Chapter 34

Outside the house.

The girl was standing by her bicycle.

The sunset shone down, and by chance a butterfly flew over, which landed on her head.

It was a perfectly beautiful scene.

Jiang Xu, who was just coming out of the house, saw it all.

After being stunned for a moment, he walked over and asked, “Did you have fun?”

“Yes, I did.” The girl replied with a sweet smile that was completely soothing.

“Brother Junyue, Sister Xiaoyuan, and Sister Xueer are all so nice.

The orchard is very big, the grapes are so sweet, and the apples are also very tasty…”

The usually quiet girl was chattering non-stop and acted lively.

Jiang Xu looked at her with a smile on his face and a touch of indulgence in his eyes.

“I only regret that you didn’t come.” An Nuonuo suddenly said:

“But it’s okay, they gave me lots of fruits.

Here, take half, just now I passed by your parents’ restaurant, so I brought some for them too.”

“You also got some for my parents?” Jiang Xu was somewhat surprised.

At the same time, he was a little touched.

“Yes, your parents have been so good to me, it’s the least I could do.”

As she finished speaking, the girl began to take out the fruits from the box.

Carrying them into the house.

After she came out, she held a bunch of washed grapes.

“Try them. They’re really sweet.”

Jiang Xu blinked and held up his hands. “Just went to the bathroom and didn’t get a chance to wash my hands. Can you feed them to me?”

“Ah…you…You should go wash your hands first,” responded An Nuonuo, somewhat embarrassed.

Jiang Xu was uttering complete nonsense with a straight face. “If you don’t eat the grapes within a minute of washing them, they will lose the taste. There’s no time left, hurry up, feed me.”

“Really?” The girl asked naively.

“Of course!” Jiang Xu insisted earnestly. “Would I, who stood first in the second grade of high school, lie to you?”


The girl, half-believingly, plucked a grape and placed it in Jiang Xu’s mouth.

Her hand was very delicate.

Even though years of work had made the skin a little rough, the shape was perfect.

Jiang Xu bit into it. “Mm, really sweet. Another one.”

An Nuonuo pouted ever so slightly.

She had come to her senses by now. What nonsense was ‘grapes will lose taste within a minute of being washed’.

A liar, hmph.

However, she still obediently fed Jiang Xu the entire bunch of grapes.

Afterwards, she wrinkled her little nose. “I’m leaving now, bad guy.”

As the girl turned around, her long hair fluttered in the air.

A faint scent of shampoo, mixed with her unique body fragrance, reached Jiang Xu’s nose.

It was the aroma of youthful hormones.

Jiang Xu shouted at her, “Tomorrow morning, at nine o’clock, I will come to see you.”

“Okay, see you tomorrow, Jiang Xu.”

“Call me brother.”

“No, I am going to call you Jiang Xu, lolololol.”

The girl stuck out her tongue at Jiang Xu, then got on her bicycle and rode away.

Jiang Xu chuckled.

Under his influence, An Nuonuo had become more and more lively.

She was gradually revealing her own radiance.

Just as Jiang Xu was about to turn to go into the house, his phone rang.

It was an unknown number.

He answered.

A feminine voice came from the other end, “Hello, this is Lin Nan. Is this An Ping?”

“Yes, it’s me, Miss Lin?” Jiang Xu was somewhat puzzled.

Why did she suddenly call him?

“I’m at the post office right now, can you come over? I’ve brought the contract for you.”

“What?” Jiang Xu was taken aback.

What was going on?

The editor-in-chief was personally delivering a contract?

Did he have such an influence already?

What Jiang Xu didn’t know, was that Lin Nan was very attached to her position as editor-in-chief.

So, taking advantage of this weekend, she had come over personally to deliver the contract.

The sooner the contract was finalized, the sooner she could set things in motion.

Once again, she made sure that Lin Nan wasn’t teasing.

Jiang Xu headed to the post office on his bike.

From a distance, he could see a fashionably dressed woman standing at the entrance of the post office.

She was probably about thirty.

She had crimson curled hair, exuding intelligence with a hint of sensuality.

It must be her.

Jiang Xu stopped and asked, “Miss Lin?”

“Yes, you must be Jiang Xu. You’re remarkably handsome,” Lin Nan’s eyes lit up.

Although she had seen Jiang Xu’s identity card, he was naturally more extraordinary in person.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Lin Nan took out the contract.

It was the same as the previous one, only the book title and price had changed.

Once Jiang Xu had reviewed it, he signed it.

Then, Lin Nan took out an envelope, “This is the remaining manuscript fee from your first book. It’s a bit over a thousand after deductions. Take a look.”

“Huh? I thought the manuscript fee wasn’t paid until next month?”

“Yes, but I figured you may need to spend more at your age, so I advanced it to you.”

Lin Nan then placed her entire hope on Jiang Xu.

She generously did anything that could improve his feelings for her.

Once Jiang Xu accepted the envelope, she was naturally happy.

“By the way, how many stockpile manuscripts do you presently have?” Lin Nan asked, “Because having more can indeed be advantegous.”

There was a rule within the Story Club.

That is, if a work performed well and updated quickly, it could recognize more content pages.

Jiang Xu was the fastest Lin Nan had seen.

Jiang Xu: “I currently have 34,000 words at hand. Once I have gathered over 50,000, I will send it to you at once.”

“Hiss! How many?!”

Lin Nan was startled.

This boy was so terrifying?

What sort of typing speed was this?

After affirming once more that Jiang Xu wasn’t joking, Lin Nan left with satisfaction.

Jiang Xu also took off.

Since Lin Nan was considerate, he decided to write more that night.

After he finished all his chores, it was roughly eight that night.

Jiang Xu turned on his computer and wrote another 6,000 words.

Up to 40,000 now.

He could probably crank out another ten thousand tomorrow.

Shutdown, sleep.

The next morning, he was awake by six.

At 6:40 am, he began typing again.

By 9:40 am, he had produced 6,000 words.

Jiang Xu stopped and went outside.

Rode to Nuonuo’s house, where she was already waiting.

Still dressed very simply.

However, the more Jiang Xu looked at her, the more he liked her.

With a “dragon tail wiggle”, he stopped in front of Nuonuo.

“Let’s go. Get on.”

“Where to?”

“Don’t ask. You’ll know when we get there.”


The young girl skillfully got on the back seat of Jiang Xu’s bike.

“Let’s go!”

Half an hour later, Jiang Xu stopped his bike outside a shopping mall.

“Are you buying something?” the girl asked.

“Yeah, I’m buying clothes for you.”

“Huh? Why do you want to buy clothes for me? No need.”

Nuonuo shook her head.

She wasn’t someone who could comfortably accept gifts without having done anything in return.

Benevolent without merit.

“Silly girl, did you forget about helping me sell those clothes?” Jiang Xu pinched her face:

“I didn’t give you any compensation yet. Now I’ll buy you clothes as payment.”

“There’s no need, it was just a friendly favor.”

“When picking up goods, your dad helped bargain for me, which is equivalent to my extra earnings. This is my way of paying it back.”

“There’s really no…”

As Nuonuo continued to speak, her voice gradually weakened.

Because her deskmate’s eyes gradually became ‘fierce’…