In the war of secret collection, mankind won and won a great victory, but the evil gods are not only those on the top of the Reiki continent.

After the Thunder God and the sun god combined to destroy many evil gods, after two years of comfortable life, other evil gods came to support them. Those evil gods Lu Chen had heard of were the evil gods who invaded Eric world (the world of giant and ancient dragon, snake with snake and tree of life). After Eric's world was completely broken, those evil gods rushed to the aura The sky over the mainland is eyeing the world here.

Their arrival not only added 11 blood moons to the sky, but also several more. Now, 17 full red moons are shining in the sky, making the land of aura breathless.

And Lu Chen that year cleared the strange situation, also one by one again.

"Well, if only prince Chen was still there. At least we don't have to worry about medium-sized scam erosion."


"Your Highness Prince Chen is really so strong. A barbarian who has not reached the legend has cleaned up most of the medium-sized weird situations in the whole world. Are you sure you are right?"

Many Tianjiao are missing Lu Chen, but when many Tianjiao sigh, a surprised voice rings out. If you look around, you can see that the person who is speaking has a pair of white wings. The wings are flapping, and that person is talking with others in spirit.

This person is not like the human beings in the Reiki continent. It is also true that it is not. The evil gods have support to come, and the human beings are not self-contained. Different from the wizard world, many of the gods in the Reiki land have been wandering in the chaos, and have entered other worlds. Even, many of them have left gods' names and beliefs in other worlds. When the Reiki continent can't stand up to it, those worlds will happen The world also understood the truth of cold lips and teeth, and sent strong men and troops to support them.

In addition to support, the Reiki continent is also ready to send a batch of "seeds of hope" to other worlds.

This is to leave some hope for the Reiki land, but also to give those gods a resurrection idea.

Facing the questions of the people in front of him, AI of most of Lei Ze in Tianjiao opened his mouth: "I'm not wrong. I hope the number of seeds is very precious. But several emperors in the sky have instructed us to take the concubine of his highness away from the world. This alone is enough to show the talent of that highness. It is a hero who can ascend the throne of heaven as long as he does not die halfway."


Several Tianjiao didn't stay in tianwu city for a long time. Instead, they went to the wilderness and saw Ji hongdie.

Along the way, Tianjiao found that the wild situation was not too bad, mainly because Lu Chen left behind a lot of force, bad luck emissaries, dead crows, the shadow of nightmares, and

"Bloody crazy soldier, 80000 bloody crazy soldier, many."

It was the man with wings that sent out the cry. Because of the support of the evil gods, their attack began again. Human beings also had several wars with the evil spirit. That was the battle of the Legion. In these wars, the name of the crazy soldier was completely fought out.

"Don't worry about what's ahead, just tell me where to go."

Such words are the true portrayal of crazy soldiers, and crazy soldiers have never let people down.

Turn on the fury and wave the double swords. Every crazy soldier is a meat grinder on the battlefield, or an indefatigable and painless monster. In the war with crazy soldiers, as long as the army in the rear follows the charge, charge and constant charge, all the obstacles and formation in front of them can be completely destroyed.

Even on the battlefield, there is a reputation that crazy soldiers are invincible. The man with wings once participated in a battle and understood the terror of these crazy soldiers. Now, 80000 crazy soldiers gather together, which naturally amazes them.

"Don't be surprised, this is the army that your highness made." After a pause, AI CAI of most of Leize continued to say: "moreover, the style of these troops is also the same as that of the Royal Highness. Thousands of crazy soldiers gather together and can't resist it. But the Royal Highness can crush everything by himself. When he charges, he is more powerful than 100000 crazy soldiers charging together."

At this time, the alien with wings felt the horror of his highness.

However, it was not the only alien who came along. Others disdained it. They thought that Zhongzhou youth said this in order to suppress their momentum.

However, they left their mouths and didn't say anything. Although they were going to other worlds, human beings did not have no foundation in that world. In the past, there were gods who had faith in that world. In the past, people in the spiritual land only lived under the protection of that God. At the same time, the spiritual land also prepared for the worst. If it was defeated, it would take a God to shelter The last hope of the mainland.

And these alien people, all believers of the sun god, are barely in the same camp.

During the discussion, a maid came out of the prince's residence and told Ji hongdie to invite her.

After entering the mansion, these Tianjiao didn't say much about it, but explained all his intentions directly.

"There will be a decisive battle here. My Lord wants you and your Highness's other concubines to leave together. You can also take some of the Chen tribe people with you, with a quota of 10000."Ten thousand is a large number, but there are millions of people in Chen tribe, and the quota of 10000 is just a drop in the bucket.

However, this is the limit given by God. We should know that in addition to the Chen tribe, the whole cattle totem King court has only given 10000 places, and the proportion of Chen tribe has been more than that of Zhongzhou elite.

One of the reasons for giving so much is because of Lu Chen's contributions in the past. The other is that Lu Chen is still alive. The name of Lu Chen on the totem pole has not been dimmed. This means that Lu Chen may come back at any time and come back after becoming a God. Therefore, all people respect what Lu Chen left behind.

