The evil gods thought that the monster would rush through like the wind, which would not affect them, but they were wrong. The monster avoided the God kingdom which was blocked on the road, and faced with them later, they ran into it without hesitation.

Even, some of the original evil Kingdom and that monster is not in a straight line, the monster also turned a corner straight to come.

"No, we are not enemies. We can't fight between evil spirits."

This is the cry of many evil gods, but after such a cry, the speed of that monster not only did not stop, but also became more powerful.


violent collision broke out in the starry sky. With an ultra-high weight of 3.5 million meters, combined with the ultimate power of lightning flash, the kingdom of evil gods is like a castle piled up in sand and crushed by tanks in an instant.

This scene made countless evil gods cry out in panic, and they also looked at those gods in a daze.

"What is the situation?"

"Is this monster hostile to other evil gods?"

"Cruel monster, but why did this cruel guy avoid us?"

Puzzled and puzzled appeared in the hearts of a number of foreign gods, and after the uncertainty, they were left with joy. As a large number of evil gods were smashed by the lightning wrapped gods, these gods knew that they would be much more relaxed afterwards.

Of course, there are also some gods who have a bold idea.

"Is that monster not the original evil god, but our people?"

Just, this kind of idea just appeared, that God ran shakes his head to deny.

"How can such a tyrannical monster be our people?"

Tyranny, this is not shenjue nonsense, but that the huge monster really exudes a tyrannical atmosphere. Not to mention the terrible Qi and blood as stars, it is difficult to regard that monster as a good man just according to the endless resentment soul and the trace of destroying the world.

God in denial of their own guess, on the other side, there are countless ordinary people from the kingdom of God to see that terrible monster.

Because they were about to leave the world where they were born and raised, those gods made the barrier of the kingdom of God transparent, giving the time for the people in God's country to say goodbye to the world. Through that barrier, all human beings saw the original monsters of terror.

Faced with the body shape that is almost equal to the world, there are naturally countless people who are afraid of it, including Ji hongdie.

As Lu Chen's wife, she is also well-informed, but such a huge monster is beyond her imagination.

When she saw it, she was shaking all over. However, as the monster left, because of the distance, the size of the monster was gradually reduced in the eyes of ordinary people.

This is the most basic law of physics, which is not surprising at first, but Ji hongdie is surprised to find that the monster, after shrinking, is actually very imaginative with the person she is longing for.

"Husband Your husband

Startled to disbelief, the voice from Ji hongdie's mouth, and her exclamation also makes the people nearby suddenly stunned.


Because of the rush of the original evil god's attack, Ji hongdie gathered with AI and other foreign Angel visitors. AI was just promoted and should have fought with the evil god. However, the human side must retain seeds. As a group of people with outstanding talent, AI and the people Lu Chen knew, Tianjiao, were forced to stay in the kingdom of God.

Because of the familiar relationship, people gather together. Originally, they are either sad, or desperate, or full of anger, but they all clench their fists and do not make a sound. Therefore, Ji hongdie's unabashed exclamation is particularly noisy at this time.

"Don't think about your husband now."

It was the alien visitor. Originally she was very dissatisfied with the ten thousand places occupied by the Chen tribe. At this time, the terror of the original evil god broke her mind and made her have no better voice.

However, her words did not make Ji hongdie lose her voice. Instead, she anxiously looked at a crowd of Tianjiao beside her and sent out an anxious inquiry.

"That monster No, that man is like a husband. You can see if he is a Chen

This made the scene quiet for a moment, and then there was a sound.

"How can it be? I know you adore your husband, but daydreaming is also different!"

This is the voice of the alien visitor. Such words are not pleasant to hear. However, although other Tianjiao frowns, they do not say anything. In their eyes, Ji hongdie is really concerned, but confused.

"Sister in law, Prince Chen's natural talent is outstanding, but he has only been away for five years, how can it be..."

Talking is AI, he is ready to comfort the flustered Ji hongdie, but, soon, there is a cry of alarm nearby.

"Wait a minute. It seems that you really want your Highness Prince Chen."

"Ah, the power your Highness has given you is rioting Roar

When Ji hongdie talks alone, people around think Ji hongdie is dreaming. However, when all the girls sleeping in Lu Chen feel that it is Lu Chenzhi, Tianjiao here is not sure.Then, Lu Chen left in this world of a number of crazy soldiers all launched a violent cry, that is the cry of pain, but in the call, their momentum is climbing.

Such a movement even attracted the attention of the gods of this kingdom.

