Chapter 395 - Chapter 395: Chapter 395 Explodes, It’s Just Too

Chapter 395: Chapter 395 Explodes, It’s Just Too


Translator: 549690339

The email was from Lin Nan.

Jiang Xu opened it and saw that it was about the Nuomimi Novel’s IPO.

Nuomimi Novel had already become the industry leader.

The IPO was a natural next step.

In the future, industries related to novels would also go public one after another.

If they were going public, Jiang Xu planned to list the company in Xiangjiang.

During this period, the conditions for a company to go public weren’t that stringent.

The only thing to do was to guard against potential competitors who might maliciously suppress the company after its listing.

Jiang Xu read the email carefully from start to finish.

After confirming there were no issues, he replied to Lin Nan to proceed with the next steps.

Then, he phoned Wang Xiaoyuan and Liu Yue in turn.

He urged them to speed up the filming of several popular novel adaptations on the website.

They had to be completed before the IPO.

After thinking it over, Jiang Xu opened a document and began writing a novel outline.

This time he didn’t plan on copying anyone’s work but instead drew on his own ideas and infused them with some new elements.

He blended the ‘son-in-law’ genre with fantasy.

‘Son-in-law’ type novels hadn’t become popular yet.

Based on the normal timeline, it would be at least another five or six years.

Jiang Xu bringing it out now was definitely a trump card.

This type of novel didn’t need much thought, just pure enjoyment.

Therefore, Jiang Xu found writing the outline to be exceptionally smooth.

In less than an hour, he finished a twenty-thousand-word outline.

The name of the novel would be “God of the Son-in-law.”

It told the story of a son-in-law who was looked down upon, accidentally gained an inheritance, and then rose up, impressing and slapping faces all around.

The story was structured so that the protagonist would be suppressed at first, doubted by bystanders, laughed at by those around him, and then finally erupt in a burst of power that astonished everyone.

This kind of novel, if released seven or eight years later, would be criticized by veteran readers as brainless.

But at present, since no one had seen anything like it, it would definitely be hugely popular.

Of this, Jiang Xu was confident enough.

Jiang Xu closed his laptop.

He’d start writing it that evening.

Zhou Qingyue also brought him his dinner.

And it was all food he liked.

After washing his hands, Jiang Xu started eating and said to Zhou Qingyue, “You’ll have to work a bit harder in the coming period.

Try to finish those two TV dramas you are working on within a month.”

The two dramas she was filming were adaptations of two popular novels from Nuomimi Novel.

“You’re rushing me to death,” Zhou Qingyue said irritably. “So my life doesn’t count as a life, huh?”

Jiang Xu replied indifferently, “The IPO of Nuomimi Novel is imminent, and your part is key.

If you can complete the mission within a month, I will personally give you an extra twenty million.”

“No problem, I’ll definitely complete the boss’s mission to the best of my ability,” Zhou Qingyue changed her tone instantly, fawning, “I’ll head back to the set now, see you, boss.”

After saying that, she scurried off.

An Nuonuo said somewhat puzzled, “Zhou seems to have become very money-oriented recently.”

Jiang Xu thought to himself that she was now running a company and needed a lot of money.

The easiest way to get a hold of her was through money.

After eating, Jiang Xu insisted that An Nuonuo take a nap.

He then began to write “God of the Son-in-law.”

With an outline in hand and no need for logic, just brainless enjoyment, the writing speed was incredibly fast.

In one hour, he easily produced over eight thousand words.

He continued until five-thirty in the afternoon, producing more than forty thousand words.

Jiang Xu had to stop.

Even with his strong constitution, he was starting to feel a bit dizzy and nauseated.

He stood by the window and took a few breaths of fresh air.

It took a while before he eased up.

Making money is not easy.

A pair of soft little hands reached around from behind and embraced Jiang Xu.

Then An Nuonuo leaned her entire body against his back, “You’ve worked hard.”

She had been awake for a while, and seeing Jiang Xu working, she didn’t disturb him.

Jiang Xu took a deep breath.

The natural fragrance of the girl lingered in his nostrils.

And with it, the last bit of discomfort also disappeared.

He went for another check-up, and the doctor said there was no problem at all.

So, Jiang Xu took An Nuonuo home.

“Hey, isn’t that Sister Xiaoyuan?”

Halfway through the drive, An Nuonuo suddenly pointed outside the car window.

Jiang Xu turned his head and saw that it indeed was Wang Xiaoyuan.

She was heading toward a restaurant.

At the entrance, he also saw Wang Junyue waiting there.

Jiang Xu’s first reaction was that something was not right.

He told the driver to pull over.

He said to An Nuonuo, “You go home first, I’ll go take a look.”

“Mhm,” An Nuonuo nodded, “Be careful, I’ll make dinner and wait for you.”

Jiang Xu got out of the car and called a few bodyguards to follow him.

He put on a mask and walked in.

A waiter came over, “Good evening, sir. How many in your party?”

Jiang Xu, “Which room did the lady who just came in go to?”

The waiter hesitated, “Sorry, that’s the guest’s privacy… She’s in the ‘Blooming Wealth’ room.”

Seeing Jiang Xu pull out a stack of money, the waiter decisively changed his tune.

Jiang Xu nodded, “Find me a spot where I can see that room.”

“Of course, sir. Please follow me.”

Inside the ‘Blooming Wealth’ private room.

After Wang Xiaoyuan sat down, she looked at her good-for-nothing brother.

She said irritably, “What do you want, didn’t you say you were cutting ties with the family?”

“Sis, I was wrong,” Wang Junyue sighed, ‘Tve had some deep reflections recently.

I really was worthless before. I truly regret it now and am asking for a chance to make things right.”

“Really?” Wang Xiaoyuan was taken aback.

Looking at Wang Junyue’s attire today.

He had cleverly dressed up like a well-behaved boy.

“Of course it’s true,” Wang Junyue said ingratiatingly, “Sis, this meal is on me, paid for with money I earned from my job.”

As he spoke, he stood up, opened a drink, and filled Wang Xiaoyuan’s glass.

With a hint of ingratiation, “Sis, if you drink this beverage, can you forgive me?”

Wang Xiaoyuan believed him.

She couldn’t help but pat his head, “A prodigal who returns is more precious than gold. Mom and Dad will be happy to know.”

Then, Wang Xiaoyuan finished the drink in one gulp.

After seeing Wang Xiaoyuan drink it all, Wang Junyue seemed relieved as he sat down.

He crossed his legs and stopped pretending.

Wang Xiaoyuan frowned, “What’s this? Hm… I feel dizzy… What’s happening?”

To make sure nothing went wrong, Wang Junyue had put a large dose in the drink.

It took effect immediately after being consumed.

Wang Junyue sneered, “My dear sister, a very important person is interested in you, and I’m going to take you to him now.”

This sentence turned Wang Xiaoyuan’s heart to ashes, and she displayed a look of despair, “Are you… crazy… I’m your own sister.”

“So what?” Wang Junyue shrugged, “Sisters are meant to marry off anyway.

What’s wrong with you helping your brother solidify his career before you do?”