Chapter 343 - Chapter 343: Chapter 343 Old Deng, You Lost 1

Chapter 343: Chapter 343 Old Deng, You Lost 1

Translator: 549690339 1  —

In a coffee shop downstairs of the company building, Jiang Xu met with Huang Qiqi.

This time, he didn’t bother with a disguise—it was no longer necessary.

He was looking down at the evidence Huang Qiqi had delivered.

As expected, it was just as Jiang Xu had anticipated.

Such a century-old family could not possibly be without its dirty secrets.

Moreover, due to the current chaos within the family, Huang Qiqi had managed to gather a lot of evidence.

Even under normal circumstances, this evidence could cause considerable trouble for the Huang Family.

At this critical juncture, for the Huang family, it was a fatal blow.

After Jiang Xu roughly finished reviewing the evidence, he said to Huang Qiqi, “Not bad, you’ve redeemed yourself with your crime. You may go now.” “What?” Huang Qiqi was astonished. “What about the public company you promised me…”

“Do you deserve it?” Jiang Xu sneered, “Get lost. Considering the evidence you’ve brought, I won’t send you to prison.”

“You!” Huang Qiqi was furious, her face turning alternately pale and flushed with anger, “You ingrate, you’re shameless!”


Jiang Xu had slapped her across the face, leaving five finger marks on her cheek in an instant.

Jiang Xu grinned.

At this moment, he resembled a man-eating demon, “Don’t be shameless when given face. Get lost.”

Huang Qiqi was terrified.

Not daring to say more, she fled in a pathetic manner.

The thing Jiang Xu hated the most was betrayal.

If you had cooperated with me honestly from the start, I would have given you more than your due reward, not less.

But if you wanted to play both sides, then you must bear the consequences.

Jiang Xu held onto the evidence.

First, he made a copy and then took all of it to the authorities to report.

No sooner had he left the authorities’ office than he received a call from a stranger.

A light laugh came from Jiang Xu’s lips.

At this time, it had to be someone from the Huang family.

He answered the call.

“Hello, I am Huang Feng from the Huang Family.”

Jiang Xu asked, “Then do you transform?”

Huang Feng:”???”

Jiang Xu curled his lip; old people don’t get the joke.

Huang Feng said, “I feel that there’s no need for us to clash to the death. Let’s have dinner together tonight. I am willing to make concessions and relinquish interests.”

Of course, Jiang Xu had no intention of agreeing.

But he verbally agreed all the same.

Making the other party let down their guard was also beneficial.

After he hung up, Jiang Xiaoyan, An Feng, and Fu Xinghan all sent him messages in quick succession.

Huang Feng had contacted them too.

He said the same thing to all of them.

Their thoughts aligned with Jiang Xu’s.

Agree for now, stall for time.

Jiang Xu furrowed his brows.

Upon returning to the company, he initiated another group call with the three of them.

Once connected, Jiang Xu said, “This old fox might plan to do the opposite.

In reality, he wants us to relax.”

An Feng agreed, “You make sense. We can’t stop our various attacks.”

Fu Xinghan followed, “Indeed. You can’t let your guard down when dealing with a seasoned old business fox like him.”

Jiang Xu remarked, “We’ll agree outwardly, but there’s no need to go tonight.”

Jiang Xiaoyan asked, “What are you guys eating tonight?”

The other three:”???”

Hey, we’re discussing serious matters here! Can you not butt in!

Meanwhile, Huang Feng put down his phone, silent and brooding.

The old butler beside him inquired, “Master, they’ve all agreed to negotiations. Why do you still look so worried?”

“They agreed too readily,” Huang Feng shook his head. “That proves they have

no intention of talking. It’s just a stalling tactic.”

The butler’s expression changed slightly, “Then what should we do now…?”

“The Huang Family is finished,” Huang Feng sighed. “Go and call Xiaofei over.”


“Grandfather, did you want to see me?” Huang Xiaofei arrived promptly.

Huang Feng looked at him.

That look, as if to peer through every secret in his heart.

Huang Xiaofei, with an unnatural lowering of his head, felt a cold sweat break out on his forehead.

Even though he could knock down this old man with a single punch, he couldn’t muster any ill intentions.

Huang Feng took out a card and placed it on the table.

In a slightly hoarse voice, he said, “This international bank card contains fifteen billion of my personal savings.

Take this money and go to Singapore.

There, start anew and preserve the embers of the Huang Family.

When the time is ripe, return to the country and seek your revenge.”

Huang Xiaofei suddenly lifted his head, “Grandfather!”

“No need for more words,” Huang Feng waved his hand, “Go now, if you’re late, you might not be able to leave at all.”

At that moment, Huang Xiaofei felt a twinge of guilt.

But not much.

Clenching his teeth, he took the bank card and left without looking back.

Huang Feng closed his eyes, “Old friend, you should go too, someone has already deposited two billion into your account.”

The old butler’s eyes reddened, “Master, I have followed you all my life, I cannot leave at this time.”

But Huang Feng didn’t respond.

“Master? Master!”

The old butler called out several times, but there was no response.

He placed his hand under Huang Feng’s nose to check.

Instantly, his pupils dilated, and he cried out in grief, “Master!!!”

By evening, the Huang Family’s old mansion was sealed off.

All members were taken away for questioning.

This incident caused an uproar within the wealthy circles of Magic City.

Many people hadn’t even recovered from the shock when the Huang Family collapsed.

Of course, they were also too late to share in the plundering of the Huang Family’s vast resources.

The battle ended so swiftly that even Jiang Xu hadn’t anticipated it.

He had thought it would at least take a few weeks.

Who knew the Huang Family had so many internal problems?

Under internal strife and external pressures, they couldn’t withstand even a single day.

Because of the advance planning and infiltration.

Now, most of the Huang Family’s assets were a mere stone’s throw away from

the pockets of Jiang Xu and a few others.

They could practically start their victory celebration early.

Jiang Xiaoyan even suggested that they all party together tonight.

But she was refused by Jiang Xu.

Popping champagne in advance was a big taboo.

History has seen many such instances of premature celebrations leading to disaster.

Jiang Xu always took heed of such lessons.

It was better to celebrate after everything was securely in hand.

Meanwhile, Huang Xiaofei was speeding along the highway in his sports car.

He had received news that all his family members had been arrested, and he was the only one who had escaped.

He needed to leave the country quickly.

Under the stress, he unconsciously floored the gas pedal.

The engine roared, and the speedometer surpassed 160!

The surge of adrenaline made him extremely excited.

Suddenly, a curve appeared ahead.

Under normal speed, it could have been safely navigated.

But Huang Xiaofei, speeding excessively, lost control of the car when he turned the steering wheel and crashed into a tree.

With a ‘boom’, flames shot up into the sky.

In a short time, the sports car turned into a pile of twisted metal.

Jiang Xu was stunned when he heard the news.

Well, he hadn’t even thought of killing him, yet he was rushing to meet his fate.

Naturally, his mood was very good.

He walked over to An Nuonuo, pinched her cheek, and said, “Baby, I’m very happy, can you kneel down for me?”