"Silence, what's the matter?"

There is the image of God in front of the people, let them be quiet.

In the past, when seeing the image, everyone would bow their heads to show respect, but this time, the surrounding Tianjiao were all confused by Lu Chen's arrival.

As for Ji hongdie, she has come back from the surprise. Facing the God at this time, her face has respect, but more is calm.

"Lord God, my husband is here."

Listening to Ji hongdie's voice and looking at the direction she pointed to, the hunting God's face was stunned, as if he had not heard clearly.

"Your husband? Are you kidding? It's absolutely evil with such a cruel smell Wait, it did not rush to the world, but to the original evil god. Is it really human? "

Looking around, the God of hunting was surprised to find that the Titan, who was covered with thunder and lightning, had rushed to the surrounding world with extreme speed.

But when they got there, the huge monster did not step into the world, but rushed towards the grave like stars.

The grave is tall, with hundreds of millions of paper money floating around, and there are tens of thousands of dark hollows all over the grave. The grave head looks like it has an ominous feeling.

The siege of a group of gods did not slow down the unknown tomb, or even the speed of its rush to the world.

But at this time, the unknown grave stopped moving and flew away towards the chaotic fog behind, as if to see something terrible.

The terrible monster was Lu Chen of course. When he entered the world, he saw a primitive evil god disappearing, and countless gods fled in a hurry. At that time, Lu Chen's heart almost exploded.

"Shit, bastard, I'm almost late. I'll die!"

He said he was almost late. In fact, according to the normal speed, Lu Chen was already late.

However, when Lu Chen was searching for the treasure in the chaos and flying to the land of aura, his Apocalypse suddenly sent bursts of tremor, which made Lu Chen understand that after the star's eye was killed by himself, the evil spirit found that he could not help himself and turned to deal with his own world. This situation made Lu Chen display his million meter real body at that time, and broke out at a high speed Back in this world.

It is also because of this that those gods will see Lu Chen's 3.5 million meter body rushing out of chaos. Under normal circumstances, Lu Chen flies in chaos with a body shape of about 1000 meters.

After all, Lu Chen finally arrived at the top of the road, but the fear in his heart also made Lu Chen angry, and the tomb naturally became the place for Lu Chen to vent his anger.

In the face of the retreat of the evil god, Lu Chen did not slow down. Even, his speed was faster in the starry sky.

Because of the huge mass, Lu Chen even distorts the space when he flies at a high speed, and his gravity also changes. In the process of his flight, numerous lighter objects are absorbed to the surface of his body.

Of course, just like there are countless paper money around Lu Chen, it is not easy to stay around Lu Chen. Endless thunder and lightning erupt all over Lu Chen's body. Once any evil spirit enters Lu Chen's body surface, it will be thoroughly purified by lightning.

In this way, with endless thunder and lightning, Lu Chen's huge body hit the grave head.


there is no medium to transmit sound in the void, but the ordinary people living in the far distance feel the whole kingdom of God shaking at the time of impact.

This is not a trance illusion. The collision between the Titan and the grave made the void ripple as if it had been thrown into the surface of a stone.

Because of the big movement and stillness of the water surface, the ripple has been spreading to this side from a distance, so that the God of hunting is also swinging along.

The terrible impact not only made the void ripple, but also the dazzling white light in the distance.

The light was so dazzling that it even obscured the brightness of the sun nearby. When the light dissipated and their eyes opened, they found that the tomb in the distance had disappeared and there was only one Titan standing in the void.

Under the impact, the grave was completely destroyed.

At this time, Ji hongdie has completely confirmed that the Titan is Lu Chen.

Although I don't know why Lu Chen's figure has expanded to such an exaggeration in just five years, Ji hongdie's fear is swept away. Pointing to the giant Titan standing in the sky in the distance, Ji hongdie says modestly, "Your Majesty, I'd like to introduce to you that it's not the enemy. It's the prince of our barbarian royal court, the Dragon butcher, the first pride of all time, mine My husband, Chen. "

"Your My husband. "

After a silence, the image of the God of hunting appears directly beside Ji hongdie.

At this time, his whole body's divine light completely converged, just like an ordinary person, gently asked Ji hongdie, "are you sure?"

"Of course, I can't mistake my husband."“…… Your world is saved this time Are you still used to living here? Why don't you go to my temple and wait for it

"Well, yes."

