Chapter 297 - Chapter 297: Chapter 297 Jiang Xu: It’s Really a Question from a Friend_l

Chapter 297: Chapter 297 Jiang Xu: It’s Really a Question from a Friend_l

Translator: 549690339

As the voice faded, the lights in the living room came on.

But not all of them, just two, casting a somewhat dim glow.

Jiang Xu’s gaze sharpened.

He saw An Nuonuo wearing a Hanfu at that moment.

She smiled sweetly at Jiang Xu and then started to move gracefully.

The girl’s palms lightly lifted as her skirt fluttered, dancing beautifully to the classical steps.

Her slender figure twisted lithely, her long legs rotating flexibly, with a dance so elegant and captivating.

The snow-white neckline emitted a faint fragrance.

Coupled with her exquisite hairstyle and heartwarming smile, she looked like a gorgeous angel.

Jiang Xu’s eyes were deeply drawn to her dancing.

His entire being was immersed in her beauty and elegance.

At that moment, Jiang Xu felt as if time had stopped.

God knows how long passed before An Nuonuo stopped, dabbing the fine sweat from her forehead.

She looked at Jiang Xu with eager eyes, “Brother Xu, did you like it?”

“Beautiful,” Jiang Xu nodded subconsciously.

Then he asked curiously, “When did you learn classical dance?”

An Nuonuo had never known this before.

“While I was on a business trip, I learned it from Zhou. I thought I’d learn a bit so I could dance for you when you get bored, Brother Xu.”

Jiang Xu was so moved he didn’t know what to say.

Such a good girl really was rare.

Even though Jiang Xu had paid a lot today,

But for An Nuonuo’s words alone, Jiang Xu felt that no matter how hard it was, he needed to give a little more to her.

The next day.

The sun was high in the sky by the time Jiang Xu got up.

It was Saturday, so it didn’t matter.

An Nuonuo was no longer by his side, most likely gone to cook.

Jiang Xu rose and went to the bathroom.

He got a shock when he looked in the mirror.


Such huge dark circles under his eyes.

His skin was terrible too.

It gave the impression his body was hollowed out.

Indeed, it felt like it was.

A beautiful girlfriend sure could wear a man out.

This can’t go on like this!

Jiang Xu thought in his heart.

He had to control himself a bit.

At least one week… no, five days… forget it, three days is good enough. Three days should be about right.

After quickly brushing his teeth and washing his face,

Jiang Xu turned on the computer.

He glanced toward the door.

An Nuonuo wasn’t there.

He quickly opened Baidu.

In the search box he typed: How can a man replenish quickly (without side effects).

The page refreshed, presenting a bunch of options.

Jiang Xu read carefully.

The best and without side effects would be food supplements.

Jiang Xu silently pulled out his phone and took pictures of the various ingredients and recipes.

After thinking for a moment, he called Zhang Ting.

“Hey, Sister Ting, good morning. Have you eaten?”

Zhang Ting laughed, “I ate early, working now. What’s up?”

“Ahem, it’s like this,” Jiang Xu cleared his throat strategically and then asked, “It’s just… I have a friend who recently… has been expending quite a bit… you know what I mean.

And then he heard about our ‘Male Treasure’ product, and wanted to know, is it developed yet?”

“Your friend?” Zhang Ting asked in confusion: “Isn’t he just nineteen, not even twenty yet, and already… can’t perform?”

“No, it’s not like he can’t,” Jiang Xu’s face darkened: “He just wants to try out the effects.

I… my friend, he likes to give a lot.”

Zhang Ting understood.

This so-called ‘my friend’ was almost certainly Jiang Xu himself.

This kind of talk wasn’t new to her.

She had last heard it from her father.

He had hemmed and hawed about a friend needing it, and whether the product development was completed.

Men, huh.

As her mind wandered through a medley of thoughts, Zhang Ting said, “We’re now in the third phase of clinical trials, and it’s almost over.

There’s just one more phase left. If there are no problems, it can go on the market, but that’s still a few months away.”

Jiang Xu started to feel disappointed.

A few more months meant he would just have to restrain himself some more. He said, “Alright then, looks like my ‘friend’ will have to wait a bit longer.” Zhang Ting almost burst out laughing.

Just before ending the call, she added one more thing, “Tell your ‘friend’ that even young people need to exercise restraint.”

Jiang Xu: ‘Til pass on the message.”

After the call ended, Jiang Xu first deleted his browsing history.

He wanted to maintain his innocence in the eyes of the world.

Then he headed to the dining room.

An Nuonuo had already prepared a lavish feast.

At one glance, it was clear that all the dishes were very nutritious.

Things like red date and goji berry chicken soup, roasted lamb kidneys, and so on.

Jiang Xu felt like his dignity had been offended.

An Nuonuo, you’re looking down on me, aren’t you?

If that’s the case, then I’ll just have to finish all of this.

Jiang Xu sat down and began to eat vigorously.

An Nuonuo tenderly served him food and refilled his soup on the side.

About seventy to eighty percent of the food ended up in Jiang Xu’s stomach.

After eating his fill, Jiang Xu reclined in his chair.

He rubbed his slightly bulging belly.

His body felt warm, and the fatigue quickly dissipated.

Youth is truly wonderful.

It wouldn’t take him long to recover.

At that moment, Fu Yanjie called.

“Jiang Xu, I’ve got some good news. Yuanyuan and I have both met each other’s parents.

There’s an auspicious day just three days from now, so we’ll have an engagement ceremony.

In a month’s time, we’ll hold the wedding.

As for the marriage certificate, it will take a few years to get.

But my parents have already provided Yuanyuan with a substantial material foundation.”

Jiang Xu was on speakerphone, so An Nuonuo could hear as well.

She warned Fu Yanjie, “Yuanyuan is a good girl. If you bully her, I’ll have

Brother Xu bully you.”

Fu Yanjie laughed, “Don’t worry, it’s her who bullies me.”

Jiang Xu said, “Right, I’ll offer you my congratulations then. I’ll ask for leave on your behalf from the school.”

After ending the call with Fu Yanjie, just a few minutes went by before Lin Nan called.

“Boss, there’s hardly any money left in the company account. You need to figure something out.”

“Huh?” Jiang Xu’s gaze sharpened. “What’s going on? I remember the company account should still have tens of millions, right?”

“Tens of millions won’t last long,” Lin Nan said, somewhat helplessly. “You withdrew a large sum a while back.

Now, there are more and more investors and big companies entering the novel sector.

To maintain our market share, we must advertise.

Plus, the comic business needs quite a bit of money for early publicity as well.”

Jiang Xu massaged his forehead.

Lately, he hadn’t been as involved with the company.

It seemed that earning money was still the priority.

“I know, don’t worry about the money, I’ll take care of it.”

After he hung up the phone, Jiang Xu’s mind was flooded with various thoughts.

If the company needed money urgently, they’d have to sell a building.

That building he had rebuilt could be put up for sale.

Although the property prices hadn’t peaked yet, selling now wouldn’t be a loss. A month ago, that self-constructed thirty-story building might have been worth about fifty million.

But now, it could probably fetch seventy to eighty million.

Jiang Xu made a call, instructing his subordinates to handle the sale.

Next, there was another matter to attend to..