Chapter 1083: Big tear (on)

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As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused a strong response in the Star League society. People turned their attention to the Republican Party, and some voices began to appear in the society, asking Larry Cook and Lu Yuankui to explain this. Other smaller opposition parties took the opportunity to show their heads, and even joined forces to attack the two largest parties of the Star League using various media resources at their disposal to win opportunities for their own development and growth.

Kylenia didn’t expect things to change unexpectedly. This made her a little embarrassed. She can’t let Tang Fang stand up and say that I don’t mind Republicans plotting against me. During the general election, please vote for the Republican candidates. people.

As for Tang’s participation in the election as an independent candidate... The current public opinion base is not enough. If the Turanx United Kingdom makes faster progress, it is best that the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire continue to invade the Star League territory. , So that the Star Alliance Navy had no strength to fight back, and even occupied the entire no man’s land. At that time, Tang Fang announced that he would participate in the election as an independent candidate. It was the most appropriate time.

She can only ask Iger Stetman to find out the background of this small media that has deviated the plan from its proper trajectory.

The results show that this little-known small media received a large amount of funds transfer a few days ago. Through careful screening and comparison, it is known that the company that transfers the small media is the roamer technology consortium.

In this way, the person who provided the evidence to break the news should be the old guy Komodo Shinan. I remember Tang Fang said that the contact between the Anubis Legion and Adam Oliver was the matchmaking of the rover technology consortium, which eventually led to the anti-Morningstar casting alliance.

You must know that the Adam government represents the interests of the Liberal Party, and the Rover Technology Consortium has always been close to the Liberal Party. It is also one of the sponsors of Adam Oliver's presidential campaign. Of course, it will not sit back and watch the situation continue to ferment and use these evidences. The water is muddy, and it is natural to draw the Republican Party into the whirlpool.

Kylenia didn't know that Adam Oliver had planned to take the blame and resign, and even thought of suicide, to calm Tang Fang's anger and civil grievances.

In fact, this matter is also not the idea of ​​Tomlinson Daller and others, but is just the personal behavior of Komodo Shinan.

Whether it is Republicans Larry Cook, Lu Yuankui, or Liberals Adam Oliver, Peggy Gasol, they all put national interests and social stability first and do not want to see major turmoil. Many prices can be paid for this, just like Dalton Evelyn, even if he abandons his friendship with Tang, he must maintain the stability and unity of the country.

Businessmen like Komodo Sinan and Iga Hirohiko are different. They care more about their business interests than the lives of ordinary people. Why is the alliance between the Anubis Corps and the Adam government a match between the Rover Technology Consortium?

Thanks to the efforts of Terry Ferdinand, Morningstar Casting was strongly supported by the Star Alliance government, and the two sides also signed a mutually beneficial cooperation agreement. Once the military system of Morningstar Casting is perfected, the orders from the Star Alliance government will fly into the arms of Tang Fang like snow flakes. There is no doubt that this will definitely weaken the market share of the rover technology consortium.

As the head of the company, Komodo Sinan certainly does not want to see such a scene. People like him, Hirohiko Iga, and Svenborn used means to fight against the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire at the social level and in the political world, and retake it. What is the national sovereign's will to war for? It is not to make war fortune, coveting the huge wealth brought by the rapid economic development of the Star League these years.

However, with the signing of a cooperation agreement between the Star Alliance government and Morningstar Casting, even Tomlinson Dahler, who has always maintained the interests of the rover's technology consortium, chose the former between national and personal interests, even if Mr. Senator promised to do something else To make up for it, but for people like Komodo Sinan, the promise of Tomlinson Daller and others is tantamount to drawing a pie.

Once Morningstar Casting and Star Alliance Navy complete the battleship transaction and successfully fire the first shot of the arms trade, what future will the rover technology complex face? There is no doubt that the market share of these old-school military enterprises will definitely be impacted and compressed with the continuous expansion of Morningstar Casting.

