Chapter 326 - Chapter 326: Chapter 326 I’ll Gladly Take This Opportunity to Show Off in Front of Everyone_l

Chapter 326: Chapter 326 I’ll Gladly Take This Opportunity to Show Off in Front of Everyone_l

Translator: 549690339

An Nuonuo, on the other hand, didn’t think as much as Jiang Xu did.

For her, the remarriage of her parents was already a great joy.

Tears were swirling in her eyes.

Jiang Xu used his clothing to help her wipe away the tears, “Why cry? This is a joyful day.”

“Yes, I’m just happy,” An Nuonuo sniffed.

Then her gaze fell on the baby that An Feng was cradling in his arms.


“Is this my baby brother?”

“Yes, this is your brother An Ping.”

Jiang Xu’s mouth twitched slightly.

Every time he heard this name, he felt a generation younger than An Nuonuo.

“So cute,” An Nuonuo’s eyes glittered with tiny stars.

She wanted to touch him.

But she was also afraid of disturbing his rest.

An Feng smiled and said, “Let’s sit down and eat first. The kid just fell asleep, and when he wakes up later, we’ll let you, his sister, hold him properly.” “Mmm-hmm!” An Nuonuo nodded vigorously.

“Today is a special day, uncles and aunts, let’s not return home until we’re drunk.”

Jiang Xu opened two bottles of red wine in succession, pouring each glass to the brim for the three of them.

He was also very happy.

Compared to An Feng and Zhang Xiaohui, it was still better with the original partner.

And in the future, he did not want to call Zhang Xiaohui mother-in-law.

The current outcome was perfect.

Um, the world where only Zhang Xiaohui got hurt was achieved.

Only now were they truly a family.

On such a joyful day, An Nuonuo also drank an entire glass of red wine.

When the meal was nearly finished, An Ping woke up.

An Nuonuo ran over and carefully lifted the child into her arms.

The little fellow was very cute, with big eyes, very charming.

After being lifted by An Nuonuo, he let out bursts of giggles.

“It’s really strange,” An Feng marveled, “This little guy cries loudly every time a stranger holds him.

I didn’t expect him to be so well-behaved the first time his sister held him.

Blood relations are indeed miraculous.”

An Nuonuo was also very delighted with this little brother.

She couldn’t bear to let go.

The tenderness in her eyes was almost overflowing.

Jiang Xu thought to himself, she must really like children.

He was getting somewhat impatient.

If they stuck to the original plan, they would have to wait another three years or more before they could marry and have children.

Even then, they would only be twenty-two or twenty-three years old.

Jiang Xu pondered.

Why not wait until he had dealt with the Huang Family and had solved the difficult issues of the mobile phone chips and the operating system? Once a solid foundation was laid, he could then marry An Nuonuo.

There was no rush for an official marriage certificate.

They could get engaged first and have the wedding banquet.

Once An Nuonuo had a status, they could have children.

“What are you daydreaming about, lad? Come on, have another drink,” An Feng said, patting Jiang Xu’s shoulder and refilling his glass.

Jiang Xu snapped back to reality and continued to drink with An Feng.

That evening, Jiang Xu drank a lot.

In the end, he was carried back home in a daze.

He fell onto the bed and slept.

An Nuonuo locked the doors and windows to prevent the wind from coming in and causing Jiang Xu to catch a cold.

Then she helped him take off his shoes.

She carefully wiped his face and body with a warm towel.

It took her the better part of an hour to get everything done.

After tucking Jiang Xu in with a blanket, she finally had a moment to wipe the sweat from her forehead.

Looking at the sleeping Jiang Xu, she revealed a happy smile.

The next day, around ten in the morning, Jiang Xu finally woke up.

He felt as if his head would split open.

He really drank too much the previous day.

He and An Feng had opened ten bottles of red wine.

Each of them finish five bottles.


“You’re awake, Brother Xu,” An Nuonuo, wearing an apron, said as she entered with a bowl of soup.

She placed the soup on the bedside table and then helped Jiang Xu sit up,

“Drink some sour plum soup first. It’ll help sober you up.”

