Chapter 18: Evolution of thoughts

Name:System Mania! Author:
Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

Chapter 18: Evolution of thoughts

As Korig's tear streaked gaze remained fixed on the system screens, his mind drifted back to the haunting voice of the Lich.

The memory of its words echoed within him, a dark symphony that refused to fade.

"You're weak, Korig," the Lich's voice had taunted, its words a venomous reminder of his vulnerability.

The resonance of those words had reverberated inside his mind, each syllable a barb that pierced his thoughts.

They had struck a chord within him, igniting a fire of self doubt that burned alongside his grief.

The aftermath of his battle with the Lich had marked not only a physical transformation but also a mental evolution.

The choices he had made, the sacrifice he had endured, they had all pushed him to question the foundations of his beliefs.

His character was defined by a drive to protect the weak with his strength, to shield those he cared about from harm.

But now, a small yet insistent voice whispered within him, suggesting that perhaps he wouldn't need to protect anyone if he didn't have friends or companions to begin with.

Therein lay the crux of his inner conflict, a battle between the desire to shield others and the fear of losing them.

As the weight of his decisions settled upon his shoulders, he found himself grappling with the notion that perhaps isolation was the key to survival.

A monologue played out in the recesses of his mind, his thoughts weaving a tapestry of emotions as he stood amidst the transformed parking lot.

"I've always believed in the power of friendship," his inner voice mused, a tinge of bitterness underlying his words.

"But now... now I've seen the cost. Lily, David and Daniel paid the ultimate price for my choices"

"For my inability to protect those I care about."

His fists clenched at his sides, his frustration and anger at himself palpable.

The echoes of Lily's sacrifice reverberated within him, a constant reminder of his perceived failures.

"Will this be the price of caring in this damned world?" he questioned, his voice a mixture of anguish and self discovery.

"Is this what will happen if you let others in, if you allow yourself to form connections?"

His gaze shifted to the system screens, their glow a stark contrast to the darkness of his thoughts.

They seemed to beckon him, promising power, control, and a chance to shape his own destiny.

"But power..." he continued, his voice taking on a quieter, more contemplative tone.

"Power is what I need to protect."

"To ensure that no one else has to suffer because of my choices."

The monologue continued, a dialogue with himself that laid bare the turmoil in his heart.

The realization that his strength alone might not be enough had taken root, and with it, a newfound determination to wield any power at his disposal.

But at the same time he couldn't deny that it was a source of courage that had driven him to face the horrors of their world.

He had overcome them for the moment, but only with the sacrifice of the friendship he had once claimed special.


With a newfound determination, Korig clicked the Continue prompt.

The system screens reappeared, each window like a portal into a world of possibilities.

Origin System has been unlocked.

The words held a weight of significance, marking a milestone in his journey.

He had evolved, transcending his past self in the crucible of adversity.

System title: System Eater.

The title intrigued him, evoking images of a force that devoured and assimilated.

It resonated with the battles he had fought, the challenges he had overcome.

Korig couldn't help but wonder about the abilities and strengths this system might grant him.

Currently consumed system/entity: 1

The numbers held a mystery that beckoned him to unravel.

The idea that he had absorbed the essence of another system or entity stirred his curiosity.

It was as if he had become a vessel of transformation, a fusion of powers that could tip the balance in his favor.

The transformed parking lot, once a battlefield of chaos, now stood as a crossroads of destiny.

Korig's heartache and determination were intertwined, guiding him toward an uncertain future.

As Korig stood amidst the aftermath, his breath caught in a mixture of anticipation and resolve.

The system's screens seemed to wait, each window holding the potential to shape his path.

A voice echoed in his mind, not the Lich's mocking tone, but the resolute conviction of his own thoughts.

With those words echoing in his mind, Korig's finger hovered over the screen once again.

The possibilities stretched before him, a tapestry of potential waiting to be woven into his story.

"I won't be swayed."

"I won't let doubt cloud my choices."

"This system, this power, it's a tool, one that I will use to overcome."

"Overcome everything"