Although it's not flattering, looking at such a terrible Titan God, facing the wife, the hunting God can't ignore it. With the highest standard, the God meets Ji hongdie to the vast palace in the kingdom of God, and the Tianjiao related to Lu Chen also passes by.

However, different from Ji hongdie, seeing Lu Chen standing in the void, these Tianjiao's hearts are more unbelievable.

And the most incredible thing is that there are barbarians in their world. They despise these barbarians. Therefore, they don't pay much attention to Ji hongdie, a barbarian wife. Even when they heard that they were going to give the precious 10000 places to the barbarians, they were not happy, and felt that Lu Chen's previous rumors were exaggerated.

But now, looking at the existence of the great shore in the starry sky, those alien Tianjiao understand that the rumors in the past are not exaggerated, but exaggerated.

"So strong, how on earth did he practice?"

"It's impossible. It can't be that husband. A barbarian, how can a barbarian practice so well?"

The man was in fear, some did not dare to imagine, but because he read Lu Chen's name continuously and thought of Lu Chen's image, the statue of Lu Chen was also projected into its consciousness sea, which made him suddenly paralyzed on the ground.

Of course, Lu Chen didn't have the heart to pay attention to these things at this time. He hit the grave and collapsed, but Lu Chen knew that this was not the end.

It's not. After the grave collapsed, there was a more terrifying smell. At the same time, a corpse that seemed to have been dead for millions of years also emerged from the grave.

"Who disturbed my sleep..."

After the corpse appeared, we should open our eyes, and there was a dry and dumb voice, and a palpitating pressure also pervaded everywhere.

However, the scene of boss birth has not yet been demonstrated, and a huge fist has been smashed into the monster's head.

"Sleep on your MB!"

"Bang", the scene of boss's birth is only half of the demonstration. Before the words are finished, the head of the corpse is smashed by Lu Chen's fist.

"Sleep, I'll let you sleep!"

Smashing his head is not the end. With Lu Chen's mind moving, his six arms are like machine gun in front of him.

"Boom boom boom"

in the continuous gunfire, the corpse was completely blown to pieces.

So far, the grave was dead once.

The next moment, of course, the tombs will reappear. Meanwhile, trillions of paper money will burst out of the grave and rush towards landing time.

These paper money will be very difficult to deal with other gods, even if it is the sun god. There is no other. The amount is too large. Maybe the power of each paper money is not too strong, but when the amount reaches one trillion, it completely completes the qualitative change.

However, this time he met Lu Chen at the head of the tomb. He had more paper money and more thunder and lightning power all over his body.


the violent thunder and lightning formed a thunder sea around LuChen, and the flying pieces of paper collided with the thunder sea most fiercely.

All the time, paper money is lost, and countless thunder and lightning are polluted. However, the problems encountered by the sword God and others appear on the tomb hill. The thunder sea around Lu Chen is too large. The terrible thunder and lightning is like an endless sea, which submerges the tomb mountain. Although it is struggling, there are endless magic guns, evil spirits, and paper money from him It spreads around, but all this is useless. Lu Chen, who has nearly 100 nuclear fusion power stations in his body, doesn't care about energy consumption.

Two or three years ago, he had summoned thunder and lightning all over the world to kill the enemy. Now, he is bigger, and can build more nuclear fusion power stations. He is also wantonly squandering energy. The thunder sea is turbulent and has never stopped. In a very short time, a purple lightning sun will bloom in the void, which is frightening.

At the same time, Lu Chen's six fists were not idle at the same time.

"Aurora Aurora Aurora Aurora..."

Six iron fists in a row, a heavy blow hit the grave mountain body hard, pushed its grave head hard flat.

The graveyard where the sword God and others can't help is just a bag of earth in front of Lu Chen. This is not because the sword God and others have poor skills, but because Lu Chen has great strength.

Now Lu Chen can blow out an inland sea with a diameter of 100000 meters when he hits the earth with one punch. With concussion force, he can destroy the mainland in one blow. Under such strength, his skill is insignificant.

After all, no matter how skillful you are, what can you do if the sky falls?

Lei Hai package, fist waving, 3.5 million meters high Lu Chen beat up the tomb hill of only 2 million meters, which is completely adults beating down friends.

In this process, Fen Shan naturally carried out various kinds of resistance, but just as the sword God and other people's attacks fell on Fen Shan, the effect was not the same. Because Lu Chen was bigger than Fen Shan, his attack fell on Lu Chen, that is, drizzle.Hard against the grave mountain attack, Lu Chen pushed it flat again, and then it was the third and fourth time.

