Chapter 311 - Chapter 311: Chapter 311: You Just Wait and Collect the

Chapter 311: Chapter 311: You Just Wait and Collect the

Green Corpse Cold_l

Translator: 549690339

Jiang Xu refreshed the backend and discovered that the number of downloads had suddenly increased by two to three hundred.

A few seconds later, after another refresh, it went up by several hundred more.

He realized that something wasn’t quite right.

After ten minutes, the total number of downloads in the backend had reached

over twenty thousand.

He was somewhat baffled, so he called the product manager to ask what had happened.

Logically speaking, even if he had gone to talk to internet cafe owners all over the country, it wouldn’t have been this effective so quickly.

The product manager was also cluelessly puzzled and didn’t know what had happened,

but said he would immediately investigate.


Jiang Xu didn’t have to wait long.

About half an hour later, the product manager sent a link to Jiang Xu’s Oft

When he clicked in, Jiang Xu immediately laughed.

Today, a major game company released a new game.

They placed a high level of importance on this game, investing as much as five hundred million yuan in advertising.

Advertisements were omnipresent online.

However, a highly dramatic scene unfolded.

When users clicked on the advertised link, they found that the pop-up download interface was for League of Legends.

Immediately, Jiang Xu thought of one person.

He quickly made a phone call.

“Xiao Xuzi, what do you want with me?”

Jiang Xu, “Was it you who did this?”

“What are you talking about? I don’t understand,” Jiang Xiaoyan feigned ignorance.

Jiang Xu chuckled, “Among the people I know, only you have the capability and motivation to do something like this.

“Hehe, you’re quite clever,” Jiang Xiaoyan spoke cheerfully, “Oh, it’s just that I

saw you released a new game.

And it didn’t seem to be getting much attention, so I just gave you a little help.

How about it, are you not very thankful to me?

Jiang Xu indeed felt very grateful to Jiang Xiaoyan for what she had done.

After all, with this stunt, the game’s popularity had directly broken out of its niche.

Now the major news media were reporting on this event.

The impact it had created was much more significant than simply pouring hundreds of millions into it.

However, Jiang Xu still expressed some concern, “If you’re found out, you

would have to pay a lot of money.”

“Who’s going to find out?” Jiang Xiaoyan said casually, “My skills may not be unmatched in the world, but few people can crack them.

I did it very covertly; no one will know.

Plus, let me tell you a secret-I have taken on an incredibly talented hacker as a sister.

Her skills rank in the top three in the world.

With that sister backing me up, there’s no need to panic at all.

Instead, it’s you who should be worried; that gaming giant will be coming for you soon.

Start thinking about how you’re going to deal with it.”

Jiang Xu laughed, “What’s there to worry about? At worst, I’ll just receive a

lawyer’s letter.”

Jiang Xu was not afraid at all.

He hadn’t done anything in this matter.

Even if the other party filed a complaint, it would just be an argument that eventually fizzles out.

As for the undeserved loss the game giant endured,

Jiang Xu could only say to them: Buddy, it’s your destiny to face this ordeal.

After about an hour, the downloads for League of Legends had broken through

a hundred thousand.

The problem with the link had already been resolved.

But now, the game had made a bit of a splash out of its circle.

Causing many onlookers to download it out of curiosity.

This really was the so-called unexpected fortune raining down on your head.

Closing his laptop,

Jiang Xu noticed that An Nuonuo was still chatting with Zhou Qingyue.

I don’t even know what they’re talking about, but it can last for one or two hours.

After listening for a while, Jiang Xu was speechless.

It was all about gossip in the entertainment industry.

And An Nuonuo’s eyes were sparkling, as she listened with intense focus.

It seems that whether it’s a three-year-old toddler or a ninety-nine-year-old elder, when it comes to gossip, nobody can resist.

Watching the two of them, there was no sign they intended to stop. Eventually, Jiang Xu couldn’t help saying, “That’s enough, Nuonuo, let’s go home, we shouldn’t disturb others rest.

“Why go back so early?” Zhou Qingyue held An Nuonuo’s hand, looking dissatisfiedly at Jiang Xu, “She and I are having such a good chat.” Jiang Xu chuckled, “You single dog, of course, you wouldn’t understand what Nuonuo and I are going to do when we get back.”

Zhou Qingyue felt like she’d just been hit with a million critical hits.

She harbored a teeth-itching hatred for Jiang Xu.

An Nuonuo still primarily took Jiang Xu’s opinion into consideration.

Since he had already spoken, she could only get up and say to Zhou Qingyue,

“Then I’ll be leaving first, Zhou, you should rest early.”

Zhou Qingyue was tearfully humorous, “No love, no love, you guys go, don’t

mind me.”

Suddenly An Nuonuo felt a bit guilty.

Only Jiang Xu could tell that this woman was just pretending to be pitiful.

Without another word, he picked up An Nuonuo in his arms.

Amidst her startled cries, they left the hospital room.

Zhou Qingyue watched enviously at this scene.

She thought to herself, when will I get to be hugged and lifted high by Jiang


Once back home, Liu Dahai sent over a document to Jiang Xu through Q.Q.-

It was concerning the Huang Family.

Jiang Xu waited until An Nuonuo went to take a shower before he opened this document and started reading it carefully.

He didn’t plan to let An Nuonuo know about the matter of dealing with the Huang Family.

He could handle it himself.

After spending some time going through the content, Jiang Xu deleted the document.

The next day, Jiang Xu received a legal notice from that grievance-gamer factory.

To this, Jiang Xu simply smiled it off.

This matter could be handed over to the company’s legal department to quibble with the other party.

The eventual result would likely come to nothing.

Five days later, Zhou Qingyue was discharged from the hospital.

After inviting Jiang Xu and An Nuonuo for a meal, she immediately threw herself back into work.

Today is Friday.

In the afternoon, the class instructor came to the class and announced something.

“Students, I have an important announcement to make.

Our school is planning to select one male and one female to serve as the school’s ambassadors, representing the face of the school.

Those interested can come to me to sign up, I don’t need to elaborate on the benefits.

If there are no errors during the term, next time Magic City needs to replace its city ambassador, the school will also prioritize reporting them.”

As soon as the words were spoken, there was buzzing discussion among the classmates.

Jiang Xu and An Nuonuo looked at each other and said in unison, “Sign up!” Becoming the ambassador of Magic University.

As long as you don’t goof up, the benefits are obvious.

The two of them were already the national top scholars, giving them an inherent advantage.

For an activity that could add a buff to their golden profile, Jiang Xu and An Nuonuo had no reason not to participate.

So they were the first ones to sign up.

Some other classmates had initially wanted to sign up.

But seeing that these two had already done so, they immediately gave up. The third one to sign up was Huang Xiaofei.

He gave Jiang Xu a shy smile, “I’m just signing up casually, I’m definitely no match for Jiang.”