"Let the others go. I will wait for my husband."

In terms of quota, Ji hongdie has no problem. However, she is ready to let others go, but she is not ready to leave.

It's just that this got AI's objection.

"It's no use. Your highness doesn't know when to return. You can't wait. What's more, if the Reiki land is lost, what will you do?"

"I will commit suicide and not disgrace my husband's reputation."

"That's no use. After you die, even if you burn the body, your soul may become strange."

This words let Ji hongdie silent, the world is so desperate.

However, she is also a little unwilling.

"We really have no way, this period of time is not a lot of strong, we can not win."

Looking at Ji hongdie's expectant eyes, Lei Ze's AI sighs.

"I want to, but it's not as simple as you think." After a little thought, he set up a sound barrier here, and then he spoke cautiously: "let me tell you a secret matter. According to the news I heard in my family, the reason why we are so close to the enemy is that there is a terror beyond the God King that will attack us."

"God King Above? "

"Don't ask."

Just to say that there is no specific name or image guide above the God King, which is no problem. She told Ji hongdie the seriousness of the matter, and AI asked Ji hongdie to leave here again.

This also makes Ji hongdie hesitant. She wants to stay here and wait for Lu Chen to go home, but the probability of death is too high. Ji hongdie is not afraid of this. She has seen too many deaths, but death is not the end. It is likely that Lu Chen's reputation will be humiliated. This is not what Ji hongdie can bear.

In the end, her reason prevailed, knowing that it was useless to leave, so she could only nod her head and leave together.

But she has one last hope.

"We can put some hidden things and leave the information to our husband..."

"Don't think about it. The coordinates of the world we are going to go to must not be disclosed. Moreover, if the world is destroyed, any hidden things can not be retained."


After persuading Ji hongdie to walk out of the Chen tribe, Tianjiao breathes a sigh of relief, while the one with wings shows dissatisfaction on his face.

"She didn't want to leave, so she stayed here. As for such persuasion, many people wanted to leave."

"There are many, but there is only one royal highness of Prince Chen, and that one is the concubine most valued by his highness. We don't want to find that all the people he valued died one day after his highness became his majesty. At that time, we would be in great trouble."

"Hum, how many gods have become gods for so many years, and they are also lost in the chaos. It is very likely that the barbarian..."

The alien wanted to say that the barbarian was dead. However, after he said this, he found that all the people around him looked at him with indifference, which made him stop his words.

"That barbarian is so popular?"

It is wondering that Tianjiao of this world is somewhat dissatisfied, especially AI. This is Lu Chen's friend after entering Zhongzhou, and he also respects Lu Chen most for defeating countless treacherous situations alone. Naturally, he can't tolerate other people's slander for Lu Chen.

However, just as he was about to say something, he suddenly felt something and suddenly turned his head to the sky.

Along with him, there were other Tianjiao and other foreigners. All of them were looking up at the sky, as if there was something in the sky.

And something did appear in the sky. In the boundless sky, a dark star suddenly burst into people's view.

According to the law, the dark stars under the night will not be noticed, but the stars are dark and strange, there is a sense of black light. What is more frightening is that everyone who perceives the dark star will turn around in the next second, and the dark star will appear in his mind, and the dark star is still falling, which is growing bigger and bigger like a death sign A lot of pressure.

"What is this?"

"Stay calm and don't let the dark star fall into the sea of consciousness."

"The monster above the God King, how come so soon."

Surprise appeared in the hearts of a crowd of Tianjiao, but soon, they did not care about the surprise. Although they lowered their heads and locked their spirits, the dark stars in their subconscious were still falling."The dark star falls to the earth completely. My best ending is to die, and the worst is to be polluted into a monster."

This is the thought of all human beings infected by the dark star. They can think of it and want to get rid of the dark star. However, no matter what method is used, the dark star does not weaken. On the contrary, the speed of falling is faster and faster, and the crisis of death is also in everyone's mind.

This is the original evil god's terror, without attack, without temptation, just to see, human will die in pieces.

What we should know is that at this time, the dark star is still far away from the land of aura. Now all we can observe are legendary strong men. But even such strong people also feel the danger of death. If the dark star gets closer and hangs high in the sky, it doesn't need any other actions. It can destroy the world just by hanging it in the sky for a day.

Come, that is to destroy, this is the original evil god.

Fortunately, there are strong people in this world. When the dark stars appear and the sky is shining, four special breath suddenly appears in the Reiki continent. The breath has rain, wind, snow and thunder.

The appearance of the four breath makes the wind, rain and lightning cover the whole world in an instant, making the whole world fall under the cover of dark clouds, which cover the world and isolate the light of dark stars from the world.

The four gods blocked the light of the dark star spreading to the Reiki continent, and saved countless ordinary people.

However, such rescue is only to save those who have not seen the dark star, and those who have seen the dark star, even if everything is covered up, the stars in the sea of consciousness are still falling.

