soon the idea was choked out.

"No, I can achieve the will forever, but it takes time to integrate the fire of prayer, and time for the growth of flesh. In the wizard world, there is not enough time for me to grow up."

Such an idea, let Lu Chen as a escape for the preparation.

The first step is to rely on the divine power to convey the oracle to all believers who believe in him, and let them gather with their families towards their respective temples, and then Lu Chen used to put all those mortals into the divine kingdom.

"I don't know if I should be happy or sad, because I am not a long time in this world. My devout believers are not many. Avalon is completely dressed up."

Of course, this is also the world of Avalon has no spirit, which makes Lu Chen expand greatly. At the same time, there is the sun light scattered by Lu Chen, and some natural spirit emitted by golden apple trees, which makes the world arable. Therefore, after putting people into the world, Lu Chen does not need to do more. As long as sunshine and some natural spirits are scattered, those humans will be able to do more Can cultivate by oneself, live alone.

This kind of situation only needs to provide sunshine and some natural force, so Lu Chen does not have to worry about the living resources of those people, and naturally can load many people.

Considering that after entering chaos, Avalon is needed as a boat boat. Lu Chen ascends into the stars to destroy countless evil spirits and kills several evil gods. All of them are used to improve Avalon.

The effect is obvious. Now, Avalon has been promoted to a small world. The expansion of the land of goblin and hell is not mentioned. The most important human world can carry hundreds of millions of people, or hundreds of millions of people who can be self-sufficient.

When Lu Chen divides a thinking soul and hangs a sun in the world by relying on the power of the king of light, everything there can be developed by itself, without asking about Lu Chen.

At the same time, because Lu Chen only needs the power of faith and does not need human sacrifice, the quality of life of the people here has improved a lot. After all, the poor people in the world, the nine Chengdu harvest will be handed over to the noble master. Only the remaining 10% of the total amount of the life is left. Now, Lu Chen does not want anything. For the local people gathered by him with Oracle, this kind of life has been a kind of life Heaven is gone.

Moreover, Lu Chen did nothing, leveled the land, introduced water, and Lu Chen used the great prayer to transform the knowledge of law and tools in the 21st century, so that some people with knowledge learn it step by step and teach them to others, and then life here will be better and better.

It can be said that after entering Avalon, the poor here live in the kingdom of God.

Of course, Lu Chen is not only good. A large number of people live in the human world of Avalon. Although Lu Chen needs to provide shelter and sunshine, they are also providing the faith for Lu Chen.

"2900 divinity value can make my body reach 290000 meters. But correspondingly, I need to consume 2900 gods every moment. This is a huge power. It is not enough to convert them with experience value. However, if there are enough believers in Avalon, I don't need to develop the believers outside. Even, after the belief power provided by them is converted into divine power, I will also pay attention to it You can convert the divine power into the experience value, and one point of the divine power is equivalent to 10000 experience values. "

As a producer, the believers here are very useful, and even after death, the people here are also the source of Lu Chen. Therefore, Lu Chen never wanted to give up the devout believers.

But he wants to protect only devout believers, one is not devout believers too much, Lu Chen can not shelter, the other is that the devout believers can provide more than 100 times the power of faith of shallow believers.

Normally, Lu Chen naturally does not mind protecting them, but the crisis of extinction comes, even Lu Chen himself is unable to be sure to survive, and naturally will not worry about them.

So thinking, Lu Chen looked at the side: "you are sure to stay here, you are very likely to die."

Lu Chen asked about frost wolf and Catherine, devout and crazy believers were taken away by Lu Chen. Lu Chen, the legendary strong man, naturally wanted to take some. Of course, they could not be put in the world, but the land of goblin is not small, besides the soul of good people, some powerful people can be placed.Frost wolf and Catherine are Lu Chen's friends. He hopes to take them away with them.

However, in the face of Lu Chen's inquiry, they both shook their heads and asked with a trace of expectation: "Your Majesty, is there really no way?"

"I don't want to escape even if there is a way. The original evil god is like the creator God. There is no other way to resist the evil god but death. Come with me and leave the green mountain there. I'm not afraid of no firewood."

