Chapter 27: A New Objective

Name:System Mania! Author:
Chapter 27: A New Objective

As Korig's eyes popped wide open in response to the appearance of another window tab, he couldn't help but wonder about the significance of this new development.

It seemed that their journey through this chaotic world was far from over.

The window tab displayed a simple message: The user has entered a new area.

It was a cryptic announcement, but Korig had grown accustomed to the enigmatic nature of the system's notifications.

He thought back to the laser veil that had shielded them from the dragon's attack.

It was the same kind of barrier that had trapped them within the mall until they completed a specific objective.

While he had been grateful for it because it had saved him from the wrath of the dragon, now he couldn't help but dread its appearance.

It meant they were once again trapped until they fulfilled a certain task.

The system continued to communicate through the window tabs, and Korig knew he had to pay close attention to their contents.

The first message made it clear that they were in a new area, a different section of this mysterious world.

Korig's thoughts raced as he processed the information.

He had become somewhat of a reluctant expert in deciphering the system's cryptic messages.

It was a survival skill he had picked up along the way.

The next set of window tabs appeared before him, revealing the objectives they needed to complete to escape this new area. Korig's heart sank as he read them.

Main Objective: Survive the goblin scavenging for 3 days

Bonus objective: Kill 100 goblins

Perimeter of the quest: The bounds of the city

Korig couldn't help but feel a mixture of frustration and resignation.

It was clear that they had been thrust into another game within this world.

His heart was slowly changing but his old ideals still lingered.

But this woman, she had saved his life, and that made Korig owe her a favour.


Taking shelter in the building, Korig found a vantage point from which he could observe the bridge they had just crossed.

He knew that if there were other survivors on the other side, their approach might not be friendly.

Trust was a luxury in this world, and caution was his greatest ally.

As he kept a vigilant watch over the bridge, Korig couldn't help but have a monologue with himself.

"What has this world become?" he mused, his voice barely above a whisper.

"It's as if the very fabric of reality has shifted, and i'm left to find my way through this new and merciless terrain."

He thought about the system that had thrust him into these perilous situations, the cryptic messages it delivered, and the objectives it set.

It was a game, but the stakes were all too real.

"But I won't be a pawn in this game," Korig vowed, his gaze unwavering.

"I'll adapt, survive, and find a way out of this nightmare."

The minutes turned into hours as Korig maintained his watch, his senses heightened for any signs of movement on the bridge.

The woman remained unconscious, her presence a constant reminder of the fragility of life in this new world.


As the sun began its gradual descent, casting an eerie twilight over the shattered cityscape, Korig maintained his watch over the bridge they had crossed.

It was then that he noticed movement on the other side, figures running toward the bridge.

At first, he couldn't discern much, but as they drew closer, his heart skipped a beat.

