Forging a magic sword from the destruction of several worlds is the danger Lu Chen perceives. When Lu Chen's consciousness is slightly attracted by the magic sword, dozens of blood vessels burst suddenly in Angus's eyes. In the huge amount of blood burst, a huge spiritual impact also exploded from Lu Chen's mind.

Although Lu Chen combined his soul with his will to forge an incomparable supreme magic sword to resist the attack of the original evil gods at the first time when he saw the two original evil gods, Angus in the starry eye did not hesitate to consume his own explosion, which left Lu Chen's consciousness empty for a moment.

Of course, Lu Chen absorbed the brand of true spirit in the way of heaven in the past two years, and his soul was strengthened again. Otherwise, his consciousness would not be as simple as stagnation for a moment.

And this moment is enough for Benedict to launch a magic sword attack.

"Destroy, destroy, destroy..."

With hundreds of millions of Zen singing, the black sword of destruction fell straight to Lu Chen's body like a meteor.

With the sound of "bang", Lu Chen, who just woke up, was hit by the black magic sword. This is the law of ultimate destruction. The ability to destroy everything is its only ability. Under the law of destruction, the thunder and lightning around Lu Chen and his own bones are chopped by the magic sword like tofu. The magic sword will pierce Lu Chen's body, Benny, the gate of the stars There was a hint of relief on Dick's face.

"You said that the monster has been resurrected many times. Don't worry now. If the monster is stabbed by the destruction magic sword, its wound will never recover. Even if it is resurrected again, it will How can it be? How can you affect the sword of destruction

Startled and even unbelievable, his eyes were arrogant and arrogant, which appeared on the gate of death like a planet. Seeing the magic sword full of destructive breath stabbed Lu Chen's body for a few breaths, he would not move. Instead, Lu Chen would be in his hands again. The gate of death, like the eye of the stars, was also confused.

What's more, what's more, it's more painful than the eye of the stars. The sword of destruction is out of its control, just as if his wife had been robbed. Especially Lu Chen's subsequent words made it almost spit out blood.

"It's a good sword, but now it's mine."

With Lu Chen's words, there are red ghosts and gods behind Lu Chen. The ghosts and gods are ferocious and red in blood. After they appear, they rush into the body of the destruction magic sword under the command of Lu Chen.

The first ghost, Kazan of the sword soul, is the destruction and killing of ghosts and gods, which is very consistent with the magic sword full of the law of destruction. Its presence has affected the destruction magic sword, so that it can no longer affect Lu Chen.

However, Lu Chen wants to do more than that. The ultimate destruction is stronger than the ultimate tearing. Lu Chen expects that one day, the left hand tearing sword and the right hand destroying sword will fight the enemy with two blades.

"So, at the end of the day, are you back on the path of the sword master again? I am a swordsman with some flesh."

"However, this is not the time to think about this. If you want the first ghost to completely control the destruction sword, you need to kill the original owner."

At this time, Lu Chen also felt that he was very bad. His ghosts and gods robbed other people's "wife". In order to completely occupy the "wife", Lu Chen was still ready to kill his original wife, which was a villain.

"No, how can you be called a villain? Well, evil gods are evil. It's just to kill them. I'm a just man."

Let the first ghost entangle with the destruction sword, and Lu Chen himself continues to rush forward. This time, Lu Chen not only thunders and thunders all over his body, but also stimulates the flesh and blood of his whole body with electric current, which makes his body burst out with incomparable power. His right hand is also full of bright silver light. Lu Chen's torn silver hand is used to the extreme, with the silver hand added with power as the leader Spear, Lu Chen sprint again.

But this time, it's the eye of the sky that has a headache. The sharp silver hand can tear everything. With this arm, Lu Chen's charge can't be stopped at all. The tens of thousands of force barriers arranged in front of him by the eye of the sky are cut by Lu Chen one after another like paper.

Looking at Lu Chen, who is flying at a high speed under the stimulation of thunder and lightning, the eye of the starry sky is full of anxiety and endless regret and anger.

"Why? It wasn't like this two years ago. Two years ago, my mind barrier could still stop this guy."

If it had been two years ago, it would have been possible to kill Lu Chen with the eye of the sky and the gate of the sky. After all, Lu Chen was not strong enough at that time to break away from the power of the eye of the sky. The gate of the sky could deal with Lu Chen in various ways.

But at this time, Lu Chen's strength has reached a certain level, so all their attacks can be shaken with strength. Now it is. Despite the numerous abilities used by the eye of the stars, Lu Chen just uses the sword of power as a spear, and cooperates with his own strength to crush everything recklessly.

Such ability is very simple, relying on the infinite force, but the ability to make a miracle is the most difficult to resist.

"Benedict, let's go. If we don't, we'll all die."

Without the eye of the stars, the gate of the starry sky opened the gate again at the first time. At first, an incomparable attraction came from the gate, which wanted to draw Lu Chen into the door.This is also the way it used to fight the enemy. Behind the door is its kingdom of God and its world. It has set countless forbidden areas in it. Any existence after being sucked into the door can not escape his seal and can only be trapped or killed by the traps inside.