Komodo Sinan, Hirohiko Iga, and others are very clear that the craftsmanship level of companies such as the Rover Technology Consortium and Iga Industry is not the opponent of Morningstar Casting. In the future, even if Tang Fang stays in the line, let them have some The operating space is probably limited to the low-end weapons market. How could a powerful business tycoon like them be willing to such a result, so the motivation to help the Anubis Legion match the bridge came into being.

As long as Tang Fang, a guy who is suspected of mastering a lot of Epsilon technology, dies, whether it is the naive Tang Lin, Tang Yun, or the military commander-attributed Kylinia, there is no way to prevent Morningstar Casting from going to decline. The government and the rover technology unite Old-school military industrial enterprises such as China Sports, Yihe Industrial, and Ward Heavy Industries can slowly plan and divide up Tang Fang’s legacy into their possessions.

As for what will happen to the country and society, it is completely out of the scope of their consideration. Since you are a businessman, you have to look like a businessman, and profit is the ultimate pursuit of life. They believe that as long as they have wealth in their hands, the world is under their feet.

Under such psychological dominance, it is naturally easy to understand Komodo Sinan's motive for choosing to pull the Republican Party into the water after the government scandal broke out. Now that politicians like Adam Oliver and Tomlinson Daller who represent the interests of established military-industrial enterprises are trapped in the Republicans who represent the interests of Morningstar, don't even think about taking office.

As arms dealers, they do not have the feelings of politicians for the country and the people, and some are just greedy for wealth. They do not care about public opinion, do not want to benefit mankind, and do not pray for peace in the world.

Adam Oliver, members of the cabinet, and members of the Freedom and Republican parties in the parliament were caught off guard by the sudden changes. The plan finalized at the previous meeting became no longer applicable, even if Adam Oliver announced that he took the blame. After resigning, Republicans may not be able to win the next general election smoothly, in order to alleviate social conflicts and rebuild their old friendship with Morningstar.

Faced with this situation, after some discussion, Adam Oliver could only temporarily give up the idea of ​​resignation, and went to Komodo Shinan, Iga Hirohiko, and others to figure out that they did not take national interests into consideration. What exactly the unscrupulous businessman wants to do.

In order to create a sense of social tension, Kylenia has been holding her arms and refused to contact the representatives of the Liberty and Republican parties, and even journalists have been shut out. Unexpectedly, when she was slowly frying the Star League political situation, Komodo Sinan and others played a trick to draw salary, which completely disrupted her plan.

Just when she was thinking about whether to blow the air to the outside world so that the public had an expectation about the relationship between Morningstar Casting and the next Star Alliance government, another blockbuster was thrown out.

It is still a small media and published a report with strong subjective color on the Internet. From the perspective of patriots like Adam Oliver and Lu Yuankui, they described in detail their motives and considerations for betraying Tang Fang.

So people learned how the Anubis Legion helped the Deep Submersible fleet infiltrate the heart of the Star Alliance, inflicted a nuclear strike on Dortmund, causing a terrible massacre, and also learned about the commander of the Anubis Legion, Yixing As hostages, allied citizens threatened the Adam government to submit, abandon the covenant with Morningstar, and stabbed Captain Tang in the back.

In exchange, they will betray their former allies, help the Star Covenant government to eradicate the Deep Submersible fleet, and in turn threaten Kolkraf I to accept the request of the Star Covenant, end the disputes in the no-man’s land battlefield, and return the Tiantuk star system. Star Alliance.

Not only that, this report also told the people of the Star Alliance a secret that made the Star Alliance and the Sulu Empire and the Monya Empire guilty, and the fuse that detonated the battlefield in the no-man’s land was what Tang Fang played in the Somar auction. conspiracy. It can be said that he is the source of the turmoil and the beginning of the disaster. As long as he is in the Star Alliance, the people of the Star Alliance will suffer turmoil and suffering.

It was against this background that Adam Oliver, for the benefit of the country and the people, finally decided to accept the proposal of the Anubis Legion and abandon the so-called "ally" that brought endless suffering to the Star Alliance.

The author asked at the end of the article. "After knowing such a situation, my dear compatriots...Do you still think that the Adam government is despicable and unworthy of governance?"