"Thank you for your invitation, but this is my world. I won't open it until the last moment."

"Your Majesty, Achen, how about we go to the world where the sages live?"

Looking at Yilian's pleading eyes, Lu Chen shook his head in silence.

"It's no use. You can still move. I'm definitely locked in by evil spirit. Only when I leave, you are really safe."

Lu Chen is very reckless, but when the Apocalypse did not foresee the fatal danger, Lu Chen would act rashly. At this time, Lu Chen's Apocalypse kept shaking and brought him a fatal crisis. Naturally, he knew how to choose.

Without the apocalypse, Lu Chen would also leave. There was no way. The original evil god was too strong. According to Lu Chen's picture from the sun god hull's memory, the original evil god was as big as his body. Just one collision smashed most of the world. It was not LuChen's nuclear explosion that destroyed the ecosystem, but directly smashed the world. Such a terrifying monster is not what LuChen can resist at all.

Of course, go all out, Lu Chen may hurt him.

But Lu Chen is not a saint. He can't pay the price of his life to hurt the evil spirit.

"There's still a chance of revenge if you leave me. It's the stupidest way to fight here."

Seeing Lu Chen refuse, Elaine is not persuading. She is not a virgin bitch who wants others to fight for her own world.

However, like frost wolf and Catherine, she also wanted to stay in this world and survive with the human beings in this world.

But this time without Lu Chen, frost wolf and Catherine refused.

"Elaine, your future is no longer here."


"Elaine, come here."

Pulling Elaine into a nearby room, Katherine stares at her seriously.

"Remember, you can't die yet. There are hundreds of millions of human beings entering your Majesty's kingdom. These people are the fire of our wizarding world. They need you."

"Your Majesty would have sheltered them without me."

"You're right. Your majesty will protect, but it's just a shelter. Your majesty won't waste too much effort for ordinary people. If people from other worlds enter the world and someone enjoys your Majesty's favor, our people will always live under people, and the people there need you."

Catherine's persuasion makes Elaine choose to follow her. After finding that she can't persuade them, Lu Chen no longer hesitates and flies into the starry sky with hundreds of millions of devout believers and legends.

Looking down on the earth, Lu Chenxin sighs.

"It's a pity that even if there is no original evil spirit coming, I will leave, but I don't want to leave like this."

Exclamation, Lu Chenhua light with hundreds of millions of people rushed into the starry sky, such a scene, also make the sun god hull heart happy.

"The monster is gone at last."

At this time, it has been more than half a month since LuChen slaughtered the gods. In the majority of this month, the sun god hull is really miserable. It no longer stares at LuChen any time, for fear that LuChen will rush into the sky to find trouble for him.

At the same time, having lost the kingdom of God and the source of the power of faith, the sun god hull now relies on the original storage to maintain his status.

However, most of Shenju put the storage in the kingdom of God. Even if hull, the sun god, left with some, it could not last long. After all, the time was too tight and the atmosphere was very tense. In that case, it could not carry too many things.

What's more, it abandoned many of his dependents, and the resentment that those dependents sent out when they died also wrapped around his body, making it want to go mad.

"But the suffering has finally faded away. Now, I am the only God here."

Although the gods have been slaughtered by Lu Chen, the evil spirit in the starry sky has not been reduced much. This is also the most troublesome point of evil spirits. They can stick to the world for thousands of years like maggots of tarsal bones.

Evil spirit is just a pawn. For the world and for Shenju, the most dangerous thing is the evil spirit. As long as enough time is enough, the evil spirit can corrode all materials or creatures and transform them into evil spirits. If the evil spirit is not destroyed, the evil spirit will be killed.

Now, the sun god hull is ready to leave Lu Chen, carrying evil spirit to pollute the wizard world again.

However, just as it was preparing for action with joy, it suddenly found that after arriving at the border of chaos, the monster did not open its own small world, but chose to break into the chaos alone, which made the wolf at dusk puzzled.

"What's the matter? Is that guy going to kill himself

In addition to the world, no matter what kind of material will be contained in everything, but it will also melt all the chaos. Therefore, the wolf at dusk is puzzled by Lu Chen's reaction.And as he doubted, Lu Chen was really exposed to the fog of chaos in his real body without protection.

