Ji Tianxing's behavior is strange to Tao Yongsheng and others.

They don't understand what this guy is going to do if he doesn't admit defeat, surrender or fight back?

What's the use of taking a sword to point at the sky and yelling at it inexplicably?

When Tao Yongsheng and the high priest were full of doubts, Tao Yuxing suddenly changed his face and pointed to the vast starry sky and exclaimed.

"My God! Look at it

The sudden exclamation startled everyone.

Tao Yongsheng, the high priest and some elders looked up at the stars.

Then, they saw a scene that they would never forget.

I saw that in the dim starry sky, there were tens of thousands of bright spots.

In a short time, the more than 30000 silver light spots, like a meteor shower, fell on the sky over the starry cliff.

At this time, people can see clearly that it is neither a light spot nor a meteor shower.

It's made of endless star power, more than 36000 stars sword!

Each star sword is more than a thousand feet long. It is solid and holy.

When the 36000 star sword crossed the space barrier and entered the star eating cave, it absorbed half of the star power of the star eating cave, and its volume was further expanded!

Before the arrival of the star sword, the supreme power of terror has covered tens of thousands of miles.

The whole star cliff was shaking, and Tao Yongsheng, the high priest and several elders were all pale with the terrible sword power.

They can't imagine that, except for a few dragon emperors, there are people in the world who can display such terrible Kendo magic!

The supreme sword power, like the rule of heaven, is enough to destroy everyone's fighting spirit and confidence.

At this moment, not only the high priest and a few elders changed their faces, and their eyes flashed with horror.

Even Tao Yongsheng's expression and eyes became extremely dignified.

"No! It's not Kendo anymore, it's Kendo, which is close to the rule of Shinto! "

Tao Yongsheng flashed this idea in his mind, and his heart suddenly took a puff.

He suddenly realized that today's hunting plan may be changing.

Therefore, he used the secret method as fast as possible, manipulated the king level supreme divine array, and put it into full operation.

The cover of the palace's divine light suddenly expanded to a hundred miles, covering the whole star cliff.

In addition, the shield explodes with dark red light, which greatly improves the defense.

"Boom, boom!"

In the next moment, more than 36000 star swords, like a torrent of water, flooded the star cliffs.

All the star swords burst out the most violent power, and hit the blood red shield.

Deafening Jingtian bang, constantly burst out, reverberated in the sky and earth, transmitted tens of thousands of miles away.

At this moment, in addition to Tao Yongsheng, the high priest and several elders mentioned their hearts to their voices.

They are afraid that the shield of divine light will be defeated, and then they will be blasted to pieces by the sky sword.

Fortunately, the blood red mask trembled violently and undulated wildly. However, it only cracked a few cracks and was not defeated.

The first round bombardment of sword rain was blocked by the blood red mask.

The high priest and several elders were relieved.

Tao Yongsheng picked up his eyebrows and resumed his confident smile. He looked at Ji Tianxing and said, "ha ha Boy, your swordsmanship is really amazing.

But it's a pity that your swordsmanship is too flashy to match the divine array set by us.

After all, it's the king level God array set up by us and many powerful people with a lot of hard work! "

Originally, the king of nine realms, such as Tao Yongsheng, was not likely to set up a king level God array.

Only the peak God King, the strong dragon emperor level, can do it.

However, this king level God array is the ancestral God array handed down from generation to generation of the Taotie family, and it is also a relatively simple and easy to arrange King level God array.

Ji Tianxing looked at Tao Yongsheng without expression, raised his eyebrows and said, "my king's swordsmanship is gorgeous but not real?

Ha ha Your Divine array is indeed the king's best array.

But it's a pity that it can only be regarded as the bottom array in the king level supreme god array.

I will show you how vulnerable it is now

When the words fell, he pinched the magic formula in his left hand and used a magic trick to secretly manipulate the nine King level artifact buried in the ground.

At the same time, he waved the burial sword with his right hand, manipulated 36000 stars sword, and launched another bombardment.

"Whew, whew!"

More than 36000 star swords, flying and shuttling at a high speed, broke out with unmatched power and severely bombarded the blood shield.

"Boom! Boom, boom

The blood light shield of a hundred Li was suddenly shocked and flashed.Then, they heard nine loud and dull noises in the earth under their feet.

Suddenly, around the ruins of the palace, the earth suddenly cracked and collapsed, showing nine deep pits.

There is a magic shock wave that destroys the heaven and the earth. It blooms with colorful light and carries endless dust and rushes into the sky.

The whole star precipice was shaking violently, with huge cracks and falling.

However, to the horror of Tao Yongsheng and several elders, the blood red mask was suddenly severely damaged, and its strength rapidly weakened, and the light became bright and dark.

"BAM, BAM, BAM..."

"Boom! Click Click... "

With the continuous bombardment and killing of the huge sword of stars all over the sky, the blood red mask was even blasted out one crack after another, and another gap appeared.

Those cracks and gaps spread rapidly and expanded in all directions, which soon made the whole divine array full of holes and fragments.

The high priest and several elders were as earthy as the earth, and they were in a hurry to release their power and help repair the gaps and cracks in the phalanx.

But these are all in vain. The divine array is collapsing at a very fast speed.

Tao Yongsheng also has a gloomy expression, and uses his divine sense to check the situation of the divine array.

Only then did he find that several foundations of the divine array were destroyed and several key threads were cut off.

"No wonder It's no wonder that the power of the divine array suddenly weakened and was smashed by the huge sword!

Damn long Tian, he even Have known the structure of this divine array for a long time, and moved ahead of time

Tao Yongsheng instantly guessed the answer.

Then, he set off a storm in his heart, stunned.

"My God! Was he only three quarters of an hour early, or could he see through the structure of the divine array under the supervision of several elders?

Isn't his martial arts as powerful as that of kendo, reaching an unimaginable level? "

With this in mind, Tao Yongsheng felt only palpitations and dry mouth.

If Tao Changji and Tao nianchuan were still alive, he would pinch the two guys by the neck and ask how they could provoke such a horrible monster?

That's right!

In Tao Yongsheng's opinion, Ji Tianxing is a terrible monster!

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