Fortunately, with the fall of the legend of a God, there is a God in the sky.

The dark star stagnates under the influence of the spirit, which makes many people feel relieved, but more people are sighing. They think of one thing. So the dark star is not the attack of the monster that surpasses the God King, but only the influence that they see the monster.

Just a look at such a change, they some dare not imagine, the real war, the dark star and how terrible.

However, I can't believe that these legends still fly from the world and fly to the kingdom of God above the sky.

It was a bit of a surprise, but the war began.

The original attack of terror, but at this time, human beings did not despair, because of the support of several worlds, now the number of gods on the Reiki continent has exceeded 15.

Fifteen gods, which gave a lot of legends confidence, and felt that no matter who the other side came, their own side would not be afraid.

However, flying into the starry sky and looking at the huge stars flying in the distance, the confidence of many legends is slowly knocked down, and what remains in the heart is just palpitations.

I don't blame them. It's really too big for them. With the dark stars coming, many legends are shocked to find that the stars are smaller than the world and almost the moon. But you should know that the moon is dead, but the thing is alive.

"So big, how do you do it?"

The legends are worried, and the gods also feel this. Although they have some desperation in their hearts, they also know that they are the tallest of human beings, and they can't be disordered.


in order to resist the despair brought by the arrival of the dark star, all the gods summoned up their divine power and let their own momentum diffuse into the four poles and the whole world. This has some effect. Affected by the divine power of Shenju, many people's fear has dissipated. At the same time, the Thor, who lives in the world, is fully active because of the coming crisis The combination of heaven and Taoism forms the Heavenly God of thunder. With a body of 100000 meters, it looks extremely huge. With such a body, his hands first closed and then pulled. A thunderbolt gun shining with thunder and lightning has been made by him.

Relying on the world's supply of aura, the spear made by the God Thor has no savings at all. It is 120000 meters long, which is higher than the God itself.

Holding the spear in his right hand, the God of thunder bent down to inhale and made a throwing posture.

After accumulating the strength for several minutes, a huge bang was heard, and the 120000 meter long lightning gun rushed forward with incomparable huge force.




When the spear was thrown, countless people were roaring to help the God of thunder.

They expect the thunder and lightning spear to hurt the dark star. Yes, the legends who feel the terror of the dark star do not pray to be killed. They just want to hurt the opposite side. In this way, they can still fight by virtue of the advantages of more people and geographical advantages.

It's a pity that they are far away from the original God.

Apart from the rest, one size alone is enough to make people desperate.

With the world, Thor can expand his body to 100000 meters. After accumulating strength, he can condense 120000 meters long spear, which is the best he can do.

But the original dark star light was 2 million meters in shape. When the attack came, there was light on the dark star, and then a dark light gun with a diameter of 100000 meters was fired from the dark star.It is also 100000 meters away, but we should understand that the spear condensed by the God of thunder is 120000 meters in length and about 1000 meters in diameter.

In the distance, the magic gun, which almost runs through the heaven and earth, is 100000 meters in diameter and immeasurable in length. This is the gap between the God and the original evil god.

What's even more terrifying is that the previous attack on the heavenly Thor is all-out, while the opposite dark star is just a random strike.


the roar of light cannons engulfed thunder's gun, and moved on, hitting a number of deities.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

The omnipotent light gun made a crowd dodge crazily, and the sun god was also trying to activate the deity and launch the power to deflect the light gun.

"All the light is under my control."

This is his roar, and he is trying his best to exert his power, but even if he tries his best, he just turns the light around.


at the last moment, Shenju manipulated the kingdom of God to avoid the bombardment of light guns, but the vast world was unable to escape. The terrible magic beam of light shot into the world, directly penetrating a huge hole in the world.

I don't know whether it's lucky or unfortunate. Because the magic light gun is too concise and penetrating, although the light gun has shot through the world, it doesn't cause turbulence on the earth. It's just that an empty gap appears around the world, like a biscuit being bitten, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

"We can't let it go on. When he enters the world, all of us will die."

"But we can't stop it!"

"Then don't stop it. Dodge its attack with speed."

With the words, the white sword God directly rushed out of the divine Kingdom, pierced the void like a divine sword, and rushed to the direction of the dark star.

The white light that rushed out was not tall, only about 3000 meters, which was a small figure in the God line. However, although the body shape was small, a sharp momentum emanated from the sword God.

Like a silver hand torn by power, the sword God stabbed the dark star with his cutting power.

This situation was naturally perceived by the dark star, and countless magic light cannons came from afar at the first time.

However, although there are many light cannons, the sword God has the ability to be clear in the heart of the sword. If any attack is not close to the sword God, he will dodge away.

"A direct attack will not fall on me."

This is the pride of the sword God, and he really has such ability.

From a distance, we can clearly see that although the attack of the dark stars is overwhelming, the sword God is like a swallow in the rain. He goes against the storm and avoids all attacks with his flexible body.

"Yes, I'm not as strong as it is, but I'm faster, as long as I'm not hit."

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