Such contact is terrible, like butter into a hot pot, and like the sun warming snow. When Lu Chen's body comes into contact with the fog of chaos, his skin, bones, blood and even the power to make up for the thunder and lightning in his body are all melted away.

Chaos is the source of the world. It contains everything and melts everything. Most of the ruins of the broken world are re decomposed by the fog of chaos. Without the protection of the film of the world, everything in the world is melted by chaos.

However, the sun god hull did not know that although the body continued to melt, Lu Chen would not die in a short time.

Can't help, Lu Chen blood is too thick, recovery speed is too fast.

Although the nature of chaos ablation makes Lu Chen's defense almost nonexistent, it takes a little time for the huge body to melt. When the Qi of chaos melts, the nuclear fusion power station in Lu Chen's body is in crazy operation, and endless light and heat burst from Lu Chen's body, which provides a huge amount of energy.

The nourishment of huge energy, especially the energy belonging to the sun, makes Lu Chen's Superman cells fully active. Because of the crisis, the Superman cells absorbed a huge amount of energy and did not store energy to change the cell's strength and toughness. Instead, the cell division represents Lu Chen's physical proliferation, which is manifested in Lu Chen's melting by the fog of chaos At the same time, the body is recovering rapidly.

"Although there are many fusion power stations, the mode is the same. As long as I have two minds and the computer can't see any accident, I can build 100 small nuclear power plants or 10 super large nuclear power plants in my body. With these nuclear power plants to provide power, I recover quickly, not to worry about energy loss."

Nuclear power plants are not without loss. Deuterium and tritium are also consumed in the fusion process, but such substances are almost everywhere in the ocean.

Of course, Lu Chen would not pull an ocean into Avalon. He had the ability, but he didn't need to. Relying on the great prayer, Lu Chen consumed the power of light and prayed to obtain countless processed nuclear fusion fuel, which accumulated into hills, enough for LuChen to use for a hundred years.

"There's no shortage of fuel, but I can't keep up with my recovery."

In the words, Lu Chen's body is melting faster and faster by the fog of chaos. In a few minutes, Lu Chen's body is completely dissolved by the fog of chaos.

However, chaotic things can melt Lu Chen's body, but can't destroy Lu Chen's true spirit. This is in a higher dimension. Unless Lu Chen, like Lu Chen, relies on the eye of heaven to pull out the true spirit, the true spirit is hard to die.

However, Lu chenzhenling did not perish, but scared a lot of legends in Avalon nearby. Living in the land of goblins, they were sighing, sighing about the pain of leaving their hometown, and some imagined the beauty of traveling around the world, but they didn't expect that Lu Chen would melt away in the short time they imagined.

"What's going on?"

"Is this a trick?"

"How can we possibly die of a scam? Your majesty wants to kill us, and we can't stop it in the world?"

At a loss appeared in their hearts, and in their confused time, Lu Chen's body appeared again in the chaos.

"Your Majesty, come here."

Seeing Lu Chen reappear, someone immediately yelled.

However, Lu Chen did not respond to this cry. He still stood quietly in the chaos, burning nuclear fuel rods, resisting the erosion of chaos fog.

This time was longer than before, but a few minutes later, Lu Chen completely dissipated, and then he was resurrected and melted again.

This situation lasted for five times. After the fifth time, Lu Chen reappeared in chaos. At this time, when the fog of chaos contacted Lu Chen's body, he could still decompose his body tissue. However, this time, for some reason, the decomposition speed of chaos fog was very slow, and Superman's body had super healing, especially when in the sun, the healing speed would reach the extreme To.

Lu Chen is not in the sun, but he carries several small suns in his body, which is no different from that in a star. Under the nourishment of huge amount of solar energy, Lu Chen's body cells increase rapidly. Whenever the surface of his body is melted, new tissues grow again.

After five deaths, Lu Chen achieved a certain balance between the decomposition of the fog of chaos and the healing of Superman's body. Lu Chen could feel that as long as the nuclear fusion in his body was not extinguished, he could always maintain such a state.

