Chapter 49 Lost and Found

Name:Systemless Villain Author:
Chapter 49 Lost and Found

After a while, Long Tian managed to secure some of the required ingredients.

Starlight Orchid nectar, moonshadow fern essence, and divine elixir sand were now in his possession, leaving just one remaining: the Phoenix feather ash.

All these ingredients should be available here, considering the original plot where Qin Chen obtained them all after leaving this store.

And at this moment, he noticed Liu Qian, who was also searching through the shelves. He approached her.

"How's it going? Have you found the ingredients?" Long Tian inquired.

"Not yet. What about you?" Liu Qian countered.

"I have some of them here, except for the Phoenix feather ash," Long Tian answered, displaying the ingredients he had gathered in a small basket.

Liu Qian picked up one of the items—a small glass bottle containing black liquid with white sparkles.

Her expression turned astonished, "Long Tian, is this the moonshadow fern essence?" she asked.

"Yes," Long Tian nodded. noVeLB1n

"I can't believe you found it here. That's an extremely rare and expensive item," Liu Qian marveled.

"It's just luck," Long Tian replied with a smile.

In the original plot, the reason such rare and expensive items were present in this store was because the owner had confiscated plants and herbal remedies from an elderly man's medical shop, transporting them here without proper evaluation.

Qin Chen had exploited this opportunity very well, purchasing all the materials he needed to create his evolution elixir.

Now, all of these ingredients were in Long Tian's possession, except for the Phoenix feather ash, of course.


After more than an hour, Long Tian and Liu Qian still hadn't found the Phoenix feather ash.

"When?" Long Tian inquired, his tone earnest.

"Hmmm, if I'm not mistaken, it was about a week ago. He also bought items that were unlisted, like yours," the woman replied.

Hearing this, Long Tian let out a heavy sigh. He had suspected as much. The photo he showed the woman was a picture of Qin Chen.

Of course, during the two weeks he was unconscious, Qin Chen had roamed freely without any hindrance. He was sure that the item Qin Chen had purchased here was the Phoenix feather ash. Fortunately, he hadn't bought all the materials required to create the evolution elixir.

"Alright, thank you," Long Tian acknowledged, turning to leave the store. Liu Qian walked beside him, and they headed towards the exit.

The cashier's voice trailed after them, "You're welcome. Have a good day!"


"I can't believe you managed to get those items for only 300 Yuan. If they knew their actual value, they would surely regret it. At the very least, those items are worth millions of Yuan," Liu Qian said earnestly as they walked.

"I'm still not completely satisfied as there's no Phoenix feather ash," Long Tian said, sighing.

"Is that item crucial?" Liu Qian asked.

"Well, I have a backup item for it. Now, I just need an alchemist to process these ingredients," Long Tian answered.

In the original plot, Qin Chen had obtained the evolution elixir with the help of an elder from the Wudang sect. So, he might also pay a visit there.

"Then, you might come to my house. While I'm not that skilled in alchemy, my father is a master alchemist. Perhaps he can assist you," Liu Qian suggested.

"Are you sure?" Long Tian raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, he might be glad to see you after so long. You used to visit our house often during elementary school," Liu Qian said.

"Well, maybe it's worth a shot. Let's head there," Long Tian replied.

With that, they got into the car and headed towards the Tianji district where Liu Qian's house was located.