At this time, it also wants to use this suction to suck Lu Chen into the door and trap Lu Chen behind the gate.

However, the attraction only lasted for a little time, and it was abandoned by it. One was that Lu Chen was too strong to master the law of gravity, which made it difficult to affect Lu Chen. On the other hand, it saw Lu Chen's body shape. After a comparison, the gate of the starry sky found that it was very likely that Lu Chen would not enter the world after he was introduced, but was given by the door frame get stuck.

Looking at Lu Chen's bulging muscles, unparalleled strength, and the silver sword light that cuts off everything, the door of death feels inexplicably that pulling Lu Chen to the front of the gate is also the time of his own death. This is the alert given by the spirit in advance, and it dare not underestimate it.

Now, no matter who he is, as long as he is pulled into the distance of hand to hand combat by Lu Chen, he will die.

It is wise to let Lu Chen kill the eye of the sky, and its death date is near at hand.

In order to stop Lu Chen, this time, countless black chains rush out of the gate, toward Lu Chen, who is charging with great speed.

At this time, the eye of the starry sky was also struggling. Lu Chen could not be trapped by the mental barrier, which broke out a continuous spiritual impact. This is still useful. Although Lu Chen combined his will with his soul in his mind, he condensed the supreme divine sword. Now, other people dare to attack Lu Chen with his spirit, and without Lu Chen's hands, he would be cut off just by touching the sword light, just like human hands After all, the effect of force is relative.

But the eye of the starry sky should not be underestimated. It is originally the result of the transformation of the residual will of the heavenly way. It has a huge soul. Even Lu Chen does not dare to be careless. Especially at this time of life and death, the eye of the star also bursts with ferocity. The blood vessels in the eyeball are constantly bursting. Under this extreme pressure, the spirit is like a nuclear bomb Impact in Lu Chen's mind constantly concussion, this kind of continuous concussion or to drag Lu Chen.

Lu Chen is invincible in flesh and soul. Although his will has been transformed from the breakthrough of Tianguan, he is not as good as the eye of the starry sky who specializes in this aspect.

But when he was dragged, the chain from the gate of the starry sky bound Lu Chen like a snake, and a black Rune climbed up to Lu Chen's body like a tadpole, which was engraved on Lu Chen's body.

Looking at Lu Chen is bound, the gate of the starry sky is also relieved.

"There should be no problem. This is a chain of gods. I forged it to deal with the gods who fight by the power of faith. The stronger the power of divinity, the more powerful the chain will be. This time, he absolutely He should not be able to escape. "

After being hit in the face continuously, the words used by the gate of the starry sky are also cautious, and its caution is right. Lu Chen's head is swollen and painful due to the mental impact. However, with the bundle of God's chains tied to Lu Chen, this kind of swelling pain also slowly disappears. After all, the mental impact of the gate of stars is also a continuous blood vessel crushing operation, which can't last for a long time.

But after recovering from the state of confusion, seeing that he was bound with chains, Lu Chen felt an inexplicable bondage.

Lu Chen didn't know exactly what it was, because he broke the chain with a little force and the incomparable force of his flesh.

"Strange, what fragile chains, so why do they trap me with such fragile chains?"

Lu Chen is at a loss, and although the gate of the starry sky has a premonition, he is still confused to see that Lu Chen has really broken the chains of the God.

"This is a artifact specially used to deal with God. Even if you are the king of gods, you will feel difficult. Why are you so relaxed?"

It doesn't understand, but if it knows Lu Chen's body, it will know why.

Although the strongest one in the world is Shenju, and Lu Chen is strong enough to fight against the original evil gods, he does not rely on divine power.

Most of Lu Chen's strength now relies on the devouring of feasts, the evolution of Superman's light, and the descent of Titan's God to the earth. All of these are natural gifts or physical blood abilities, but not much of God's power. Even, Lu Chen's power source also relies on unlimited nuclear fusion, rather than the power of belief like ordinary gods It's just a waste to put the treasure of God on Lu Chen.

To deal with Lu Chen, the most important thing is to limit Lu Chen's physical strength. However, with Lu Chen's strength, it is not easy to limit his physical body. This is a dead knot.

Of course, the gate of the sky and the eye of the sky don't know these things. Just, seeing Lu Chen easily break free of the chains of God, they both show despair.

The two of them came together to deal with a weak but super defensive enemy. At that time, they had already agreed. The eye of the stars controlled the enemy with the mind barrier and the spirit shock, and the gate of the sky summoned all kinds of treasures to kill.

They had a good discussion, but they didn't expect that in just two years, the monster had grown to the extent that it could be crushed by pure force.And the original evil gods have no character beyond the evil gods. Naturally, they can cooperate with each other to deal with weak people. Once they are evenly matched, they want to push each other off. Now, it's not just a matter of balance of power. Looking at the monsters in front of them and ignoring everything, they have to push the enemy hard. The crisis of death is hovering over the minds of the two original evil gods.

