Chapter 210 Shattered Alliances, Darkened Paths

Name:Systemless Villain Author:
Chapter 210 Shattered Alliances, Darkened Paths

Zhao Tianming and Jin Ling stepped into the dungeon, immediately engulfed by darkness.

Prepared for this, Zhao Tianming retrieved a flashlight from his spatial ring. With the press of a button, the light cut through the cave's obscurity. N0v3lRealm was the platform where this chapter was initially revealed on N0v3l.B1n.

Their expressions mirrored surprise as they took in the sight before them. Rows of rusty iron prison cells adorned both sides, each containing an array of human skulls.

Yet, Zhao Tianming arched an intrigued eyebrow, "Seems like this place holds great power. Having spies was a wise move, Elder Jin," he commended, giving Jin Ling a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

"It's a part of my survival strategy," Jin Ling responded, sporting a confident smile.

"Well, let's delve deeper," Zhao Tianming replied.

With a nod from Jin Ling, they proceeded further into the dungeon.

Meanwhile, beside the cabinet, Su Chen's countenance brimmed with anger. "It's Elder Jin Ling!" he whispered, yet fury resonated in his tone.

As Long Tian and Li Yue'er observed, Mo Yuegang's expression turned icy. "They're discussing spies. That implies one of your disciples is an impostor, Elder Su," he said.

"Let's eavesdrop on their conversation!" Su Chen responded, anger still evident in his tone.


Zhao Tianming and Jin Ling proceeded cautiously, their eyes scanning the surroundings with every vigilant step.

"Hey, Elder Jin, what's going on with the Heavenly Demon sect's plans? Anything interesting?" Zhao Tianming inquired.

"Plans? I don't think there's anything particularly remarkable. Perhaps the most intriguing event is the upcoming annual test for admitting new disciples, scheduled in about four months," Jin Ling responded.

Zhao Tianming rubbed his chin, a smile playing on his lips. "New disciples, huh? I believe it's the perfect opportunity for us to cultivate new followers, instill doctrines right from the start of their journey. It would establish a strong foundation, especially considering your position. I'm confident not many will pay attention to our maneuvers," he suggested, a cunning grin on his face.

"That might sound simple, but Mo Yuegang should not be underestimated. Your plan clearly has a long-term vision, probably not yielding results for at least 5-10 years from now. Moreover, your ambition is too vast to dominate the Heavenly Demon sect," Jin Ling responded.

"Nevertheless, it's worth the effort," Zhao Tianming remarked, a smirk on his face.

Jin Ling sighed, realizing the truth in Zhao Tianming's words. Their alliance reluctantly formed three days ago when he stumbled upon a treasure chest coinciding with Zhao Tianming's arrival.

He attempted to employ his hypnotic technique on Zhao Tianming, only to be surprised by the superior hypnotic skills possessed by Zhao Tianming, leading to his defeat.

And now, here he are, reluctantly forced into an uneasy alliance after a series of menacing threats.

Beside the cabinet, Mo Yuegang and Su Chen wore expressions of intense anger, while Long Tian and the others were drawn into the unfolding scene.

Especially Mo Yuegang, whose countenance was dominated by a palpable murderous intent.

He strode purposefully towards them, his figure still cloaked in the encompassing darkness.

In this critical moment, the flashlight held by Zhao Tianming flickered out, and their steps were abruptly arrested.

"What the hell? Why can't I move?" Zhao Tianming questioned, his brow furrowing in perplexity.

Jin Ling experienced the same sensation. Just a moment ago, everything seemed fine, but now they found themselves immobilized without any apparent reason.

In contrast, Zhao Tianming was taken aback as a hologram abruptly materialized before him.

[Ultimate task: Kill Long Tian]

[He is now near you. Kill him and gain the dragon god's lineage, Zeus's martial spirit, and Darkblade]

Long Tian was unexpectedly present!

However, there was no murderous intent in Zhao Tianming's reaction. He attempted to shift his body, but an unyielding force kept him in place.

As he struggled to move, Jin Ling widened his eyes, feeling his heart race with the realization of their predicament.

Their focused gaze pointed ahead, where the sound of approaching footsteps became evident. Zhao Tianming, catching on to this as well, stood stunned, fixated on the unfolding scene.

"Thank you for your counsel," Mo Yuegang replied.

Observing the situation under control, Long Tian promptly suggested, "Alright, sect master, we're open to you dealing with Zhao Tianming. We'll take the opportunity to explore the depths of this dungeon."

Mo Yuegang declined, "No need, Elder Su has already handled it. I'll join you in the exploration," he said.

Long Tian nodded, "Very well, let's delve deeper and uncover the source of that ominous roar," he proposed.

Everyone concurred, and thus, they ventured further into the dungeon's depths.


In the outskirts of the dungeon...

Zhao Tianming raced with desperate speed, navigating through mountainous trails adorned with towering trees and dense foliage, steadily putting distance between himself and the confines of the Heavenly Demon sect.

"You won't escape, you vermin!"

A sudden eruption of shouts reverberated through the air. Zhao Tianming's heart pounded faster as he glanced over his shoulder, witnessing Su Chen in hot pursuit.

"Cursed old man!" he spat.

Undeterred by thorns and obstacles, Zhao Tianming surged ahead, forcefully pushing through impediments in his determined escape.

Yet, he felt Su Chen's aura closing in. Gradually, Su Chen bridged the gap, ultimately catching up.

"Got you!" Su Chen declared, seizing Zhao Tianming's attire.

Zhao Tianming collapsed to the ground, and Su Chen loomed over him, clutching his neck with unyielding intensity.

"You harbor perilous plans. Someone of your ilk won't be satisfied with just death!" Su Chen declared angrily, maintaining a tight grip on Zhao Tianming's neck.

Agony contorted Zhao Tianming's face, his body writhing in futile attempts to break free.

However, Su Chen's expression remained merciless. According to the tenets of the Heavenly Demon sect, betrayal warranted death, regardless of the individual.

"Urgh!" Zhao Tianming screamed in pain, unable to muster any strength.

His heart pounded with an extraordinary panic, overshadowed by the looming threat of death.

Yet, his will to survive prevailed. His gaze fixated on the pendant around his neck. Swiftly, he tightly grasped the pendant.

In the next moment, a resounding "CRACK!" echoed, signifying the pendant's destruction.

As soon as he released his grip, a surge of crimson energy exploded, creating a thunderous shockwave that sent Su Chen airborne.

Su Chen's expression mirrored disbelief. However, he quickly regained composure, soaring back to his original position.

The scarlet energy persisted, burning like an unquenchable fire. However, Zhao Tianming had vanished without a trace.

Frantically scanning the surroundings, Su Chen found no remnants of Zhao Tianming.

"Where in the world is he!" he shouted in frustration.

Without delay, Su Chen initiated a thorough search for Zhao Tianming's elusive whereabouts.


Within the dense forest, where towering trees obstructed sunlight, casting a shadowy veil over the ground, an ominous atmosphere prevailed.


The echoes of anger and frustration reverberated through the otherwise silent forest.

Kneeling on the ground, Zhao Tianming's countenance betrayed intense anger, his features contorted with frustration.

Today marked the loss of his opportunity to infiltrate the Demon's Nest, the crumbling of his plot to seize control of the Heavenly Demon sect, the demise of Jin Ling, and, most infuriatingly, the sacrifice of his cherished pendant from the system's gift solely for his escape.

Gritting his teeth, he muttered, "Heavenly Demon sect, especially that old man, just wait for it!" with an oath laden with determination.
