Chapter 403 - Chapter 403: Chapter 403 This woman is quite playful 1

Chapter 403: Chapter 403 This woman is quite playful 1

Translator: 549690339 I  r 3 —

Yang Qing spoke with a tone that brooked no argument.

As if, in her eyes, Jiang Xu taking out ten billion was as easy as taking out ten yuan.

If it weren’t for Jiang Xu still considering some etiquette and morality, he would have already cursed.

The smile on his face also disappeared as he said, “Grandma, although my company is quite large, there are also many places where the money needs to go-

I definitely can’t produce ten billion, at most, I can give my cousin five million.”

There was something Jiang Xu did not say out loud.

That five million was to sever all future familial ties with his uncle, aunt, and cousin.

“Five million, are you trying to brush off a beggar?” Jiang Yang slammed the table, clearly displeased, “I’m your brother, and you’re being so stingy with me. You really have no vision at all.”

“Exactly, exactly,” Liu Cuilan joined in, “Jiang Xu, you’re so rich anyway, there’s no need to be so stingy.”

Jiang Shui spoke in a heavy tone, “Brothers and sisters should support each other.”

“Mom, Dad, that’s enough!” Jiang Xiaoxiao couldn’t hold back anymore, “Even if my cousin is rich, that’s money he earned with his own abilities.

Moreover, he has arranged a high-paying, promising job for me.

You can’t be too greedy; otherwise, you’ll face retribution.”


As soon as she finished speaking, Liu Cuilan stood up and slapped her across the face.

“You little brat, is it your place to speak here?”

Jiang Xiaoxiao covered her face and cried.

Jiang Xu shook his head, stopping Jiang Shan and Chen Yue, who wanted to explode in anger.

He took out a blank cheque from his pocket.

He wrote down five million and placed it in front of Jiang Yang.

Then he took out a red envelope for Yang Qjng.

He stood up, expressionless, and said, “Take this five million if you want. Furthermore, after taking this money, from today onwards, our two families will be strangers to each other.

Nuonuo, Mom, Dad, let’s go.”

After speaking, he turned and left.

“How presumptuous, what are you saying!” Yang Qjng became furious, banging the table hard, “Unfilial! You dare to say such unfilial things.

You re blatantly flouting the law and showing no respect for your ancestors!

You don’t even regard me, your grandmother!”

“Ha,” Jiang Xu laughed, “Grandma? Do you deserve that?”

Yang Qing: “What did you say?”

“I said, do you deserve to be called my grandma?” Jiang Xu was also provoked, laughing as he said,

Ever since I was a child, did you ever love me or hug me even once?

Ever since I can remember, your heart has always been with Jiang Yang. Anything tasty or drinkable, he’s the first one you think of.

And me, even if I fell down and was bleeding all over, you wouldn’t spare me a second glance.

It’s as if I’m not even your biological grandson.

You treat me like I’m nothing, yet you expect respect from me?

What are you worth, you old thing!”


Jiang Xu felt an immense sense of relief.

After speaking, he did not care about Yang Qing trembling with anger, and took An Nuonuo and left.

Jiang Shan and Chen Yue were also utterly disappointed.

Jiang Shan looked disdainfully at his extended family and chuckled, “After so many years, they haven’t changed one bit.”

Picking up the cheque on the table, Jiang Yang’s face was flush with excitement.

As for the things Jiang Xu had just said, he didn’t take them seriously at all.

You say we should cut off ties? Just like that?

Blood relations are there.

When the money runs out, just go back to his house and ask for more.

If he doesn’t give it, I’ll smear his name in the village and morally blackmail him.

Jiang Xu’s family got into the car.

Jiang Shan slapped his thigh, “I can’t believe that after all these years, they still behave exactly the same.”

Chen Yue’s face darkened as he remained silent.

Jiang Xu consoled, “Forget it, Dad, it’s not worth getting angry over these kinds of people, just avoid any further contact with them in the future.”

“Ah,” sighed Jiang Shan, “it’s just unfair to Xiaoxiao.

Being born into such a family, she was destined to be treated as someone to bleed dry.”

Jiang Xu’s gaze flickered.

Jiang Xiaoxiao would have to take action to help herself.

During her time at the company, she had performed very well, and she also had a talent for management.

Jiang Xu planned to make heavy use of her in the future.

But before that, she had to extricate herself from the predicaments of her natal family.

Not staying any longer, the group left.

Jiang Xiaoxiao called to apologize profusely.

Jiang Xu said, “Cousin, you know better than I do what your family members are like.

If you want to achieve something in your career, then some decisions need to be made now.”

Jiang Xiaoxiao’s voice choked, “Cousin… are you suggesting that I cut off relations with my family?”

Jiang Xu: “Not exactly, I have a suggestion.

Give your family a sum of money every month, but keep it under ten thousand. Then be firm and say that no matter how rich you become in the future, you’ll only give that much each month.

Otherwise, no matter how much you earn, it’ll all be squandered by your brother and parents.

And you’ll find yourself in an abyss you’ll never be able to climb out of.”

After a brief silence, Jiang Xiaoxiao said, “I understand, I’ll seriously consider it.

Please apologize to Little Uncle and the others for me.”

Jiang Xu: “Sure, don’t worry about it.”

The fleet descended the mountain quickly.

Because of that family’s shenanigans, they hadn’t even eaten lunch at midday.

They found a farm still open during the New Year on the road.

Better to fill their stomachs before going back.

While waiting for the dishes, Zhou Qingyue sent a New Year’s greeting MMS.

This woman knew how to have fun.

She was dressed up as the God of Wealth, even wearing pantyhose.

After viewing, Jiang Xu deleted it.

Speaking of which, it was already February 2011.

Weixin had been launched on January 21, 2011.

Weixin, just launched, didn’t have many users yet.

In the realm of social media, QQstill dominated.

Jiang Xu had given up on creating Weixin, but he could still make money from it.

After the New Year, he planned to visit Hua City.

To find Zhang Long and discuss cooperation.

With few users currently on Weixin,

Jiang Xu could secure future public account promotional traffic and the best in-app positions at a low price.

And he could also sign long-term contracts.

To exchange the minimum cost for massive future benefits.

Take public accounts for example,

Before the appearance of a certain Douyin Group, a top public account could make a net profit of over a hundred million in one year.

Weixin itself was a huge pool of traffic.

When Weixin took off, the software under Jiang Xu’s name would also experience a qualitative leap.

For a long time, he wouldn’t need to worry about traffic.

The dishes were served quickly.

With An Nuonuo’s persuasion, Chen Yue and Jiang Shan were no longer upset about the previous incident.

Midway through the meal, Jiang Xu’s phone rang.

It was a number he didn’t recognize.

Upon answering, he instinctively sat up straight, his expression turning serious.