See female classmate sweetly smile to him, then wave a hand, "Schoolmaster adieu."

"Goodbye." Lu Xiaoxi raised his hand slightly, looking at the direction the girl left.

Jiang Shanshan's heart was drawn into a group, and her sadness was washed away in her heart.

I even forget whether I should go forward or leave.

"Shanshan?" Lu Xiaoxi surprised to see the dormitory downstairs Jiang Shanshan, it seems that did not expect her to appear here.

Hearing his voice of consternation, she was embarrassed and sad, with a hard smile, "brother Xi, what a coincidence."

She deliberately took it all as an accident.

I don't want him to mistake her for coming to him.

It's ridiculous to think about this kind of desire.

Lu Xiaoxi twisted his eyebrows, looked around and asked in a low voice, "Why are you here?"

Oh, I come to you.

"Return the book to a senior. I'll go first." Now learn and sell the girl's lines.

"Senior?" Lu Xiaoxi became interested, "which senior? The one I met in the infirmary last time? "

She turned her lips and did not deny it.

Lu Xiaoxi's face sank deeper, and said in a light voice, "if you need any books in the future, just come to me directly. Don't go to others to borrow them."


"Why?" Then you can borrow books from other schoolgirls.

She felt uncomfortable resentment in her heart.

"No why." He said in a low voice.

No, why

It's really overbearing.

She buried herself in a snigger and felt a little happy.

After all, he cares about himself.

Thinking of the sweet looking schoolgirl just now, she looked up curiously: "that schoolgirl is very familiar with you just now?"

"What do you say?" Lu Xiaoxi didn't understand what she meant.

"I think you are very familiar with each other. They still want to borrow books from you." She didn't have any.

My heart is sour.

"Yes, I lent her some books and just returned them to me. Do you want to read them?" He handed the book to her.

Jiang Shanshan was stunned and said, "everyone is different, and the books she likes are different. What she likes may not be what I like."

"What kind of tree do you like? I'll prepare it for you." His tone softened and he became very patient.

She blushed suddenly, looked at him and asked, "are you so friendly to every schoolgirl? You are a cold iceberg on weekdays, but you just have a good attitude towards that schoolgirl. You are very gentle. You are just like a different person on weekdays! "

Well, she's angry and jealous.

But in front of Lu Xiaoxi, she is always a good sister. She doesn't dare to say anything to her face. If she wants to complain, she has a euphemistic tone.

"You think too much." He looked at her and asked, "in fact, are you here for me?"

"Ah? No He thought that he had revealed his true feelings and denied immediately, "I said it all, come and return the book!"

"Yes? Then why are you still here? " Someone has a look through tone.

She blushed, guilty, had to whisper: "do you believe it or not."

"I've been very busy in the last two days, and I haven't contacted you. Aren't you angry with me?" He softened his tone.

Her face suddenly turned red and her heart beat faster. "No, how can I get angry? Besides, I'm also very busy..."

God, Jiang Shanshan, who is more right and wrong than you?

obviously you are very idle, idle about thinking about someone, and are angry with others.

At this moment, I don't care. I can pretend

"Yes? Isn't it busy now? " He suddenly close to her, eyes are also staring at her, do not give her half a chance to escape.

She felt uneasy, "OK..."

"Come on, take you to a place." Lu Xiaoxi suddenly took her hand.

The moment her hand was held by him, her heart suddenly trembled, and then it was like the numbness of electric current across her body.

God, she can't believe that Lu Xiaoxi will hold her hand even in her dream?

"Brother Xi, where are you taking me?" Along the way, he did not disclose any information. The more so, the more curious she was.

"It'll be there in a minute." The car stopped and he pulled her out.

"Where is this?" She looked at the flowers around her and said, "Wow, what a beautiful flower!"

All kinds of flowers form a beautiful flower field.

The breeze is blowing, and a fragrance is blowing on my face.

It's strange that this season is full of flowers.

What a rare sight.

"How did you find the beauty here?" Before she came to the school, she deliberately learned about the famous scenic spots and delicious food near the school, but she didn't know about this place.