But after the fifth time, its resurrection finally slowed down and took some time. Therefore, the gods in the starry sky had a chance to get close to Lu Chen.

"Ah Chen?"

At this time, the gods had learned Lu Chen's identity from Ji hongdie. However, they heard that Lu Chen was the Titan of the original evil god of the explosive hammer, and these gods were also surrounded.

For Lu Chen's talent, they are sure. Even, many people think that Lu Chen will grow into a God and live in the sky as high as himself. But their best guess is that Lu Chen is like himself and others. Such a super situation is unexpected.

After that, they were shocked.

If Lu Chen is strong, their world will be safe and sound.

"I wish you were here. If not for you, our world would be in danger."

"Now, our world will be safe and sound in the future..."

It is a common saying that in the past, the gods were the tallest in the land of aura. Therefore, they needed to protect the world. Now, Lu Chen has surpassed them. Although this makes many people feel complicated, Lu Chen's existence will also make the world stable.

However, they think things are normal, but Lu Chen shakes his head.

"It's not stable yet. This crisis is even brought by me. If I don't become strong enough, you should only deal with ordinary gods, which will not come at first."

The original evil god didn't have so much leisure. This time he came here to attract Lu Chen. Moreover, Lu Chen even speculated that the original arrival was likely to be the beginning. Once he completely stopped in the world, the horrible original evil gods would continue to come.

The gods are not stupid. They didn't think of it just because they were in a hurry. After Lu Chen reminded them, they also understood the crisis at this time.

"At first, if it keeps coming, you can't stand it, you can't stay in one place for a long time."

"But Chen left us, and the world should be destroyed."

"Really can't defend?"

Defense, Lu Chen does not seem to have no hope at all, he grew up very fast, but, Lu Chen's character has never been only beaten up but not fighting back.

"Let me stay here and wait for the evil spirit to come. I'm not so stupid. I won't let evil spirit become my nightmare, but I want to be evil spirit's nightmare."

The native gods stationed in the world are afraid of evil gods. They are afraid of wandering evil spirits. Those greedy hyenas will destroy the world.

Lu Chen is not afraid of evil gods, but he does not want to defend. What Lu Chen wants is to travel in the starry sky like an evil god. However, unlike the evil gods attacking the ordinary world, Lu Chen will attack the world polluted by evil gods. He will go in and kill the evil gods when they attack, and destroy the polluted world with them when they enjoy the fruits of victory.

Lu Chen wants to become the nightmare of all evil gods. All evil gods will tremble when they hear his name and dare not move because they are afraid of him.

"Evil gods and evil spirits, wait. One day, I will make you fear when you mention my name, so that you can't travel in chaos, and even worry about my coming day by day."

This is Lu Chen's imagination. Of course, the most critical issue now is how to deal with the world crisis. At this time, Lu Chen can not stay in a place for a long time, let alone worry about it. Once this happens, the original evil spirits will continue to come.

In the face of such a problem, the gods are frowning, unable to do anything, but Lu Chen, soon thought of a good way.

"I have a way. Isn't evil spirit trying to threaten me with destroying the world? We can destroy the world first, so that there is no threat to the evil spirit."

With such a thought, Lu Chen felt that he was a genius and thought more and more deeply.

"Well, after the destruction of the world, the ruins can not be left for evil spirits. After the destruction, I will swallow all the ruins of the world alone, and the will of heaven will be tempered with the fire of prayer. In this way, the evil gods will not get anything."

Lu Chen is satisfied with his tact. However, after turning around and looking around, he finds that the God who has just breathed a sigh of relief around him is again on guard, and the object of his vigilance is himself.

"What's the matter with you?"

Lu Chen is asking, but the God's face is more strange. After a long time, the sun god, who is familiar with Lu Chen, said nervously: "ah Chen, you are sure your thinking has not been affected."

"Of course not. I'm awake now."

As he spoke, the cemetery beside him woke up again. After listening to Lu Chen's words, the horrible guy was surrounded. Then, a word rushed into Lu Chen's consciousness sea.

"Do you want to destroy the world, I can help you, we are the same..."

"Aurora Aurora Aurora Aurora Aurora Aurora..."

In the endless sound of Euler, the tomb hill just resurrected is completely blasted by Lu Chen.The power of terror not only blasted the graves, but also made the void like the sea under the storm. The surrounding gods were very strange because of the distortion of space.

After Lu chenchui finished his tomb, he looked back and found that all the gods were looking at their fists nervously. Even, their figures were retreating some distance without trace.