What do you do when you are in danger in the wild with strangers?

For normal human beings, the answer may be different, but for villains and evil gods, there is only one answer.

Of course, running faster than the companion, it is better to push the companion to resist the danger for himself.

Unable to resist, the gate of the starry sky wanted to escape at the first time.

However, it does not want to give up its old No, I don't want to give up the destruction magic sword. Therefore, the gate opens and aims at the destruction magic sword, ready to draw the destruction magic sword into the door, but this action immediately attracts Lu Chen's attention.

"You dare to move my sword

Looking at Lu Chen's angry face, the gate of the starry sky felt wronged.

"This is my sword Yes, this is your sword. "

Seeing that Lu Chen gave up the star eye and ran to deal with himself, the star gate gave up the magic sword at that time. As an evil god, it was very clear that once the barbarian in front of him let go of the star eye and turned to deal with himself, the big eye would definitely take the lead in escaping, and would not worry about anything.

Don't want to be the enemy that is blocked as an abandoned son, it can only bear the pain to give up the magic sword and escape.

Even when he ran away, he didn't even put a cruel word on it.

However, he ran away easily, but it made the gate of the starry sky uncomfortable. On the spot, the gate of the starry sky angrily swore and said to Lu Chen: "stop it quickly. You take away its magic sword. It is absolutely hateful. A person is not your opponent. It will definitely find someone."

"It doesn't take time to find someone?"

"Yes, but it has the ability of space, which can be done in one or two years..."

Before the words were finished, the eye of the starry sky stopped. It thought that Lu Chen's body size had tripled in two years. After giving Lu Chen another two years, his strength would soar again. He probably would not care about the threat of the gate of the stars.

Lu Chen not only doesn't care, it even welcomes people from the gate of the stars. It's a gift bag for himself.

As the gate of the sky leaves, there is no support for the destruction magic sword. So far, the first ghost, Kazan of the sword soul, perfectly mastered the magic sword ability and stabbed at the eye of the star under the command of Lu Chen.

This makes the eye glasses of the starry sky squint on the spot. There is a terrible fluctuation of mind power and mental shock around it. It lands on Lu Chen and the magic sword.

However, when dealing with one person alone, the eye of the starry sky is barely enough. The first ghost and the appearance of the destruction magic sword make it even worse. The reason why it can escape last time is that the mind barrier can imprison Lu Chen. That is to say, the mind power dissipates too quickly in the chaos, and it will entangle Lu Chen for two or three days. But this time, the mind can not be imprisoned, and the spiritual impact is the first Ghosts and gods bear, there is also the destruction of the sword, such as choked in the throat, it can no longer escape.

After another hundred times of mental shock, Lu Chen naturally suffered from concussion of his head and bleeding from his seven orifices. However, numerous blood vessels burst in the eyes of the eye of the starry sky, and his whole body was even more depressed.

Taking this opportunity, Lu Chen grabs the magic sword with his left hand and turns his right hand into a silver sword of power with his arm. The two swords stir wildly in front of him like the light of a knife.

"Star blast, air chop!"

"Shua Shua..."

Under the stimulation of thunder and lightning, Lu Chen's speed is very fast, and the crazy sword light is chopping in front of him like the tide. Although the eye of the starry sky is not weak, every moment there is a mental barrier around him to revive, but not to mention the power of Lu Chen itself, even these two magic swords can not be underestimated. The tearing silver hand contains the power to tear everything and destroy the magic sword Even the supreme sword in Lu Chen's mind projected the brilliance of will onto the two swords, which made the barrier of mind created by the eye of the stars like a piece of paper, which was completely torn apart by Lu Chen's two magic swords.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah..."

The body of the sword fell on the eye of the starry sky, and the wound was covered all over the body. Because of the law of destruction and tear, it could not heal. In a very short time, the eye of the sky as big as the star was divided into pieces by Lu Chen.

Of course, Lu Chen is as big as a planet to be so relaxed. If he is a normal human hero, even if his swords are sharp, the damage to the eye of the sky will not be much higher, just like human beings cutting the earth on the world, how much damage can it cause?

If the body is too small, it is likely that his whole life will be spent completely, and he will not be able to destroy the eye of the stars. Even if his strength is weaker, he will never be able to step over the surface of the star eye in his whole life.

"To deal with a huge enemy, what we need to do is not to win with skill, but to be bigger than it. Big is strong and big is beautiful."

Lu Chen finally won the battle. However, Lu Chen also understood that cutting down the eye of the sky was only the beginning. As an original evil god, it could not have failed to master the ability of resurrection.As Lu Chen did not expect, the eye of the sky rose again in front of Lu Chen.

However, the resurrected eye of the starry sky was full of bitterness and found that his companion fled. In front of him, a titan of three million meters was holding two swords and staring at himself in a ferocious manner, just like a strong man bullying the weak. Despair filled his heart.

"Actually, we can talk about..."

"Atroriek is also in pain (the wind stops killing) End here

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