Chapter 5: The Horde

Name:System Mania! Author:
Chapter 5: The Horde

In the dim light of the parking lot, Korig and his friends gathered, their voices hushed as they discussed their strategies.

The world around them seemed to have transformed into a blend of reality and the fictional worlds they had once devoured in the pages of their favorite novels.

The looming presence of the tall skeleton figure, the Lich, was a stark reminder that they were in a new reality, one where the rules were written in a language they were only beginning to comprehend.

They exchanged ideas and memories about various types of zombies they had encountered in the stories they had read.

The weaknesses they shared, the need to target the head or break the neck, these were common threads in the narratives.

But the Lich was an enigma, a creature that seemed to defy their recollections.

Its weaknesses eluded them, a puzzle they had yet to piece together.

As they deliberated, a plan began to take shape, a plan that revolved around the Lich's behavior and movement.

Korig's keen eye had caught the specific way the Lich scanned its surroundings, as if it were following a pattern, a scripted sequence.

The resemblance to a video game was uncanny, a connection that fueled their determination.

With the plan forming in his mind, Korig took charge.

He gripped the crowbar tightly, his heart pounding with a mix of fear and resolve.

His voice was a whisper, carrying the weight of their hopes as he instructed his friends to follow his lead, to trust his observations implicitly.

"Listen to every word I say," Korig whispered, his tone a mixture of urgency and determination.

He knew that their success hinged on their ability to synchronize their movements, to outsmart the Lich and navigate its carefully orchestrated surveillance.

The plan was simple in theory, duck, weave, slide.

Their goal was to move past the Lich, to slip through its defenses and escape the oppressive grasp of the mall.

The original idea of reaching Daniel's car felt less plausible now, the threat of the Lich too great to ignore. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

With Korig at the forefront, his friends followed his lead, their movements executed with the precision of a choreographed dance.

Each step, each shift in direction was calculated to evade the Lich's gaze, to exploit the patterns it followed.

Their breaths were held, their senses heightened, as they moved in harmony with one another, guided by Korig's sharp observations.

As they weaved their way through the maze of cars, the distance between them and the towering Lich grew shorter, its aura an ever present reminder of the danger they faced.

Just as Daniel reached out to step beyond the boundaries of the parking lot, a horrifying transformation occurred.

His body was sliced into pieces, as if he had walked through an unseen barrier, a barrier that tore through him like lasers, leaving only blood and gore in its wake.

Korig's dress was dampened with the splatters of Daniel's blood, his eyes wide in shock, his mind unable to process the sudden and brutal end that had befallen his friend.

Lily's scream filled the air, her voice a reflection of the horror that had unfolded before her eyes.

Her cry reverberated, a sharp and chilling sound that seemed to linger in the air, drawing the attention of all who heard it.

David and Korig both shrieked, their own reactions a mirror of Lily's terror.

Korig's heart pounded in his chest as he turned quickly to face the Lich, his instincts on high alert.

The creature's gaze locked onto them, its hollow eyes filled with an otherworldly malice.

With a roar that sent shockwaves through the air, the Lich commanded its servant zombies to attack.

The very ground seemed to tremble as the undead surged forward, a wave of malevolence descending upon them.

But just as the horde closed in, salvation arrived in an unexpected form.

A torrent of survivors landed in the parking lot, descending from the multiple lifts of the mall.

Their numbers were overwhelming, more than could be counted, a force that disrupted the carefully orchestrated chaos of the Lich's domain.

Survivors from the secondary parking lot crashed their vehicles into the main lot, a desperate and chaotic escape from the zombie onslaught that had overtaken them.

Chaos and carnage ensued as the two groups collided, caught in the crossfire of the Lich's orders and the survivors' desperate bid for survival.

Amidst the pandemonium, David and Lily became lost to Korig, their figures swallowed by the chaos that raged around them.

Korig, his heart pounding in his chest, sought refuge behind a nearby pillar.

He watched in a daze as the world around him spun into madness, his mind struggling to comprehend the horrors that had unfolded in such a short span of time.

And as he took in the chaos, the panic, and the bloodshed that surrounded him, Korig's mind echoed with the same question he had posed at the very beginning of this nightmarish ordeal.

"What the fuck is going on?"

The words hung heavy in the air, a reflection of his disbelief, his confusion, and his dawning realization that the reality he once knew had shattered into a nightmare beyond his imagination.

His question yet again resounded, but It was valid.

What the actual fuck was going on?