Lu Chen did not pay attention to this. At this time, he was feeling his own intelligence.

"I said that just now. By the way, evil spirit wants to threaten me with destroying the world. We can destroy the world first. In this way, the evil spirit can not threaten us. You all agree with this method."

In the face of Lu Chen's words, the gods looked at each other. Some of them were not quite clear about Lu Chen's situation. They smashed and blasted tombs and smashed the kingdom of evil gods. This seems to be a normal God, but it is not normal to want to destroy the world.

Finally, I feel that some indecisive Sun God has simply made a mirror through her divine power to let Ji hongdie, Lu Chen's wife, have a dialogue with Lu Chen.

"Chen, if his wife can recover some

After hearing about the situation, Ji hongdie was also a little confused, but soon, she asked respectfully to Lu Chen, "my husband, the world has been destroyed. What should the human beings in the world do?"

"Human? I have an Avalon that can put all people in it. Well, it's not enough now, but after destroying the world, swallowing up the remnants of the world, and swallowing the will of heaven, Avalon will expand again, and then all people will be put into it. "

At this time, Lu Chen again laments the convenience of Avalon. With this thing, Lu Chen can take away some cherished people.

After listening to Lu Chen's words, it was the gods who first breathed a sigh of relief. After learning that Lu Chen was not going to destroy human beings, the gods understood that Lu Chen's personality might be a little extreme, but he should not have fallen.

At the same time, they have to admit that this is really a good way.

And Ji hongdie gives Lu Chen some advice.

"My husband, you don't need to take everyone away. There are gods from other worlds, and some people don't want to go with you. For those who don't want to go, you can let them follow the alien gods to other worlds, so that the world will not be destroyed..."

"No, the world must be destroyed. I will never leave anything for evil spirits."

Seeing that Lu Chen is determined, Ji hongdie no longer says anything on the spot.

After thinking about it for a while, the sun god hesitated and said, "can you let me communicate the will of the world? I can try to persuade him to take him down without such drastic means."

Of course, Lu Chen has no problem with this point. Although it's not his own destruction that will reduce his experience value, but there is more than one world, destroying other worlds' experience value will naturally enter Lu Chen's hands.

At the same time, he did not want to go to the land to discuss other things, because he did not want to go to the earth to discuss other things.

The rest of the human beings were collected by Lu Chen in Avalon.

Among the many evil gods, Lu Chen is very sorry for the God of death and the God of war.

When Lu Chen didn't leave, they still had a trace of will. Five years later, it was not a short time for ordinary people, but for Shenju, it was in the blink of an eye, their will was still reluctantly retained. However, even Lu Chen could not remove the pollution rooted in their true spirit. Finally, they were completely terminated by Lu Chen.

"What a pity."

Lu Chen sighed and Lu Chen wanted to kill the evil gods. The thousand handed devil and perfect blood were the two. Lu Chen also dealt with the original evil gods. The thousand handed demons were still the same as before. One hand was a thousand palms. Thousands of magic arts came to the landing Chen insects, and then Lu Chen slapped them.

The perfect blood is the one who got the blood of the Titan God King from there. Relying on that blood, the perfect blood solidified the real body of the Titan of 100000 meters. This is its bottom card. But the gap between 100000 meters and 3.5 million meters is too big. Finally, Lu Chen beat it to death.

The evil gods died miserably. Moreover, Lu Chen sealed their gods with the sword of gold. Relying on the eyes of the true spirit, Lu Chen put their true spirits down from galvela, and finally ended them with the sword of power.

So just kill them once and they're done.

On the contrary, Fen Shan persisted for a long time. When Lu Chen completely killed Fen Shan, the migration of the land of aura had been completed.

All the human beings in the world were taken away by Lu Chen, and the will of heaven was finally presented to Lu Chen, who was convinced by the sun god in any way.

At this time, only some weak evil spirits and monsters remained in the world.

The evil spirit in the land of aura was brought by the demon clan. They also signed a contract with the evil gods, so that the evil spirit could not hurt them.

However, if we do not mention whether the evil gods have the spirit of contract, there will be more than one evil god in the void, and the contracts they signed are useless.Of course, in the early stage, the evil spirit still did not attack the beast and the demon clan. This was not because of the contract, but because the evil spirit was fighting with the human side and didn't want the monster to join in.

However, monsters did not fall well. Originally, human beings and monsters were the children of the world, and their struggle for heaven was just indifferent. However, with the introduction of wolves by demon families, the world rejected them. The most important thing is that the intelligence rate of monsters has decreased a lot.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Lu Chen.