The good news is a wave of unrest. The Republican Party has also participated in the current government’s betrayal against Tang. The riots caused by the news have not subsided. The motives behind their actions have set off an even greater social level. A wave of public opinion.

Many people feel at a loss, and the bit by bit revelation of the truth makes them feel fooled. The thoughts in my mind, the emotions in my heart... because of the constantly bursting news swayed.

They thought that the Adam government was sinful, greedy, and capricious, but the fact is that this sin, greed, and capriciousness is based on the premise of guarding, protecting the safety of the people and protecting the interests of the country.

For this kind of government and this kind of leaders, what kind of attitude do they need to examine and judge them?

Simple good and bad are no longer suitable, and simple good and evil cannot measure their character.

More and more people feel confused, and they have different thoughts, different moods, and different opinions.

At this moment, this small media revealed another piece of news. Adam Oliver had already decided to submit his resignation to Congress, and he might officially announce his intention in the near future.

The public opinion on Adam’s government is no longer consistent, and there is a huge tear.

At first, those who did not have a good impression of the Tang side became more convinced, believing that the Adam government did the right thing, and that everything Mr. President did was for the well-being of the people and the peace of the country. He was not wrong, not only not wrong, but very correct, and he has done a lot to the Star Alliance. Tang has just been a misfortune. Since he came to the Star Alliance, this originally peaceful and stable country has begun to go into turmoil.

Some people who abide by neutrality began to reconsider whether the decision to force the Adam government to step down was correct. They called on people to abandon their likes and dislikes, and to look at Adam? Oliver and others more rationally. They can use the public tou method to determine the current situation. The stay of the government.

The rest of the people stood firmly on Tang's position. They expressed their understanding of the difficulties of the Adam government, but in any case there was no way to accept the actions of those people. Captain Tang has done so many facts for this country, why should he bear the destiny of killing the donkey? This is not fair. He is a good person. Why can't he get a good reward, but he has to pay his life for it, because of the patriotism of those people, he must die? Can't you think of a different way, must do it like this?

Adam Oliver and others feel that they are standing on the righteousness of the country, not to mention Captain Tang, who is kind to the Star Alliance. What is the sin of those scientific researchers who are used as bait? They must be bait for possible death, and The soldiers of the Gambez Star System stationed in the Navy and the security personnel of the Naval Academy of Engineering ~ ~ they became a group of patriotic ghosts in such a daze. Is this fair? ! This is the life of Caosuga at all! A country cannot even protect its own people, but instead requires its people to sacrifice their lives to safeguard the country. How ironic, how sad, and how shame... Those on stage can today use the name of patriotism to abandon Captain Tang and sacrifice the Naval Engineering Institute. The scientific researchers and the many naval soldiers of China, can they give up more people tomorrow in the name of patriotism?

Don't talk about helplessness, don't talk about compulsion, this kind of helplessness and compulsion just show their incompetence, since they are a group of incompetent people, why bother to stay on stage.

Adam Oliver said that Tang Fang was the chief culprit in the social unrest of the Star Alliance. They only saw the negative impact. Why didn't they see the technological leap that Morningstar Casting would bring to the Star Alliance? The old people in the parliament always clamor for the inheritance of the Star Alliance spirit. What is the Star Alliance spirit? It is kindness, understanding, tolerance... But what they did to Tang Fang runs counter to the Star Alliance spirit they advocated.

What Tang Fang did in the Turanx United Kingdom and what he did in the Monya Empire fully demonstrated that he is the most powerful promoter and successor of the Star Alliance spirit. As for Adam Oliver, they are just a group of old farmers who just want to live a three-point life in front of them. They are a little aggressive but lack pioneering spirit.

Similar controversies continue to ferment in the major news media, portals, life forums, Facebook, Weibo and other fields. Not only did they show no signs of abating over time, they became more intense. People with different views began to sit in and show their subtleties in different neighborhoods of different cities, gradually turning into a parade, and then turning from a parade into confrontation and debate. Finally, because of the dramatic changes in the atmosphere and mood of the scene, even the police could not stop it. (To be continued.)