Chapter 276 Reunion

Name:Systemless Villain Author:
276 Reunion

Despite her immobility due to severe injuries, Liu Qian remained observant of her surroundings, feeling a wave of relief wash over her upon seeing her mother and Long Tian's arrival.

"Mom... Long Tian... I'm glad you're here," she managed to say weakly, a faint smile gracing her lips.

Long Tian approached, concern etched on his face. "Your injuries look severe. Are you alright?" he inquired.

"I believe I'm still hanging on, but please, prioritize her. She saved my life," Liu Qian replied weakly, gesturing towards Lin Xian'er.

Before Long Tian could respond, Alexia interjected with determination evident in her voice. "I'll take care of both of you. Just hold on, alright? I'm deeply concerned for you," she said, tears streaming down her cheeks.

With a sense of relief flooding over her, Liu Qian closed her eyes, finally feeling a sense of safety now that they were all together.

Alexia wasted no time activating her martial spirit, the Phoenix, channeling its power to heal both Liu Qian and Lin Xian'er.

The intense flames, though appearing formidable, transformed into soothing healing energy, gradually repairing the wounds of both injured women.

Observing Alexia's unwavering dedication and the draining toll it took on her, Long Tian stepped forward, placing a comforting hand on her back and channeling his own energy to support her efforts.

As Long Tian's energy flowed into her, Alexia felt a surge of strength coursing through her body, easing her fatigue and enhancing the effectiveness of her healing flames.

Together, they worked tirelessly, their collaboration seamless and their determination unwavering, until it felt as though more than ten minutes had passed.

Both Alexia and Long Tian appeared exhausted, their energies depleted from their relentless efforts. The wounds on Liu Qian and Lin Xian'er's bodies were severe, with Lin Xian'er teetering on the brink of death.

As the flames surrounding them gradually dimmed and eventually extinguished, Alexia collapsed backward, panting heavily. Long Tian quickly rushed to support her, but Alexia was too drained to stay upright, closing her eyes as she leaned against Long Tian's sturdy frame.

Long Tian couldn't help but smile as he witnessed the depth of Alexia's commitment and sacrifice for Liu Qian. It made him feel strangely fortunate to have her by his side.

In that moment, Liu Qian's eyes fluttered open, prompting Alexia to sense her daughter's awakening. Immediately, Alexia got up and approached her.

"Qian'er, are you awake?" she asked anxiously.

Realizing that her injuries had significantly improved, Liu Qian sat up, only to be enveloped in her mother's embrace.

"Ohh, thank God, you're okay!" Alexia exclaimed with gratitude, squeezing her beloved daughter tightly.

"Don't speak like that, sister Xian'er. You still have so much life ahead of you," Liu Qian responded, tightening her embrace.

"Ohh, Qian'er, you're so adorable. I really feel like being your older sister," Lin Xian'er expressed, returning the tight hug.

Observing the affection between the two, Long Tian couldn't help but feel a sense of confusion. "You two seem very close. What's your story?" he inquired.

Releasing her embrace, Liu Qian met Long Tian's gaze with a smile. "Well, after being trapped here for seven days, I've grown to see Xian'er as my older sister," she explained.

Long Tian and Alexia exchanged puzzled looks at this revelation.

"Seven days? Are you sure about that, Qian'er? From my calculations, we've only been stuck in this portal for three or four days," Alexia pointed out.

Now it was Liu Qian and Lin Xian'er's turn to be surprised.

"What? That can't be right, Mom. I distinctly remember that Xian'er and I have been here for seven days, battling hundreds of soul beasts, including a five-star one," Liu Qian insisted.

"But how is that possible?" Alexia wondered aloud.

Long Tian pondered for a moment before offering an explanation. "Perhaps this phenomenon is known as time dilation, where time passes at different rates in different locations. It's conceivable that one day outside this temple translates to two days within it," he suggested.

Everyone listened attentively to Long Tian's explanation, finding the concept plausible given their understanding of science.

"Hmmm, perhaps it's because of that five-star soul beast I fought. Its abilities might have created a domain that affected the flow of time," Liu Qian pondered, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.

"Yes, that could be it. Fortunately, the creature is no more. Did any of you manage to absorb its powers?" Long Tian inquired.

"I turned the creature to ashes, so I do regret it a bit," Liu Qian admitted.

"Well, now that things have returned to normal, aren't we relieved that everyone is safe? And you, I, as Qian'er's mother, am deeply grateful for your help in facing the chaos here," Alexia expressed sincerely, offering a slight bow to Lin Xian'er.

"It's no problem at all. I've also come to see Qian'er as my little sister," Lin Xian'er responded warmly.

Alexia smiled, feeling grateful that her daughter had found such a kind and supportive friend.

"Alright, let's make our way out of here," Long Tian suggested.

With unanimous agreement, they turned to leave the temple.