Chapter 204 The Unexpected Edge

Name:Systemless Villain Author:
Chapter 204 The Unexpected Edge

"Finally, I've achieved the breakthrough!" Long Tian exclaimed, a triumphant grin on his face.

The gravitational pressure, designed not only as a test but as an unexpected advantage, had propelled him into the realm of Flowing Qi at the 6th level! Trace the roots of this material to n0v★lbin

On the opposite side, the imperial staff stood in awe, witnessing Long Tian's remarkable transformation.

"Have you just experienced a breakthrough?" inquired the middle-aged man, his expression serious.

"Yeah, thanks to that gravity machine. I might consider buying one," Long Tian replied, a mischievous smirk playing on his face.

A hush fell over the spectators. Breakthroughs typically occurred during cultivation, yet Long Tian achieved this feat under the intense pressure of gravity.

The middle-aged man struggled to find the right words. "I'm truly speechless," he finally uttered.

Long Tian responded with a simple smile, "Come on, it's just a minor breakthrough. Let's not dwell on that; let's return to the main topic of why I'm here. Did I pass the second test?" he inquired, his persistent smile unwavering.

"Yes, indeed, you passed. You're now eligible to proceed to the third test," the middle-aged man confirmed.

"Well, thank you, all of you," Long Tian acknowledged.

With that, he confidently strolled out of the room.

The imperial staff remained standing in stunned silence. But then, they began to come back to their senses and started to rectify the chaos.


Meanwhile, in field number one, the atmosphere buzzed with energy as numerous students continued their rigorous practice.

Field number one, being the primary and largest field, accommodated the bustling activity.

A male student presently engaged in striking a sizable stone, generating resounding echoes.

The colossal screen displayed spinning digits, eventually settling at [Punching Strength: 4960 pounds. Ju Lin: Did not pass].

"What?! Nooooo!" Ju Lin collapsed to the ground, hands clutching his head, disbelief etched across his face. Falling short by a mere 40 pounds, the harsh reality struck him.

Sympathetic gazes from fellow students acknowledged his near success.

Desperation fueled Ju Lin as he swiftly stood, grasping the hands of an imperial staff member. "It's just 40 pounds short; I clearly deserve to pass. Can I please pass?" he pleaded, hope resonating in his tone.

The staff member shook his head, delivering a firm verdict, "4960 pounds, still insufficient. You did not pass!"

Ju Lin's expression plummeted, and without delay, two additional imperial staff members escorted him off the stage.

A collective sigh from the spectators echoed; Ju Lin had come remarkably close, lacking only 40 pounds. Nevertheless, the imperial staff maintained their unwavering stance, understanding the gravity of the official selection test.

Another staff member, observing Ju Lin's departure from the stage, reiterated sternly, "I must emphasize that if anyone has punching strength below 5000 pounds, even if it's 4999, you will not pass!"

The students acknowledged this rule with nods and understanding expressions.

The staff member affirmed, "Alright, let's transition to the next participant. Liu Qian, please step onto the stage," he announced.

With those words, Liu Qian walked toward the stage with composed steps, prompting cheers and words of encouragement from the students who witnessed her arrival.

Most of the cheering came from male students who held Liu Qian in high regard as one of the goddesses of Tianzhou High School.

Liu Qian positioned herself in front of the substantial stone, her sharp eyes fixated on the target.

She assumed a stance, clenching her right hand, veins bulging as her strength concentrated in her grip.

In the next moment, she delivered a forceful strike to the stone.


"Alright, now let's find some suitable clothes. There might be something that fits you in here," Li Yue'er suggested.

She walked towards a chest at the edge of the wardrobe. Upon opening it, a collection of clothes, likely belonging to Long Tian and perhaps his previous girlfriend, was revealed.

Lin Yan patiently waited as Li Yue'er searched for the right clothes.

After a moment, Li Yue'er selected a blue dress that smaller than her size.

Li Yue'er's expression seemed a bit peculiar, likely due to the size that appeared more fitting for a younger girl. However, she didn't dwell on it and took the dress, walking back towards Lin Yan.

"Try this on for now; later today, we can go shopping for any clothes you'd like," she said, a warm smile gracing her face.

Lin Yan nodded appreciatively, responding with a smile, "Thank you, Sister Yue'er."

Returning the smile, Li Yue'er handed the dress to Lin Yan.

And so, the two of them changed into their chosen outfits.


Meanwhile, in another part of Tianzhou, amidst a bustling area, Lin Fan strolled along the roadside, a contented grin lighting up his face.

"What a splendid morning! I think I'll pay a visit to that casino again," he mused, wearing a smug expression.

His recent triumph at the casino had earned him a jackpot of 1 million yuan, courtesy of his golden eyes ability.

Yet, the journey to amass the required 50 million yuan to settle his debt with the bank still lay ahead.

Fresh in his memory were the events of the previous night, where his friendship with Xiao Jun crumbled, and he faced public embarrassment at the auction.

Retribution against Long Tian remained his foremost objective.

"Just you wait, Long Tian. Like a hero in ancient tales, I may be at a low point for now, but I'll rise again and seek revenge!" he declared, his determination etched across his face.

He continued striding forward with unwavering determination until a thunderous sound in the sky diverted his attention. His footsteps came to an abrupt halt as he gazed upward.

Pedestrians around him also ceased their movement, fixating their stares on the sky. The noise wasn't typical thunder; it resonated more like the tumult of a fierce battle.

In that very moment, an energy blast struck the road, causing it to fracture.

Shouts erupted from the onlookers, and panic ensued as the crowd dispersed in a frenzied rush towards safety.

Witnessing the unfolding chaos, Lin Fan was taken aback. He merged with the fleeing throng, avoiding any inclination to approach.

Unexpectedly, another twist in events materialized as a figure descended onto the road—a middle-aged man clad in red and black cultivator attire.

The man's penetrating gaze swept across the surroundings, finally fixing on the onlookers.

Without a moment's hesitation, he lunged towards one of them, materializing in front of a bespectacled man, seizing his neck and initiating a strangling grip.

"Urkh!" the bespectacled man exclaimed in agony, his eyes and mouth agape.

The middle-aged man, however, sported a sinister grin as he proclaimed, "You will be my meal!"

With those chilling words, the bespectacled man gradually succumbed, his vitality draining until his body lay lifeless and withered.

In stark contrast, the middle-aged man sighed with satisfaction, sensing a replenishment of his energy. Yet, his countenance swiftly reverted to cold determination. "Still not enough!" he declared.

With that, he ascended towards other pedestrians, indiscriminately subjecting them to his deadly chokehold, irrespective of gender or age.

The symphony of screams and the crescendo of panic intensified.

Lin Fan, witnessing the escalating turmoil, was stricken with shock. He remained part of the escaping multitude, avoiding any close proximity to the unfolding horror. His sole preoccupation was escape, without a shred of consideration for aiding those in peril.

But suddenly, the middle-aged man materialized directly in front of him.

"Next is you!" he declared with a malevolent grin.