Chapter 117 A Brutal Consequences

Name:Systemless Villain Author:
Chapter 117 A Brutal Consequences


Yu Zhong's blazing fists set countless soul beasts on fire, yet, despite the devastation, his troops were still being overwhelmed.

Amidst the chaos, Shi Huang decided to end the rampage of these soul beasts.

He ascended into the air, his martial spirit, the Demon Sage, materializing behind him.

In his hands, six concentrated energies gathered, akin to gravitational forces converging into a single point, creating a turbulance in the air.

Within seconds, the energies coalesced into a perfect ball form, pitch black and exuding a powerful aura.

With swift precision, he unleashed one energy ball upon the soul beasts below.


As it struck the ground, it detonated like miniaturized nuclear bombs.

Five more energy balls followed suit.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The deafening explosions reverberated through the night, transforming the battleground into a raging inferno. An area spanning hundreds of meters was engulfed in searing flames.

From an initial count of 300, the soul beasts were reduced to less than 50, rekindling the morale of the remaining soldiers.

"Yes! Master Shi is truly incredible!"

"Let's attack again! Those cowards are in the western area; let's annihilate them!"

"Let's goooo!"

Echoes of courage and determination filled the air. Out of the original 500 soldiers, less than 300 remained. Nevertheless, they refused to relent until the Golden Star Sect was completely obliterated.

Once more, the sounds of battle filled the air as the alliance forces clashed with the Golden Star Sect, numbering over 500.


Meanwhile, within the Golden Star Sect's leader's grandiose building, Qin Chen continued his pursuit of the armored figure.

The structure loomed majestically, nearly touching the sky. Each floor housed grand chambers, each almost ten times the size of a football field.

Upon reaching the fifth floor, the armored man stopped. The chamber here was even more opulent than the ones before.

Yet, in a sudden turn of events, he sensed a presence behind him.

Before he could react, his neck was seized by Qin Chen's vice-like grip. With a powerful twist, a sickening "Crack!" marked the end of his life.

Qin Chen surveyed the lavishly decorated chamber, determination etched on his face. Without hesitation, he pressed forward, his eyes taking in every opulent detail.

From the jade pendant, Shen Yulan emerged. "I've located it; it's inside the blue chest near the window," she informed him.

Gratitude filled Qin Chen's expression. "Thank you, Lady Shen. Your assistance has been invaluable. I promise to help you regain your physical form," he vowed.

Shen Yulan offered a thin smile. "That might not be easy. I'm not even certain if it's possible," she remarked.

"Hehe, with me by your side, Lady Shen, anything is achievable," Qin Chen declared, his confidence shining through his grin.

Shen Yulan merely smiled and shook her head. "Alright, you may retrieve your prize," she said before retreating back into the jade pendant.

Qin Chen made his way to the window. The chamber was so vast that he had to run to reach the window's edge. Below, he spotted a sizable blue chest.

Swiftly, he opened it. Surprisingly, it was unlocked, revealing a transparent material encasing an energy sword. The surface of the sword emitted a radiant purple glow. The source of this content is N0veII_bIn

A triumphant smile stretched across Qin Chen's face. "At last, the Heartblade of Guo Jian is within my grasp!" he exclaimed, a sense of satisfaction washing over him.

He scrutinized every inch of the Heartblade. It bore a regal purple hue, undoubtedly representing the immense power contained within.

Enraged, the old man shouted, "I will kill you, brat!"

Two shadowy hands appeared again and slapped Qin Chen from both sides.


His ears reverberated with a deafening ring, and his vision blurred. Pain coursed through him, yet, he didn't give up.

He clapped his hands together, creating an explosion that sent him flying backward, away from the shadowy hand.

He stood up immediately, ignoring the pain all over his body.

As the fire vanished, the old man stood there with an expression filled with anger and frustration.

"I will truly kill you!" he roared.

With that, two shadowy hands appeared again, making them five in total.

Qin Chen's expression turned more serious. And the attack began; each shadowy hand struck him, yet, he skillfully evaded them.

Each dodging movement led him closer to the old man. And with a swift motion, he clenched his right hand, which glowed with red aura.

In a swift motion, he struck his fist toward the old man's face.


Unfortunately, his punch was caught by the shadowy hand.

"Too bad, boy," the old man sneered, then ruthlessly tore off Qin Chen's arm, separating it from his body.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaargh!" Qin Chen's scream echoed through the room, blood spurting from his mutilated form.

His eyes widened in shock at the gruesome sight of his severed right arm!


He was mercilessly struck by the shadowy hand, sending him crashing into the wall, his body leaving a trail of blood.

The old man's face remained cold and unfeeling. "This is your fate, boy, mere moments before your life drains away," he said callously.

Seeing the defenseless Qin Chen, there's no sympathy on his face.

He had no intention of relenting. The five shadowy hands lashed out again, each strike delivering a brutal blow to the helpless Qin Chen.

Blood splattered across the walls, and Qin Chen lost consciousness, his body succumbing to the torment.

The five shadows raised simultaneously, as if heralding the end, "With this, it all concludes," the old man declared.

The next moment, the five shadowy hands surged towards Qin Chen. Yet, inexplicably, they froze mid-air.

Astonishment etched the old man's face. "What sorcery is this?" he pondered, his brow furrowing in disbelief.

But the scene unfolding before him only deepened his shock; Qin Chen slowly ascended into the air with radiant golden aura enveloping him.

Suddenly, a towering figure materialized—an embodiment of human anatomy, his martial spirit.

It seamlessly merged with Qin Chen, intensifying the golden aura. Even his severed arm, discarded on the ground, floated and reattached itself to his body!

The old man was dumbfounded; he hadn't anticipated this turn of events. Such a feat should have been impossible.

"What manner of creature is this boy?" he questioned in earnest disbelief.

He longed to strike, yet the golden aura shackled his five shadowy hands.

Meanwhile, Qin Chen's body gleamed even brighter with the golden radiance. It flared into a blinding golden brilliance, visible even to those engaged in battle outside.

Not many people reacted to the light since they were in the midst of battle.

But after a few seconds, the light slowly faded away. The old man opened his eyes, yet, he couldn't see anything!

"What! What the fuck!!! I-I've gone blind?! Impossible!" he bellowed, his rage echoing in the room as his five shadowy hands wrecked everything in sight.

Meanwhile, Qin Chen had vanished from the spot, his whereabouts unknown...