Chapter 42 Hostile?

Name:System Mania! Author:
42 Hostile?

With a swift motion, the Goblin Chief loomed outside the entrance, its grotesque form silhouetted against the dimly lit night.

Shouts erupted from within the building as the people inside grappled with the unexpected appearance of the creature.

Their panicked voices echoed through the building, painting an unsettling picture of the scene inside.

Meanwhile, Aurora showcased her agility and cunning, finding a path around the building.

Her analytical skills came into play as she carefully scaled the wall, identifying minute ridges and cracks that aided her ascent.

The apocalyptic world they now inhabited seemed to respond to her movements, providing the necessary footholds for her climb.

Infiltrating the building silently, she moved like a shadow, her steps calculated and deliberate.

Finding a vantage point on a sturdy bar, she peered down to survey the scene below.

A group of survivors huddled together, their expressions a mix of fear and confusion.

One of the survivors, a middle aged man with a weathered face, stepped forward to address the others.

His voice trembled, yet held a semblance of authority.

"Everyone, stay calm! We need to figure out what we're dealing with here."

A younger woman, her eyes wide with fear, spoke up, "It's one of those monsters! How did it find us?"

Aurora observed, her mind processing the unfolding events.

The survivors were clearly distressed, their sense of safety shattered by the unexpected intrusion.

Back outside, Korig remained vigilant, monitoring the situation.

He kept a keen eye on the Goblin Chief, ensuring it adhered to his commands, yet ready to intervene if necessary.

The man continued to address the group, attempting to calm them.

"We need a plan."

"Let's lure it away, and the rest of you, stay here until it's safe."

A young man interjected, "I've got a flashbang."

"I can distract it while you guys escape."

Aurora listened to their deliberations, realizing the gravity of the situation.

They were in a dire predicament, and their choices could mean the difference between survival and peril.

Back with Korig, he knew they had to act carefully.

If the survivors discovered Aurora's presence, it could possibly escalate an already tense situation.

He leaned closer to the Goblin Chief, whispering commands to keep it occupied and focused on him.

In the building, the group debated their plan.

Korig, listening in through the earpiece, considered their newly acquired information.

The Goblin Chief remained at the ready outside, but it was clear that their initial assumption of these survivors being hostile was misplaced.

These were ordinary people thrust into an extraordinary situation.

Back inside, Aurora felt a growing sense of camaraderie, she could feel that they were slowly starting to trust her.

"We can use these abilities to our advantage, work as a team, and face the challenges that come our way."

"But we need to be cautious."

"There's a puppet master out there controlling entities like the Goblin Chief."

"We have to find them and stop this."

Mark, the man who seemed to be the unofficial leader of the group, chimed in,

"We're with you."

"We want to survive, to go back to our normal lives."

Their conversation unfolded, blending into a collective effort to strategize and plan.

Ideas were exchanged, ranging from creating a secure shelter to venturing out in search of more survivors.

Some brought their unique skills and knowledge to the table, while some hesitated to mingle. The sun had long set, and darkness enveloped the city, shrouding their surroundings in an eerie silence.

The survivors decided to fortify their position, utilizing the shelter as a temporary refuge while keeping watch for any signs of danger.

Aurora turned to Korig, updating him on the group's decisions.

"We're going to stay here for the night, fortify our defenses, and plan our next moves."

"We can't let fear dictate our actions, we must face this reality head on."

Korig nodded from his vantage point outside. "Agreed. We need to remain vigilant though"

"Let's support each other. Tomorrow is the last day, and we'll face it together."

"But yes, what should I do? I have been sitting ducks here for about an hour now,"

Korig said. "About that," Aurora began

"They are confused about the Goblin chief and why it hadn't attacked them yet"

"I think this is the perfect time to reveal yourself."

She said.

Korig nodded as her voice cut off from the earpiece.

With slow steps, he walked towards the entrance.

And without a word, he stepped into the dimly lit shelter.