"There is a certain distance from the school. Due to the remote location, few people come here to watch it. See, it is called lovers' Pavilion. It is a treasure place for lovers to date. Most of the people who come here are lovers.""This kind of romantic place, dating, not only romantic warm, no one disturb."

"Oh..." Listening to his introduction, she immediately asked curiously, "have you been here before?"

"Of course." He picked his eyebrows and couldn't hide his joy. "If I haven't been here, how can I know this place? Besides, don't forget, I'm your senior. I've been here for almost three years. Of course, I know more than you

She pursed her lips and said unhappily, "it's not the first time you've brought people here."

It made her happy in vain.

"Who says you have to bring people here?" He asked in a puzzled way.

"As you have said, this is the holy land of lovers' dating. You didn't come here for dating, but for what?" Her mouth was full of jealousy.

"It's just a beautiful view." He looked at her with a smile in his eyes.

She met his eyes, Rao is seriously asked: "brother Xi, do you have a girlfriend in the end?"

"Don't you think that's a stupid question?" He asked in a low voice.

"Stupid? I think it's normal... " Because she wanted to know if there was anyone he liked in his heart.

She found herself not brave at all.

I want to say the love in my heart, but I'm afraid of rejection and have no courage.

"Shanshan, I thought you knew." He looked at her and said, "I don't have a girlfriend."

No girlfriends

There was a surge of joy in her heart.

That means she still has a chance.

"Do you have anyone you like in your heart?" She did not give up to ask in the end.

A heart pounding, for fear that he said he had.

"Yes." He was really afraid of what came, and he quickly answered.

The answer is so simple, it must be the result of careful consideration?

She brightened up her eyes and suddenly fell down. The feeling of loss was beyond expression. "So you have someone you like..."

Lu Xiaoxi can't help laughing when she sees her loss. "Why, don't you want me to have someone I like?"

Of course not!

However, she still shook her head in duplicity. "No, I just think you all fall in love so fast. You and my brother have all found people they like, only me But there are also ivy and brother Yuanzhi who are single. I'm not the one who's single, hehe... "

She deliberately disguised her loss.

The more disguised the result is, the more obvious the flaw is.

Lu Xiaoxi seemed to see through her mind and asked her in turn, "what about you? Do you have anyone in your heart that you like?"

She blushed, probably because she was afraid that someone would find that the person she liked in her heart was him, so she continued to say, "no, I haven't met yet..."

"Haven't you met, or haven't you found your feelings?" All of a sudden he bent over to get closer.

The handsome face in front of her scared her back. She didn't notice the steps behind her and fell down

"Be careful!" Just when she thought that she was sure to break the back of her head, someone put his hand around her waist in time and put her whole body into his arms.

From the injury, she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "thank you, brother Xi..."

"What a silly girl!" He gently flicked her forehead, "in front of brother Xi, never tell the truth."

"Ah?" She thought for a moment, suddenly to vomit, "brother Xi, I did not lie to you, you believe me!"

"Really not?" He glared at her, "you can tell me the truth, no matter who it is, I can keep it secret for you."

Isn't this spying on her secret?

If she told him, he was the one she liked.

Will Lu Xiaoxi be so shocked that he won't talk to her anymore?

And he has said that he already has people he likes in his heart.

Isn't it embarrassing for her to say that again?

"I I didn't... "

"You don't like me?" He asked immediately.

She blushed and looked at his handsome face, too frightened to speak.

"It doesn't matter if I don't like it. I just like you." He said with a smile.


She was too stunned to come back.

I can't believe his saying that he likes her.

It's like a dream.

"Shanshan, the elders used to tease us. Every time you were shy, I was indifferent. In fact, after graduating from high school, I wanted to say this to you, but you didn't graduate at that time, so I waited until now." He held her face in his hands and said it seriously and emotionally.

Jiang Shanshan didn't expect that the person she liked also happened to like herself.

"In order to follow my steps, you have been challenging things that you can't do. Now, let me try to slow down and walk the future with you.""Brother Xi..." She pursed her lips and said bravely, "in fact, the person I always like is you."