Chapter 272 - Chapter 272: Chapter 272 An Nuonuo: You are my ideal 1

Chapter 272: Chapter 272 An Nuonuo: You are my ideal 1

Translator: 549690339      y —

They arranged to meet with the representatives of prestigious schools in a restaurant.

Jiang Xu booked the entire second floor.

Jiang Xu and An Nuonuo separately met with the representatives of the prestigious schools in individual rooms.

The first ones they met were the representatives from the top university. They had previously offered them 600,000 on the phone.

But now that the top university was facing so much competition, they directly increased the scholarship to 800,000.

In that era, a scholarship of 800,000 was quite generous.

They were clearly very sincere in their bid to win over Jiang Xu.

Actually, they were not just competing for Jiang Xu, but also for An Nuonuo.

The prospect of the top university securing both national winners would be a huge boon for the school.

Jiang Xu listened to their offer with a smile on his face.

He didn’t agree right away, he just said he would think about it.

Then came the representative of the second-ranked university.

Because they had been outperformed by the top university for quite some time, they were desperate to recruit top students and hoped they could overturn the situation in the next school ranking.

So in addition to the usual benefits, they upped the scholarship to 850,000. Well, that’s the treatment a top-ranked student received.

Other students, even if they were willing to crawl on their knees, if their scores weren t high enough, they had no chance of being accepted.

But for Jiang Xu, not only were they eager to offer him a place, but they were also willing to spend significant resources to do so.

Jiang Xu again said he would consider.

After meeting with various representatives, finally it was the turn of the representative from Magic University. The representative started with a stream of endless compliments, and then came the earnest enticement,

“If Jiang is willing to join us at Magic University, we will surely not let you down.

The tuition fee for the entire four years and the cost of meals at the dining hall would all be waived.

You could have a single dorm room, plus a scholarship of one million.

In addition, if you were to set up a business in the future,

as long as the success rate of the project is not too low, following school approval, you could receive an interest-free loan of up to 100 million, with a duration of three years.”

“Well then, I will choose Magic University,” replied Jiang Xu with a smile.

Magic University had always been his goal.

With such good conditions, there was no reason to turn them down.

The possibility of receiving an interest-free loan of up to 100 million was particularly attractive to him.

In the room next door, An Nuonuo was also in conversation with another representative from Magic University.

The offer was exactly the same as the one given to Jiang Xu.

After listening, An Nuonuo didn’t respond immediately.

Instead, she suddenly said, “Brother Jiang and I are a couple.”

“Ah?” The representative was momentarily shocked, then ecstatic.

If they could recruit both of them, wouldn’t that be a great thing?

“So…” An Nuonuo continued, “If I go to Magic University, I hope the limit of interest-free loan can be increased by 50 million.”

She herself had no intention of starting a business.

But she knew Jiang Xu would need it.

All these concessions, she was demanding for Jiang Xu’s future benefit.

It had to be said, this two-way charge of love was really enviable.

“That…” the representative hesitated before saying, “I need to check on that. Please wait a moment.”

He got up and made a phone call.

Before long, he returned with a smile, “Yes.”

Alright.” A smile appeared on An Nuonuo’s face, “Then, I’ll go to Magic


Half an hour later, Jiang Xu and An Nuonuo left the restaurant.

All the university representatives also departed.

“You chose the top university, right?” Jiang Xu asked An Nuonuo.

“Magic University,” An Nuonuo looked at Jiang Xu, her eyes as radiant as the stars. “I want to be with you; I don’t want to be separated from you.”

Having spent so much time together, An Nuonuo could no longer do without Jiang Xu.

Sometimes at night, as she lay in bed,

she would imagine a scenario where she and Jiang Xu were far apart from each other.

Just the thought of it caused her heart to ache.

“What?” Jiang Xu was taken aback, “Haven’t you always wanted to go to the top university?”

“I don’t want you to abandon your own ideals for me.”

Whispering yet assertively, An Nuonuo responded, “You are my ideal.”

Hearing these words, Jiang Xu’s heart almost melted.

Even for a trillion dollars, he wouldn’t trade such a great girl.

He didn’t care that there were people everywhere in the streets.

He immediately pulled the girl into his arms.

He held her as tightly as he could.

Although An Nuonuo had difficulty breathing, she refused to push Jiang Xu away.

She too, held on to him tightly.

That moment seemed to have become eternal.

The pedestrians passing by had become merely part of the background.

“Heh, so you’re not up to it either.”

In a certain hotel.

Leaning against the doorframe, Li Yuanjuan looked at An Feng from the corner of her eye.

Current condition of An Feng, his eyes were sunken, soulless, lips were pale.

One hand was on his waist, the other holding onto a wall, his legs trembling as he tried to walk out.

His gait was shaky, just like an old man’s.

In contrast, Li Yuanjuan was glowing, her skin seemed to be shining.

Last night, it could be said that Li Yuanjuan was ‘shopping for revenge’.

She caught An Feng, this fat lamb, just to fleece him.

The result was.

Obviously, she fleeced the lamb right down to his skin.

Hearing what Li Yuanjuan said, An Feng trembled with rage.

You really don’t know the pain until you’ve done it yourself.

Do you understand what I went through last night?


I was up all night.

Do you know how big a hit that is to a middle-aged man?

Seeing An Feng in such a ‘miserable’ situation, Li Yuanjuan laughed heartily.

Finally, she felt a slight sense of revenge.

With a cold snort.

She returned to her room, picked up her bag, and left.

As she passed An Feng, she snorted with laughter, “Take it easy, Mr. An.”

An Feng:”!!!”

Night fell.

Every now and then, the sound of insects chirping could be heard outside.

In a summer night, it felt very refreshing if there was a breeze.

Jiang Xu and An Nuonuo started a barbecue session in the backyard.

Opening the mobile acrylic board could keep mosquitoes away.

Jiang Xu lay on a wicker chair, leisurely drinking iced cola.

An Nuonuo was busy barbecuing.

When it came to cooking, An Nuonuo was much better than Jiang Xu.

“Ah, open your mouth, brother.”

An Nuonuo was squatting next to Jiang Xu.

In her hand, a freshly roasted chicken wing.

Jiang Xu opened his mouth and took a bite, “Hmm, Nuonuo your food is really

tasty, oops, got it wrong, this chicken wing you cooked is really tasty.”

An Nuonuo knew he was doing it on purpose, but she didn’t get mad.

A bright smile adorned her face.

The barbecue lasted until after ten o’clock before wrapping up.

After picking up, both of them freshened up.

Jiang Xu put his arm around An Nuonuo’s shoulder, “Nuonuo, I’m scared of the

dark. Tonight, can you protect me…”

Last time he got drunk, he couldn’t defend himself.

But this time, heh heh heh.

I thought about going all in.

An Nuonuo opened her mouth.

Before she could respond, Jiang Xu’s phone started ringing….