Chapter 294 - Chapter 294: Chapter 294 Who Taught You to Do This?_l

Chapter 294: Chapter 294 Who Taught You to Do This?_l

Translator: 549690339

Jiang Xu went to open the door.

He saw Jiang Xiaoyan standing cutely outside.

She was wearing a rather thin-looking nightgown.

Under the light, it was even possible to vaguely see what was inside the nightgown…

Jiang Xu asked with great surprise, “How come you’re here? Outsiders aren’t allowed in here.”

Jiang Xiaoyan said giggling, “Isn’t it possible that your teacher also lives here?”

“Uh…” Jiang Xu hadn’t thought of that.

He saw that Jiang Xiaoyan’s hands were empty, “Aren’t you delivering food? Where is it?”

He had just eaten some bread earlier, and now he was hungry.

Jiang Xiaoyan blinked, “What do you think?”

Jiang Xu understood.

She must be referring to herself as the meal.

Jiang Xiaoyan said with a smiling face, “So, surprised or not, unexpected or not?”

Jiang Xu shook his head, “Tsk, tsk.”

“Alright, I’ll stop teasing you.” Jiang Xiaoyan bent down and picked up a bag from beside the door, “I really did bring you supper.”

Only then did Jiang Xu relax and let her in.

Jiang Xiaoyan put the things on the table.

She had bought barbecue and drinks.

After laying everything out, she began to run back and forth in place.

Jiang Xu was confused, “What are you doing now?”

Jiang Xiaoyan replied, “I’m warming up the food for you.”

Jiang Xu exclaimed, “Scram!”

This woman would hit the road at the drop of a hat.

She didn’t care if other people could handle it or not.

Jiang Xiaoyan stopped, pouted her mouth, “You have no sense of humor.”

The two sat facing each other.

Jiang Xu buried his head and wolfed down the food.

He really was starving today.

After a few skewers of lamb kidneys, Jiang Xu finally found the opportunity to ask Jiang Xiaoyan what she was doing here.

“I wanted to borrow some money from you, I’m not sure if it’s convenient…” Jiang Xiaoyan said a bit embarrassingly.

Jiang Xu clicked his tongue in wonder.

It was the first time he had seen Jiang Xiaoyan look embarrassed and somewhat awkward.

Borrowing money at this time was most likely for her family’s company affairs.

Without any hesitation, he asked, “How much do you need?”

Jiang Xiaoyan asked tentatively, “Two hundred million… do you have that much?”

After saying it, even she felt it was a bit ridiculous.

After all, it wasn’t a small amount.

Even the closest of kin might not lend that much.

Jiang Xu only had a little over one hundred million in cash on hand.

He would have to take some from the company accounts first.

Jiang Xu nodded, “Okay, send me your card number, and I’ll transfer it to you in the morning.”

“Really?” Jiang Xiaoyan looked at Jiang Xu incredulously.

When she saw Jiang Xu’s confirmation, her eyes immediately turned red.

She had actually been through a lot recently.

She had seen the true nature of many people.

Those relatives and friends who used to flatter her family were now all avoiding them.

Yet here was Jiang Xu, with no blood relation to her, willing to lend her such a large sum of money at a critical moment.

She wiped her tears vigorously, “Thank you. This little woman has nothing to repay you with but my body…”

As she spoke, she began to lift her top.

Jiang Xu said indifferently, “If you dare to strip, you won’t get the money.

Think it through.”

Jiang Xiaoyan froze, her tone became grievous, “Why are you so timid?

Your girlfriend isn’t even here, what’s wrong with cheating just once?

Which successful man doesn’t have a bunch of female confidantes? Could it be…”

She looked Jiang Xu up and down, “An Nuonuo is asking for too much, causing you to be stretched thin?

No worries, I don’t ask for much; just give me a little bit.”

“Scram, scram, scram.” Jiang Xu rolled his eyes hard, “You’re talking nonsense.

It’s late, hurry back and get some rest.”

“Stupid man, hmph.” Jiang Xiaoyan stood up.

When she reached the door, she stopped and said to Jiang Xu, “Are you sure you don’t want it? It’s free.”

Jiang Xu replied, “Please leave, no thanks.”

Jiang Xiaoyan said, “I think you’ve vented too much.”

Jiang Xu said nothing.

Time to wash up and go to sleep.

The next morning, Jiang Xu had An Nuonuo transfer another hundred million to him.

An Nuonuo didn’t ask a single question and just transferred the money over.

A girlfriend like this can’t be found even if you were searching with a lantern.

Or even holding the sun, for that matter.

For users like An Nuonuo, who control a large cash flow like Jiang Xu,

Banks provide super VIP services for them.

Even for funds exceeding hundreds of millions, as long as there is nothing unusual, it arrives very quickly.

Afterwards, Jiang Xu transferred two billion to Jiang Xiaoyan’s account.

Then, Jiang Xiaoyan sent him a set of her swimsuit photos.

Jiang Xu was speechless.

After looking at them, he deleted them.

After washing up, he bought a few buns at the cafeteria, eating while chatting with An Nuonuo.

She won’t be back for another couple of days.

The promotional video and posters have been done.

She is now accompanying Zhou Qingyue on a shoot.

Sometimes Jiang Xu finds it quite miraculous.

Two rivals could get along so well.

All of this owes thanks to An Nuonuo.

Only someone as kind-hearted as her could achieve this.

The second day after parting with his Nuonuo baby, he missed her.


He attended classes normally in the morning.

In the afternoon, without classes, Jiang Xu stayed in his independent dormitory.

He dug into the development of the Nuomimi Novel mobile APP until after two in the morning.

Now, further enhancements were needed.

Due to limitations of phone performance,

the APP they developed had to be small enough to ensure smooth operation.

Jiang Xu only kept the most basic reading function.

The rest, he had no immediate plans to add.

However, for the sake of user experience, it needed to be optimized over and over again.

He kept busy until after eight in the evening before he finally stopped.

At last, he had completed it.

The app itself was very simple.

It was only because Jiang Xu aimed for perfection that he spent so much time and effort polishing it.

He had already thought of a promotion strategy.

That was to get in touch with Wang Zhang. The phones coming off the factory line would have Nuomimi Novel pre-installed.

Give it a few years, and having a pre-installed app in a phone would cost at least three to five yuan, or even more.

But now it was cheap.

Because such things had not yet become widespread.

Plus, Jiang Xu was a shareholder in the company.

He figured a few cents would likely suffice.

He sent the APP to Lin Nan.

Asked her to apply for its launch.

He got up, stretched lazily.

Took his keys and went downstairs.

Walking while calling An Nuonuo, “My treasure, have you eaten?”

“I have, Brother Xu, have you eaten?”

“I’m so lost in thoughts of you, I’ve lost my appetite.”

“You have to eat, otherwise I’ll be worried.”

The sweet nothings exchanged by a young couple might seem mushy to others.

But the people involved find it extremely sweet.

Jiang Xu went to the cafeteria to get some food while continuing to talk with An Nuonuo on the phone.

After finishing his meal, he ended the call.

An Nuonuo would be back the day after tomorrow.

At last, he could end the agony of separation.

The night at Magic University was brightly lit.

Many students were either reading in pavilions and on lawns or inside libraries and classrooms.

A cool breeze blew, and Jiang Xu tasted the flavor of youth.

It was indeed a wonderful era.

While he was feeling sentimental, his phone rang.

It was Fu Yanjie calling.

“Jiang Xu, it’s bad, something terrible happened!”