Talking about Tai Hao Wu Shen, Qi Shen Zi's eyes brightened a little.

His mood is also high, full of expectation: "fast! Father God has learned about the invasion of demons, will soon be out of the customs!

This time, the father has been shut up for more than 600 years, and he will be able to make great achievements

Ji Tianxing just nodded slightly and didn't say much.

As a matter of fact, he knew that even if Tai Hao Wu Shen really practiced martial arts, he would have the same strength as Tianjue Wushen.

Still can not beat the ancestor demon God, is not the general Fu Long's opponent!

One is the rebirth of ancient demons, and the other is the leader of foreign nations, both of which are extremely powerful.

Seven Shenzi then said: "the situation in the kingdom of God is turbulent, and the people are displaced. They are all trying to flee to the south to seek refuge, just like the original Luoshui kingdom.

We have all mobilized our forces.

Including the disciples, deacons, elders and Dharma protectors of Fengshen mountain, they all led the army to participate in the war.

My more than 90 brothers and sisters also rushed to the front line of the battlefield to guard the major fortresses respectively... "

Ji Tianxing raised a smile and said, "your father and God have foresight in this matter.

He has ninety-nine sons and ninety-nine generals in wartime! "

With a slightly embarrassed smile, the seventh son of God shook his head and said, "Mr. Ji is joking. Although the father has ninety-nine children, there are only twenty or so people who can be on the stage.

There are only a few people who have the ability to lead the army and run the country.

To tell you the truth, most of my brothers and sisters are not as talented as my younger sister. "

Referring to "99", Ji Tianxing asked by the way, "by the way, where is Jiu Jiu? Are you leading the army alone? "

Qi Shenzi sighed and said helplessly: "everyone loves her. They are afraid that she will miss in the battlefield, so they let her stay in the rear to be responsible for the mobilization of troops and the dispatch of food and grass.

But she did not agree. She had to rush to the front line and become the deputy commander of the scouting regiment and went to inquire about the news in person.

Everyone could not resist her and had to agree to her decision.

But my elder brother and I were not at ease, so we asked the fourth brother to follow her, so as to have a look after her

Ji Tianxing thought for a moment and said in a dignified voice: "with the strength of 99, if you don't meet the devil saint and the devil God, you will be safe and secure.

But she is the first to go to the most dangerous place, which is worrying.

She is your father God's favorite little daughter. If the demons take advantage of this and seize her as a threat, I'm afraid it will be difficult. "

Seven Shenzi also deeply agreed and nodded: "yes! We all know this, and have advised her many times, but she just won't listen.

Mr. Ji, I trust you most and listen to you most.

Since you are here, why don't you send her a message and ask her to come back... "

Ji Tianxing nodded and agreed without hesitation.

The seven gods quickly took out a specially made circular jade slips and handed them to him.

Ji Tianxing took over the jade slips, left a message with his divine sense, and beat the jade slips out.


Jade simplified into a streamer, disappeared in the sky.

Seven God son saw jade slips sent out, obviously relieved.

In his opinion, as long as Ji Tianxing opens his mouth, 999 will definitely come back.

At this time, Ji Tianxing said in a solemn tone: "seven gods, do you have a plan to fight against the demons?

What are you going to do with the current situation in the kingdom of God? "

Seven Shenzi nodded and said, "of course, there are operational plans, covering all kinds of emergency plans, and they are constantly adjusted as the situation changes.

But when you're here, we'd rather listen to your advice.

I hope you can be commander in chief and command the whole war.

After all, you know more about demons than we do, and you have defeated thousands of demons! "

After that, the seven God son looked at Ji Tianxing with burning eyes, full of hope and expectation in his eyes.

In his mind, Ji Tianxing is the killer of the demons and the Savior of Taihao kingdom!

However, Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said solemnly: "I thought about it before I came here. I won't be commander-in-chief, let alone interfere in military affairs.

Maybe you don't know that it was not because of my command and war ability that I was able to defeat the demon army and defend the territory of Luoshui kingdom.

It's because I've been carrying out the decapitation plan! "

"Decapitation plan?" Qi Shenzi frowned and probably understood what he meant.

Ji Tianxing nodded and said in a solemn look: "only by assassinating the commander-in-chief and the strong of the demon clan, can we disintegrate the fighting power of the demon clan in the shortest time!

For example, if I kill the ancestor demon God, the fighting spirit of the demon clan will disintegrate, and we will win half!

If I kill four more demon saints and 2000 magic generals, the demons will be headless and will break through without attack! "

Hearing this, the seven gods' son repeatedly nodded and said, "yes, it is!However, the execution of the beheading plan means that you must sneak into the demon camp and be in the most dangerous situation!

Mr. Ji, neither Yun Qi nor Jiu Jiu wants you to be in danger... "

Ji Tianxing showed a smile and said in a playful tone: "you probably don't know that the main purpose of my coming to Taihao Kingdom this time is to kill the original demon and revenge!"

"Ah?" Seven God son suddenly shocked, unbelievable low cry: "Ji childe, have you Have you broken through the realm of God? "

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly.

Seven God son body a shock, suddenly surprised to look over, full of excited cheers.

"It's incredible! It's an unprecedented anecdote!

Mr. Ji, you are absolutely the first genius since ancient times!

When you left the kingdom of Taihao, you had no strength in yuanshenjing.

Now it's only eight years since you come back, and you'll be a peerless martial god!

This It's like a dream! "

The news had a great impact on qishenzi, which shocked him to some extent.

It was a moment before he calmed down.

After thinking about it for a while, he frowned again, and said in some perplexity: "master Ji, since you have broken through the divine realm, it should not be difficult to kill the ancestor demon with your magical means.

However, since the beginning of the war, the ancestor demon has only appeared once.

He's always been on the sly. We don't know where he's hiding! "

Ji Tianxing showed a meaningful sneer and said calmly, "I don't need to look for it. I just need to kill the four magic saints and many magic generals. It will come to me on its own initiative."

"Well, so it is!" Seven God son repeatedly nodded, the tone is complex way: "after all, the ancestor demon God hates you to the bone, will certainly try to deal with you."

Ji Tianxing said no more and got up and went out.

"Well, it's settled.

You go ahead with the battle plan, and I'll carry out the decapitation plan.

If it is longer, it will be a month, and if it is short, it will be over in half a month! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!