Jiang Xu shook his head slightly.

He picked up the sour plum soup and finished it in a few gulps.

An Nuonuo gently massaged his temples and whispered, “Please don’t drink so much next time, okay?”

If it were a girl with a bit of a temper, seeing her boyfriend drunk as a skunk, she would definitely curse, “If you drink this much again, I’ll kill you.” If the boyfriend also had a bad temper, a fight would break out right then and there.

But someone like An Nuonuo simply couldn’t start a quarrel.

She would even feel that it was her own fault.

That’s exactly how Jiang Xu felt now.

He pulled An Nuonuo into his arms from behind, resting his head on her chest, “Mm-hmm, I promise you, I’ll drink less.

We can drink a little more at our wedding and during the baby’s full month celebration.”

The corners of the young girl’s mouth turned up slightly, “I don’t want to marry you at all, you big bully, always picking on me every day.”

Jiang Xu, “Your body already bears my mark. This life, the next life, and the life after that, you can only be with me.”

An Nuonuo let out a soft moan.

This slightly domineering proclamation made her go weak all over.

So she did something rare for her—she took the initiative…

Jiang Xu lay down.

He thought how tiring it was to ride a bicycle every time.

Occasionally riding an electric motorcycle felt pretty good, too.

Time quickly advanced to December loth.

Jiang Xu took a trip to the chip factory and also called Wang Zhang over.

After so much investment before and after, the first mobile phone chip was finally successfully produced.

Outside the factory, Jiang Xu waited for Wang Zhang to arrive before they went in together.

Wang Zhang, dressed in a low-key manner, was excitedly rubbing his hands, “Did we really make a mobile phone chip that’s entirely our own?”

“Of course,” Jiang Xu nodded, “But don’t expect too much in terms of performance, it’s only 48 nanometers.”

The outside world had already produced 32 nanometers.

Wang Zhang said indifferently, “It’s okay, 48 nanometers is already awesome.

If the performance is decent, we’ll adopt it directly for our next phone model.” This showed that Old Wang was a businessman with a sense of national pride as well.

Jiang Xu remembered that in his past life, when the domestic operating system HM was launched,

only Mei Zhu, among the domestic mobile phone brands, unreservedly released a congratulatory message.

Just this was admirable.

Perhaps the only thing that could be criticized about Mei Zhu was that later on, due to operational issues, it was acquired by Extreme Cars.

And then netizens jokingly referred to it as: Extreme Mei Phones…

“Good day, gentlemen.”

Lu Chao came out to greet them personally.

Today, he was dressed very smartly and formally.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, the group went to the laboratory.

Thanks to Jiang Xu’s several investments, the lab’s equipment had been upgraded several notches.

The renowned Ni Guangnan was also there.

Jiang Xu respectfully greeted him.

There weren’t many people that Jiang Xu admired, and this man was one of them.

Ni Guangnan started to introduce the chip’s details to everyone.

To put it simply, compared to similar international products,

both CPU and GPU performance lagged by roughly 15%.

Then, they proceeded with a trial run.

It had no problem running common applications on the market, just that it took significantly longer to launch them.

Wang Zhang frowned slightly, “This chip is still a bit weak.”

“Yes,” Ni Guangnan sighed, “But due to limited equipment and technology, this is the best we can do.

To go further, we need massive purchases from smartphone manufacturers.

That way, we can collect more data and reinvest the funds to continue research and development.”

Wang Zhang’s eyes flickered as he said to Jiang Xu, “The performance of this chip is worse than I expected.

If it’s used in flagship phones, it definitely won’t work, and 1 might not be able to place an order.”

Although he really wanted to purchase the chips,

he knew the likelihood was slim.

After all, if they used these underperforming chips, the brand’s reputation would plummet.

The entire company would be greatly affected.

About this, Jiang Xu had actually been mentally prepared for a long time.

After all, it was an immense feat for a fledgling operation to be able to produce a chip.

But he wasn’t panicked at all.

Smiling, he said to Wang Zhang, “What if I have a solution?”