In the face of the world in which all human beings have been relocated and the will of heaven has been taken away, Lu Chen is not at all polite, and hits the earth hard.


accompanied by a sky shattering explosion, Lu Chen, who hit the earth head on, exploded directly.

The terrifying explosion completely destroyed the Reiki land. After resurrection, Lu Chen had seen the chaotic fog enter the world.

After three days of busy living on the ruins of the world, Lu Chen felt no hesitation when everything was completely closed.

Instead of standing outside Avalon as before, he regained his height of two meters. It seems that some burly Lu Chen takes Ji hongdie's hand and looks at the world through Avalon's barrier. His heart is also complicated.

"It's over No, it's just the beginning. Are you ready to welcome me


Fifty years after the explosion of the Reiki continent, in a world invaded by evil spirits, several evil gods are meeting with the void.

In the past, the content of their meetings was to discuss how to attack the world, but at this time, the situation is no longer the same.

If the heroes of the lower world enter the world, they will find that the evil gods in the meeting are somewhat different. As the pronoun of cruelty, fear, evil, despair and other negative emotions, the evil gods have always brought disaster and panic to people. But at this time, the emotion they brought to other people appeared in themselves.

All of them who live in the kingdom of God are restless. If the human beings below know what they are talking about, it will cause a great disturbance to the world. What they are discussing is Run for your life.

"Are you sure? The monster that feeds on the evil god really came to this area."

"It has been confirmed that the God of blood and light from my same world has been swallowed up, and the polluted world has been completely destroyed by that monster."

"Asshole, how can there be such an evil guy in the world, destroying the world and swallowing the gods? This is definitely the most evil and the most evil demon king. Does such an evil guy ignore the evil spirit?"

"No matter what, the original evil spirits were swallowed up by that guy. Now, even the original ones are afraid to show up, not to mention encirclement and suppression."

"What shall we do? Give up the world, run away from here? "

"It's no use running away. That guy can already see the traces left in the chaos. It's ok if we don't move. If there's any movement, we'll definitely be caught."

"We can't fight, we can't escape. What do you say? Are we going to do nothing like a turtle with a shrinking head?"

The words made a lot of evil gods silent, they also felt oppressed and bowed. They were originally free to invade the world and made the gods tremble. They never suffered such humiliation.

Do not dare to move, dare not loud noise, try their best to erase their traces, that previously terrible evil god, at this time are like the mice in the sewer.

At last, a cold voice came up.

"That terrible monster feeds on evil gods, but does not interfere with the right God. Maybe we can find a way to turn it into a positive God."

At this time, a group of evil gods with evil hearts even wanted to be the right gods. Thus, it can be seen that the terrible existence in the void has threatened these evil gods and brought them despair.

There is no way, the existence of the great shore in the void is too strong, the evil spirit of killing is too cruel, no evil god is not afraid.

Of course, not everyone has no backbone. At this time, an evil god full of resentment opened his mouth.

"Even if I die, I will not become the hypocritical God..."


before he had finished his words, a sound resounding through the universe came from the edge of the world.

Looking around, these evil gods were horrified to find that a head as big as a planet was coming into the world.

That terrible head is so huge that it is even bigger than these gods combined.

The moment I saw that head, a series of titles sounded from the hearts of these gods.

"Nightmare of evil gods, destroyer of the world, dark monarch enslaved ghosts and gods, Titan giant god controlling thunder and lightning..."

Titles flashed in their hearts, and despair spread in their hearts.

Even, because of fear and loss of will, many evil gods collapsed in the kingdom of God because of their weak knees.

And the evil god, who was full of bone and resentment, sent out a cry of panic after being sluggish."My great majesty, I was forced. I don't want to be an evil god. I would like to change my evil and return to normal. Please accept me..."

It's calling out loud, but the existence as big as the starry sky doesn't listen much at all, but opens its mouth directly.

The expanding mouth is like a black hole. It seems that it can devour everything. More crazy suction comes from it. Under that suction, whether it is to beg for mercy, or to rise up courage to prepare for a war, or to escape, the evil god is sucked into the big mouth.

When the big mouth was opened and closed, all the gods and evil spirits in the starry sky disappeared.

With the world between again innocent, that big mouth closed, huge face also disappeared in the starry sky, only a sigh echoed in the world.

"It's a pity that the way of heaven has not been corrupted."


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