"As I expected, twelve trials also had resistance to the fog of chaos."

The twelve trials from Heracles not only made Lu Chen have the ability to revive, but also had the resistance to kill himself. Just now, the fog of chaos killed Lu Chen. Every time he killed Lu Chen, his body surface would have a trace of resistance to the fog of chaos. After five times of superposition, Lu Chen had no way to deal with the fog of chaos.

Of course, this also shows the power of the fog of chaos. We should know that even if the claw of space of the wolf at dusk has no way to take Lu Chen after four or five times, but the fog of chaos can still decompose Lu Chen's body after five times, that is to say, the super self-healing of Superman's body is strong enough to keep Lu Chen in balance in decomposition and healing.However, such a state is not perfect. First, it is pain. It is really painful to decompose the pain of continuous healing. The other is energy consumption. Now, most of the energy of Lu Chen is consumed on cell healing, which has an impact on the battle of LuChen.

Finally, self healing ability is the ability of self-healing. Because of the continuous erosion of the chaos fog, Lu Chen's super self-healing ability is used to offset the chaos fog. If other people attack again, it will be like the last straw that overwhelms camel. Lu Chen will bear serious injury in full and it will be difficult to heal.

But this method is not without solution, after all, Lu Chen's 12 attempts to practice more than five times.

The self-healing ability of Superman is limited. Soon, Lu Chen's body is decomposed by the chaos fog again. After three times, Lu Chen has died eight times. At this time, the chaos fog has the decomposition ability for Lu Chen, but without super self-healing of Superman, the self-healing ability attached by Lu Chen blood gas makes Lu Chen free from those decomposition.

"Eight deaths, I can roam freely in chaos, fortunately, I have now tried more than eight times."

At the time of winning the twelve trials, Lu Chen's trial training times have not reached the name of twelve. Then, with the efforts of Lu Chen and the operation of shocking the world once and again, the number of trials has been increasing. The number of trials has been increased from 89 times just obtained to 12 or even 13 times. Although it is more and more difficult, it is more and more difficult after one person has destroyed many evil gods in the stars He also gained the great work of the gods at dusk and the destroyer of a country. The number of trials changed from 13 to 15.

[dusk of gods: host one person leads to the fall of gods. This is a great undertaking that cannot be completed by ordinary people. Congratulations to the host. Add one trial practice times]

br > Kingdom destroyer: host destroys God several times. This is a great undertaking that can not be completed by ordinary people. Congratulations to host, one trial practice times.

15 resurrection, even if eight times need to be consumed first, Lu Chen will also destroy god by one move several times There were seven chances of resurrection, which made Lu Chen determined.

"That's what you do."

After such a murmur, Lu Chen hands a wave, back to Avalon, control Avalon in chaos forward.

This situation also relieved a lot of legends. They were really afraid that Lu Chen would do something bad again. At the same time, many people also looked at Elaine, hoping that she would persuade Lu Chen not to do such a heart beating event.

In this regard, Elaine stood out, one is that she was told by the public, the other is that she also sincerely hopes Lu Chen not to do such dangerous things, but before she arrives at Lu Chen's side, she finds that the world outside Avalon has changed suddenly, from the chaos full of confusion to the empty space of colorless darkness, which makes Elaine startled.

"There are other worlds so close to our world? Is it the world of the elves where the wise are? "

Just as Elaine thought, suddenly, a familiar breath enveloped her body and mind, which made her react.

"We're back."

There are many legends that Yilian reacted to. They were already sad. For example, the tourists who are going to stay away from their hometown miss their hometown, especially when they know that their hometown is likely to be destroyed and can no longer return. Their mood is very complex, but without such complex emotional fermentation, they find themselves back to the familiar world, which makes everyone shocked.

However, in surprise, hull, the sun god, was the most frightened. It had rushed to the world. After he found Lu Chen returned, he fled to other places immediately.

Of course, no one cares about it now. Elaine first said to her heart the question: "is your majesty not ready to leave?"

"Of course not. I will go, but I brought the evil god from the beginning, and I will lead it away."


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