Chapter 11: The Voice

Name:System Mania! Author:
Chapter 11: The Voice

As the trio stood there, their resolve solidified by their shared understanding, an unsettling sensation crawled over Korig.

It was as if a shadow had descended upon his thoughts, a discordant note that resonated with an eerie, distorted voice echoing within his mind.

"You're weak," the voice whispered, each word dripping with venom.

"You're delusional to believe in the power of friendship. This world has no room for such naive notions."

Korig's heart raced as he tried to comprehend the intrusion into his thoughts.

The voice was unlike anything he had ever heard before.

It was cold, manipulative, and persuasive.

It was as though it could see through the layers of his mind, tapping into his uncertainties and desires.

"Strength is all that matters," the voice continued, its tone like a siren's call.

"You think protecting your friends will save you? Foolish. You must seek power, become the strongest."

"Protect those who can protect you in return." Follow current novels at

Korig's brow furrowed, a mix of confusion and unease knotting his stomach.

The voice's words resonated with his own desires, yet they were laced with a sinister intent that sent shivers down his spine.

"Trust very few," the voice hissed, its presence growing more suffocating.

"You can't afford to be naive. This world is survival of the fittest, and only the strong prevail."

"Being selfish is not a sin here, it's a necessity."

The onslaught of conflicting thoughts left Korig disoriented, torn between the principles he held dear and the seductive allure of power.

It was as though the voice was trying to unravel his convictions, to sow seeds of doubt that threatened to choke out his resolve.

As he grappled with the internal turmoil, he cast a quick glance at Lily and David, both of whom were unaware of the battle raging within his mind.

The distorted voice spoke truths that resonated with the harsh reality of their situation, yet it also preached a callousness that went against his nature.

Korig's grip tightened on the crowbar, his knuckles turning white as he sought to anchor himself amidst the onslaught of conflicting thoughts.

The voice's words echoed like a haunting refrain, each syllable a dissonant chord that threatened to unravel his determination.

As he battled with the voice in his mind, a hand gently patted Korig on the shoulder, jolting him from the suffocating grip of his internal struggle.

Startled, he turned to see Lily's concerned expression, her eyes reflecting genuine worry.

"Hey, you okay?" Lily asked softly, her voice a reassuring presence amidst the turmoil within him.

Korig managed a nod, forcing a quick smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

The voice inside his mind had receded, but its unsettling words lingered like an echo.

"If you try to exit without completing the main objective, it's game over. You're quitting the game, giving up on life."

He paused, letting the theory sink in, before pushing forward with a resolution that belied his internal struggle.

"But here's something I've noticed," Korig said, his voice gaining confidence.

"The Lich stands all alone at the very end of the parking lot. None of its zombie servants are protecting it."

"It's like it's underestimating us," He said.

"or it's like it's welcoming you," the voice spoke again within Korig, but he shook it away.

A spark of hope ignited within him as he shook away the dark voice and continued, "I think we can exploit that."

"If we can get to the Lich without alerting its minions, we might have a shot at taking it down."

"But we have to be smart about it, use the element of surprise."

Korig's gaze shifted between Lily and David, his eyes conveying a mixture of urgency and determination.

Despite the inner turmoil he had experienced, he was resolved to lead his friends toward a path of action, a path that would hopefully lead them to victory and answers beyond the sinister chaos that had engulfed their reality.


Korig's heart pounded with a mix of ascertainment uncertainty.

The weight of the distorted voice's words still lingered, but he was committed to pushing forward, to finding a way out of this nightmare, and to protecting the bonds he had formed with his friends.

The seconds continued to tick away on the clock, each passing moment reminding them of the urgency of their situation.

The Lich still loomed in the distance, a chilling reminder of the formidable opponent they would have to face.

But Korig refused to back down, to let doubt or fear dictate their actions.

He exchanged a meaningful look with Lily and David, a silent affirmation of their shared resolve.

It was a proof to the strength of their friendship that they could stand together even in the face of the unknown and the unsettling intrusion of that voice.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Korig gestured for his friends to gather close, their heads bending together in a tight circle as they continued to strategize.

The plan they had devised would require precision, coordination, and a measure of daring.

It was a gamble, but it was the only shot they had.

As they discussed the details, Korig couldn't help but feel a surge of determination, a fire that burned within him despite the internal conflict he had experienced.

He was ready to face the challenges ahead, to embrace the power of their unity, and to prove that even in a world turned upside down, their friendship and resolve would shine through.

The trio's bond remained seemingly unbreakable, their shared purpose a guiding light amidst the darkness that threatened to consume them.

And as they prepared to face the Lich and the horde of zombies, Korig held onto the hope that they would emerge victorious, not just against the external threats, but against the doubts that had temporarily clouded his mind.

With the plan set and their determination solidified, the trio braced themselves for the final battle, for the opportunity to confront the Lich and, in doing so, to defy the sinister voice that had tried to undermine their unity and strength.

But Korig didn't know...

He didn't know what fate had in plan.
