Chapter 38 Pin down

Name:System Mania! Author:
38 Pin down

In the eerie silence that followed the arrow's passage, Korig and Aurora exchanged words through the earpiece, their voices carrying a weight of tension that matched the gravity of their situation.

"What do we do?" Aurora's eyes darted around, scanning for any sign of movement.

Korig, still crouched behind cover, his mind racing, replied just above a hushed tone.

"We need to find out who's shooting those arrows and why."

"Our experience points are on the line."

The thought of losing the hard earned rewards of their battles was enough to fuel their determination.

They couldn't afford to be sitting ducks.

"We need to flush them out somehow," Aurora suggested, her analytical mind already at work.

"But we have to be careful."

"They've got the advantage of cover and height."

Korig nodded, his eyes never leaving the surroundings.

"I've got an idea. We'll use distractions to draw their fire."

"You focus on pinpointing their location with your observational skills."

As if on cue, Korig picked up a nearby stone, not as hefty as the one he had thrown earlier, but large enough to make a noticeable impact.

He weighed it in his hand, gauging the distance to the building where the assailant had hidden.

Aurora, her senses sharp, nodded in understanding.

"I'll watch for any signs of movement. Just be careful, Korig."

With that, Korig steeled himself and stood up from behind cover, his heart pounding in his chest.

He took a deep breath and let out a loud shout as he hurled the stone with all his strength toward the building.

The projectile smashed through a window, shattering glass and sending echoes reverberating through the city.

Aurora watched closely, her eyes scanning for any reaction from their hidden adversary.

She whispered into her earpiece, "Keep your eyes open, Korig." Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

"I'm ready to analyze any data I can gather."

Korig, his adrenaline surging, ducked back behind cover, his senses on high alert.

Seconds felt like hours as they waited for a response.

And then, from their hidden perch, a shadowy figure emerged, its presence revealed by the faint outline against the dim cityscape.

The archer, taken off guard by Korig's lightning fast approach, had just enough time to release the arrow, but it was too late.

Korig's fists slammed into the archer's weapon hand, knocking the arrow off course.

The projectile sailed harmlessly into the space beside him.

Aurora, her eyes locked onto the scene, spoke with a hint of triumph.

"You've got them, Korig!"

Korig didn't waste a second.

He grappled with the archer, their struggle intense and relentless.

The archer fought back, their identity still hidden beneath a shroud of darkness.

As they wrestled, Korig managed to pull away the archer's hood, revealing a face he didn't recognize.

The archer, now exposed, wore a mask that concealed their features.

With a final surge of strength, Korig disarmed the archer and pinned them to the floor, the archer's bow skittering away.

Breathing heavily, Korig looked down at the masked figure beneath him.

"Who are you, and why were you attacking us?"

The archer remained silent, their eyes filled with defiance and determination.

Aurora's sharp observational skills remained keen as ever, and she knew that this was their moment to uncover the truth.

With Korig pinning down the masked archer on the ground of the third floor, Aurora quickly assessed the situation.

She needed to join them and ensure that they could extract the answers they sought.

With a determined spirit, she scanned her surroundings for a way up.

Spotting a rusted fire escape ladder nearby, she wasted no time.

She ascended the ladder with agility, her movements deliberate and efficient.

Reaching the third floor, she swiftly crossed the floor to join Korig and the masked archer.

Her eyes locked onto the unfolding scene, her analytical mind already at work, ready to piece together the puzzle that had brought them to this perilous moment.

Korig and Aurora stood together now, a united front, their resolve unwavering.

Aurora's voice carried a note of determination as she spoke up, addressing the masked archer with unwavering conviction.

"We need answers," she stated firmly, her eyes locked onto the concealed figure before them.

"And we're not leaving until we get them."